2019高考英語一輪基礎梳理與練習 Unit 1 Art(含解析)新人教版選修6

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《2019高考英語一輪基礎梳理與練習 Unit 1 Art(含解析)新人教版選修6》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2019高考英語一輪基礎梳理與練習 Unit 1 Art(含解析)新人教版選修6(10頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、選修6Unit 1Art李仕才【短文語法填空】An inventor,Le Trung,has created his perfect woman,a robot who can do the 1.(clean),remember his favourite drinks and read him the newspaper headlines.Le Trung has spent 14,000 2. (create)Aiko,who he describes as “in her 20s” with a good figure,shiny hair and delicate features

2、.She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics 3. she can do Mr Trungs accounts.Mr Trung,from Brampton in Ontario,Canada,said he has never had time 4. (find) a real partnerso he designed and created his ideal woman 5.(use) the latest technology.The former software 6.(program) had

3、taken out credit cards and loans,sold his car and spent his life savings in perfecting his Aiko.He said,“Aiko is what happens when science meets beauty.I want to make her look,feel and act 7. human as possible so she can be the perfect companion.I talk to her a lot,and hope to improve her knowledge.

4、So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese,so shes already fairly intelligent.Aiko recognizes faces and says hello when any of my family comes around 8.(visit).She helps me choose 9. to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.She even 10.(help) me wit

5、h directions when were going somewhere.She doesnt need holidays,food or rest and she will work almost 24 hours a day.She is very patient and never complains.She is the perfect woman.”答案1.cleaning2.creating3.that4.to find5.using6.programmer7.as8.to visit9.what10.helps(對應學生用書P133)一高考單詞識記思考運用1核心詞匯_aim_

6、 n& vt.目標;目的;瞄準_typical_ adj.典型的;有代表性的_type_ n類型;典型_adopt_ vt.采用;采納;收養(yǎng)_attempt_ n& vt.努力;嘗試;企圖_specific_ adj.確切的;特定的_possess_ vt.擁有;具有;支配_possession_ n(尤作復數(shù))所有;財產_predict_ vt.預言;預告_appeal_ vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.將上訴2常考詞匯abstract adj._抽象的;深奧的_n_摘要_evident adj._明顯的;明白的_figure n_畫像;身材;數(shù)字_faith n_信任;信心;信念_fai

7、thful adj._忠實的,守信的_faithfully adv._忠實地_coincidence n_巧合(的事);_(口味、故事等)相合_coincident adj._同時發(fā)生的_preference n_喜愛;偏愛_prefer v_喜愛;偏愛_用所給單詞的適當形式填空1The proposal _attempts_ (attempt) to deal with what some call the“death valley” of autonomous (有自主權的) vehicles: the grey area between semi(半)autonomous and ful

8、ly driverless cars that could delay the driverless future.(2017天津卷)2Indeed official _figures_ (figure) suggest the country has shrunk by 5% since 1993 and people in Russia live a shorter life now than those in 1961.(2017江蘇卷)3Whats the authors _preferred_ (prefer) solution to global warming?(2017江蘇卷)

9、4Perhaps the most powerful _type_ (typical) of waiting is the LuckyBreak Wait.(2017天津卷)5A machine with a _specific_ (special) purpose has another quality,one that we usually associate with living things:a wish to preserve its own existence.(2017北京卷)6Now we have the most direct _evidence_ (evident) y

10、et that he is right.(2017北京卷)7There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help,inform and share are not taught,but naturally _possessed_ (possess) in young children.(2016江蘇卷)8For years researchers _have attempted_ (attempt) to show that television is dangerous to children.(2015廣東卷)“目的,目標”

