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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 語言基礎(chǔ)知識 第3課 七下 Units 1-5基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 語言基礎(chǔ)知識 第3課 七下 Units 1-5基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

第3課 七下 Units 15課前預(yù)熱中考詞匯拓展重點易錯單詞1. join 加入2. guitar 吉他3. club 俱樂部;社團4. talk 交談;說話5. sometimes 有時6. between 介于之間7. practice 練習(xí)8. terrible 可怕的9. panda 熊貓10. animal 動物11. never 從不;絕不12. minute 分鐘13. quiet 安靜的14. group 組;群15. taste 品嘗詞匯拓展1. sing(v.) singer (n.)歌手;歌唱家 sang (過去式) sung (過去分詞)唱歌2. swim(v.) swam (過去式) swum (過去分詞) swimming (現(xiàn)在分詞)游泳3. dance(v.) dancer (n.)跳舞者4. draw(v.) drew (過去式) drawn (過去分詞)畫5. story(n.) stories (pl.)故事;小說6. write(v.) wrote (過去式) written (過去分詞)書寫 writer (n.)作者;作家7. make(v.) made (過去式/過去分詞)使成為;制造8. teach(v.) taught (過去式/過去分詞)教;講授9. tooth(n.) teeth (pl.)牙齒10. usual(adj.) unusual (反義詞)不尋常的;與眾不同的 usually (adv.)通常地;正常地;一般地;經(jīng)常地11. work (v. & n.) worker (n.)工人 works (pl.)作品12. fun(n.) funny (adj.)奇怪的;滑稽好笑的13. clean(v.) cleaner (n.)清潔工14. quick(adj.) quickly (adv.)很快地15. life(n.) lives (pl.)生命;生活16. ride(v.) rode (過去式) ridden (過去分詞)騎17. drive(v.) drove (過去式) driven (過去分詞)開車;駕駛 driver (n.)駕駛員;司機18. live(v.) alive (adj.)活著的;在世的 lively (adj.)充滿活力的;生機勃勃的;活潑的19. across(prep.) cross (v.)穿過;橫過;越過 crossing (n.)十字路口20. many(adj.) more (比較級)更多的(地) most (最高級)最多的(地)21. village(n.) villager (n.)村民22. leave(v.) left (過去式/過去分詞)離開;出發(fā)23. true(adj.) truly (adv.)真正地 truth (n.)真實;真相24. fight(v.) fought (過去式/過去分詞)打架;爭吵25. bring(v.) brought (過去式/過去分詞)拿來;取來;帶來26. important(adj.) importance (n.)重要性 unimportant (反義詞)不重要的27. quiet(adj.) quietly (adv.)安靜地;平靜地28. noise(n.) noisy (adj.)吵鬧的 noisily (adv.)吵鬧地29. read(v.) read (過去式/過去分詞)讀;閱讀 reading (n.)閱讀30. terrible(adj.) terribly (adv.)可怕地;糟糕地;極度地31. luck(n.) lucky (adj.)幸運的 luckily (adv.)幸運地32. keep(v.) kept (過去式/過去分詞)保持;保留33. learn(v.) learned (過去式/過去分詞)學(xué)習(xí);學(xué)會 learner (n.)學(xué)習(xí)者34. zoo(n.) zoos (pl.)動物園35. beauty(n.) beautiful (adj.)美麗的;美好的 beautifully (adv.)美麗地;美好地36. Australia(n.) Australian (n. & adj.)澳大利亞人;澳大利亞的,澳大利亞人的37. south(n.) southern (adj.)南方的;在南方的38. Africa(n.) African (adj. & n.)非洲的,非洲人的;非洲人39. sleep(v. & n.) slept (過去式/過去分詞)睡覺 sleepy (adj.)困倦的;不活躍的 asleep (adj.)睡著的40. friend(n.) friendly (adj.)友好的 friendship (n.)友誼;友情41. forget(v.) forgot (過去式) forgotten (過去分詞)忘記;遺忘 remember (反義詞)記??;記起42. danger(n.) dangerous (adj.)危險的 safety (反義詞)安全;安全性;平安43. cut(v.) cutting (現(xiàn)在分詞) cut (過去式/過去分詞)砍;切;割44. speak(v.) spoke (過去式) spoken (過去分詞)說(某種語言);說話 speaker (n.)講(某種語言)的人;發(fā)言者45. tell(v.) told (過去式/過去分詞)告訴;講述46. early(adv. & adj.) earlier (比較級)較早的(地) earliest (最高級)最早的(地)47. run(v.) ran (過去式) run (過去分詞) running (現(xiàn)在分詞)奔跑 runner (n.)跑步者中考詞組短語詞 組1. play chess下國際象棋2. speak English說英語3. join the swimming club參加游泳俱樂部4. talk to sb. 與某人談話5. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物給某人看6. be good with. 對有辦法;與相處得好7. make friends結(jié)交朋友8. help (sb.) with sth. 在某方面幫助(某人)help (sb.) (to) do sth. 幫助(某人)做某事9. on the weekend 在周末10. get up起床11. brush teeth刷牙12. take a shower洗淋浴13. take a walk散步14. be late for work上班遲到15. on school days在上學(xué)的日子16. go to bed early睡覺早17. eat quickly吃得快18. take the subway乘地鐵19. think of認為20. between.and. 