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2022年三年級英語上冊 Module 3 Places and activities教案 滬教牛津版

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2022年三年級英語上冊 Module 3 Places and activities教案 滬教牛津版

2022年三年級英語上冊 Module 3 Places and activities教案 滬教牛津版Language focus:Using the key words in contextEg. boat ,balloon, flower, kite magpie ,silverUsing adjectives to identify the colourrs of objectse.g. Its red.Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing wh-questions to find out the colours of objects.e.g., What colour is it?Materials:Students Book 3A , pp.34 and 35Cassette 3AFlashcards (boat, balloon kite , flower, magpie)A picture of a parkWarming up 1.Play a guessing game , white and red is _; red and yellow is _ Yellow and blue is _; blue and red is _ White and black is _; red and green is _Pre-task preparations:1. Display some colours and ask the students:T: What colour is it? Its yellow What colour is it? Its green. What colur is it? Its black. What colour is it? Its orange. What colour is it? Its blue. What colour is it? Its white.T: Colours always around our live or natural world Today we will learn the new lesson: Module 3 Unit 3 < In the park>T: Look ! Its a fine day. Alice and her friends are in the park. There are something in the park. What can you see?S1: I see a boat . S:2 I see a kite . I see a While-task proceduresActivit1Boat:T: (show the card for boat).Boat .B-O-A-T. Boat.Ss: Boat. B-O-A-T. Boat. T :Look at the . 板書 (Look at the boat.)T: What colour is it? 板書S: Its . 板書(Its red)T: Yes, its a /an . 板書( Its a red boat.)T: Do you like the boat? S: Yes, I do.Kite :T: (show the card for kitet).Kite . K_I-T-ET: Whats this ?S: Its a kite.Ss: Kite. K-I-T-E.T: Look at the kiteT What colour is it?S: Its orange.T: Its an orange kite.T: Can you fly a kite?Flower:T: (show the card for flower).Flower. F-L-O-W-E-RT: It this a flower?S: Yes, Its a flower. Ss: Flower. F-L-O-W-E-R.FlowerT: Look at the flower? What colour is it?S: Its yellow.T: Yes, its a _.(encourage students say orange kite.)Activity 2T: OK. Open your English book and turn page 34. Today we will learn M3Us In the park.T: Listen and read.Activity 3Balloon:T: I have a balloon.T: (show the card for balloon) Balloon. B-A-L-L-O-O-N.Ss :Balloon. B-A-L-L-O-O-N.( pay attention to the sound of balloon.)T: Can you ask and answer like this pattern with your partner?Ss: Look at the balloon. Ss: What colour is it? Ss: Its blue. Ss: Its a blue balloon. T: Touch it . Its smooth and soft.Magpie:T: Look at this bird .Do you know its name? Its a magpie Look at the magpie ,what colour is it? S: Its black and white.T: What can it do? S: It can fly in the sky.T: Can you say some thing about the magpie.robotT: Look at the robot What colour is it? Its silver Yes, Its a silver robotT: Who can say some something with the silver robotFlower:T: Look at the flower? What colour is it?S: Its pink.T: Choose one of these things , and say some thing like this pattern with you partner .Have the students practice the dialogue in Look and say in pairs. Then invite several pairs to act it out in front of the class. Look at the What colour is it? It is.T: Good job. Please make a new rhyme like this pattern.( Show the screen for the rhyme) Balloon, balloon, balloon Look at the balloon What colour is it? Its blue,blue,blue. Its a blue balloonPost task Activity1T: Well done ! Now Ill invite you to sing a song < The rainbow>Activity2T: Play a remember game.T: Please match the colour and the item. Boat yellow and pink Flower black and white Blloon silver Kite red Magpie pink Robot. blueListen a passageActivity3Listen a passage .Look and listen Today is Sunday . Its sunny. The sun is shining. It is yellow. The sky is blue. Alice and Danny go to the park. They see some trees and flowers. The trees are green . The flowers are pink. They also see a red boat, a swing and a slide. The kite is yellow and pink . They play with the kite. They are happy. What a wonderful day it is!