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一、閱讀理解(共1道小題,共50.0分) 1. A tired-looking young lady went into the doctor's office. "Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark all day and all night, and I can't get a wink(眨眼) of sleep."      "I have good news for you," the doctor answered, rummaging(翻找) through a drawer full of sample medications(藥物). "Here are some new sleeping pills that work like a dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over."      "Great," the young lady answered, "I'll try anything. I hope the pills work."      A few weeks later the lady returned, looking worse than ever. "Doctor, your plan is no good. I'm more tired than before!"      "I don't understand how that could be", said the doctor, shaking his head. "Those are the strongest pills on the market!"      "That may be true," answered the blonde wearily, "but I'm still up all night chasing those dogs and when I finally catch one it's hard getting him to swallow(吞下) the pill!" 1. The young lady went into the doctors office because _.A. she caught a cold   B. her brain was seriously illC. dog barks made her unable to go to sleepD. she couldnt calm down2. The doctor thought the new pills that he gave her would be_.A. useful   B. expensive  C. useless   D. cheap3. The young lady returned _.A. a few days later   B. a few weeks later C. a few months later  D. a few hours later4. Having heard the young ladys words, the doctor felt _.A. sad  B. understandable  C. puzzled  D. worried5. The young lady felt more tired because _.A. the pills were the strongest on the marketB. she didnt take the pills every dayC. she became weaker and weakerD. she didnt take the pills at all, instead she thought they were for the dogs1. 1. The young lady went into the doctors office because _.A. she caught a cold B. her brain was seriously ill C. dog barks made her unable to go to sleep D. she couldnt calm down 2. 2. The doctor thought the new pills that he gave her would be_. A. useful B. expensive C. useless D. cheap 3. 3. The young lady returned _. A. a few days later B. a few weeks later C. a few months later D. a few hours later 4. 4. Having heard the young ladys words, the doctor felt _.A. sad B. understandable C. puzzled D. worried 5. 5. The young lady felt more tired because _. A. the pills were the strongest on the market B. she didnt take the pills every day C. she became weaker and weaker D. she didnt take the pills at all, instead she thought they were for the dogs 試題分值:50.0得分:10, 10, 10, 10, 10提示:1. 細節(jié)題。本題問“這名年輕女性到了醫(yī)生辦公室來是因為  _。”答案在第一段的后兩句,這兩句大意是“醫(yī)生,我家附近有很多狗,它們白天黑夜都在叫,我根本無法入睡”。據(jù)此可知答案是C(狗叫使得她無法睡覺)。  2. 細節(jié)題。本題問“醫(yī)生認為他給這個女人開的新藥是_。”答案在第二段的最后兩句,這兩句大意是“這里有一些新型的安眠藥,它們非常神奇。只要吃上幾片,你的問題就可以解決了”。據(jù)此可知答案是A(有用的)  3. 細節(jié)題。本題問“這名女性何時又到醫(yī)生這來了?”答案在第四段的第一句,該句明確指出這個女性是幾周之后來的。據(jù)此可知答案是B。  4. 細節(jié)題。本題問“聽到女士的話,醫(yī)生感到_。”答案在第五段,該段大意是“我不理解為什么會這樣醫(yī)生搖著頭說道,那些要可是目前市場上最有效的?!睋?jù)此可知答案是C(迷惑)。  5. 細節(jié)題。本題問“這名女士感覺更疲勞了因為_?!贝鸢冈谧詈笠欢危摱未笠馐恰芭科v地答道:你說的也許是對的,但是我整夜都要忙著追那些狗,逮住狗后又很難讓狗服下藥片?!睋?jù)此可知答案是D(她根本就沒有吃藥,相反的是她認為藥片是給狗吃的)二、單項選擇題(共10道小題,共50.0分) 1. The lady was expecting a baby in a_ of months. A. pair B. couple C. bunch D. few 知識點:Choice1學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“這位女士期待著一、兩個月后生個小寶貝”。  