在和之間21. come true實現(xiàn)22. go on a ropeway to cross the river乘索道過河流23. listen to music聽音樂24. do the dishes清洗餐具25. be strict with sb. in sth. 對某人在某方面要求嚴格26. have to wear the school uniform不得不穿校服27. before dinner飯前28. good luck to sb. 祝某人好運29. walk on two legs兩條腿走路30. all day整天31. one of Thailands symbols泰國的象征之一32. lots of大量;許多中考句型回顧書面表達素材1. 征聘和應(yīng)聘Can you play the piano or the violin? 你會彈鋼琴或拉小提琴嗎?Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.那么我們需要你幫助說英語的學(xué)生開展體育活動。Im good at drawing . I want to join the art club.我擅長畫畫,我想加入藝術(shù)俱樂部。Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 請撥打555-3721聯(lián)系Miller太太。2. 日常活動He always gets dressed at half past six. 他總是在6:30穿好衣服。He usually rides a bike to school./He usually goes to school by bike .他通常騎車去上學(xué)。In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上,我要么看電視,要么玩電腦游戲。3. 規(guī)章制度 Dont eat in class. 禁止在課堂上吃東西。We have to be quiet in the library. 我們必須在圖書館保持安靜。We must be on time for class. 我們必須準(zhǔn)時上課。He has to go to bed before 10:00. 他必須在10點前睡覺。Its best to follow the rules. 最好遵守規(guī)則。4. 動物描述People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. 人們砍倒了很多樹,因此,大象正漸漸失去它們的家園。We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 我們必須保護樹木,并且不要購買象牙制品。Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost . 大象能夠長時間行走而且從不迷路。But elephants are in great danger .但是大象正面臨著巨大的危機。Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. 大象是聰明的動物。它們可以踢足球,也可以演奏音樂。語法精萃 Dont be lazy. Make your bed now. 請不要懶惰,請現(xiàn)在把床整理好。(祈使句) Can Dave go out on school nights? 戴夫在校期間晚上可以外出嗎?(情態(tài)動詞can表允許)She could play the guitar when she was five. 她五歲時就能彈吉他了。(情態(tài)動詞can表能力)情景交際 What club do you want to join? 你想?yún)⒓邮裁淳銟凡浚縄 want to join the storytelling club. 我想?yún)⒓又v故事俱樂部。 How long does it take to get to school? 到學(xué)校要花多長時間?It takes about 15 minutes. 要花大約15分鐘。 How far is it from your home to school? 從你家到學(xué)校有多遠?Its only about two kilometers . 只有大約2公里遠。 Where are lions from? 獅子來自哪里?They are from South Africa. 它們來自南非。Why does your brother like pandas? 你弟弟/哥哥為什么喜歡熊貓?Because theyre kind of interesting . 因為它們有點有趣。What time do you have breakfast? 你幾點吃早飯?I have breakfast at a quarter to seven . 我6:45吃早餐。課堂突破中考重點單詞與短語一、time的用法【例句展示】1. What time do you go to school?你幾點上學(xué)?2. I play sports three times a week. 我一星期運動三次。【精講辨析】1. time作不可數(shù)名詞,意為“時間”。2. time作可數(shù)名詞,意為“次數(shù);倍數(shù)”。相關(guān)短語:have a good time玩得高興;at the same time同時;all the time一直;in time及時;on time準(zhǔn)時;at times有時;from time to time時常。相關(guān)句型:Its time (for sb.) to do sth.=Its time for sth. 到該(某人)做某事的時候了。【活學(xué)活用】用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. You have been late for school several (time).Sorry, I wont be late again.2. I am going to London for the summer vacation next month.Have a good (time)!二、show的用法【例句展示】1. What can you do in the school show?在學(xué)校表演會上你會做什么?2. Please show me your photos you took in Emei.請把你在峨眉山拍的照片給我看看?!揪v辨析】1. show作名詞,意為“展覽”。2. show作動詞,意為“展示”,用法相當(dāng)于give。相關(guān)短語:show sth. to sb./show sb. sth.