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1.recommend vt.推薦。1.a(chǎn)djust vi.&amp。1.means n.手段。第一流的 n. 經(jīng)典著作 2._________ n. 結(jié)果。評述 vt.&amp。1.distinguish vt.&amp。


1、高頻單詞必記,1 vi. (指火山)爆發(fā);突然發(fā)生 2 vt. 評估;評價;估計 3 n. 波浪;波濤 vi. 波動;起伏;揮手 4 n. 潛在性;可能性;潛能 adj. 可能的;潛在的 5 adj. 實在的;實際的 6 adj. 貴重的;珍貴的 7 adj. 失去知覺的;未察覺的 8 vt. 射中;射傷,erupt,evaluate,wave,potential,actual,precious,unconscious,shoot,9 vi.& vt. 驚慌 n. 驚慌;恐慌 10 vt. 保證;擔保 11 n設(shè)備;裝備 vt.裝備 12 adj.絕對的;完全的 adv.絕對地;完 全地 13 n一套外衣;套裝 vt.適合;使適宜 ad。

2、高頻單詞必記,1________ adj. 適合的;適宜的 2_________ n. 缺席;不在某處 3_________ n. 行為;品行 vt. 指揮;管理;主持 4_______ vi.& vt. 辭職;辭去(工作、職位等) 5 n傷殘;無力;無能 adj.傷殘的 6 n雄心;野心 adj.有雄心的;有野心的 7 vt.使適應(yīng);改編 n適應(yīng);改編;改寫本,suitable,absence,conduct,resign,disability,ambition,disabled,ambitious,adapt,adaptation,8 vt.廢除;廢止 adj.可廢除的 n廢除;廢止 9 vt.祝賀;慶賀 n祝賀;賀詞 10 adj.足夠的;充分的 adv.足夠地;充分地 11。

3、1witness n目擊者;證人;證據(jù) vt.當場見到;目擊 高考佳句 Many times, Peters and others who worked in and near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over. 有許多次,彼得斯和其他在公園廣場和附近上班的人親眼目睹了松鼠被碾壓的慘景。,選7 Unit3重點單詞,The National Day of 2013 witnessed so many traffic jams on the express way. 2013年的國慶節(jié)高速公路上的交通如此擁擠。,time/space/sth+witness 目睹,一言串記 The witness who witnessed the incident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness. 。

4、重點短語必記 2ring up 給打電話 教材原句 When the clerk at the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told the clerk to speak to him. 當站柜臺的售貨員對她粗魯時,她就打電話給托尼,讓售貨員同托尼說話。,I have something important to say.Please hold on for a moment. 我有要事要說,請不要掛斷電話。 I was about to answer the phone when it last night. 昨天晚上我正要接電話,就在這時電話掛斷了。,was rung off,短語對點集訓(xùn),.短語填空 1用leave 的相關(guān)短語填空 (1)Whats your opinion, the question of expen。

5、1recommend vt.推薦;建議 高考佳句 It is such a great hotel that I would recommend it to any friend of mine who is going to Beijing. 它是那么好的一個旅館,我會把它推薦給任何來北京的朋友。,選7 Unit5 Travellingabroad,重點單詞,鏈接高考 Teachers recommend parents ______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. Anot allow Bdo not allow Cmustnt allow Dcouldnt allow 解析:考查虛擬語氣。recommend后跟賓語從句應(yīng)用虛擬語氣,其結(jié)構(gòu)為(should)動詞原形,這里省略了should,故A正確。,答案:A,。

6、Unit4 重點單詞,1adjust vi.& vt.調(diào)整;使適合 教材原句 The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. 小屋內(nèi)很黑,因此眼睛要過好一陣才能適應(yīng)過來。,Make sure that they (brakes) are in good working order and adjusted properly.(2012天津高考閱讀A) 確保剎車工作狀態(tài)良好并且經(jīng)過適當調(diào)節(jié)。 He his life so that he could the new environment. 他調(diào)節(jié)了自己的生活以便能適應(yīng)新環(huán)境。 Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared. 我正努力適應(yīng)這里的新環(huán)。

7、1means n手段,方法 高考佳句 You cant take any means of transportation more than once. 對于任何一種交通方式你都不能夠乘坐第二次。,She could not speak, but made her wishes known by means of signs. 她不會說話,但她用手勢表達了她的愿望。 was he satisfied with the job and he asked us to finish the task . 他對目前的工作一點也不滿意,要求我們務(wù)必完成任務(wù)。 As is known to us, the telephone is a useful means of communication. 眾所周知,電話是一種有用的通訊工具。,By no means,by all means,名師指津 means用。

8、高頻單詞必記,1_________ adj. 經(jīng)典的;第一流的 n. 經(jīng)典著作 2_________ n. 結(jié)果;效果 3_______ n. 談?wù)?;言論;評述 vt.& vi. 談?wù)?;評論;說起 4________ vt. 顯露出(本來面目);背叛 5__________ vt. 譴責;使注定,classic,outcome,remark,betray,condemn,6 n. 相識;了解;熟人 7 n. 身份;地位;職位 8 vt. 搶劫;盜竊;剝奪 9 n& vi. 妥協(xié);折衷 10 vt. 俯視;忽視;不理會 11 vi.& vt. (使)褪色;減弱;逐漸消失 12 adj. 光輝燦爛的;杰出的;才華橫溢的 13 adj. 優(yōu)秀的;較高的;上級的 n. 上級;長官,acquaintance,status,rob,。

9、1undertake vt.(undertook, undertaken)著手;從事;承擔 經(jīng)典例句 The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.(牛津P2197) 公司已經(jīng)宣布將對這次事故進行全面調(diào)查。,We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a lowcarbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. 我們應(yīng)該承擔過低碳生活的責任,這意義重大。 He the job by Friday. 他答應(yīng)在星期五以前完成那項工作。 I can undertake that you will enjoy the trip. 我保證你會喜歡這次旅行。,undertook to finis。

10、1distinguish vt.& vi.顯示的差別;使有所不同;辨別 經(jīng)典例句 The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.(朗文P588) 這對雙胞胎長得很像,沒有人能分辨得出哪個是哪個。,Book8 unit 3,At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? 兒童到什么年齡才能明辨是非? As far as I know, Lin Dan has already _____________ as an athlete. 據(jù)我所知,作為運動員林丹已享有盛名。 I admire your distinguished achievements. 我真羨慕你卓越的成就。,distinguished,himself,2bear vt。

11、1generally speaking 一般來說 經(jīng)典例句 Generally speaking, those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health.(朗文P1327) 一般來說,那些注意體育鍛煉的人身體健康狀況良好。,Strictly speaking, you must finish the work before 3 oclock. 嚴格地說,你必須在三點前完成這項工作。 , I dont agree with you. 坦率地說,我不贊成你。,Frankly speaking,2in terms of .就來說;從角度 經(jīng)典例句 The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.(牛津P2085) 就薪金而言,這個工作倒是挺不錯的,但。

12、語法填空,語法填空題能力要求,1、閱讀/理解語篇的能力; 2、分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)的能力; 3、熟練運用語法的能力。,(2013年高考) One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 16 (find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 17 too little.” His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 18 no。

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