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質(zhì)量保證協(xié)議QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT協(xié)議雙方Between 上海天馬微電子有限公司SHANGHAI TIANMA MICROELECTRONICS CO., LTD (以下簡稱“甲方”)(Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)與 (以下簡稱“乙方”)(Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)質(zhì) 量 保 證 協(xié) 議QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT 簽訂地:上海 Location: Shanghai City, China 甲方: 上海天馬微電子有限公司 Party A:The Buyer/ Shanghai Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 乙方: Party A: 甲乙雙方本著真誠合作、互利互惠、共同發(fā)展的原則,為保證乙方向甲方所供產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量水平,避免因質(zhì)量問題而造成糾紛或經(jīng)濟損失,明確雙方的權(quán)利、義務與責任,甲乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,同意就乙方所供產(chǎn)品事宜達成本協(xié)議。 Based on the principle of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit, and co-development, in order to guarantee the high-quality level of products which are offered to Party A by Party B, to avoid dissension or economic losses caused by quality issues, and to define rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties, party A and Party B have agreed to enter this QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT through friendly negotiation.1. 適用范圍和定義/Scope and definition1.1本協(xié)議適用于乙方向甲方提供的所有產(chǎn)品。除另有約定外,本協(xié)議所有條款和條件均應適用于乙方與甲方,或,乙方與甲方的關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)之間的任何一筆交易。甲方的關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)如下: This Agreement applies to all the Products provided by Party B to Party A. Unless otherwise specified, all terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to any transaction between Party B and Party A , or between Party B and party As affiliates . Party As affiliates are as follows:a) 天馬微電子股份有限公司 Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDb) 成都天馬微電子有限公司 Chengdu Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDc) 上海天馬微電子有限公司 Shanghai Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDd) 上海中航光電子有限公司 Shanghai AVIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltde) 武漢天馬微電子有限公司 Wuhan Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDf) 廈門天馬微電子有限公司 Xiamen Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTD 甲方有權(quán)隨時以通知的方式更新上述所列關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)信息。 Party A shall have the right to update affiliates information listed above by prior notice to Party B at any time. 1.2產(chǎn)品:是指甲方根據(jù)本協(xié)議向乙方購買的材料、設備、部件以及其他商品和服務。Product(s): Refers to materials, equipments, components and any other goods and services purchased by Party A from Party B in accordance with this Agreement .在本協(xié)議中,產(chǎn)品應包括產(chǎn)品的更新或改進版,以及乙方在本協(xié)議期限內(nèi)采用的產(chǎn)品的新版本或功能性替換。 The Products herein shall include the newly updated or improved Products, and the functional replacement should also be included in the Products within the validity of this Agreement. 1.3缺陷產(chǎn)品:甲方依據(jù)產(chǎn)品規(guī)格書及甲方的檢驗標準驗收,采用正常檢查一次抽樣方案,下列產(chǎn)品為缺陷產(chǎn)品: Defect Products: Party A checks and accepts the Products in accordance with the Specification and Party As inspection standard, through a regular sampling plan. The following Products are defined as Defect Products:a) 不符合本協(xié)議項下第3條質(zhì)量保證條款規(guī)定的質(zhì)量標準的產(chǎn)品; The Products which fall short of quality standard provided in Article 3 of this Agreement; b) 存在因設計(甲方提供書面設計,且設計本身不是基于乙方技術(shù)規(guī)范的除外)、制造、保管、 運輸導致缺陷的產(chǎn)品; The Defect Products which are caused by improper design (except that the design supplied by Party A and the design itself is not based on Party Bs technical specification), manufacture、storage and transportation;c) 不符合包裝要求的產(chǎn)品; The Products which fall short of Party As packing requirements;d) 存在因其它隱蔽的或固有的瑕疵導致缺陷的產(chǎn)品。 