把某物展示給某人看;show the way 指路;on show=on display展覽;show sb. around sp. 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地。【活學(xué)活用】用show構(gòu)成的短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Could you please your ID card me?Sure.2. The farmer us the farmyesterday.三、taste的用法【例句展示】1. This tomato tastes sweet. 這個西紅柿嘗起來是甜的。2. This drink tastes like orange juice. 這份飲料嘗起來像橙汁。3. This orange has a sweet taste. 這個橙子有甜味。【精講辨析】1. taste作連系動詞,意為“有味道;嘗起來”,后面跟形容詞。2. taste作名詞,意為“味道;滋味”。3. 類似的表示感覺的連系動詞還有l(wèi)ook(看起來), sound(聽起來),smell(聞起來),feel(摸起來)等?!净顚W(xué)活用】根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。1. What do you think of the soup?It (嘗起來) delicious. Is it made by your mother?2. They make different kinds of foods to meet different of customers.四、be good at的用法【例句展示】1. He is good at singing. 他擅長于唱歌。2. She does well in English. 她英語學(xué)得很好。 【精講辨析】be good at=do well in=be strong in,意為“擅長于;在某方面做得好”。at, in是介詞,后接名詞、代詞或動詞-ing。其反義短語為:be bad/poor at=do badly in=be weak in,意為“在方面做得差”。相關(guān)短語:be good for對有好處;be good to=be kind/friendly to對友好;be good with與相處得好?!净顚W(xué)活用】用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~填空。1. People who are good kids can be our teachers.2. Fruit is good our health.3. He is good telling stories.五、take的用法【例句展示】It takes me ten minutes to walk there.我花了10分鐘走到那兒?!揪v辨析】take作動詞,有多種意思,例句中指“花費”,它還有“帶;拿;乘”等意思,構(gòu)成短語如下:take sth. with sb.某人隨身攜帶某物;take sth. to. 把某物帶到去;take a taxi坐出租車;take some medicine吃藥;take off脫下,(飛機)起飛;take sth. away拿走某物;take sth. out of. 從取出來;take ones temperature量體溫;take photos拍照;take a vacation去度假;take a walk散步;take part in參加;take care of照看;take pride in. 對感到自豪;take after. 與像(外貌或行為);take it easy放松;take place發(fā)生;take an interest in. 對感興趣;take care小心;take notes做筆記。【活學(xué)活用】用take的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Lily after her mother. Theyre both quiet.2. It him half an hour to walk there last night.3. They usually the subway to work.4. I have already his temperature.六、stop的用法【例句展示】1. He is waiting for you at the bus stop.他正在公交車站等你。2. The bus stopped.公交車停了。3. The heavy rain stopped us walking on.大雨阻止我們繼續(xù)前行?!揪v辨析】1. stop作名詞,意為“??奎c”。2. stop作動詞,意為“停止;終止;阻止”。stop doing 停止做;stop to do停下來去做;stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。【活學(xué)活用】根據(jù)漢語意思翻譯句子。1. 我們太累了,必須得停下來休息了。Were too tired. We must .2. 危險。我們必須阻止他在那條河里游泳。Its dangerous. We must in that river.中考重點句型一、What time is it? 幾點了?Its eight twenty. 8:20。【例句展示】Whats the time? 幾點了?Its half past nine. 9:30?!練w納提高】詢問時間的句式:What time is it?/Whats the time?。時間的表達:8:00 eight oclock8:10 eight ten/ten past eight8:15 eight fifteen/a quarter past eight8:30 eight thirty/half past eight8:40 eight forty/twenty to nine8:45 eight forty-five/a quarter to nine【活學(xué)活用】句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. They got to the station at ten past five. (對畫線部分提問) did they to the station?2. School was over at four forty. (改為同義句)School was over at .二、How far is it from his home to his school?他家離學(xué)校有多遠?【例句展示】1. How long is the river? 這條河有多長?2. How old are you? 你幾歲?3. How wide is the Great Wall? 長城有多寬? 4. How tall is the building? 這座建筑物有多高?【歸納提高】1. how far多遠,用于詢問兩地間的距離。