七年級英語Module5 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社

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1、七年級英語Module5 Section 2 Words and Expressions教案 外研社1. healthyadj. 1. 健壯的;健康的 well; not ill: He is a very healthy boy. 他是一個很健康的孩子。 He looks very healthy. 他看來很健康。Children must eat well to be healthy. 兒童必須吃得好才會健康。Sports help to keep people healthy. 運動有助于人們保持健康。 2. 有益于健康的 that will make or keep you well:

2、 The seaside has a healthy climate. 海邊的氣候?qū)】涤幸?。Early to bed and early to rise is a healthy way of living. 早睡早起是一種有益于健康的生活方式。 2. orangen. 1. C 橙子;柑子;橘 round juicy fruit with a thick, yellow red skin: Have an orange. 請吃個橘子。 I drank a glass of orange juice. 我喝了一杯橘子汁。 2. U 橙色;金色 colour between yellow an

3、d red gold adj. 橘色的;橙色的 of the colour orange: She likes the orange coat. 她喜歡那件橙色衣服。 3. drinkvt. 1. 飲,喝 to take liquid by the mouth: I drink a glass of milk every morning. 我每天早上喝一杯牛奶。 Please give me something to drink. 請給我點東西喝。 He has been drinking again. 他又喝酒了。A man cannot whistle and drink at the s

4、ame time. 一個人不能同時又吹口哨又飲酒(一心不能二用)。2. 吸收 take in, absorb: The parched soil drank(in) the rain. 干透了的土地吸收了雨水。 vi. 喝酒;酗酒 take in alcohol: He has drunk so much that he cannot stand. 他酒喝得太多了,站都站不住了。drive sb. to drink 使嗜酒 Her bad temper drove her husband to drink. 她的壞脾氣使她丈夫耽于酒。 n. 飲料 1. the liquid you drink

5、: Im thirsty and would like a drink. 我渴了,想喝點東西。 Please have a drink. 請喝一點;喝一口(或杯)。 I want a drink of water. 我想喝點水。 Though hot after her long walk, she refused a drink. 雖然在長途跋涉后很熱,她卻不愿喝水。 Give me a drink of bear, please. 請給我一杯啤酒。We should die without food and drink. 我們沒有飲食必死。 2. 飲酒 alcohol: Too much

6、drink makes him feel ill. 喝酒太多使他感到難受。 He was in drink. 他喝醉了。 bottled drinks 瓶裝飲料 cool (iced, hot) drinks 清涼(冰凍,熱)飲料 strong drink 烈性酒 a tonic drink 滋補飲料 drinking water 飲用水 4. fruitn. 1. 果實,水果 the part of a plant which contains the seeds and which we can eat: He does not eat much fruit. 他水果吃得不多。 Apple

7、s and oranges are mon fruit. 蘋果和桔子是常見的水果。 We are growing fruits. 我們種植水果。 I counted 20 fruits on this branch. 在這條樹枝上我數(shù)到二十個果子。 2. 產(chǎn)物 any useful product of a plant growth 3. (喻)結(jié)果,收獲 (often pl) (fig) the result of effort, esp. success: His knowledge is the fruit of long study. 他的知識是長時間求學(xué)的結(jié)果。4. 果實 the p

8、art of a plant that contains a seed: The tree bears a hard red fruit. 這樹生長一種紅硬的果子。 vi. 結(jié)果實 bear fruit: This tree does not fruit well. 這棵樹結(jié)的果子不多。 5. vegetable n. 蔬菜;植物 plant that we eat: Potatoes, carrots, and beans are vegetables. 土豆、胡蘿卜和豆角兒都是蔬菜。 We eat meat and vegetables for dinner. 我們晚飯吃牛肉和蔬菜。coo

