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(宜賓專版)2019屆中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 七下 Units 5-8(精講)檢測.doc

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(宜賓專版)2019屆中考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 七下 Units 5-8(精講)檢測.doc

七年級(下)Units 58單元重點回顧類別課標考點要求重點單詞1.panda(n.)熊貓2.zoo(n.)動物園3.tiger(n.)老虎4.elephant(n.)大象5.lion(n.)獅子6.giraffe(n.)長頸鹿7.animal(n.)動物8.cute(adj.)可愛的;機靈的9.lazy(adj.)懶散的;懶惰的10.smart(adj.)聰明的11.beautiful(adj.)美麗的;美好12.kind(n.)種類13.Australia(n.)澳大利亞14.Africa(n.)非洲15.pet(n.)寵物16.leg(n.)腿17.cat(n.)貓18.sleep(v.& n.)睡覺19.friendly(adj.)友好的20.shy(adj.)羞怯的;靦腆的21.save(v.)救;救助22.forget(v.)忘記;遺忘23.place(n.)地點;位置24.water(n.)水25.danger(n.)危險26.tree(n.)樹27.kill(v.)殺死;弄死28.over(prep.)超過;多于;在上方29.newspaper(n.)報紙30.use(v.)使用;運用31.wash(v.)洗32.house(n.)房子33.drink(v.)喝(n.)飲料34.tea(n.)茶;茶葉35.tomorrow(adv.)在明天(n.)明天;未來36.supermarket(n.)超市37.man(n.)男人;人38.race(n.)競賽39.study(v.& n.)學(xué)習(xí);研究40.other(adj.)另外的;其他的(pron.)另外的人(或物)41.young(adj.)幼小的;年輕的42.children(pl.)兒童們43.miss(v.)懷念;思念;錯過44.wish(v.)希望45.delicious(adj.)可口的;美味的46.still(adv.)還;仍然47.weather(n.)天氣48.cook(v.)做飯49.bad(adj.)壞的;糟的50.park(n.)公園51.message(n.)信息;消息52.problem(n.)困難;難題53.again(adj.)再一次;又一次54.dry(adj.)干燥的55.cold(adj.)寒冷的;冷的56.visit(v.)拜訪;參觀57.Canada(n.)加拿大58.summer(n.)夏天;夏季59.juice(n.)果汁;飲料60.vacation(n.)假期61.hard(adv.)努力地(adj.)困難的62.Europe(n.)歐洲63.mountain(n.)高山64.country(n.)國;國家65.skate(v.)滑冰66.winter(n.)冬天;冬季67.Russian(adj.)俄羅斯的(n.)俄羅斯人;俄語68.police(n.)警察69.hotel(n.)旅館;酒店70.restaurant(n.)餐館71.bank(n.)銀行72.hospital(n.)醫(yī)院73.street(n.)大街74.across(adv.& prep.)過;穿過75.behind(prep.)在后面76.town(n.)鎮(zhèn);市鎮(zhèn)77.around(prep.)在周圍 (adv.)在周圍;大約78.north(n.)北;北方(adj.)北方的79.turn(v.)轉(zhuǎn)向;翻80.right(adv.)向右邊(n.)右邊81.left(adv.)向左邊(n.)左邊82.spend(v.)花(時間、錢等)83.climb(v.)爬84.road(n.)路85.often(adv.)時常;常常86.air(n.)空氣87.free(adj.)免費的88.enjoy(v.)享受;喜愛89.easily(adv.)容易地90.money(n.)錢詞性轉(zhuǎn)換1.sleep(v.& n.)睡覺slept(過去式/過去分詞)asleep(adj.)睡著的sleepy(adj.)困倦的2.rain(v.& n.)下雨;雨水rainy(adj.)多雨的3.sun(n.)太陽sunny(adj.)晴朗的4.wind(n.)風(fēng)windy(adj.)多風(fēng)的5.cloud(n.)云cloudy(adj.)多云的6.snow(n.)雪snowy(adj.)有雪的7.warm(adj.)溫暖的warmth(n.)溫暖8.south(adj.& n.)南方的;南方southern(adj.)南方的9.Europe(n.)歐洲European(adj.& n.)歐洲的;歐洲人10.bad(adj.)糟糕的worse更糟糕的(比較級)worst最糟糕的(最高級)11.danger(n.)危險dangerous(adj.)危險的12.child(n.)小孩children(復(fù)數(shù)) childhood(n.)童年13.beautiful(adj.)美麗的beauty(n.)美 beautifully(adv.)漂亮地14.man(n.)男人;人men(復(fù)數(shù))15.America(n.)美國American(adj.& n.)美洲的;美國人;美國人的16.free(adj.)免費的;自由的freedom(n.)自由17.visit(v.)參觀;拜訪visitor(n.)參觀者;訪問者18.shop(v.& n.)購物shopping(現(xiàn)在分詞) 19.hot(adj.)熱的hotter更熱的(比較級)hottest最熱的(最高級)20.sit(v.)坐sat(過去式/過去分詞)sitting(現(xiàn)在分詞)21.spend(v.)度過;花(時間、錢等)spent(過去式/過去分詞)續(xù)表類別課標考點要求重點短語1.用兩條腿行走walk on two legs 2.稍微;有點兒kind of3.南非South Africa 4.好運的象征 a symbol of good luck 5.處于(極大)危險之中be in (great) danger6.砍倒cut down 7.失去某人的家園lose ones home 8.由制成的(be) made of 9.迷路get lost 10.做湯make soup11.清洗餐具wash the dishes 12.去電影院go to the movies 13.看報紙read a newspaper 14.加入某人之列做某事join sb.for sth.15.出去吃飯eat out 16.喝茶drink tea 17.看劃船比賽watch boat races 18.美國;美利堅合眾國the United States (of America)19.端午節(jié)Dragon Boat Festival 20.把讀給某人聽read sth.to sb.21.盼望做某事wish to do sth.22.捎個口信;傳話take a message23.(給某人)回電話call (sb.) back24.此刻;馬上right now25.上暑假學(xué)習(xí)班go to summer school26.度假on (a) vacation27.