The Defect Products which are resulted from secluded or inherent flaws of the Products. 1.4缺陷等級說明 The explanation of Defect Grading1.4.1 重缺陷(Major):能引起失效或顯著降低產(chǎn)品預期性能,或在裝配前不能被發(fā)現(xiàn)的缺陷;Major Defect: The defect which could lead to lapsing or remarkably reducing the anticipative performance of the Products, or cannot be found before assemblage.1.4.2 輕缺陷(Minor):不會顯著降低產(chǎn)品預期性能,雖偏離標準但只輕微影響產(chǎn)品有效使用 或操作的缺陷。 Minor Defect: The defect which deviates from the Standards but has minor bad effect on the using or operating the Products, do not remarkably reduce the anticipative performance of the Products.2. 甲方質(zhì)量要求/Quality Requirement from Party A2.1 質(zhì)量管理體系要求/Quality Management System Requirements2.1.1 甲方要求乙方根據(jù)最新國際質(zhì)量體系標準建立和發(fā)展乙方的一個或多個質(zhì)量管理體系,包括但不限于ISO9001、ISO/TS16949、ISO140001、QC080000、OHSAS18001、ESD20.20,以實現(xiàn)質(zhì)量管理體系建立和運行的適宜性、符合性和有效性。根據(jù)乙方提供的產(chǎn)品和服務類別,乙方除必須持有ISO9001管理體系認證以外,還必須持有( ISO140001 )管理體系認證。除非甲方的顧客另有指定,乙方必須通過經(jīng)中國質(zhì)量體系認證機構(gòu)國家認可委員會(CNACR)或國際認可論壇(IAF)質(zhì)量體系認證與多邊承認協(xié)議(IAF/MLA)認可的第三方認證機構(gòu)的質(zhì)量管理體系認證。如乙方尚未通過甲方指定的質(zhì)量管理體系認證,則乙方必須在得到甲方正式書面通知之日起,制定計劃在兩年內(nèi)通過甲方指定的質(zhì)量管理體系認證,且該計劃須提交給甲方審核。乙方如果是貿(mào)易商(代理商),其制造商必須滿足以上要求,貿(mào)易商必須按ISO9001:2008進行內(nèi)部的質(zhì)量體系管理。如乙方或其制造商在前述兩年內(nèi)未通過甲方指定的質(zhì)量管理體系認證,則甲方有權(quán)取消乙方合格供應商資格。 Party A requires Party B to establish and develop its own Quality Management System according to the latest requirements of international quality system standards , including but not limited to ISO9001, ISO/TS16949, ISO140001, QC080000 and OHSAS18001, ESD20.20, in order to achieve suitability, compliance and effectiveness of the establishment and operation of quality management system . According to Products and services categories provide by Party B , besides ISO9001 management system certification, Party B also shall hold ( ISO140001 ) management system certification. Unless Party As clients have other appointments, Party B shall obtain Quality Management System Certificate which is approved by China National Accreditation Committee of Registrars (CNACR) or International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and attain the certificate of Quality Management System from the Third Party Certification Organization which is authorized by International Accreditation Forum Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (IAF/MLA). If Party B has not obtained Quality Management System Certificate specified by Party A yet, otherwise, from the date of receiving Party As formal written notification, Party B shall make a plan to get this Certificate within 2 years, and this plan should submit to Party A to examine and verify. Provided Party B is a merchant (agent), its manufacturer shall meet the above requirements and the merchant shall manage Internal Quality System according to ISO 9001:2008. If Party B or its merchants could not attain Quality Management System Certificate specified by Party A within the aforesaid 2 years, then Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party Bs suppliers.2.1.2 為了滿足甲方的質(zhì)量要求,乙方應向甲方提交質(zhì)量管理體系文件或者提供國際公認的質(zhì)量 管理體系認證證書的復印件或掃描檔。 