( )1. Today is _. A. rainy day B. cloudy . sunny day( ) 2.The sky is _. A. gray B. blue C. white( )3.They see some trees and flowers. The flowers are_. A. red B. violet C. pink( )4.They can see a _ boat. A. purple B. red C. blue( )5. Alice and Danny are_. A. tired B. sad C, happyActivity4 T: Good job. I will invite you to enjoy a wonderful song<What a wonderful day> And listen carefully, what colour can you hear?Listen ,enjoy and write:What a wonderful world( 精彩的世界)I see _of green, _roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful worldI see skies of _and clouds of _The bright blessed day and the dark sacred nightAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful worldThe colours of the_, so pretty in the _Are also on the faces of _going byI see friends shaking' hands, saying' "How do you do?"They're really saying "I love you"I hear _crying', I watch them growThey'll learn much more than I'll ever knowAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful world T: What a wonderful world. So we should love our life, love the wonderful world. Please read after me: We love our life, we love our wonderful world.!每個環(huán)節(jié)的銜接要比較自然,貼卻,環(huán)環(huán)相扣。附送:2022年三年級英語上冊 Module 3 Unit 1 Point to the door教案 外研版一、教材分析該模塊主要學習與教室相關物品的單詞,同時學會英語課堂上發(fā)出指令和執(zhí)行指令。Unit1是通過讓學生看、聽、說去玩各種游戲和積極參加多種比賽活動,完成本單元的學習任務。二、學情分析學生們缺少聽力訓練,在聽力方面有待努力和加強。三、教學目標1、 情感目標:鼓勵學生認真觀察身邊事物的發(fā)展變化和培養(yǎng)學生運用禮貌用語的意識。 2、 知識目標: (1)識記單詞: door ,window, blackboard, bird (2)認讀句子: 能聽、說、讀并運用Stand up, please./Sit down, please. /Point to the, please.等語句。 (3)能力目標: 能聽懂錄音,會模仿錄音語調。四、教學重點和難點:(1)學習并掌握單詞the, door, please ,window, blackboard, bird和詞組stand up, sit down (2)會靈活運用指令性的句子Stand up, please./Sit down, please. /Point to the, please.五、教學過程:教學環(huán)節(jié)教師活動學生活動設計意圖Step1Warming-up1.Greeting 2.Sing“Goodmorning,Sam”1.Sing the song2.傳球游戲: 游戲規(guī)則: 以小組為單位,接到氣球的A同學應該對下一位B同學說how are you,B同學? B同學則應對下一位C同學說:Im fine, thank you. How are you,C同學,依此類推完成任務,參與人數(shù)最多的一組為冠軍。以歌曲和游戲形式將課堂氣氛變得活躍起來,鼓勵學生積極參與課堂活動。Step2 Presentation1、Guess 將事先準備好的 “door, window, blackboard, bird” 等物品的小圖只露出一部分,讓學生猜。 T:Whats this? 引導學生猜測圖片上的物品。學生可以使用中文回答,教師教授英文單詞,并引導學生用大小聲重復練習。 聽單詞“找朋友”小游戲:讓學生閉眼,老師拿單詞卡片隨意發(fā)給班上的幾位學生,之后老師讀單詞,讀到哪個單詞拿到相應單詞的學生就走到黑板貼到相應的圖片旁邊,給找對好朋友的學生小獎勵。學生猜圖學生用大小聲讀英文單詞學生聽單詞后迅速貼好單詞用猜圖的方法使學生處于積極思維狀態(tài),很自然的引入新課。以游戲形式激發(fā)學生學習單詞的興趣,讓學生在快樂中接受知識。Step3 Practise1.Chant T: Lets say the chant. (按照老師轉手的速度讀句子,比一比哪個小組讀得最好) Door, door, point to the door. Window, window, point to the window. Blackboard,blackboard,poi-nt to the blackboard. 2.Do and say 1)T: Do you know “Stand up”? Lets do and say . Now lets “sit down”. 2)請個別學生上前當小老師,帶領全班練習“Stand up”和“sit down”。全班學生跟著小老師重復句子,同時執(zhí)行指令 。 3、課文呈現(xiàn) (1) Listen and think T: Now, lets listen to the tape, and think: What can you see from the picture? (2)Listen and repeat T: Read after the tape. Lets imitate. 比一比,哪個組模仿聲音最像。 (3)Work in groups 小組分角色進行練習,并進行展示。 (4)Llisten to the tape again. 4、鞏固練習:練習冊第14頁第三題1.Read quickly(老師的手轉快)Read slowly(老師的手轉慢)2.1)起立(當老師說“Stand up.”)坐下(當老師說“Sit down.”)2)A學生說Stand up”和“sit down”時,其他學生做出相應的反應。學生模仿錄音,并分角色進行英語對話。1.通過聽、看、說,考察學生讀英語句子的流利性。2.1)通過動作示范,幫助學生理解“Stand up”和“sit down”。2)通過動作的示范,以及小老師的教學,強化對這兩個指令的理解。3.聽音,讓學生帶著問題去聽,有聽的目的和動機;跟讀,訓練學生純正的語音;小組活動給學生更多的展示機會,也更能了解學生的掌握情況,將教學落到實處。Step4 Summary我們今天講到的重點單詞和短語有哪些?door / window / blackboard / bird ,Stand up, please./Sit down, please. /Point to the, please.讓學生對這節(jié)課所學的知識點有個總體了解,便于記憶。Step5 Homework1.今天你有什么收獲?2.和你的爸爸媽媽說說今天所學的英語單詞及句子。3.課后和同學玩point to的游戲。培養(yǎng)學生自覺學習的好習慣六、板書設計:Module3 Unit1 Point to the door.Stand upSit downPoint to the door/ window/ blackboard/ bird七、學生學習活動評價設計:1、形成性評價語言;Good! Very good!Wonderful! So loudly! e on! Try it again!2、獎勵性措施:獎糖果,加星星。八、教學反思:Module3 Unit1 Point to the door這節(jié)課主要是讓學習并掌握單詞the, door, please ,window, blackboard, bird和詞組stand up, sit down等。我在進行單詞教學時,先通過圖片形式對熟悉的物品展示給學生們,讓學生們熟讀單詞。在學習新單詞和新詞組時運用多種形式加以鞏固,如游戲、chant、小組比賽的形式,由于復習部分時間掌控得不好,導致后面的時間太緊揍。今后,我一定會去合理安排每一節(jié)課的時間,給學生上好每一節(jié)英語課。


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