給某人寫信write to sb.28.付費電話pay phone 29.郵局post office 30.在對面across from 31.警察局police station 32.緊挨著next to 33.在前面in front of34.沿著(這條街)走go along (the street)35.向左/右轉(zhuǎn)turn left/right36.在第一個十字路口at the first crossing 37.在某人左邊on ones left 38.看起來像look like 39.到達那兒get there40.步行外出walk out 41.喜歡閱讀enjoy reading 42.去購物go shopping43.在平時上學(xué)的日子on school days 44.花時間spend time重點句子1.Lets see the pandas _first_.Theyre _my_favorite_ animals.咱們先看熊貓吧,我最喜歡熊貓了。_Why_?為什么?_Because_ theyre very cute.因為它們非??蓯?。2.Why _dont_ you like the cat?你為什么不喜歡這只貓?Well,because shes _kind_of_ boring.She sleeps _all_day_因為她有點兒令人乏味。她整天都在睡覺3.What are they doing?他們在干什么?Theyre _listening_to_ a CD.他們在聽光碟。4.Do you want to _join_me_for_dinner_? My parents arent at home.We can _eat_out_.你愿意和我一起吃晚飯嗎?我爸媽不在家,我們可以出去吃飯。5.but theres still “_no_place_like_home_”. 但是“千好萬好,不如自己的家好?!?.Zhu Hui _misses_ his family and _wishes_to_ have his moms delicious zongzi.朱輝非常想家并盼望著能吃到媽媽包的美味粽子。7._Hows_it_going_?近來可好? Not bad.還不錯.8._Sounds_like_ youre _having_a_good_time_.聽起來你玩得好開心。9.Could you just _tell_him_to_call_me_back_?你能否叫他給我回個電話?10._Hows_ the weather?天氣怎么樣?_Its_ cloudy.多云。11.Im _having_a_great_time_visiting_ my aunt in Canada.現(xiàn)在我在加拿大看望我姑姑,玩得非常開心。12.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just _right_for_ walking.這兒的天氣涼爽,正好適于散步。13.Where are the pay phones?付費電話在什么地方? Theyre _between_ the post office _and_ the library.在郵局與圖書館之間。14._To_get_ there,I usually walk out and _turn_right_on_ Bridge Road.要去那兒的話,我通常步行外出,在大橋路向右拐。15.The best things _in_life_ are _free_!生活中最美好的東西是免費的呀!語法1.現(xiàn)在進行時(詳見第二編P135)2.there be句型(詳見第二編P149)3.詢問天氣的句型及其回答(詳見第一編P22)4.方位介詞及方位介詞短語(詳見第二編P143)話題Unit 5 Animals in the zoo(動物園里的動物)Unit 6 Everyday activities(日?;顒?Unit 7 The weather(天氣)Unit 8 The neighborhood(鄰里之間)單元重難點突破kind (七下Unit 5 P26)【舉例透析】I like my math teacher because she is very kind to me.我喜歡我的數(shù)學(xué)老師,因為她對我很友好。(此句中kind為形容詞,表示“友好的;善良的”。be kind to sb.對某人友好be friendly to sb.)After he worked for a long time,he felt kind_of tired.長時間的工作之后,他覺得有點累了。(此句中kind of 表示“有點”,后接形容詞,相當于a little。)There are all_kinds_of animals in the forest.森林里有各種各樣的動物。(此句中kind為名詞,表示“種類”。一種a_kind_of;各種各樣all_kinds_of;不同種類different_kinds_of。)1.考拉有點害羞。Koalas are _kind_ of shy.2.你喜歡哪種食物?_What_ _kind_ _of_ food do you like? 3.他的媽媽是一個善良的女人。His mother is a _kind_ _woman_.表示提建議的句型 (七下Unit 5 P27)【舉例透析】Why dont you go to the party?你為什么不去聚會?(“為什么不做某事?”Why dont you do sth.?Why not do sth?)Lets go to the zoo first.讓我們先去動物園吧。(“讓某人做某事”let sb. do sth.)What about drinking a cup of coffee?喝杯咖啡如何?(“做某事怎么樣?”What about doing sth.?How about doing sth.?)三個句子都表示提建議,可以互相轉(zhuǎn)換。轉(zhuǎn)換的時候注意后面的動詞形式。1.Why dont you take a walk?(改為同義句) _Why_ _not_ take a walk?_Lets_ take a walk._What/How_ _about_ _taking_ a walk?2.(xx重慶中考B卷)Why dont you watch a talk show?(改為同義句)_Why_ _not_ watch a talk show?對天氣提問 (七下Unit 7 P39)【舉例透析】How was the weather in Yibin yesterday?昨天宜賓天氣如何?It was snowy.昨天下雪了。(weather意為 “天氣”,是不可數(shù)名詞。)對天氣提問的兩種句式:Howbethe weather?Whatbethe weather like?對某地天氣的回答:Itsadj.in some place.The weather in some place isadj.(C)_ the weather there?Terrible.Its windy.A.Whats B.What C.Hows D.How辨析sound like與sound (七下Unit 7 P38) 【舉例透析】The idea sounds not bad.這個主意聽起來還不錯。Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!聽起來你過了一個極好的假期。(sound,sound like兩者意思都為“聽起來像”。兩者區(qū)別:sound形容詞;sound like名詞、名詞短語或句子。)