To meet Party As quality requirements, Party B shall submit the documents of Quality Management System, or a copy or a scan of internationally acknowledged certificate of Quality Management System to Party A.2.2 質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù)及報告要求/ Requirements for Quality Data and Report2.2.1 乙方進入量產(chǎn)前及樣品階段的質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù)要求 Quality Data Requirement before mass production and in Sample Stage如甲方需要時,乙方應在APQP(產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量先期策劃)階段根據(jù)甲方的要求以及APQP的進展主動向甲方供應商管理部門提交用于進入量產(chǎn)階段的質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù),數(shù)據(jù)包括但不限于樣品、規(guī)格書、設計圖紙、環(huán)保材質(zhì)展開表、檢驗規(guī)范、可靠性試驗報告、COA(出貨檢驗報告)、DFMEA和/或PFMEA(潛在失效模式及后果分析)、Cpk(穩(wěn)定過程能力指數(shù))和/或Ppk(過程性能指數(shù))、QC(質(zhì)量控制)工程圖、CP(控制計劃)、測量系統(tǒng)分析報告、全尺寸檢驗報告、FYR(直通良率報告)、HSF檢測報告(有害物質(zhì)檢測報告)、MSDS(材料安全數(shù)據(jù)表)、首件檢驗報告。 If Party A requires, Party B shall initiatively submit the quality data for mass production to Party As Supplier Management Department in the APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) phase according to the requirements of the Party A and the progress of the APQP, the data includes but not limited to: Sample Data, Specifications, Design Drawings, Material Display Sheet of Environmental Management Substances, Test Specifications, Reliability test Report, COA (Certification Of Assurance ), DFMEA and / or PFMEA (Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Cpk (Complex Process Capability index ) and / or Ppk (Preliminary Process Capability Index), QC (Quality Control) engineering drawings, CP (Control Plan), Measurement System Analysis, Full Dimensions Test Report, FYR (Yield Direct Report), HSF Test Report (Hazardous Substances Test Report), MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), First Article Inspection Reports.2.2.2 乙方進入量產(chǎn)后應定期向甲方提供產(chǎn)品的實際質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù): Actual quality data of Products that Party B shall periodically provide Party A with after mass production includes but not limited to:a. 每半年提供一次甲方規(guī)格書中要求的產(chǎn)品可靠性試驗報告; To provide Product reliability test reports required in every half year.b. 每月提供一次產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)過程Cpk(過程能力指數(shù))情況報告; To provide the data report of Cpk (capability performance index) in the producing process every month.c. 每月提供生產(chǎn)甲方產(chǎn)品的過程中的良品直通率、出廠檢驗合格率; To provide the yield rate and the qualified rate in the process of producing Party As Products every month.d. 乙方應當按周定期(每周的星期五)向甲方提交周報,周報內(nèi)容應當包含良率、OQC批退率、PQC不合格項目、交付達成率、內(nèi)部異常、變更以及各項指標數(shù)據(jù)的分析,提交的周報需要得到乙方質(zhì)量主管的審批; Party B shall submit the weekly report to Party A (in each Friday), and the weekly report content should include: Good Yield, OQC batch return rate, PQC nonconformity report, Delivery yield rate, Internal Abnormal report, Change and The Indicators Data Analysis. The weekly report shall get the approval made by the quality supervisor of Party B.e. 乙方應當按月定期(每月28日)向甲方提交月報,月報內(nèi)容為當月乙方產(chǎn)品在甲方的質(zhì)量業(yè)績分析及針對上述質(zhì)量業(yè)績相對應的改善對策;該月報應當?shù)玫揭曳劫|(zhì)量經(jīng)理的審批;Party B shall submit the monthly report (28th in each month) concerning quality performance analysis and corresponding improvement measures for the Products provided by Party B to Party A in that month. The monthly report shall be approved by the quality manager of Party B.f. 其它甲方以書面形式要求乙方提供的質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù)。 Other quality data required by Party A in written form.2.2.3 當甲方或甲方客戶針對乙方提供產(chǎn)品的指定參數(shù)要求統(tǒng)計過程控制時,并經(jīng)甲方和乙方共同協(xié)商對此達成一致后,乙方提供的產(chǎn)品需滿足甲方要求,若超過統(tǒng)計過程控制限或?qū)儆诜钦龖B(tài)分布,甲方有權(quán)視為不合格品。 