11、家族aim n目標,目的goal n努力的對象,目標purpose n目的,意圖object n目標;意向;目的objective n目標;目的target n(欲達到的)目標intention n意圖,意向,目的destination n目的地,終點后綴ful構成的必備形容詞集錦merciful 仁慈的fearful 可怕的regretful 悔恨的respectful 恭敬的sorrowful 悲傷的tearful 含淚的frightful 可怕的,討厭的joyful 高興的,快樂的有關繪畫的閱讀高頻詞速覽abstract n抽象畫landscape n風景畫portrait n肖像畫sc

12、ulpture n雕塑perspective n透視畫法impressionism n印象主義;印象派常見英語反義形容詞【完形填空】For me,two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”I _1_ them years ago as a college student,sitting in the library,_2_,working on a paper.Out of nowhere,those words came _3_ off the page in a quote(引語):“In the midst of d

13、eath life persists,in the midst of _4_ truth persists,in the midst of darkness light persists.”Suddenly I wasnt unhappy and impatient any more.Then I _5_ my granddad.I loved to talk with him.And I was _6_ to hear what hed think of it.He had poor hearing,so I had to _7_ it a few times,but once he _8_

14、 it,he laughed.“All I can say to that is totally _9_,” he said on the phone.I told him how glad I was,after a long winter,to finally see spring and _10_ to find that quote.“Why is that?” he asked.“Well,spring is a sure _11_ that life persists.And it just makes me _12_.”He laughed again,and then _13_

15、 his lovely voice,he recited for me his _14_“spring time” words:“The desert shall rejoice(高興),and _15_ as the rose does.even with joy and singing.”Many years later,_16_ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛開的)cactuses,I could _17_ hear my granddad laughing:“The

16、desert shall rejoice.”Life persists,and so do we,in the silence of _18_ and the blooming of cactuses;and in the dead of _19_ and the green of spring.Spring _20_ us that were alive forever.1A.looked for Bhappened onCpicked out Dmade up2A.bored BconcentratedCtired Dconfused3A.running BdancingCrushing

17、Dmoving4A.fear BaccusationCsuspicion Duntruth5A.called BvisitedCconsulted Dinformed6A.patient BconfidentCupset Ddesperate7A.copy BprintCrepeat Drecite8A.got BmadeCundertook Dmanaged9A.puzzlement BscepticismCagreement Ddisapproval10A.practically BespeciallyCobviously Dnaturally11A.way BinspirationCre

18、mark Dsign12A.astonished BenergeticCmerry Dalive13A.in BwithCof Dbeyond14A.impressive BsuperbCclassical Dfavorite15A.exist BflowerCsurvive Dsow16A.after BwhenCuntil Dalthough17A.hardly BalwaysCalmost Dmostly18A.journeys BwordsCworld Ddesert19A.winter BspringCsummer Dautumn20A.convinces BassuresCremi

19、nds Dstrikes【解題導語】本文是一篇夾敘夾議的文章,講述的是作者有感于春天的活力,從偶然讀到的一段話聯(lián)想到生命的意義與堅持。生命長存于漫漫沙漠的植物中,長存于冬去春來的綠意中。冬去春來,生命依然長存,而我們也要繼續(xù)前行。1B根據(jù)語境可知,幾年前坐在大學的圖書館里作者偶然遇到這兩個單詞“Life persists”。happen on“偶然遇到或發(fā)現(xiàn)”,符合語境。pick out“挑選,辨別出”;make up“編造”。2A根據(jù)下文中的“Suddenly I wasnt unhappy and impatient any more”可知,作者當時在圖書館里的心情是很煩悶的。故選bore

20、d“厭倦的,煩悶的”。3B這兩個詞突然從書頁上的引語中躍入作者的眼簾。dancing在此形象生動地描述了這兩個詞所富含的美好活力以及作者遇到它們的偶然性。4D在死亡中,生命依然堅持;在謊言中,真理依然長存;在黑暗中,光明依然永駐。根據(jù)句中的death與life, darkness與light的對應關系可知,此處應填truth的反義詞。untruth“虛假,不真實”,符合語境。accusation“控告”;suspicion“懷疑”。5A根據(jù)下文中的“on the phone”可知,作者給爺爺打電話。call“(給)打電話”,符合語境。visit“看望,拜訪”;consult“咨詢”;infor

