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電大設(shè)計概論期末復(fù)習(xí)考試資料小抄一、.明代家具特點:明代家具發(fā)展的原因:1.園林建筑興起;2.木材豐富;3.木工工具的發(fā)展。二、戰(zhàn)國時期尊后尊盤失蠟法工藝三、中世紀(jì)設(shè)計風(fēng)格:1.拜占庭風(fēng)格;2.早期中世紀(jì)風(fēng)格;3.羅馬式;4.哥特式四、哥特式家具特點:家具上裝飾以尖拱和高尖塔的形象,強調(diào)垂直向上的線條。五、巴洛克風(fēng)格:強調(diào)非理性的無窮幻想與幻覺,極力打破和諧與平靜,在雕刻繪畫中充滿緊張氣氛,建筑構(gòu)造豐富多變;飽含激情和強烈的運動感。六、工業(yè)美術(shù)運動:首先提出了“美與技術(shù)相結(jié)合”原則,主張美術(shù)家從事設(shè)計,反對純藝術(shù),崇尚“師承自然”。七、地鐵風(fēng)格與比利時線條:地鐵入口的欄桿,燈柱與護住全都采用起伏卷曲的植物紋樣。八、“形式追隨工能”路易斯.沙利文芝加哥學(xué)派九、包豪斯“三個基本觀點”:1.藝術(shù)與技術(shù)的新統(tǒng)一;2.設(shè)計的目的是人而不是產(chǎn)品;3.設(shè)計需遵循自然和客觀的法則來進行。包豪斯意義:成為世界許多藝術(shù),設(shè)計院校的參照范例和構(gòu)架基礎(chǔ),它培養(yǎng)的眾多建筑設(shè)計師和其他領(lǐng)域的設(shè)計師把現(xiàn)代設(shè)計運動推向了新高度。十、米斯.凡.德羅“少即是多”巴塞羅那世博會德國館十一、美國商業(yè)性設(shè)計的本質(zhì):是形式主義,形式第一,功能第二。十二、流線型風(fēng)格:外在的“樣式設(shè)計”,把產(chǎn)品外觀造型視為促銷的重要手段。十三、計劃廢止制目的:以人為方式有計劃的迫使商品在段時間內(nèi)失效,造成消費者心理老化,促使消費者不斷更新。購買新產(chǎn)品。 它的類別:1.功能型廢止;2.合意型廢止3.由預(yù)先預(yù)定產(chǎn)品的使用壽命,使其在一段時間后不能使用十四、美國設(shè)計師羅維“可口可樂”商標(biāo)“最美麗的曲線是銷售上升”十五、最早實行工業(yè)設(shè)計師登記制度的國家英國十六、美國家具設(shè)計師薩里寧“月臺式椅”和“郁金香椅”十七、意大利“金圓規(guī)獎”:1954年意大利文藝復(fù)興公司設(shè)立。日“Gmark獎”1957年。十八、“日雙軌制”:傳統(tǒng)方面吸取中、韓等東方國家的文化內(nèi)涵;從現(xiàn)代和前衛(wèi)上表現(xiàn)追隨、借鑒、模仿美國、德、意的設(shè)計。十九、丹麥雅各布森“軟件設(shè)計”“天鵝椅”、“蛋椅”、“ 螞蟻椅”。二十、斯堪的納維亞國家包括:丹、芬、瑞典、冰、挪。二十二、貝津銘設(shè)計的盧浮宮金字塔是新現(xiàn)代主義風(fēng)格。二十三、20世紀(jì)70年代設(shè)計師更高責(zé)任:為人的設(shè)計二十四、三“R”原則:Reduce(減少)、Reuse(回收)、Recycling(再生)二十五、德意志制造聯(lián)盟貝倫斯二十六、水晶宮建材:鋼鐵和玻璃二十七、考工記記載了中國古代工藝制作方法,成書于春秋末年二十八、產(chǎn)品設(shè)計的類型:交通工具、生產(chǎn)設(shè)備、輕工業(yè)產(chǎn)品、紡織產(chǎn)品、文具電腦、家具建筑。 產(chǎn)品設(shè)計三要素:功能、技術(shù)、造型(實用、經(jīng)濟、美觀)二十九、一切思維活動中最重要的是:創(chuàng)造性思維三十、成功設(shè)計師的特質(zhì):1.強烈敏銳的感受能力;2.追根究源的欲望和能力;3.發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的能力;4.深厚廣泛的審美鑒賞能力;5.較強的設(shè)計構(gòu)想的表達能力;6.對市場的預(yù)測能力;7.成為生產(chǎn)廠家和消費者之間的橋梁;8.具備全面的專業(yè)技能三十一、影響消費者行為的因素:1.動機因素;2.情緒因素;3.態(tài)度因素三十二、設(shè)計風(fēng)格:指一個時代,一個民族。一個流派或一個人的設(shè)計在形式和內(nèi)容方面所顯示出來的價值取向、內(nèi)在品格和藝術(shù)特色。(風(fēng)格是心靈的外觀)三十三、設(shè)計的特性:1.實用性;2.精神性;3.欣賞性;4.文化性;5.創(chuàng)新性三十四、機器美學(xué)的奠基人柯布西埃:“住宅是居住的機器”建筑是什么? 是宏偉壯麗的形體在光線下,有意識的、正確的組合三十五、設(shè)計的一般性原則:美+實用+經(jīng)濟三十六、骨骼要素:是平面造型的另一個要求,是各個圖形元素的有秩序的排列方式,圖形按照骨骼通過不同的編排、組合或處理構(gòu)成了完全不同的形態(tài),從而展示嶄新的排列關(guān)系和秩序感三十七、創(chuàng)造性設(shè)計與改良設(shè)計的區(qū)別:當(dāng)與現(xiàn)存作品關(guān)聯(lián),稱為改良設(shè)計;當(dāng)與幻想,未來的作品關(guān)聯(lián),即成為創(chuàng)造性設(shè)計三十八、中國古代的匠籍制度在(清朝)被廢除三十九、詳記古巴比倫手工業(yè)工匠分類和每日報酬的法典是(漢奠拉比法典)四十、按從業(yè)方式,設(shè)計師分為:1.駐廠設(shè)計師;2.自由設(shè)計師;3.業(yè)余設(shè)計師四十一、美國號稱30年代“工業(yè)設(shè)計四元老”的:1.蒂格;2.羅維;3.蓋迪斯;4.德萊弗斯四十二、景觀設(shè)計的組成:1.水體設(shè)計;2.照明設(shè)計;3.綠化設(shè)計;4.道路設(shè)計;5.場所設(shè)計四十三、平面設(shè)計的二維設(shè)計主要是:圖形,文字等形象和信息要素等綜合設(shè)計四十四、六大窯系孕育了宋代五大名窯: 定,哥,汝,鈞,官窯四十五、德1953年成立的烏姆爾設(shè)計學(xué)院,其首任校長是馬克思·比爾,他是包豪斯學(xué)生,與布勞恩公司的涉及合作中學(xué)院確立推廣了系統(tǒng)設(shè)計方法,他是主要貢獻四十六、設(shè)計管理是對設(shè)計活動的組織和管理,設(shè)計借鑒和利用管理學(xué)的理論和方法對設(shè)計本身進行管理四十七、波普設(shè)計:產(chǎn)生于20世紀(jì)50年代中期,一群青年藝術(shù)家有感于大眾文化的興趣,而以社會生活中最大眾化的形象作為設(shè)計表現(xiàn)的主題,以夸張,變形,組合等諸多手法從事設(shè)計,形成了特有的設(shè)計風(fēng)格和流氓四十八、設(shè)計的程序:1.設(shè)計的委托:起始首先是受到客戶的設(shè)計委托,明確設(shè)計目標(biāo)和理論,提出問題,以便使設(shè)計師可以遇見或很好的解決在未來設(shè)計和投產(chǎn)過程中出現(xiàn)的問題。2.準(zhǔn)備階段:這一階段中重點應(yīng)做好兩方面:一是制定一個周密的行之有效的計劃;二是廣泛收集各種資料和信息。3.展開設(shè)計階段:開始擬定初期設(shè)計方案。本階段能體現(xiàn)設(shè)計師的創(chuàng)造性思維和能力。4.深化設(shè)計階段:對之前的工作總結(jié)并作出正確的設(shè)計定位。一方面深入探討設(shè)計理念與設(shè)計草圖是否一致的基礎(chǔ)上,進行篩選,選出代表性草圖;另一方面對選中的方案深化設(shè)計,做概念效果圖和三視圖表現(xiàn)。