If Party A or Party As customer requires Party B to control the statistical process of the designated parameters of the Products,Party B shall follow the requirements after negotiating with Party A. The Products that exceed statistical process control limits and/or abnormal distribution shall be deemed as unqualified Products.2.3 質(zhì)量目標要求/Quality Objects Requirements:2.3.1 甲方有權(quán)要求乙方降低PPM(每百萬件產(chǎn)品的不良比例),以零缺陷為目標。 With the aim of Zero Defect, Party A has the right to require Party B to reduce the Part-per-million (PPM) defective rate.2.3.2 甲方每年制定質(zhì)量目標,乙方需根據(jù)自身質(zhì)量體系、質(zhì)量表現(xiàn)、過程能力等制定改善計 劃提供給甲方審核。如乙方達不到甲方制定的質(zhì)量目標,甲方有權(quán)取消乙方供應商資格。 Every year Party A sets a quality object. Party B shall make an improvement plan according to its own quality system, quality performance and process capability, and the plan shall be examined by Party A. If Party B cannot achieve the established quality objects, Party A has the right to cancel Party Bs supplier qualification.2.3.3 乙方提供的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量應滿足以下質(zhì)量指標要求(按月計;按季計):The quality of Products provided by Party B should meet the following quality objects requirements : ( computed on monthly basis;computed on seasonal basis)產(chǎn)品/ProductLARLDPPMFCDPPMNA100PPM0 PPM 注:/Remarks:2.3.4 甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)實際運營情況和/或甲方客戶的要求定期和/或不定期修訂質(zhì)量目標。修訂 后的質(zhì)量目標經(jīng)雙方確認并承認后于生效日起執(zhí)行,適用于乙方隨后所提供的任何產(chǎn)品。Party A has right to regularly and/or irregularly revise the quality target according to actual operations situation and/or Party As customers requirements. The revised quality target comes into effect after mutual confirmation and applies to any subsequent Products provided by Party B.2.3.5 依甲方要求,乙方必須就未達到質(zhì)量目標的實際質(zhì)量績效與甲方進行檢討,并就因未達到質(zhì)量目標而給甲方造成的所有損失與費用依據(jù)本協(xié)議的規(guī)定承擔賠償責任。 Required by Party A, Party B should review actual quality performance which not achieving the quality target with Party A, and Party B should be responsible and compensate for all losses and fees thus incurred by Party A according to this Agreement.2.3.6 若LAR和/或LDPPM的實際數(shù)值超出質(zhì)量目標允許的范圍,乙方必須派遣質(zhì)量主管人員整理所有質(zhì)量資料及相關(guān)資料至甲方檢討。 If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target, Party B shall send its quality supervisors to review the collated data and information with Party A 2.3.7 若LAR和/或LDPPM的實際數(shù)值連續(xù)兩個月超出質(zhì)量目標允許的范圍,乙方必須派遣質(zhì)量和業(yè)務最高主管(至少經(jīng)理級別)整理所有質(zhì)量資料及相關(guān)資料至甲方檢討。 If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target for two consecutive months, Party B must send its highest quality and service supervisors (at least manager level) to review the collated data and information with Party A 2.3.8 若LAR和/或LDPPM的實際數(shù)值連續(xù)三個月超出質(zhì)量目標允許的范圍且無明顯改善時,甲方有權(quán)取消與乙方之間簽署的全部或部分采購訂單甚至直接取消乙方供應商資格。If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target for three consecutive months and Party B makes no obvious improvement, Party A has right to cancel all or part of the purchase order signed with Party B, or directly cancel Party Bs supplier qualification.3. 質(zhì)量保證/Quality Warranty3.1 規(guī)格質(zhì)量要求/Quality Specification3.1.1 甲方根據(jù)訂購產(chǎn)品的各項技術(shù)要求,以樣件、圖紙、規(guī)格書等形式向乙方提供所需產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)要求以及入廠檢驗標準。 According to all kinds of technical requirements of the ordered Products, Party A shall provide Party B with the technical requirements in the form of samples, drawings or specifications, as well as the incoming inspection standard.3.1.2 乙方嚴格按照甲方要求提供甲方所需規(guī)格產(chǎn)品。