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2020年【人教版】必修四:Unit 5 Period 5 RevisionConsolidation 練習(xí)含答案

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2020年【人教版】必修四:Unit 5 Period 5 RevisionConsolidation 練習(xí)含答案

2020年精編人教版英語資料 .完形填空An artist who had painted many pictures of great beauty found that he had not yet painted one “real” picture.In his1along a dusty road, he met an aged priest who asked him where he was going.“I do not know,” said the artist, “I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world.Perhaps you can2me to it.” “How simple,” replied the priest.“In any church, you will find it Faith is the most beautiful thing in the world.”The artist traveled on.3, he met a young bride who told him that the most beautiful thing in the world is “Love”.“Love”4 the world go round.It5 poverty into riches and sweetens tears.6love there is no beauty. Still the artist7his search and met a soldier.The artist asked him the 8question and the soldier answered, “Peace is the most beautiful thing in the world.War is ugly and9 you find peace, you􀆳ll find Beauty, Faith and Love.” “How can I10 themFaith, Love and Peace?” thought the artist.As he resumed (繼續(xù)) his walk, his mind11 the “real” picture he hoped to paint.He was12that without thinking where he was going, he had reached his13 surroundings.As he entered the doorway, light flashed in his eyes and he 14 that his search was over. In the15of his wife and children, he saw Love and Faith.“Not a minute passed by that our children and I had not16 you.We prayed that you would return to us17,” his wife said as they embraced him.He sat on his18old chair and his heart was at19. Finally, the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it “20”. 【語篇解讀】一位已經(jīng)有許多佳作的畫家發(fā)現(xiàn)自己從未畫出一幅真正體現(xiàn)美的作品,于是他開始尋找世間真正的美。不同的人給了他不同的答案信仰、愛與和平。在繼續(xù)思考和尋找中,不知不覺他回到了家里,此時他意識到自己找到了答案家就是世上最美的東西。1.A.pathB.tripC.imaginationD.search【答案與解析】D從第14空后的“his search”以及全文內(nèi)容可知那位畫家不停地搜尋世界上最美好的東西。2.A.adjustB.applyC.directD.force【答案與解析】C這位畫家想找到世界上最美的東西。在尋找時遇到了一位牧師,希望牧師能夠給予指點。3.A.EarlierB.LaterC.NowadaysD.Finally【答案與解析】B根據(jù)故事發(fā)展的順序看,畫家繼續(xù)前行,后來遇到一位新娘。finally“最后”。4.A.makesB.expectsC.appreciatesD.demands【答案與解析】A句意:愛使整個世界運轉(zhuǎn)。“make +賓語+動詞原形”是make的一種固定用法。5.A.buildsB.advisesC.chargesD.results【答案與解析】A句意:愛能使貧窮變?yōu)楦挥?能將淚水變甜。build.into.意為“變成”。6.A.ExceptB.WithoutC.IncludingD.Off【答案與解析】B聯(lián)系上文可知句意為“沒有愛就沒有美”。7.A.brokeB.insistedC.continuedD.stopped【答案與解析】C根據(jù)語境判斷他還在繼續(xù)尋找,故選continue“繼續(xù)”。8.A.oppositeB.importantC.boringD.same【答案與解析】D根據(jù)士兵的回答“Peace is the most beautiful thing in the world”判斷畫家問了同一個問題。9.A.whereverB.whenever C.howeverD.whatever【答案與解析】A句意:凡是你能找到和平的地方,你就會找到美、信仰和愛。此處用wherever引導(dǎo)狀語從句。10.A.acceptB.paintC.practiseD.require【答案與解析】B由第2段“I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world”可知。11.A.agreedB.rememberedC.wonderedD.looked【答案與解析】C句意:畫家一邊走一邊想著他希望能畫出的最美的圖畫。wonder“想知道”。12.A.excitedB.interestedC.frightenedD.surprised【答案與解析】D畫家一路上都沒想過要去哪里,但從下段內(nèi)容知道他回到了家里,他當(dāng)然很驚奇。13.A.strangeB.specialC.familiarD.suitable【答案與解析】Cstrange“陌生的”;special“特殊的”;familiar“熟悉的”;suitable“合適的”。聯(lián)系下文可知他到家了,應(yīng)是熟悉的場景。14.A.realizedB.suggestedC.followedD.repeated【答案與解析】A聯(lián)系上下文“l(fā)ight flashed in his eyes”和“his search was over”判斷畫家意識到 (realize) 他找到答案了。15.A.memoriesB.facesC.hopesD.praises【答案與解析】B從“he saw Love and Faith”可知畫家從家人的臉上看到了愛和信仰。16.A.thought ofB.put up withC.hunted forD.watched out for【答案與解析】Athink of“想到”;put up with“容忍”;hunt for“尋找”;watch out for“提防”。從語境可知全家人時刻想著畫家。17.A.anxiouslyB.eagerlyC.safelyD.happily【答案與解析】C由常識可知是妻兒祈禱他安全歸來。18.A.wideB.singleC.presentD.favourite【答案與解析】D畫家回到了家里,坐在自己最喜歡的舊椅子上,favourite符合語境。19.A.lossB.peaceC.timeD.moment【答案與解析】B回到家里后畫家心情應(yīng)該是很平靜。at peace“和諧;平靜”。20.A.ChildrenB.FaithC.FriendshipD.Home【答案與解析】D聯(lián)系上文,畫家結(jié)束了他的尋找,在這里找到了世界上最美的東西,那就是家“home”。.單項填空1.Flying for about five days in space is quite experience for the two astronauts. A.the; anB.the; 不填C.不填; anD.不填; 不填【答案與解析】C考查冠詞。space表示“太空”,不加冠詞;experience表示“經(jīng)歷”時是可數(shù)名詞。2.Will Tom come to my birthday party?He is to come, but I􀆳m not too sure about it.  A.likelyB.bound C.probableD.certain【答案與解析】A考查形容詞。bound和certain都表示“肯定”與后半句的意思不符,probable的主語不能是人,be likely to do“可能做”。3.Why was the Great Wall built? against enemies.  A.DefendB.To defendC.Defending D.Defended【答案與解析】B考查非謂語動詞。根據(jù)前面的why可知,此處為動詞不定式作目的狀語。defend against“防御;抵御”。4.With all the homework finished, the pupils all felt and went out to play football. A.at workB.at homeC.at easeD.at sight【答案與解析】C考查介詞短語。feel at ease“感到放松”。句意為“家庭作業(yè)完成了,學(xué)生們感到很放松”。5., the deeper you dive, the more pressure you have. A.General speaking B.Speaking general C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally【答案與解析】C考查插入語。