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人教版八年級上期 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation5課時導學案精修版

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人教版八年級上期 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation5課時導學案精修版

人教版英語精品資料(精修版)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation(5課時)導學案【學習目標】1、學會談論過去發(fā)生的事件學習一般過去時的用法2、掌握規(guī)則動詞的變換規(guī)則3、熟記一些常用的不規(guī)則動詞【學習重難點】復習一般過去時態(tài)的構成及用法;進一步學習一般過去時態(tài)針對地點的提問及回答;【課前準備】教師準備主情景圖的教學掛圖。教師為制作多媒體課件,在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料。教師準備磁帶和錄音機。【學習過程】§溫故互查學生自學新單詞(教材P2的單詞),看誰記得又快又準。(2 分鐘)1. 任何人2. 在任何地方3. 精彩的;絕妙的4. 不多;很少5. 最多;大多數(shù)6. 和一起7. 相當多;不少【新詞自查】根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示填詞。1.He told her not to tell a_ 2. There had never been such a beautiful woman a_ in the world.3. This world is w_ place. 4. Only a f_ people here know his name.5. On Sunday, I like staying at home m_ of the time to watch TV.6. _(相當多) students were late this morning. §設問導讀Step 1 情景導入Teacher: What did you do last Sunday?Students: _Teacher: Today we are going to learn how to talk about past events 環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過詢問學生的度假情況,讓學生初步理解對過去事情的談論以及基本結構。激發(fā)學生學習本單元的興趣,自然地導入新課的單詞與話題。Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任務【操作案例】1認真觀察la圖片,完成1a的任務(1 分鐘)Teacher: What can you see in the picture? Each picture shows something a person did in the past .Now please match each phrase with one of the picture. 2. 檢查答案,先要求幾名同學給出他們的不同意見,并全班一起討論,讓學生進一步理解1a中的動詞或動詞短語的過去式3. 聽第一遍錄音,并完成課本上1b的聽力任務。(1 分鐘)4. 讓學生說出自己的答案,然后聽第二遍錄音,逐句進行跟讀,并核查答案。(3 分鐘)5.根據(jù)1b中的聽力表格,復述聽力材料的內(nèi)容,并請2-3名學生向全班匯報,。(3 分鐘) 6.完成1c 的任務,并邀請2-3對學生表演§自我檢測單句改錯1. Where do you go on vacation? 2. She goes to the mountains last summer.3.Did she visited her uncle?環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過學習1a,讓學生熟悉并掌握本節(jié)課的單詞和短語;通過1b,鍛煉學生的聽力及抓取關鍵信息的能力;通過1c的訓練鍛煉學生的口頭表達能力,同時鞏固所學的語言知識。Step 3 完成教材2a-2d的任務【操作案例】1翻開課本p.2,認真聽錄音,完成2a的聽力任務。 (3 分鐘)Teacher: Listen to their conversation and complete the chart.2再聽一遍錄音,完成2b的聽力任務。(2 分鐘)3模仿聽力內(nèi)容,利用2a,2b的信息分角色練習2c的對話,然后邀請2-3對學生表演。 (4 分鐘) 4.完成2d任務,讓學生兩人一組進行口語訓練,鞏固對過去事情的詢問和回答。(4 分鐘)Teacher: lets work in pairs 6. Free talk: 讓學生用剛學過的對過去事情的回答,談論一下他們周末或假期做過的事情,然后邀請2-3對學生表演環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過對所學習的目標語言進行聽、說、讀、寫訓練,不僅鍛煉了學生的語言綜合運用能力,還鞏固了學生對目標語言的學習、識記和運用。§鞏固訓練用動詞的適當形式填空:1.Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2.Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So I_(get ) up late.3.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.4.There _ (be) no one here a moment ago.5.I _ (call) Mike this morning.6.I listened but _ (hear) nothing.7.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.8.Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.10.She watches TV every evening. But she _ (not watch) TV last night.用括號內(nèi)動詞的正確形式填空                         Last year Mr. Smith _ (go ) to China and Japan. He _ (have) a wonderful time. He _ (do) a lot of different things and _ (talk) to a great number of different people. He _ (eat) Chinese and Japanese food and _ (visit) a lot of interesting places. When he _ (go) back to England, he _ (be) very tired.                        §拓展研究(詳見學生訓練部分P.1)§課堂小結§作業(yè)§課后反思Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?