a couple of:a small number of (少數(shù))幾個,一兩個  1. I waited a  couple of hours.我等了幾個小時。  2. Those were a  couple of jets.那只是幾架噴氣飛機。  3.Theres a  couple of vacant rooms behind the office.在辦公室后面有幾間空房。2. _ I thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious.  A. At least B. At leisure C. At first D. At my best 知識點:Choice1學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“起初我  以為他是開玩笑,可后來我知道他是當  真的”。  at first: 起初,當初  1. At first I  felt very lonely.起先我感到很寂寞。  2. At first I  did not like him but now I do.起初我不喜歡他,但現(xiàn)在卻喜歡。  3. At first it  was all very casual and fun.起初,一切都非常的偶然和有趣.3. A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were _.  A. settled B. committed C. dismissed D. proposed 知識點:Choice1學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“少數(shù)工  人得到提升,與此同時卻有數(shù)百名工人  被解雇”。  dismiss: vt.  1. 解散,遣散,讓散開,讓離開;把打發(fā)走:  The teacher dismissed the class early.老師早下課。  2. 免(或撤)的職,罷的官;革(職),解雇,開除:  They dismissed the cook.他們把廚師解雇了。  The boss  dismissed the employee.老板解雇了那個雇員。4. Our train is _ in Beijing at 9 a.m.A. late B. due C. early D. sure 知識點:Choice1學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“我們的列車預(yù)定早晨九時到達北京”。  due a. (車、船、飛機、人、物等)預(yù)定應(yīng)到的,預(yù)期應(yīng)到的,約定的,到期的  1. When is the  train due? 火車什么時候到?   2. Phil´s train  isdueat 7:00 p.m.菲爾的火車預(yù)計劃下午七點鐘到。  3. The baby is  due in the middle of January. 嬰兒預(yù)計1月中旬出生。  4. His next book  is due out shortly.他的下一本書預(yù)計很快將出版。  5. He was due  back (at work) Friday morning. 他預(yù)定于周五早晨回來(上班)。  6. Their plane is  due in Chicago at 7 p.m.他們的飛機定于晚上七點鐘到達。  7. The plane was due(in)at sixIt is an  hour overdue飛機應(yīng)該是6點到,現(xiàn)在  已誤點一小時了。5.6. (錯誤)   _, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks. A. Giving good health  B. If give good health C. Given good health D. If he is good given health 知識點:Choice1學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:C得分:0試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“倘若身體好,他能在一兩周內(nèi)完成這項工作”。  given 引導(dǎo)方式狀語,意為“倘若,假設(shè),考慮到”。如:  1. Given their  inexperience, theyve done a good job.考慮到他們?nèi)狈?jīng)驗,他們的工作已經(jīng)做得不錯了。  2. Given some  more time, I would do the job better.假如時間再多些,我能把工作做得更好。  3. Given good  health, the old lady can look after her grand-daughter for her son.假如身體好的話,這位老太太能幫她兒子照看孫女。7. The statement about the mad cow disease constituted a direct _ to the British government.A. instruction B. permission C. challenge D. sympathy 知識點:Choice2學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“瘋牛病的形勢構(gòu)成對英國政府的直接挑戰(zhàn)”。  challenge:n. 挑戰(zhàn);盤問;質(zhì)疑;懷疑   1.The new  government´s first challenge is the economy. 新政府面臨的第一個 難題是經(jīng)濟問題。  2. I like a big  challenge and they don´t come much bigger than this.我喜歡大的  挑戰(zhàn),而所有挑戰(zhàn)中再沒有比這更大的了。8.9. I prefer to work in an _ environment where there are good libraries and cultural facilities.A. urban B. rural C. suburb D. area 知識點:Choice2學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“我喜歡在都市環(huán)境下工作,那里有一流的圖書館和文化設(shè)施”。  urban:of a town or city 城市的,都市的,居住在城市的  1. Many people  move to urban areas to have the excitement of city life.許多人搬 入城區(qū),去享受都市激動人心的生活。  2.Transportation,housing,and  employment are very important urban problems.交通、住房和就業(yè)是非常重要的城市問題。  