generally speaking為固定短語,意為“一般來說”。6.People have always been about how living things on the earth exactly began.  A.particular B.special C.anxious D.curious【答案與解析】D考查形容詞。be curious about sth“對好奇”。句意為“人們一直對地球上的生命是如何產(chǎn)生的感到好奇”。7.Where is your sister now?She is in Shandong University now, in English literature.  A.learning B.studyingC.workingD.majoring 【答案與解析】D考查動詞。major in“專攻;主修”。8.All her family were worried about her safety because they couldn􀆳t get in with her.  A.relationB.touchC.connectionD.track【答案與解析】B考查名詞。get in touch with“與取得聯(lián)系”。9.How do you know he failed in the driving test?From the expression on his face.  A.disappointedB.disappointC.disappointingD.being disappointed【答案與解析】A考查非謂語動詞。disappointed“失望的”。由于沒有通過考試,臉上應(yīng)該有種失望的表情。disappointing“令人失望的”。10.I saw him coming my way, so I turned into the main road in order to meeting him. A.avoidB.refuseC.ignoreD.greet【答案與解析】A考查動詞。avoid doing sth“避免”。.閱讀理解I suppose that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen.Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it􀆳s given from the heart. When people are talking, there􀆳s no need to do anything but receive them. Listen to what they􀆳re saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us don􀆳t value ourselves or our love enough to know this.One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story people often interrupted to tell her that they once had something just like that happening to them. Her pain became a story about themselves. Eventually she stopped talking to most people. We connect through listening. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand,we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen,they know we care.I have even learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the handkerchiefs,until I realized that passing a person a handkerchief may be just another way to shut him down, to take them out of their experience of sadness. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them.I thought people listened only because they were too shy to speak or did not know the answer. But now I know that a loving silence often has far more power to heal than the kindest words.【語篇解讀】傾訴其實是一種釋放,也是一種發(fā)泄。能做到默默地聽朋友的傾訴,對朋友是一種關(guān)懷,更是精神上的支持!做一個默默的聆聽者,給朋友一份關(guān)懷,也給自己一份好心情。1.What does the author value most in the communication with each other?A.Deep understanding.B.Saying “I􀆳m sorry”.C.Attention from heart.D.Doing nothing.【答案與解析】C細節(jié)題。從第1段第2、3句可知答案。2.The woman patient stopped telling her story to most people because. A.she didn􀆳t get enough respect from othersB.she was discouraged by being often interruptedC.people often told her their own opinionsD.people couldn􀆳t understand her sad situation【答案與解析】B細節(jié)題。從第2段前3句可知這位女病人之所以不再向很多人傾訴,是因為她總是被打斷。3.If you hand a handkerchief to someone crying,you may. A.hurt his feelingsB.make him embarrassedC.encourage him to continue to cryD.stop him from letting out his sorrow【答案與解析】D細節(jié)題。從第3段第2句中的“.until I realized that passing a person a handkerchief may be just another way to shut him down, to take them out of their experience of sadness”可知。4.It can be inferred from the passage that while communicating,. A.listening is a perfect way to respond to othersB.people keep silent because they don􀆳t know the answerC.keeping silent means being too shy to speakD.it is easy to form the habit of listening silently【答案與解析】A推斷題。通讀全文可推知A項正確。.書面表達請你按照以下提示,描述“觀測未來”主題公園。詞數(shù)100左右。1.“觀測未來”是地球上最大的太空公園之一;2.“觀測未來”中的所有物品都使用的是最先進的科技;3.在參觀前要做充分的準備工作;4.“觀測未來”是一家人休閑娛樂的理想選擇。           【參考范文】Welcome to Futuroscope! We hope you enjoy your visit to one of the largest space-age parks in the world.Everything here is developed by using the most advanced technology.You can get close to the world in an amazing way through our 3D cinemas, giant movie screens, hands-on learning centres and other great attractions.Plan your visit well so you can visit as many attractions as possible.To reach Children􀆳s World, one of our most popular attractions, take a left turning after the main entrance.Children􀆳s World will be on your right after a few minutes􀆳 walk.Futuroscope Digital City is another favourite with visitors.From the main entrance, take the path on the right.Continue walking past Forest of Dreams on your left.Very soon you will see Futuroscope Digital City.Of course, you can􀆳t miss Dances with Robots, which is just a ten-minute walk past Futuroscope Digital City.Futuroscope is the perfect place for adults and children to enjoy together.There is something for everyone.There are activities on both simple and complex levels and exciting shows and experiences that everyone will enjoy.Futuroscope has a great mix of fun and learning for everyone!


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