第二課時 Section A (3a 3c)主備人: 審核人: 班級: 姓名: 使用時間:【學習目標】詞匯:不定代詞學習鞏固復合不定代詞的用法【學習重難點】復合不定代詞的用法【課前準備】教師準備主情景圖的教學掛圖。教師為制作多媒體課件,在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料。教師準備磁帶和錄音機?!緦W習過程】§溫故互查學生自學新單詞(教材P3的單詞),看誰記得又快有準。(2 分鐘)1. 某事7. 豬2. 沒有什么;沒有一件東西8. 好像; 似乎;看來3. 每人,人人;所有人厭倦的;煩悶4. 我自己;我本人某人5. 你自己當然;自然6. 母雞日記;日記簿【新詞自查】根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填詞。1. Today is Teachers Day. We bought s_ for our teachers.2. After a while, I began to get b_ with my job.3. There is n_ in this box, its empty.4. I started keeping a d_ when I was thirteen.5. It s_ as if it is going to rain.6. Youre going to have to do it y_.§設問導讀Step 1 情景導入Teacher: Hello, everyone! Do you go on vacation every time you have one?Student: 環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過有關度假的話題,讓學生了解談論度假的一些句式結構等,很自然地導入部分代詞的用法。Step 2完成教材3a的任務1. 學生熟讀3a中的句子,理解句子的含義,完成3a的任務2. 讓兩位學生帶上單詞讀對話,講解對話。§自我檢測(3 分鐘)用方框中的詞或短語填空:Something, anyone, anything, no one, everything, everyone, nothing(1) would you like to drink? (2)He was too shy to talk to _ at the party.(3) In spring, _ begins to grow.(4) _ knows what will happen next. .(5)_ has the right to lice I his own way. (6) My friend doesnt know _ about her birthday party. (7) She knows _ about music. 4. 完成教材3b的任務。5. 完成教材3c的任務,學生根據(jù)實際情況使用教材提供的材料進行小組討論然后邀請2-3對學生表演。§鞏固訓練 一、 短文填空 Last summer I _ to the beach. My vacation _ pretty good. I _ there by bus and my bus trip _ relaxing. The beach _ very beautiful. The weather _ sunnyy, coold humid. The people _ friendly and the food _ nice. I _ my vacation very much and I hope _ go there again. 二、用anyone ,something, anything, everything, nothing, everyone , no one 填空。1. Linda: Did you do _ fun on your vacation, Alice?Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya.Linda: How did you like it?Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so _ was really interesting.Linda: Did you go with _?Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister.Linda: Did you go shopping?Alice: Of course! I bought _ for my parents. But _ for myself.Linda: Why didnt you buy _for yourself.Alice: I didnt really see_ I liked.環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過聽、說、讀、寫的訓練, r讓學生掌握描述過去事情的句型結構與用法,培養(yǎng)學生的綜合語言運用能力。§拓展研究(詳見學生訓練部分P.2)§課堂小結§作業(yè)§課后反思Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?第三課時 Section B(1a 2e)主備人: 審核人: 班級: 姓名: 使用時間:【學習目標】1、學習掌握有關評價事物的形容詞:delicious, expensive, inexpensive, crowded.2、能運用be+形容詞來評價事物,如:The people were friendly.3、熟練地談論表示過去發(fā)生的事件學習一般過去時的用法.【學習重難點】1、能運用be+形容詞來評價事物,如:The people were friendly.2、熟練地談論表示過去發(fā)生的事件學習一般過去時的用法【課前準備】教師準備主情景圖的教學掛圖。教師為制作多媒體課件,在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料。教師準備磁帶和錄音機?!緦W習過程】§溫故互查學生自學新單詞(教材P5-6的單詞),看誰記得又快有準。(2 分鐘)活動等候;等待決定;選定傘;雨傘嘗試;設法;努力濕的,下雨的鳥在下面自行車足夠的,充足的 建筑物饑餓的商人像一樣;如同想知道;琢磨小山;山丘差別;差異給的感覺;感受到頂部;表面因為【新詞自查】根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示填詞。1. what _(活動)do you have in your school?2. She _(決定)to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday.3. He _(嘗試) climbing the tall tree.4. He lost control of his _(自行車) and fell down.5. There are many _(建筑物) in our city.6. I _(想知道) what he is doing in his room.7. There is no _(差別) between the two sentences.8. There stands a house at the _(頂部) of the hill.9. We didnt have _(足夠的) money to buy a car10. The poor boy had nothing to eat, so he felt so _(饑餓的) §設問導讀Step 1 情景導入Teacher: When we talk about something or somebody, we may use adjectives, for example, “What do you think of this book? Is it interesting?” And then look at some adjectives: interesting, delicious, exciting, terrible, expensive環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過使用形容詞來描述生活中的事物,導入重點詞匯和重點句型。