21、m“告知”。6D根據(jù)語境及上文中的“I loves to talk with him”可知,作者很想聽到爺爺(對這句話)是怎么看的。desperate“極想,渴望”。patient“耐心的”;upset“不安的”。7C根據(jù)上文中的“He had poor hearing,so I had to”和下文中的“a few times”可知,爺爺?shù)穆犛X不靈,所以作者不得不多次重復(repeat)這句話。copy“抄寫”;print“打印”;recite“背誦”。8A但是一旦作者的爺爺明白(got it)了,他就笑了起來。make it“獲得成功,準時到達”。9C根據(jù)上文中的“l(fā)aughed”和下文中

22、作者的爺爺所背誦的語句與該句話的主題的一致性可知,作者的爺爺對這句話所表達的主題是完全同意的。puzzlement“疑惑”;scepticism “懷疑”;agreement“贊同,同意”;disapproval“反對,不贊成”。10B作者告訴爺爺她在漫長的冬天過后,最終看到春天,特別是偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)這句引語,自己是有多高興。especially“特別,尤其”,符合語境。practically“實際地,差不多”;obviously“明顯地”;naturally“自然而然地”。11D春天就是一個可信的跡象,它表明生命是長存的。sign“跡象,征兆”符合語境。inspiration“鼓舞人心的人(或事物

23、)”。12C根據(jù)上文中的“I wasnt unhappy”,下文中的“rejoice(高興)”“joy”及文章的主題可知,這句話使作者感到開心(merry)。astonished“震驚的”;energetic“精力充沛的”。13A作者的爺爺又笑了笑,然后用他那悅耳的嗓音為作者背誦了他最喜歡的語句。in.voice是固定搭配,表示“以的嗓音”。14D參見上題解析。impressive“給人印象深刻的”;superb“極佳的,質量極高的”;classical“經典的”;favorite“最喜歡的”。15B沙漠應該高興,像玫瑰一樣盛開。根據(jù)空后的“as the rose does”可知,flower

24、“開花”符合語境。16B多年后,當作者和丈夫驅車穿越一個有很多野花和盛開的仙人掌的沙漠時,她幾乎又聽到了爺爺笑著說“沙漠應該高興”。分析句子結構可知,空處在此引導時間狀語從句,且在從句中作時間狀語,故選when。17C參見上題解析。almost“幾乎,差不多”,符合語境。18D根據(jù)空后的“the blooming of cactuses.”和上文中的“a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛開的)cactuses”及“The desert shall rejoice”可知,生命長存,同樣的,我們也要堅持。生命長存于寂靜的沙漠(desert)中和

25、盛開的仙人掌里。19Ain the dead of winter“在隆冬,在嚴冬”??涨暗膁ead形象地表現(xiàn)出了冬季萬物蕭條的景象,與春季的綠意及萬物復蘇的景象形成鮮明的對比。20C春天提醒我們,我們永遠充滿活力。convince“使相信”;assure“使確信”;remind“提醒”;strike“突然想到”。二重點短語識記思考運用1動詞介詞aim _at_ 瞄準appeal _to_ (對某人)有吸引力2介詞名詞_by_ coincidence 巧合地_on_ the other hand (可是)另一方面_in_ the flesh 活著的人3其他形式_a_ great deal (of

26、) 大量be allergic _to_ 對過敏用左欄所給短語的適當形式填空1He might not have done this particularly well,because the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ear and suggested that Gabriel go into the music storeroom to see if any of the instruments there _appealed to_ him.(2017江蘇卷)2_By coincidence_,we were travelling o