2. How+far/long/tall.?表示疑問,意為“多遠/長/高”。3. from.to. 從到?!净顚W(xué)活用】用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。1. How is the baby?It is about eight months old.2. How is the tree?Its about 4 meters tall.3. How is it from your home to the bus station?Its about five kilometers.4. How is the sweater?Its 9 dollars.5. Its about 2 kilometers my home the cinema.三、How does she get to school?她怎樣到學(xué)校?She usually takes the bus.她通常乘公交車。【例句展示】How does Bob get to school? 鮑勃怎樣到學(xué)校?He takes the train. 他乘火車。【歸納提高】take the train為動詞詞組,意為“乘火車”。其結(jié)構(gòu)為“take+限定詞+表示交通工具的名詞”。強調(diào)具體的動作,在句中作謂語。take the train to.可與go to.by train互換,意為“乘火車去某地”。類似的轉(zhuǎn)換還有:walk to.=go to.on foot;ride to.=go to.by bike (on ones bike);drive to.=go to.by car (in a car)=take a car to.;fly to.=go to.by plane (on a plane)=take a plane to.;take the bus to.=go to.by bus (on the bus);take the subway to.=go to.by subway (on the subway);take a taxi to.=go to.by taxi (in a taxi)。如:He takes the subway to school.=He goes to school by subway. 他乘地鐵去學(xué)校?!净顚W(xué)活用】用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。Mary usually a bus to school, but today she came her mothers car.中考詞語辨析一、house, home與family【例句展示】1. He lives in the yellow house. 他住在這座黃色的房子里。2. He is not at home.他不在家。3. My family all get up early.我們?nèi)叶计鸬煤茉?。【辨異突破】三者都是名詞,但也有區(qū)別。house房子,指居住的建筑物;home家,指一個人同家人經(jīng)常共同居住的地方,也可指抽象概念上的“家”;family家庭,家庭成員?!净顚W(xué)活用】用house, home或family的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. He has a big with a beautiful garden.2. Here are some photos of Bettys . In the photos Betty was only five.3. He often gets late on weekdays.4. The birds will lose their if the trees are cut down.二、through, past, cross, across與over【例句展示】1. He got into the room through the back door.他通過后門進入了房間。2. She walked past a bank.她路過一家銀行。3. Be careful when you cross the street.當(dāng)你過馬路的時候要小心。4. The Great Wall is across the north of China.長城橫跨中國的北部。5. There will be a new bridge over the river.河上將會有一座新橋。【辨異突破】1. through作介詞,意為“從通過;穿過”,主要指從物體內(nèi)部穿過。2. past作介詞或副詞,意為“經(jīng)過;路過”,指從物體的旁邊經(jīng)過。3. cross作動詞,意為“穿過;越過;橫渡”。4. across作介詞,意為“穿過”,指從物體的表面上穿過。go/walk/run across=cross;across from在對面。5. over作介詞,意為“在上方”,指垂直的正上方;也可意為“越過”,指越過一段距離。 【活學(xué)活用】用through, past, cross, across或over填空。1. The two men run the forest.2. Walk the bridge, and you will see a tall building.3. When I walked him, I found somethingstrange on his face.4. The horse jumped a fence and ran away.三、put on, wear, dress與in【例句展示】1. He put on his coat.他穿上了他的外套。2. The girl is wearing a red skirt.那女孩穿著一條紅色的短裙。3. Please dress the children right now.請立即給孩子們穿上衣服。4. John is in white today.約翰今天穿白色的衣服?!颈娈愅黄啤?. put on為動詞詞組,意為“穿上”,主要表達“穿”的動作,后接“衣服”。反義詞是take off。2. wear是動詞,主要表示“穿;戴”的狀態(tài),后接“衣服”。be wearing=be in穿著,表示狀態(tài)。3. dress意為“給穿衣”,后接“人”。相關(guān)短語:get dressed穿戴好;dress up (as)裝扮(成);be dressed in=be in穿著,表示狀態(tài)。4. be in表示“穿著”的狀態(tài),后接“衣服”或“顏色”。接顏色表示“穿著某一顏色的衣服”。【活學(xué)活用】用put on, wear, dress或in的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. The old man a pair of glasses is mygrandfather.2. your sports shoes. Its time to do sports.3. He is old enough to himself.4. The man black is a football coach.