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2020【人教版】必修四:Unit 3 Period 4 Writing 講義含答案

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2020【人教版】必修四:Unit 3 Period 4 Writing 講義含答案

2020學年人教版英語精品資料Period 4Writing1.了解英文幽默故事的文體特征、語篇模式及寫作過程。2.掌握amuse,react等詞匯的用法,并能夠靈活應(yīng)用。1.了解英語幽默的基本類型以及幽默與語言文化背景的關(guān)系。2.通過對比,找出中英文幽默的不同之處,充分利用已學過的語言知識來清楚地表達。重點單詞1. vt.使發(fā)笑;使愉快2. n.解釋;講解;說明3. n.偵探4. adj.多山的;山一般的5. n.耳語;低語vt.&vi.低語;小聲說6. adj.巨大的;遼闊的7. n.節(jié)奏8. n.臟或亂的狀態(tài)9. vi.作出反應(yīng);回應(yīng)10. adj.醉的寫作講座幽默故事的寫作自我核對重點單詞:1.amuse2.explanation3.detective4.mountainous5.whisper6.vast7.rhythm8.mess9.react10.drunk品句填空1.His jokes a the crying child. 2.His hot p are delicious. You can buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands.3.Could you e the child for an hour while I make dinner?4.He had o the difficulties with his English before he went abroad.5.I was f to have a good teacher.6.What did he say in (解釋) of his stupid behaviour? 7.In fact, China is a (多山的) country.8.Sherlock Holmes was a best-known (偵探). 9.Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be (咀嚼) and digested.10.Although he failed in the examination again, he knew the success would come after many (失敗).【答案】1.amused2.pancakes3.entertain4.overcome5.fortunate6.explanation7.mountainous8.detective9.chewed10.failures1.amuse閱讀下列句子,注意amuse的意思及用法。Mr Wang sometimes tells funny stories to amuse us.王老師有時候講滑稽故事逗我們笑。The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.孩子們玩捉迷藏游戲取樂。通過觀察以上句子,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)amuse作動詞,意思是“”?!敬鸢浮渴拱l(fā)笑;使愉快amusing adj.好笑的(修飾物)amused adj.(使)好笑的(修飾人)amusement n.樂趣;娛樂amuse oneself with以自娛be amused at / by / with以為樂;對覺得好笑to ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是單項填空Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.A.amusedB.amusingC.to amuseD.to be amusing 【答案與解析】A句意:露西很有幽默感,總是能用故事逗樂她的同事。keep sb done“使某人被”。 amuse與her colleagues是被動關(guān)系。2.react閱讀下列句子,注意react的意思及用法。How did your mother react to the news?你媽媽對這消息的反應(yīng)怎樣?She reacted by getting very angry.她的反應(yīng)是非常生氣。The audience reacted readily to his speech. 觀眾對他的講演立即起了反應(yīng)。通過觀察以上句子,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)react作動詞,意思是“”。【答案】做出反應(yīng);回應(yīng)react on 對起作用react to 對作出反應(yīng)react against 反抗;反對.用適當?shù)慕樵~填空(1)The local people reacted angrily the news.(2)Unkindness often reacts the unkind person.(3)Five hundred workers are reacting adding working hours.【答案】(1)to(2)on(3)against.單項填空The management the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April.A.reacted onB.reacted toC.reacted againstD.reacted with【答案與解析】Breact to“對作出反應(yīng)”。句意:雇傭方對工人的要求作出反應(yīng),答應(yīng)從四月份起增加工資。幽默故事的寫作請根據(jù)下面一幅圖畫展開聯(lián)想,以“You will save much more money”為題,寫一篇幽默故事。參考詞匯:驚呆的dumbfoundedYou will Save Much More Money本篇寫作是一篇幽默故事的寫作。本單元的寫作任務(wù)是要求大家寫一篇幽默故事。所謂幽默的語言指的是有趣、可笑而意味深長的語言。這里有兩點需要強調(diào):一是有趣;二是意味深長。即我們的作文語言既要有趣,又要有讓人回味的東西。一味地有趣而毫無味道,這樣的語言不是幽默,而是滑稽。對于作文語言來說,幽默的語言是一種境界,一種提升作文等級的較高境界。那么應(yīng)該怎么做才能達到這一境界呢?讓我們來看兩段語言材料:1.Im worried about my daughter.She keeps being chased by the doctor.Has she tried an apple?解讀:這兩句話乍一看,看不出幽默之處,其實這里運用了延伸雙關(guān)語。延伸雙關(guān)語指巧妙運用某些語言現(xiàn)象(構(gòu)詞法、發(fā)音、諺語等)展開聯(lián)想,從而達到某種幽默風趣的效果。要理解雙關(guān)語的精妙之處,需要有一定的英語文化背景知識。本句就巧妙地利用了英語中的一句諺語“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”。說話人運用短語keeps the doctor away“擺脫醫(yī)生的追求”來給人出主意,這正是一種幽默技巧。2.There is something wrong with these hot dogs.Well, dont tell it to me.Im only a waiter, not a vet(獸醫(yī)).解讀:這則幽默運用了“偷換概念”的方法,即把食品(hot dog)偷換成真正的動物來推卸責任。答非所問,卻意味深長,發(fā)人深省,風趣雋永。從這些材料里,我們可以歸納出幽默語言的基本元素:1.夸張或夸張與比喻相結(jié)合。2.挪借。3.虛實轉(zhuǎn)換(包括偷換概念)。4.別解。5.多義誤解或雙關(guān)。另外,寫幽默故事應(yīng)注意:1.幽默故事往往比較簡短,并常帶有推理性。前面的部分往往是起鋪墊作用,后面部分才是幽默的“靈魂”。故事中的一些前因后果的說明常常被省略,直接進入一個意想不到的結(jié)局,使故事達到高潮。2.了解中西文化的異同點。掌握不同的修辭手法。既要了解表層意思,又要領(lǐng)會深層含義。3.掌握幽默的重要載體雙關(guān)語、繞口令等。You will Save Much More MoneyDick, a nine-year-old boy, is very naughty, but he runs very fast.One day, after school was over, he ran back home instead of taking a bus.Seeing his mother, he said happily, “Mum, you will be very pleased with what I did today!”Hearing that, his mother was very surprised and asked him, “Why?”“I didnt get back by bus today.I ran all the way after it.So I saved two dollars.” Dick answered proudly, “Well,” said his mother, laughing.“Next time youd better run after a taxi; you will save much more money.”Hearing these words, Dick was dumbfounded.文章通過人物對話的形式將主要內(nèi)容呈現(xiàn)出來,表達得當,趣味性強,讀者讀后,定會啞然失笑。.品句填空1.The (寬闊的) plains of the country spread for hundreds of miles.2.He often(娛樂) himself by playing the flute.3.A new car will not be part of our (預算) this year.4.I am waiting to hear your(解釋).5.He got(醉酒) on only two cans of beer.6.She is a very famous(女演員).7.They dont want to live in the(多山的) areas.【答案】1.vast2.amuses3.budget4.explanation5.drunk6.actress7.mountainous. 選詞填空instead of; pick up; be set in; make fun of; bump into1.Last night, I happened to a chair in the dark.2.There is a growing tendency for people to work at home in offices.3.The movie World War .4.Her health soon after a few days rest.5.Its cruel to people who are disabled.【答案】1.bump into2.instead of3.is set in4.picked up5.make fun of溫馨貼士本課時是一節(jié)語言運用課,核心部分為“幽默故事的寫作”,學習要點圖解如下:


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