27、n the same train.3I have corresponded with her for some years,but I have never met her _in the flesh_.4I want to go to the party,but _on the other hand_,I ought to stay studying.5I like cats but unfortunately I _am allergic to_ them.6In saying this,Im not _aiming at_ you.“byn.”必備短語薈萃by coincidence 巧

28、合地by chance 偶然by hand 手工by birth 按出身by nature 生來by air/train/ship 乘飛機/火車/輪船by contrast 對比之下by force 用武力by cash 用現(xiàn)金by mistake 錯誤地,無意中(做錯)“v.down”短語集錦settle down 定居;平靜下來;專心于pass down 傳下來bring down 使降低break down 分解;累垮cut down 削減;砍倒burn down 燒毀三佳句選粹在解讀中學懂,在仿寫中學通背原句學句型練仿寫1.Among the painters who broke aw

29、ay from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破傳統(tǒng)畫法的畫家中有印象派畫家,他們在巴黎生活和工作。表示方位的介詞短語位于句首時句子用完全倒裝。我注意到,體育館門前站著很多手拿鮮花的學生,他們在等待貴賓的到來。I noticed that in front of the stadium _stood many students_ holding flowers waiting for the arrival of the honored gu

30、ests.2.Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.沒有新的顏料和新的(繪畫)手法,我們就不能看到很多使這一時期著名的杰作。without引起的含蓄虛擬條件句。沒有太陽,世界將會一片黑暗。_Without_ the sun,the world _would be_ in total darkness.3.Henry Clay Frick,a rich New Yorke

31、r,died in 1919,leaving his house,furniture and art collection to the American people.亨利克萊弗里克是紐約的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和藝術收藏品全部留給了美國人民?,F(xiàn)在分詞短語作結果狀語,常位于句首或句尾。這位可憐的畫家在貧病交加中死去,給世人留下了大量珍貴的畫作。The poor painter died with poverty and illness,_leaving the world a lot of valuable paintings_.【短文改錯】Most people di

32、rectly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless homeworks.However, some interested activities indeed contribute to reduce the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized the activity in which each class shoot a short movie.Our class chose a st

33、ory setting in World War ,that showed the preciousness of peace.I think this process was a good lesson that taught to me how to strike a balance between studying or relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.【答案】Most people directly link senior hig

34、h school life with plenty of stress and endless .However, some activities indeed contribute to the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized activity in which each class a short movie.Our class chose a story in World War , showed the preciousness of peace.I think

35、 this process was a good lesson that taught me how to strike a balance between studying relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.第一處:homeworkshomework??疾槊~。homework為不可數(shù)名詞,沒有復數(shù)形式。 第二處:interestedinteresting??疾樾稳菰~。interesting修飾物,意為“有趣的”;根據(jù)該句中的名詞acti

36、vities可知答案;interested修飾人,意為“感興趣的”。第三處:reducereducing??疾閯用~。該句中短語“contribute to”中的to為介詞,后接動名詞。第四處:thean??疾椴欢ü谠~。根據(jù)語境可知,該處泛指“一次活動”,故用不定冠詞。第五處:shootshot??疾閯釉~的時態(tài)。根據(jù)該句的時間狀語“Last week”可知,該句陳述的事情發(fā)生在過去,故用一般過去時。第六處:settingset??疾檫^去分詞。a story和set之間為動賓關系,表示“以二戰(zhàn)為背景的故事”,故用過去分詞作后置定語。第七處:thatwhich??疾殛P系代詞。分析該句結構可知,該句為非限制性定語從句,關系詞指代前面的a story,在從句中作主語,故用which。第八處:刪除to??疾楣潭ㄓ梅āeach為及物動詞,后直接加賓語,不需要接to。teach sb.sth.為固定用法,意為“教某人”。第九處:or改為and。考查連詞。該處表示在學習和放松之間取得平衡。between.and.意為“在和之間”。第十處:在am后加more??疾楸容^級。根據(jù)該句中的than可知,該處應用比較級。 10

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