3.In the past  ten years or so, Chinas urban population has been increasing very  rapidly.在過去大約十年當中,中國的城市人口一直在激增。10.11. Many young girls like to _ for recording their private thoughtsand feelings.A. keep a diary B. keep a secret C. keep a promise D. take notes 知識點:Choice2學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“許多女孩喜歡記日記,以此記錄下她們的個人想法和情感”。  keep a diary和keep diary的區(qū)別:  keep diary:  記日記 (表示動作)  keep a diary:習慣地記日記(表示狀態(tài))  例句  1. So, I start keep diary again.就這樣,我又開始寫日記了  2. It´s a good habit for you to keep a diary.寫日記對你來說是一個好習慣。12. She wrote articles and _ to the Evening Paper. A. sent for them B. sent them off C. sent them out D. sent off them 知識點:Choice2學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“她寫了一些文章,并寄給了晚報”。  send off:寄出,寄走(信或包裹)  1. Id like to  send the parcel off by the early post.我想將這個包裹通過早班郵件寄出。  2. He sent off  copies to various people for them to read and make comments.他將 稿件寄給不同的人,讓他們看后提出意見。13. _ because I was tired of learning. A. Due to my leaving college B. To leave college C. No matter how I left college D. I didnt leave college 知識點:Choice2學(xué)生答案:D;標準答案:D得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選D,題目大意是“我不是因為厭倦學(xué)習才離開大學(xué)的”。  連詞because與否定詞not連用時,常發(fā)生否定對象的轉(zhuǎn)移。例如:  1. I didnt  leave home because I was afraid of my father.我離開家并不是因為害怕我父親。  2. John didnt  marry Jane because she was rich, or because she was pretty.約翰不是因為珍妮富有或者美貌才娶她的。  3. The police  did not arrest him because he had really committed any crime.警察逮捕他,并不是因為他真的犯了什么罪。一、完形填空(共1道小題,共50.0分) 1. (錯誤) Jack lost (丟失)his job last week. It was difficult for him to find another_1_. _2_ told him that it was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers _3_. He decided to get there_4_.So he went to the railway station and got_5_a train. He was the only one in the car (車廂). The train started. Suddenly a man came in_6_a gun and said to him, “Your money_7_your life?” Jack sat there without_8_up.      “I _9_any money,” Jack answered.      “Then why are you so afraid of me?” the man asked angrily.      “Because I _10_you were the conductor, and I didnt buy a ticket,” answered Jack. a.A. work B. jobs       C. ones D. one 學(xué)生答案:D;標準答案:Db.A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. No one 學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:Bc.A. from B. farther C. away D. off 學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:Cd.A. by bike B. on foot C. by train D. by bus 學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:Ce.A. off B. on C. up D. to 學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:Bf.A. with B. has C. have D. there was 學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:Ag.A. but B. and C. so D. or 學(xué)生答案:D;標準答案:Dh.A. stands B. standing C. stood D. stand 學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:Bi.A. dont have B. have no C. didnt have D. had 學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:Aj.A. know B. didnt know C. think D. thought 學(xué)生答案:D;標準答案:D試題分值:50.0得分:5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5提示:1D.考查代詞one的用法?!皁ne”可以替代前面提到過的一個單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。本句中“one”替代的就是前面的“job”。本句大意是“Jack上周丟掉了自己的工作。他很難找到另外一份工作?!?#160; 2B.考查上下文理解。