讓學生學會正確使用形容詞評論事物。Step 2 完成教材1a-1e的任務【操作案例】1翻開課本p4, 迅速閱讀1a部分的形容詞,完成教材1a的任務。 (1分鐘)2. 完成1b的任務。(2 分鐘) 3. 聽第一遍錄音,完成1c的任務。(3 分鐘)4. 聽第二遍錄音,完成課本上1d部分的任務。并檢查核對答案。5. 聽第三遍錄音,并打開聽力材料,全班逐句進行跟讀。6. 完成課本上1e部分的任務。7. 模仿聽力內(nèi)容,利用1e的信息分角色練習對話。邀請2-3對學生當堂演示。環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過學習1a和1b,讓學生學會分辨褒義詞與貶義詞,以及評論人物或事物的好與壞;通過學習1c和1d,培養(yǎng)學生的聽力技巧;通過學習1e,培養(yǎng)學生的語言組織能力和口頭表達能力。Step3完成教材2a-2e的任務【操作案例】1. 完成2a部分的任務,并邀請2-3組學生進行展示。2. 快速默讀2b的兩篇日記,熟知大意,并完成2b的任務,全班一起檢查討論。3. 完成課本2c部分的任務。再請幾位學生閱讀2c中的句子,并翻譯句子內(nèi)容,然后讓學生帶著問題再去讀課文,并回答問題4. 完成教材2d的任務。5. 完成教材2e的任務。結合第二篇日記的內(nèi)容,利用所給的單詞了解2e的大意,根據(jù)日記的陳述選用所給的單詞的正確形式填空,小組討論§自我檢測根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1.天氣晴朗,我們決定去參觀長城。 It is _, so we _ _ visit the Great Wall.2.我想知道昨天你去哪里了。 I _ where you went yesterday. 3.由于糟糕的天氣, 我們只好待在家里。_, we had to stay at home.4. 上周他們玩的很快樂,但是本周呢? They had a good time last week, but _?5. 他們讓我覺得自己就是這個家中的一員。 They made me _ one of the family.§鞏固訓練用方框中所給詞填空。.relaxing, interesting, boring, fantastic, unfriendly, beautiful, awful, pretty1.-How was the film?- It was _, I dont like it.2.-How was your trip? - It was _ and I had a good time.3.  The story is _, I like it very much.4. The people on the island(島) are _ to us.5. She wears a _ coat.6.  The food in this restaurant is _, I wouldnt like to eat it.7.- How were the beaches? - They were _, I went there on vacation last month.8.- How it it going?- It s _ good.§拓展研究(詳見學生訓練部分P.3)§課堂小結§作業(yè)§課后反思Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?第四課時 Section B(3a 4) 主備人: 審核人: 班級: 姓名: 使用時間:【學習目標】掌握本課的生詞、短語、句型 理解本課的主旨大意對本課的內(nèi)容進行歸納、對話改寫、及仿寫?!緦W習重難點】學會用過去式寫旅游日記。掌握本課的生詞、短語、句型對本課的內(nèi)容進行歸納、對話改寫、及仿寫?!菊n前準備】教師準備主情景圖的教學掛圖。教師為制作多媒體課件,在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料。教師準備磁帶和錄音機。【學習過程】§溫故互查學生自學新單詞(教材P7的單詞),看誰記得又快又準。(2 分鐘)1. 鴨子2.不喜歡; 厭惡【新詞自查】根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示填詞。1. Every afternoon they went to the park to feed the _.2. I _ to go to the cinema alone. §設問導讀Step 1 情景導入Teacher: Hello! Everyone! There are some good places to go on vacation. And when someone went there, they would write entries. Do you want to know one of them? Lets learn the passage together.環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過談論話題介紹了接下來我們所要學習的主要內(nèi)容,讓學生想象一下假期去過的美麗的地方,激發(fā)同學們的學習興趣,導入新課。Step 2 完成教材3a-4的任務【操作案例】1要求學生看一看三幅圖所代表的地方和黑底方框里的詞匯。(2 分鐘)2.閱讀日記,完成3a。(2 分鐘)3完成教材3b的任務,讓學生根據(jù)3b中所提供的提示討論一下自己度假觀光的感受。(5 分鐘)4.完成3b的任務,讓學生根據(jù)3b中所提供的提示討論一下自己度假觀光的感受,然后寫下各自的見聞和感受。5. 完成3c的任務,根據(jù)3b中所討論的內(nèi)容,模仿Janes 的日記寫一篇有關旅行的日記。(7分鐘)6. 完成教材4的任務。§自我檢測通讀短文,完形填空Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday _1 his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing -2 the water. In the afternoon, they 3 . but the shops were crowded, they didnt really 4 it .The next day, it was rainy. They couldnt go to the beach, 5 they went to a museum. It 6 boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy 7 his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money 8 a taxi. So he had to walk back to the hotel. That made him very tired. 