四、say, tell, talk與speak【例句展示】1. “Please help me do the dishes,” Mary said to me.瑪麗對我說:“請幫我洗碗?!?. He told me the story.他告訴我這故事。3. They are talking about Confucius.他們在討論孔子。4. Michael could speak several languages when he was young.邁克爾年輕時能說好幾種語言?!颈娈愅黄啤縮ay, tell, talk和speak都是表示“說”的動詞,但其用法有區(qū)別。1. say意為“說”,強調(diào)說話的內(nèi)容。相關(guān)短語:say goodbye to sb.對某人說再見;say it in English用英語說它。2. tell意為“告訴”,強調(diào)講給別人聽。相關(guān)短語:tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb.告訴某人某事;tell sb. about sth.告訴某人關(guān)于某事;tell sb. (not) to do sth.告訴某人(不)做某事;tell a story/joke講故事/笑話;tell the difference分辨出區(qū)別。3. talk意為“談?wù)?;談話”,強調(diào)與他人交談。相關(guān)短語:talk to/with sb. 與某人交談;talk about sth. 討論某事。talk還可作名詞,相關(guān)短語:have atalk with.與交談。4. speak意為“講話”,通常指說話的能力和方式。相關(guān)短語:speak to sb.與某人講話。其后也常接表示語言的名詞。如:speak Japanese講日語;speak at the meeting在會上發(fā)言【活學(xué)活用】用say, tell, talk或speak的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Mr. Green was with his students when I saw him.2. Excuse me. I cant French. Can you me about it in English?3. He goodbye to his uncle and went home.4. Jack is funny and likes jokes.五、listen, hear與sound【例句展示】1. Listen carefully, or you cant hear what I say.仔細聽,否則你聽不清我說什么。2. It sounds interesting.這聽起來有趣。【辨異突破】1. listen作動詞,意為“聽”,常與介詞to連用,指努力地去聽,強調(diào)聽的動作。2. hear作動詞,意為“聽見”,強調(diào)聽的結(jié)果。3. sound作系動詞,意為“聽起來”,其后跟形容詞作表語。也可作名詞,意為“聲音”?!净顚W(xué)活用】用listen, hear或sound的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. . Someone is knocking at the door.I cant it. Maybe its the wind.2. That song beautiful.中考寫作突破自我管理與健康成長篇【話題解讀】這是近幾年常見的書面表達設(shè)題內(nèi)容,試題主要涉及習(xí)慣、食品安全、運動鍛煉、健康問題等,此類試題主要以要點提示或者表格提示的方式來考查,文章常采用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)來表達。【常見表達】1. Heres some advice on how to keep healthy.2. To keep healthy, we should eat less junk food and exercise more.3. Its also a good idea to have more healthy food like fruit and vegetables.4. Drinking milk is good for your health.5. She usually drinks juice and she hardly ever stays up late.6. I hope you look after your health from now on and live a happy and healthy life forever!【典型例題】(湖州市吳興區(qū)模擬)健康越來越受到人們的關(guān)注。假如你是學(xué)校的健康達人,受校英語俱樂部的邀請,你將給全體成員做一個主題為“How to Keep Healthy”的報告。請參考下面的提示,完成報告。要求:(1)報告應(yīng)包含所給提示,并適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;(2)詞數(shù):80100。開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);(3)文中不得提及自己真實的姓名和校名。提示:sleep, diet, exercise.Dear friends,Its a great honor to speak here. My topic is “How to Keep Healthy”.Thanks for listening!【范文展示】Dear friends,Its a great honor to speak here. My topic is “How to Keep Healthy”.Im so glad you care about health like me. Good health may bring us a long happy life, good work and even better grades. Keeping healthy is really important.As for the secrets of keeping healthy, I think different people have different answers. In my opinion, having a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing. First, its helpful to have enough sleep and a balanced diet. Breakfast is the top meal of the day, so we cant miss it. At the same time, to do some exercise is also important. You should find a physical activity you enjoy and keep on doing it. I have kept playing ping-pong for seven years and I really enjoy doing that. Also, everyone should develop a sense of humor and always be a happy person.I hope you look after your health from now on and live a happy and healthy life forever!Thanks for listening!