根據(jù)第一段的第三句我們知道Jack到了那個200公里外的小城找工作,所以本句大意應(yīng)該是“有人告訴他說,在200公里外的一個小城或許能找到一份新工作”。這里選擇“somebody”表示“有人”。  3C.考查句意理解。一般來說,“數(shù)字+away”表示“有多遠的距離”。此處意思是“那個小城在200公里以外”。  4C.考查上下文理解。根據(jù)本段第四句話我們知道Jack去了火車站,所以他肯定是準備坐火車。因此此處選擇C。  5B.考查固定搭配。“get  on”是個固定詞組,意思是“上車”?!癵et off”意思是“下來,出發(fā),動身”,“get up”意思是“起床”,“get to”意思是“到達”。  6A.考查習慣用法。“拿著槍”可以用“with a gun”來表達。本句已經(jīng)有謂語動詞“came in”了,所以不需要再用別的動詞了,這樣B和C都被排除。而D的這種“there be”結(jié)構(gòu)也不能用在動詞(came  in)的后面,所以也不對。  7D.考查句意理解。本句意思是“你是要錢還是要命?”我們選擇“or”表示選擇關(guān)系。  8B.考查介詞用法。我們知道介詞后面的動詞要變成動名詞“doing”的形式,這樣一來此題就要選擇“standing”。  9A.考查動詞的否定?!皼]有錢”的正確表達形式是“dont have any  money”或者“have no money”。據(jù)此可知A是正確的。  10D.考查上下文理解。上句說“那個持槍男子憤怒地問道,那你為什么這么怕我?”本句大意是“Jack回答道,因為,我開始以為你是個列車員,而且我沒有買車票?!睋?jù)此,可知這里選擇“thought”表示“本來認為”。這里要用think的過去時表達一種過去的想法。其實本句的“were”已經(jīng)提醒我們要用過去時態(tài)了二、單項選擇題(共10道小題,共50.0分) 1. I little understood the pressure _ her. A. on B. in C. at D. against 知識點:Choice3學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“我不理解當時她所承受的壓力”。  pressure n:(向某人施加的)壓力  1. He may have  put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了壓力,迫使她同意。  2. Its  government is under pressure from the European Commission.其政府承受著來自歐盟委員會的壓力。  3. The political  pressures to do something are pretty enormous.要求采取行動的政治壓力非常巨大。2. His excellent educational background _ him for the job.A. qualifies B. promises C. encourages D. leads 知識點:Choice3學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“他高學(xué)歷的背景使他很勝任這個工作”。  qualify:(cause to) gain a certain level of knowledge,  ability, or performance or a qualification(使)勝任,(使)合適,(使)具有資格  1. I qualified  as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago. 30多年前,我從倫敦大學(xué)畢業(yè),取得了行醫(yī)資格。  2. The basic  course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.這門基礎(chǔ)課程并不能讓你獲得治療師的從業(yè)資格。  3. Dont worry.  After some training, all the new employees will be qualified to the job.不用擔心,經(jīng)過培訓(xùn)之后,所有新雇員都會勝任這項工作的。  4. He is the  managers son but that does not qualify him to criticize my work. 他是經(jīng)理的兒子,但并不因此就有資格對我的工作說三道四。3.4. _ teaching in the school, Jane gives piano lessons to some children at home.A. Except B. In addition to C. But D. In addition 知識點:Choice3學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“除了在學(xué)校任教之外,珍妮還在家里給一些孩子上鋼琴課”。  in addition和in addition to的不同  in addition to和in addition都是很常見很常用的短語,都有“除了、還有”的意思,但它們的用法是完全不同的,所以今天我們就來區(qū)分一下。   In addition to整個詞組相當于一個介詞,所以to的后面要接賓語。例如:  In addition to native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers  from overseas.除了當?shù)氐闹参镏?,這座花園還有無數(shù)來自海外的花草樹木。  In addition相當于副詞,通常放在從句的句首,后面接完整的句子。例如:  This garden has the best collection of native plants. In addition, it  contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas. 這座花園有當?shù)刂参锏淖罴颜洳亍A硗?,它還有無數(shù)來自海外的花草樹木。5.6. (錯誤) I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?Nothing important. _ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt.                A. Just for B. Just that C. Just because D. Only because 知識點:Choice3學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:B得分:0試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“-昨天我看見愛麗絲在落淚。她發(fā)生了什么事?-沒有什么大不了的,只是一支點著的香煙把她的新裙子燒了個洞”。  just that:引導(dǎo)一個表示原因或理由的從句。  1. Nothing  important. Just that Im going to lose this new job.