(B)1.Lets go swimming.Its too hot._.A.Sounds like great B.Sounds greatC.Sound great D.Sound like2.聽起來像是她計劃去澳大利亞度假。_Sounds_ _like_ she plans to go to Australia for a trip.enjoy (七下Unit 8 P47)【舉例透析】They are enjoying their dinner.他們正在享受晚餐。(enjoy常用作及物動詞,意思是“喜歡;樂于;享受的樂趣”,后接名詞或代詞。)I enjoy listening to light music.我喜歡聽輕音樂。(enjoy后面可接動詞ing形式。)Did you enjoy yourself at the party?在聚會上你玩得開心嗎?(enjoy后面可接反身代詞,構(gòu)成固定搭配enjoy_oneself,意為“過得愉快;玩得高興”,相當于have_fun,have_a_good_time。)(C)1.(xx南京中考)Some people enjoy _ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.A.to send B.send C.sending D.sent(A)2.Lucy _ having breakfast with her family at home.A.enjoys B.plans C.expects D.wants辨析spend,cost,take與pay (七下Unit 8 P43,P47)【舉例透析】I spent three hours finishing my homework.It took me three hours to finish my homework.我花了三個小時完成我的家庭作業(yè)。Tom paid ten yuan for this book.This book cost Tom ten yuan.湯姆買這本書花費了十元。(根據(jù)主語和后面的固定搭配來選擇適當?shù)摹盎ㄙM”。用法如下:人spend時間/金錢on sth./(in) doing sth.人pay金錢for sth.物costsb.金錢Ittakessb.時間to do sth.)用pay,cost,spend和take填空。1.He often _spends_ much time playing puter games.2.It usually _takes_ her two hours to do her homework.3.How much did the new cellphone _cost_ you?4.Alan _paid_ 380 yuan for the edictionary.直 擊 中 考一、單項選擇。(B)1.The book is made _ paper.The paper is made _ wood.A.of;of B.of;fromC.from;of D.from;from(B)2.(xx黔南中考)Wele you all to China and enjoy _ here.A.yourself B.yourselvesC.themselves D.himself(A)3.(xx福建改編)Do you enjoy Chinese Folk Songs?Yes,the folk songs _ nice.A.sound B.smell C.look D.taste(D)4.(xx連云港中考)Bill,did you see Tom?Yes,he just parked his car here and hurried _ the street.A.through B.overC.past D.across二、詞匯運用。根據(jù)句意及首字母、漢語提示或所給的詞提示,完成單詞。1.He doesnt do any homework.He is lazy_.2.Wangfujing is a busy street_ in Beijing.Many people go shopping there every day.3.Its 7:00 a.m.The Greens _are_having_(have) breakfast at home.4.Tom is having a good time _visiting_(visit) his uncle.5.Look! My father is reading a _newspaper_(新聞).三、(xx宜昌中考改編)還原句子。閱讀下面短文,把A、B、C、D四個句子填入文中空缺處,使短文內(nèi)容完整、正確。It used to be that parents and teachers had set days and times for parentteacher meetings.1._C_ With the help of QQ,WeChat,school website and so on,parents and teachers can municate with each other more easily and often.But some parents still dont want to connect with their childs teachers.Thats not right! 2_D_3._B_ When a child who used to love going to school,but now cries and fights getting on the bus,he may have trouble with some classmates.Your childs teacher can pay more attention to something bigger happening.For example,you may find the teachers notes on the test paper.They are often helpful for parents to understand what your childs problem is.4._A_A good working relationship between parents and teachers is good for everyone.Keep municating,ask questions and solve problems before they bee too big.They are all ways to build a strong relationship.A.If they are unclear to you,youd better connect your childs teacher.B.Be sure to call your childs teacher if you notice a change in your childs attitude(態(tài)度) toward school.C.But there was little munication outside the meeting.D.Because information exchange can solve simple misunderstandings.四、(xx襄陽中考改編)綜合填空。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)單詞、首字母、漢語和語境提示,在每個空格內(nèi)填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~,要求意義準確、拼寫正確。