9、ked vegetable 熟菜 early vegetable 早蔬菜 fresh vegetable 新鮮蔬菜 green vegetable 青菜 a field of vegetable 蔬菜地 buy vegetable 買菜 clean vegetable 洗蔬菜 eat vegetable 吃蔬菜 keep vegetable 存蔬菜 plant vegetable 種植蔬菜 6. carrotn. 1. 胡蘿卜(根部) Ill have some more carrot(s). 我還要一些紅蘿卜。 2. 獎賞,獎品,報酬 dangle a carrot: 以甜言蜜語吊胃口 ho

10、ld out offer a carrot to a person 利誘某人,以甜言蜜語引誘某人 7. chickenn. 1. C 小雞;母雞;雞 young hen; farm bird that lays eggs and that we eat: He was not able to hatch chickens. 他孵不出小雞來。 I keep three chickens. 我養(yǎng)了三只小雞。 2. C 雞;雞肉 the meat of the bird: What will you have for lunch, chicken or pork? 午飯你要吃什么,雞肉還是豬肉? 8

11、. juicen. (水果、蔬菜)汁;液 liquid part of fruit and vegetables: I like fruit juice. 我喜歡喝果汁。digestive juices 消化液 a glass of orange juice 一杯桔子汁 9. melonn. 瓜,甜瓜 big, round, juicy fruit: He bought a water melon. 他買了一個西瓜。 musk melon 甜瓜 10. milkn. 牛奶 the white liquid produced by cows: Milk is good to health. 牛奶

12、對健康有益。 Have a glass of milk with your lunch. 吃午飯時喝杯牛奶。 adj. 奶制的 made from milk: I want some milk chocolate. 我要買牛奶巧克力。 vt. 擠奶 take milk from an animal: Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows. 許多種螞蟻會擠一種稱為蟻牛的小蟲子的液汁吃。 When does the farmer milk the cows? 那個農(nóng)民什么時候給奶牛擠奶? vi. 產(chǎn)奶 yield milk: Cow

13、s are milking well this season. 這季節(jié)牛產(chǎn)奶甚佳。 11. onionn. C 洋蔥 beef and boiled onions 牛肉配煮洋蔥 taste of onion 洋蔥味 There is too much onion in the soup. 這湯中有太多洋蔥。 know ones onions (口語) (對工作等事) 徹底了解; 精明干練 12. porkn. 豬肉 the meat of a pig: The family had roast pork for dinner. 他們家晚餐吃烤豬肉。 13. potaton. C 土豆,馬鈴薯

14、round, white vegetable that grows under the ground: A potato consists mainly of starch stored by the potato plant in its underground stem. 馬鈴薯的主要成份是淀粉,是由馬鈴薯身把它存在其地下莖里的。 The potatoes have grown well this year. 今年的土豆長得好。 14. tomaton. C 西紅柿;蕃茄 soft, round, red fruit which we cook or eat raw: They are p

15、ulling up the weeds in a field of tomatoes. 他們正在一塊西紅柿地里拔草。 15. favouriteadj. 特別喜愛的 that you like more than the others: Green is my favouirte colour. 綠色是我最喜歡的顏色。 Football is my favourite sport. 足球是我最喜歡的運動。 n. 特別喜愛的人或物 person or thing that you like more than others: I like all flowers but roses are my

16、 favourite. 花兒我都喜歡,但最喜歡的還是玫瑰。 Jane is her fathers favourite. 珍妮是她父親最喜歡的孩子。 16. noodlen. 常用復(fù)數(shù))面條 (usu.pl.) a little piece of dried dough sometimes put in soup: Get some noodle for me when you go shopping. 你上街買東西時替我買一些面條。 She often has noodles and pancakes. 她經(jīng)常吃面條和煎餅。 17. candyn.C (美)糖果 (=(英) sweets)p

17、ieces of sugar in different shapes: Do they sell candy? 他們經(jīng)售冰糖嗎? There are two pieces of candy on the plate. 盤里有兩顆糖。 Edison began selling candy, sandwiches and newspapers on a train. 愛迪生開始在火車上賣糖果、夾心面包和報紙。 18. unhealthyadj. 有病的,不健康的;對身體有害的 not well, that can make you ill: Mining is an unhealthy job. 采礦是一種對身體有害的工作。

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