沒什么大不了的, 只是我要失去這份新工作了。  2. Nothing important. Just that hes a  bit  upset about losing the game.沒什么大不  了的,只是因為輸?shù)袅吮荣愃悬c沮喪。  3. Nothing important. Just that my new  skirt was stained by ice cream.沒什么大  不了的,只是我的新裙子被冰淇淋弄臟  了。  4. Nothings the  matter with me. Just that these shoes are so tight that they hurt when  I walk.我沒事的。只是這雙鞋太緊腳,走起路來硌得生疼。7. It was not long _ the news spread and people from all over the countrycame to visit the village.A. before B. when C. until D. after 知識點:Choice3學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“沒過多久消息就傳開了,來自全國各地的人紛紛參觀這座村莊”。  It is / was not  (won´t be) long before “不久就”  1. It was not  long before he realized the fact.他剛知道真相。  2. It won´t be  long before you get well.你不久就會康復(fù)的。(注意在before從句 里用一般現(xiàn)在時代替將來時)  3. It won´t be  long before we see each other.不久我們又會見面的。8. She felt _ and did nothing but sleep the whole day. A. slack B. the slack C. slacking D. slacking 知識點:Choice4學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選A,題目大意是“她感到很懶散,什么事都沒做,只是睡了一整天”。  slack:not tense;relaxed松弛的,放松的,懈怠的  1. Don´t get  slack at your work.不要懈怠你的工作。  2. The boss told  the slack worker to take fewer coffee breaks.老板要求懶散的工人少喝幾次咖啡。  3. She was  shocked at the slack discipline in the school.對于學(xué)校松弛的紀律她感到震驚。9. Mary _ with embarrassment when she couldnt answer the question. A. shivered B. worried C. flushed D. scattered 知識點:Choice4學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“當瑪麗回答不上問題時,她窘迫得臉都漲紅了”。  flush vi. (臉)發(fā)紅  1. The boy  flushed bright red with shame.那男孩羞得滿臉通紅。  2. Do you sweat  a lot or flush a lot?你常出汗或是臉上常發(fā)燙嗎?  3. He turned  away embarrassed, his face flushing red.他難為情地扭過頭去,羞紅了臉。10. I would _ play tennis than football. A. quite B. simply C. rather D. like 知識點:Choice4學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“我寧愿打網(wǎng)球,而不踢足球”。  “would rather + 動詞原形”表示“寧愿”,是英語中常見的一個慣用句式,美國英語中多用had rather。would  (had)在此決無“過去”之意,它是一個情態(tài)助動詞,且無詞性、時態(tài)變化。   1. Hed rather work in the countryside. 她寧可到農(nóng)村去工作。   2.Mr Li would  rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意聽搖滾音樂。   3. If youd rather be alone, well all leave here. 如果你寧愿獨自呆著,那我們 都離開這兒。   4. You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好 呆在家中讀點書。  5. You can go  out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I would rather stay home and read.如果你愿意你可以外出去玩,但我寧愿呆在家里讀書。  如果在兩者中進行取舍,表示“寧愿而不愿,與其寧可”的意思時,則可用would ratherthan或wouldrather  than的句型,例如   1. I would  rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我寧可在家看電視而不愿去看電影。    2. The children  would walk there rather than take a bus. 孩子們寧愿步行去那里而不愿乘公共汽車。  注:在would ratherthan句型中,rather與than后都應(yīng)跟不帶to的動詞不定式。11. Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months _ her weight to 100 pounds.   A. brought back B. brought up C. brought down D. brought about 知識點:Choice4學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選C,題目大意是“史密斯太太限制飲食,四個月下來就把體重降到一百磅”。  bring down:reduce;cause to fall 減少,降低  1. bring down  the temperature降低溫度  2. bring down  the income taxes降低所得稅  3. Zhang li went  on a diet and in three months brought down her weight to 50 kilos.張莉節(jié)制飲食,三個月把體重減到了五十公斤。  4. The nurse  gave him an injection to bring down the temperature.護士給他注射了一針,以降低體溫。