9 Wednesday, the weather was really cool. So they played 10 ( ) 1. A. in B. on C. with( ) 2. A. in B. under C. behind( ) 3. A. went to shop B. went shopping C. went a shop( ) 4. A. want B. come C. enjoy( ) 5. A. and B. but C. so( ) 6. A. was B. be C. were( ) 7. A. finds B. find C. finding( ) 8. A. in B. on C. for ( ) 9. A. With B. In C. On( )10. A. the B. / C. a環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過聽 、寫的訓練,讓學生掌握敘述自己旅游所見所聞的句型結構與用法,培養(yǎng)學生的綜合語言能力。§鞏固訓練練習( )1. There _ a football match on TV yesterday evening.A. have B. had C. is D. was ( )2. -Where did you _ on your vacation? -We _ to New York City.A. go, went B. went, go C. goes, went D. go, go( )3. He _ someone playing Kongfu on the square yesterday afternoon.A. see B. saw C. sees D. to see( )4. How about _ some dumplings?A. make B. making C. made D. to make ( )5. He _ to New York two hours ago.A. flied B. flies C. flew D. flying( )6. -Where did you go _ vacation last year? -I went to the zoo to see animals. They are cute.A. at B. for C. on D. with ( )7. She had much fun _ on the playground.A. plays B. played C. play D. playing ( )8. Jim decided _ to the Mount Wutai last month.A. go B. to go C. going D. went ( )9. -_ was your vacation?- It _ fantastic.A. How, was B. What, were C. What, was D. How, were§拓展研究(詳見學生訓練部分P.4)§課堂小結§作業(yè)§課后反思Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 第五課時 Self Check主備人: 審核人: 班級: 姓名: 使用時間:【學習目標】正確使用描述性形容詞描述過去的旅游經(jīng)歷。正確運用一般過去時態(tài)的特殊疑問句:where how who what【學習重難點】正確使用描述性形容詞描述過去的旅游經(jīng)歷。正確運用一般過去時態(tài)的特殊疑問句:where how who what【課前準備】教師準備主情景圖的教學掛圖。教師為制作多媒體課件,在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料。教師準備磁帶和錄音機?!緦W習過程】§溫故互查學生自學新單詞(教材P8的單詞),看誰記得又快又準。(2 分鐘)1. 發(fā)現(xiàn)2.繼續(xù)3.升起【新詞自查】根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示填詞。1. The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon _(升起)2. I dont want to leave, but I cant _(繼續(xù))3. I tried to _(發(fā)現(xiàn)) how to make the cake.§設問導讀Step 1 情景導入Teacher: Every vacation we go to some place of interest. But can you tell us :環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過談論本單元所學的話題來復習本單元所學的目標語言。讓學生鞏固已學的語言基礎知識,更好地靈活運用所學的語言知識。Step 2 完成教材Self Check的任務【操作案例】1 完成“1”部分的任務,完成以后組內(nèi)討論,選定正確答案(2 分鐘)2.讓學生朗讀“1”部分中的對話,老師及時糾正學生的發(fā)音。(3 分鐘)環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過本單元部分不定代詞的靈活運用,讓學生掌握其意義和常見用法。Step 3 完成教材“2”部分的任務1. 學生快速閱讀短文,熟知大意,然后討論完成“2”部分的任務。2. 學生朗讀短文,并翻譯§自我檢測補全對話A:Hi, Tom! You look happy. B: Yeah, I had a great time last weekend. A: Oh? _1_ B: I went to the mountains. A: _2_ B: It was cold but sunny. A.: _3_ B: I went hiking, and went to see the sun rising(日出)A: It was so exciting. _4_ B: Yes, it was crowded. A: _5_ B: I came back last night. I want to go there again. A. What did you do? B. How was the weather?B. Where did you go? D. Were there any people?E. When did you come back?環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過閱讀訓練,培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技巧與能力,鞏固本單元所學的語言知識。§鞏固訓練1.她為她最好的朋友買了些東西嗎? _she _ _ for her _ _?2.我媽媽和我決定去坐火車。 My mother and I _ _ _ _ _ 3.上周一,天氣又熱又潮。 The weather _ _ _ _ last Monday .4.這個城市從山頂上看很棒。 The city _ _ from _ _ _ _ _.5.一小時后,我們停下來喝了些茶。 One _ _ , we _ and _ some tea.§拓展研究(詳見學生訓練部分P6-7)§課堂小結§作業(yè)§課后反思


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