Two weeks ago,on a hot summer afternoon,I was about to cross a little busy road when I noticed an old grandpa 1.with_ a heavy bag on his back just a few meters from me.He walked painfully and it looked as if his legs had no strength to even carry him.A few minutes later,I 2._realized_(realize) Id forgotten to cross the road.And hed seen me looking at him.I loved my grandparents very much.That was why I didnt 3.forget_ to smile at the old people whenever I saw them.Now I met this grandpa,I didnt want to 4._miss_(錯過) the chance,either.He moved slowly to me and handed me a note.There was an address written on it.As it was a long way and anybody would pass out(昏倒) in such weather,I didnt want him to walk all the way.So I showed him the 5._direction(s)_(方向) and said he would need a taxi.Hearing this he shook his head again and again and that made me feel a little 6._disappointed_(disappoint).Then I asked where he came from,he replied 7._weakly_ (weak)that he was from the countryside about 10 kilometers from here and came to visit a relative.I was shocked because he never looked as if he could take even two steps without 8._falling_(fall).So,without a second thought I called a taxi for him.The grandpa wasnt ready for the ride,for he had no money.I paid 9._for_ his journey and asked the driver to drop him at his place safely.When I turned to look at the grandpa who said thanks to me with a few drops of happy tears on his face,many unforgettable 10._memories_(記憶) of my grandparents flashed in my mind,making me feel like crying.五、(xx常德中考改編)完成句子。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)題后要求完成句子。You may not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school.School is also the place where you learn to get on well with people.(A)always,is,this,but,not,easy. What can you do if you just dont like one of your classmates?(B)If_you_discover_that_you_have_problems_getting_on_with_your_classmates_or_friends,the_most_important_thing_to_learn_is_tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others.We cannot change the way that other people do,so it is important to learn to live happily with them.Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other.Getting to know someone may help you understand why he does things differently.Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad.(C)Tolerance teaches us to keep_a_temperate_and_open_mind.You need to remember an old saying,“Treat others how you want to be treated.” If you tolerate something,it does not mean that you have to like it.Now,no one requires you to change yourself.Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.It is important to practice tolerance,because it will make everyones life easier.(D)學(xué)會接受能力和興趣與自己不同的人。The world is very different,and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.1.連詞成句。請將(A)處的單詞連成意義完整的句子。_But_this_is_not_always_easy._2.英譯漢。請將(B)句譯成中文。_如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)你和同學(xué)或朋友相處有困難,記住最重要的是學(xué)會容忍。_3.句子提問。請就(C)句的畫線部分提問。_What_ _does_ tolerance teach us to do?4.漢譯英。請根據(jù)(D)處中文提示寫出英語句子。(每空一詞)Learn to accept people_who_ have different abilities and interests _from_ you.5.找同義句。請在文中找出與以下描述意義一致的句子。If you want others treat you well,you should treat others well._Treat_others_how_you_want_to_be_treated._


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