12. He was so _ from things around him that I wondered whether he didlisten to what I said just now.  A. separated B. detached C. dispatched D. touched 知識點:Choice4學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:解析:該題選B,題目大意是“他對周圍的事物漠不關(guān)心,以至于我懷疑他剛才是否在聽我對他說的那一席話”。  be detached from:show no interest in, be indifferent to 對漠然置之  1. be detached  from the flying saucer program對飛碟計劃漠不關(guān)心  2. She has been  detached from anything around her since her husband died.  自從她丈夫去世后,她就對周圍所有的事情漠然處之。一、句子改錯(共5道小題,共25.0分) 1. It is very important that the students' voice is heard by the authorities of all our schools.A                                  B            C        D A. A B. B C. C D. D知識點:Identification1學(xué)生答案:B;標準答案:B得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:答案:B.改為be heard。Important后面的從句要用特殊的虛擬語氣(should+do,should可以省略)。本句大意是“讓學(xué)生的聲音被學(xué)校的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)聽見,這是很重要的?!?. Let's go and watch that new movie at eight tonight, won't we?A         B                       C     D  A. A B. B C. C D. D知識點:Identification1學(xué)生答案:D;標準答案:D得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:答案:D.改為will you。Lets引導(dǎo)的祈使句,后面的反意疑問句要用will you。本句大意是“今晚八點我們一起去看那部新電影,好嗎?”3. Neither John and his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.           A                     B          C        D A. A B. B C. C D. D知識點:Identification1學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:答案:A.改為nor?!皀eithernor”意思是“既不也不”,是固定搭配。本句大意是“John和他父親起床都不夠早,所以沒有搭上早晨的火車。”4. With the sun setting, we stopped working, putting away our tools and were going to go home.A                B     C                         D A. A B. B C. C D. D知識點:Identification1學(xué)生答案:C;標準答案:C得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:答案:C.改為put。And前后的動詞要用同樣的形式即平行結(jié)構(gòu),本句前面的動詞是stopped,后面的動詞是were  going to,所以此處的putting應(yīng)該改為put(put的過去式還是put)。本句大意是“日落時分,我們停止了工作,收起了工具,準備回家?!?. Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall.A                      B     C              D A. A B. B C. C D. D知識點:Identification1學(xué)生答案:A;標準答案:A得分:5試題分值:5.0提示:答案:A.改為beautiful old Italian。多個形容詞共同修飾一個名詞,其排序依次是:觀點-形狀-年齡-顏色-國別-材料。本句大意是“展覽廳里展出了一些美麗古舊的意大利油畫?!倍?、閱讀理解(共1道小題,共50.0分) 1. (錯誤) Seven weeks after the powerful 8.0 earthquake claimed more than 70,000 lives in China, Gail McGovern, the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross is in China seeing the needs of the survivors.“The purpose of this trip is to build bridges and to have an opening for a dialogue with the people of China,” McGovern said. “Just to tell them how important China is to our country and how much we want to help the people of China.”McGovern and David Meltzer, senior vice president of International Services for the American Red Cross, along several other humanitarian organizations and leaders of corporationsC such as Procter and Gamble, Honeywell, Cisco, Chevron and Johnson & Johnson traveled to China at the invitation of the U.S. Governments Agency for International Development (USAID)On Monday in city of Yingxiu, they talked to students and teachers who survived the collapse of their schools during the quake. “By far the most heartbreaking, emotional sight that I saw was at the primary


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