乙方須向甲方提供一份所供產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)說明書,其中包括該產(chǎn)品的組成、特性、使用及保存方法,出廠檢測方法及標準,并得到甲方確認。 Party B shall supply the Products strictly conforming to the requirements of Party A. Party B shall provide Party A with a technical specification of the Products supplied by Party B, including the Products elements、characters、the methods of usage and storage as well as the testing methods and standards, moreover, the confirmation of this technical specification from Party A is a must.3.1.3 乙方應根據(jù)采購框架協(xié)議的要求將產(chǎn)品的出貨檢測報告、產(chǎn)品合格證,連同產(chǎn)品同時交給甲方。乙方應提供關(guān)于產(chǎn)品合格證上各種標識含義的書面說明。 In accordance with the requirements of the Procurement framework agreement, Party B shall provide Party A not only with the Products, but also with the Certificate of Analysis (COA) report and Quality Certificate. Furthermore Party B shall offer diversified written specifications of the meanings of those marks on the Products qualification certificate.3.1.4 如乙方規(guī)定的儲存條件不當造成甲方產(chǎn)品損失的,由乙方負責在甲方要求的時間內(nèi)無償更換產(chǎn)品并賠償甲方的損失。 If the loss of Party As Products is caused by inappropriate storage conditions which is stipulated by Party B, Party B should be responsible for replacing those Products for free and compensate for the loss of Party A. 3.1.5 如甲方要求乙方提交PPAP(生產(chǎn)件批準程序),則乙方必須在甲方規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)提交。 If Party A asks Party B to submit PPAP (Production Part Approval Process), then Party B shall hand in it within Party As given period.3.1.6 委外加工及外包商管理 The management of manufacturing outsourcing and sub-manufacturer乙方應主動提前將委外加工及外包商制造的工序告知甲方并向甲方提供外包商的管制計劃,在征得甲方的書面同意后乙方才能進行委外加工,否則,乙方不得進行委外加工;乙方必須嚴格監(jiān)督委外加工廠及外包商的品質(zhì),如因此所產(chǎn)生問題,應由乙方承擔完全責任。 Party B shall give prior notice to the Party A about the working procedure of manufacturing outsourcing and sub-manufacturer, and provide Party A with the control plan of sub- manufacturer. Without obtaining written consent of Party A, Party B cannot proceed any manufacturing outsourcing. Meanwhile, Party B shall strictly supervise the Products quality from outsourcing factory and sub-manufacturer. Any problems incurred by this Article shall be completely borne by Party B.3.2 質(zhì)量保證期要求/Requirements of Quality Warranty Period3.2.1 除雙方另有約定外,乙方向甲方提供的產(chǎn)品其質(zhì)量保證期至少為18個月,從產(chǎn)品經(jīng)甲方驗收合格開始計算。在保質(zhì)期內(nèi),包括但不限于在甲方生產(chǎn)、銷售過程以及在甲方客戶的生產(chǎn)、銷售過程中及包含有乙方產(chǎn)品的最終產(chǎn)品投放市場后,當乙方提供的產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)質(zhì)量問題,乙方應立即免費更換合格產(chǎn)品并賠償甲方的損失。 Unless otherwise agreed, the quality warrant period of the Products provided by Party B to Party A is at least 18 months dating from the time when Products being accepted by Party A. During the warranty period, including but not limited to the course of production, sales process of Party A and Party As customers and the final products contained Party Bs Products on the market, once Products provided by Party B appear quality problem, Party B should immediately replace those Products with qualified ones for free and compensates for losses of Party A3.2.2 乙方交付產(chǎn)品的日期與產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)日期的時間間隔不得超過經(jīng)雙方約定的最長有效期( 12個月 )的50%,若上述時間間隔超過經(jīng)雙方約定的最長有效期的50%,甲方有權(quán)拒絕收貨,由此造成的損失應由乙方承擔。若甲方接受上述時間間隔超過經(jīng)雙方約定的最長有效期的50%的產(chǎn)品,乙方必須出具質(zhì)量保證函,以確保產(chǎn)品在其質(zhì)量保證期內(nèi)或雙方另行約定的 12 個月期限內(nèi)不違反本協(xié)議第3條的規(guī)定。產(chǎn)品一旦在質(zhì)量保證期限內(nèi)發(fā)生質(zhì)量異常,乙方應按質(zhì)量保證函及本協(xié)議的約定承擔責任,并賠償甲方或甲方客戶遭受的所有損失。 