5.定案設(shè)計階段:主要包括詳細(xì)的三視圖和設(shè)計效果圖。6.試制階段:包括試制和正式投產(chǎn)兩階段,進入最后樣品試制階段,做最后的測試修改,使其造型、色彩與環(huán)境及流行的趨勢吻合,再正式投產(chǎn)。7.管理階段:在后期管理階段中,包裝與宣傳占很重地位,設(shè)計管理階段是設(shè)計過程中的總結(jié),是對產(chǎn)品和銷售的反饋信息,及對產(chǎn)品和銷售的反饋信息,及對于出現(xiàn)而難題的解決過程。四十九、形成思路的方法:模仿,發(fā)展,逆轉(zhuǎn),坐標(biāo),嫁接。五十、設(shè)計師的品格:良好的心態(tài)+優(yōu)越的生活+冷靜的思考+絕對的自信+深厚的文化五十一、設(shè)計批評:在設(shè)計欣賞的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)一定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),對設(shè)計作品和設(shè)計現(xiàn)象所做的細(xì)致分析和價值判斷。五十二、現(xiàn)代設(shè)計開端說:1.1851年在英倫敦海德公園舉辦的首屆“萬國博覽會”;2.威廉·莫里斯所領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的“工藝美術(shù)運動”作為現(xiàn)代3.1919年“包豪斯”的成立。五十三、后現(xiàn)代主義設(shè)計特點:1.“功能不變,形式永遠不變”的功能主義。2.現(xiàn)代主義功能為第一要素;3.形態(tài)的隱喻,主張新歸主義柔和和兼容并蓄;4.綠色環(huán)保設(shè)計被視為設(shè)計者最基本法則之一。請您刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!2015年中央電大期末復(fù)習(xí)考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Shanghais Suzhou Creek has witnessed much of the citys history. Zhou Wenting travels this storied body of water and finds its most fascinating spots. Some lucky cities can boast a great body of water, like London with the river Thames and Paris with the river Seine. Shanghai is privileged enough to have two great bodies of water: Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.Huangpu River became famous when colonists established clusters of grand buildings on its banks on what became known as the bund. Today, the bund overlooks the breathtaking skyline of Lujiazui financial district. Shanghais other body of water, however, Suzhou Creek, has been somewhat overshadowed. Suzhou Creek links the inland cities of Jiangsu province with Shanghai. When the British colonists, who arrived in the city after it was opened as a commercial port in 1843 found they could reach Suzhou, Jiangsu province, via the creek, they named it Suzhou Creek. Thanks to its location, a large amount of cargo and travelers were transported via the creek before rail links were established. But after a century of being utilized as a waterway to transport goods and labor, the creek grew dark and smelly. Industrial factories were established along the banks. In the 1990s it became a key task of the city government to clean the creek. Suzhou Creek, which snakes 17 km from the iconic Waibaidu Bridge downtown to the outer ring road in west Shanghai, maps the changing periods of the citys history, including the imprints of the concessions, the beginning of industrialization and the improvement in peoples living conditions. Where the Bund began In-between the shopping street of East Nanjing Road and the Bund, are a cluster of streets that give me the illusion that I am no longer in modern Shanghai. The streets are narrow and old and criss-cross each other. Any old residential house may turn out to be a former office of the British, constructed in the 1880s. Pawnshops and hardware stores that are hard to find elsewhere, are plentiful here. This area, at the confluence of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, is called the Bund Origin. Countless tour buses stop at the site every day and visitors from around the world get off to see this place, the starting point of the concessions in the city. It all started in 1872, when the former British Consulate General was constructed and the Bund