【亮點點評】1. 該報告條理清晰,從目的到方法到最后的祝愿,一氣呵成。2. as for, in my opinion, first, so, at the same time, also的運用使文章連貫、緊湊,層次分明。3. 定語從句.find a physical activity you enjoy和現(xiàn)在完成時I have kept.的運用使文章增色不少。當(dāng)堂檢測一、用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每詞限用一次。 dress hundred giraffe arrive run 1. What are they doing?They are on the playground(操場).2. Here are your clothes. Get quickly.OK, Mom.3. There are about two people in the station.4. Lucy never late for school and she gets to school very early every day.5. What animals do you like?. They are very smart and have very long necks(脖子).二、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和所給漢語提示,在空白處寫出單詞的正確形式。每空限填一詞。Peter is 5 years old. He is very 1 (聰明的) and cute. He is fat 2 (因為) he likes to eat ice-cream very much. His mother doesnt want Peter to eat it. She thinks its not good for his 3 (牙齒). So his mother 4 (從不) buys it for Peter. But he has a very nice grandfather. The old 5 (男人) likes Peter. He always takes Peter to the 6 (超市) to buy ice-cream. Then Peters mother has to let Peter eat it.Its Peters birthday 7 (今天). His grandfather is 8 (讀) a newspaper in the living room. His mother is 9 (打掃) his room. Peter is saying loudly(大聲地) in his room, “Please, God(上帝), I want to eat ice-cream for my birthday. It 10 (嘗起來) great.” His mother says, “God cant hear(聽見) you.”“I know, but my grandfather can hear me,” says Peter.三、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. The (village) are kind and hard-working.2. (not fight) with your classmates, Paul.3. Tom likes writing (story) and he wants to be a writer.4. Her sister brushes(tooth) at 6:30 every morning.5. Our monitor runs much more (quick) than us.6. The best way to learn a foreign language well is to practice (speak) it as much as possible.7. I dont like eating lemon. It (taste) too sour.8. The park is only five (minute) walk from downtown.9. Li Yundi is a famous (music) who is loved by people around the world.10. We are(tell) not to swim alone in dangerous places.參考答案課堂突破【中考重點單詞與短語】 一、1. times 2. time二、1. show, to 2. showed, around三、1. tastes 2. tastes四、1. with/to 2. for 3. at五、1. takes 2. took 3. take 4. taken六、1. stop to have a rest 2. stop him (from) swimming【中考重點句型】 一、1. What time, get 2. twenty to five二、1. old 2. tall 3. far 4. much 5. from, to三、takes, in【中考詞語辨析】 一、1. house 2. family 3. home 4. homes二、1. through 2. across 3. past 4. over三、1. wearing 2. Put on 3. dress 4. in 四、1. talking 2. speak, tell 3. said 4. telling五、1. Listen, hear 2. sounds 當(dāng)堂檢測一、1. running 2. dressed 3. hundred 4. arrives5. Giraffes二、1. smart 2. because 3. teeth 4. never 5. man 6. supermarket 7. today 8. reading 9. cleaning 10. tastes三、1. villagers 2. Dont fight 3. stories 4. teeth5. quickly 6. speaking 7. tastes 8. minutes 9. musician 10. told


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