The interval time of the delivery date and production date shall not exceed 50% of the maximum validity period ( 12 months ) that mutually agreed. Failing this, Party A has right to rejected the Products, and all consequent losses shall be compensated by Party B. If Party A accepts interval time over 50% of the longest time interval period mutually agreed , Party B shall provide <Quality guarantee letters> to ensure the Products do not violate Article 3 of this Agreement during the warranty period or 12 months agreed otherwise by both parties. Once the quality problems appear, Party B shall be responsible and compensate for all the losses thus incurred by Party A and/or Party As customers in accordance with <Quality guarantee letters> and this Agreement. 3.3 質(zhì)量問題的處理和賠償責任/Disposal of Quality Problems and Responsibilities of Compensation3.3.1 質(zhì)量問題處理響應機制/The quality problem processing3.3.1.1 乙方應建立快速有效的質(zhì)量問題處理機制以盡快解決每一產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量異常(包括但不限于:產(chǎn)品功能故障、可靠性問題、環(huán)保異常、甲方客戶抱怨、不符合本協(xié)議第2.3條“質(zhì)量目標要求”規(guī)定的目標值等)。乙方應按照“表格1質(zhì)量問題處理響應時效性”的規(guī)定及時響應并向甲方提交完整的8D報告或供應商糾正措施報告(該報告內(nèi)容需包括表格2中階段一至階段三所要求的關(guān)鍵活動)。Pary B shall establish an immediate and effective quality problem processing system to resolve the following (without limitation) quality problems as soon as possible: obstacles of Products function, problems of Products reliability, conflicts with environmental protection, complains from customers and any other cases not conforming to Article 2.3 hereof. Party B shall make immediate response and submit 8D report or report on corrective measures (the report should contain the key activities stipulated in the stage one-three of Table 2) in accordance with the following Table 1; 表格1質(zhì)量問題處理響應時效性響應措施measuresmammmTable 1 Timeliness of response to deal with the quality problems 響應時間time質(zhì)量異常類型Types 提供緊急措施Emergency measures提供8D報告Submitting 8D report提供現(xiàn)場技術(shù)支援On-site technical support重大異常/Major problems:甲方通知后1個工作日內(nèi)Within 1 working day after notification甲方通知后5個工作日內(nèi)Within 5 working days after notification甲方通知后24小時內(nèi)Within 24 hours after notificationA. 停線/Stop ProductionB. LAR低于目標10%及以上LAR is 10% or more lower than the targetC. LDPPM高于目標3倍及以上LDPPM is 3 times or more higher than the targetD. 甲方客戶抱怨 complaints of Party As Customer緊急異常/Emergency problems :甲方通知后1個工作日內(nèi)Within 1 working day after notification1個工作日內(nèi)Within 1 working days after notification甲方通知后5個工作日內(nèi)Within 5 working days after notification甲方通知后24小時內(nèi)Within 24 hours after notificationA. LAR低于目標 5%(含)10 %) LAR is 5% (inclusive) to 10%) lower than the targetB. LDPPM高于目標 2(含)3倍) LDPPM is 2 (inclusive) to 3 times) higher than the targetC. 產(chǎn)品功能、可靠性、安全等異常 obstacles of Product functions, reliability, security一般異常/ General problems:甲方通知后1個工作日內(nèi)Within 1 working day after notification甲方通知后5個工作日內(nèi)Within 5 working days after notification甲方要求的合理時間內(nèi)Within a reasonable period required by Party AA. LAR低于目標5%以下 LAR is 5% lower than the targetB. LDPPM高于目標2倍以下The exceeded value of LDPPM than the target is less than 2 times of the targetC. 產(chǎn)品外觀、標識等異常,ICP、MSDS及環(huán)保材質(zhì)展開表提交失敗defects of Products appearance and logo, failure to submit ICP/MSDS3.3.1.2 為確保質(zhì)量問題的有效溝通與交流,乙方應指定一名質(zhì)量負責人和一名24小時緊急聯(lián)絡人,并把名單和聯(lián)絡電話提交給甲方。如質(zhì)量負責人及緊急聯(lián)絡人的名單和聯(lián)絡電話發(fā)生變更,乙方應在變更前至少一周將變更后的名單和聯(lián)絡電話通知到甲方。 In order to ensure effective communication of quality problems, Party B shall appoint one person in charge of Products quality and one contact person for all 24 hours every day in the urgen


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