began its transformation into an the financial street of the East. Now the site of the former consulate is called “No 1 Waitanyuan”, which translates to “the Bund Origin”, to honor its beginnings. The entire complex of this historical site comprises of five buildings, the former British Consulate General, the official residence of the consul, the former Union Church, the church apartments and the former Shanghai Rowing Club. The size of the courtyard is equivalent to that of four standard soccer fields. The building of the former consulate is a two-storey masonry building on an H-shaped plan in typical English renaissance style. The building is designed with a five-arch verandah on the ground floor with a raised terrace facing the garden, while the facade features an entry portico beneath a colonnaded loggia. It has been turned into a café where dinner and afternoon tea are available. Visitors can choose to sit indoors or outdoors to enjoy the magnificent gardens with nearly 30 ancient trees.Yuanmingyuan Road behind the complex is also a historical site. The road has been revamped as a pedestrian shopping street and high-end brands have seized the best spots. Altogether, 14 old buildings, including those used for offices and residences constructed during 1920s and 1930s, remain. Today, it is a popular location for commercial fashion photo shoots. New Tianan Church, or Union Church, stands at the intersection of Yuanmingyuan Road and Suzhou Creek. The church, designed in the style of the English countryside, has a capacity of 500 people. It was very popular during the concession period but was converted into factory offices after 1949. The church we see today is a replica, the original burned down in 2007. There used to be an outdoor swimming pool, the first of its kind in Shanghai, beside the church but has been filled-in and is now a small garden. Bridge of romance There is perhaps no other place thats more representative of Shanghai than this bridge, which appears in quite a lot of movies about the city. Dozens of couples visit every day to pose for their pre-wedding photos on the bridge where Suzhou Creek begins and interconnects with Huangpu River. This is Waibaidu Bridge, or the Garden Bridge. The soon-to-be-wed couples pose in splendid attire on the bridge, leaning against the railing or sitting on the wooden floor. Some even risk walking into the middle of the road to get the perfect shot.Colorful lights illuminate the bridge throughout the night, making it a picturesque place for pre-wedding portraits and lovers to meet. Constructed in 1873 and designed by a British company, the 106-meter-long bridge was the first-ever major bridge in Shanghai. In 1856, the first large wooden bridge, Wells Bridge, was built over Suzhou Creek but the bridge toll led to complaints from citizens. So 17 years later, another wooden bridge, which did not require tolls, was built. People called it Waibaidu, which means “going across for free”. The bridge was renovated as a steel truss structure in 1907. Because nearly 40 bridges have now been built over Suzhou Creek, the bridge is no longer a traffic artery but is more of an observation deck for tourists. It is a tradition in Shanghai for a grandmother to walk across a bridge with their grandchild when he or she reaches one month. This represents that the newborn has overcome all the twists and turns and its journey will be safe and smooth throughout his or her life. "Waibaidu Bridge is always the best option because its the icon of Shanghai. The picture of my daughter when she was a baby held by her grandmother was also taken here. Its like a family tradition," says Wang Xuefen, a Shanghai native who has a newborn grandson. Changning Riverside There is a 5-km stretch of waterfront by Suzhou Creek in Changning district on Changning Road from the intersection of Hami Road to Jiangsu Road. It has become a popular place to take a walk and sunbathe on the lawn. There is an overpass at the intersection of Changning Road and Gubei Road for people to enjoy the view of the creek and a 3-km plastic runway on both sides of Changning Road, which attracts people of all ages, Chinese and expat. "Jogging on the two sides gives a different feeling because the north side is next to the creek, and the south side is adjacent to the residential highrises, which is like jogging in the jungle," says Xiao Xu, a 27-year-old woman who lives nearby. The riverside used to be completely different. Dozens of textile mills, chemical plants and machine manufacturing factories were set up along the creek in the 1920s. They brought industrialization but also pollution. From the 1930s the creek could no longer be used as a source for tap water, and no living fish or shrimp could be found. "Suzhou Creek in my memory is dark and smelly. I used to go to the riverbank to watch the sewage disposal running out from the chemical plants when I was a little girl. We didnt know it was pollution. We thought it was a red waterfall," says Huang Qi, a 57-year-old Shanghai resident. "So the residential houses along the creek were unpopular, and only migrants with low incomes would live in that area," she says. However, things have changed. The plants were closed and turned into riverside parks and the apartments in the new highrises, especially those facing the creek, are much sought after. East China University of Political Science and Law This is the famous former Saint Johns University, Chinas first-ever modern institution of higher education established by missionaries from the United States in 1879. The buildings combine Chinese and Western elements. Address: 1575 Wanhangdu Road, Changning district The old residential area After you leave the university from its east gate you will enter a shabby neighborhood that retains its original look. The alleys are narrow and the houses are overcrowded. Some things have not changed for many generations, such as raising chickens at home. Address: West Guangfu Road Moganshan Road This is an artsy street that has become very popular among artists and fashionistas in recent years. Graffiti covers the walls on the winding street, where you can find a cluster of art galleries and creative industry offices. Sihang Warehouse  Four banks jointly funded the construction of this warehouse, so it is named sihang, or four banks. The warehouse, built in 1931, was used for the storage of food, first-aid supplies and ammunition during the years of war. The building, which is also a masterpiece left by the Hungarian architect Laszlo Hudec in the 1930s, has been recently transformed into a center of creative industry workshops. Address: 1 Guangfu Road, Zhabei district


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