河北省撫寧縣第六中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二英語 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors學(xué)案

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《河北省撫寧縣第六中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二英語 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors學(xué)案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《河北省撫寧縣第六中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高二英語 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors學(xué)案(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、課 題 : Book8 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo) : Master how to use some important words.學(xué)習(xí)重點 :整體復(fù)習(xí)本單元單詞及個別單詞的詞形變化學(xué)習(xí)難點 : 詞匯在具體語境中的靈活運(yùn)用。學(xué)習(xí)過程 :.高頻單詞必記1 n可能的選擇 adj. 供選擇的;其他的2 vt.& vi. 打斷講話;打岔;暫時 中斷或中止3 adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴(yán)重的;深刻的4 vt. 假定;設(shè)想5 adj. 暈眩的;昏亂的;使人發(fā)暈或困惑的6 adv. 以方式;不知怎么地7 vt. 刪;刪除8 vi.& vt. 加速;促進(jìn)9 vt.

2、逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留10 n精確;準(zhǔn)確 adj.準(zhǔn)確的;精確的11 adj.凌亂的;臟的 n凌亂;臟12 n分析 (pl) 分析 vt.分析13 vi.& vt.鼓掌歡迎;贊賞 n鼓掌14 n意義;意思;重要性;重要意義 adj.重要的15 n挨餓;餓死 vi.挨餓;餓死1語境串記(用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空)(1)The launch of Chinas first space lab module Tiangong1 is of great . In other words, it is .(significant)(2)The old man was to death. People

3、 felt pity for his .(starve) 2主題串記請根據(jù)詞性和漢語提示寫出以en為后綴的高頻單詞(1) vt.& vi.(使)變寬;(使)擴(kuò)大(2) vt. 扎牢;系牢;扣住(3) vt.& vi. (使)成熟(4) vt. 磨快;使敏捷;使尖銳(5) vt.& vi. 加強(qiáng);鞏固;增強(qiáng)(6) vt.& vi. 威脅;恐嚇;預(yù)示的兇兆;有的危險(7) vt. 加寬;放寬;擴(kuò)大 vi. 變寬;變闊;擴(kuò)大.重點短語必背*1. 不管;不顧*2. 至多;最多3 切碎;使痛苦*4. 受夠了;飽受;厭煩*5. 向前看;為將來打算*6. 追溯到7 集中*8. 尋找9 輪流做某事10 禁不住

4、做某事選用以上標(biāo)有*的短語填空(其中有一項是多余的)1In the end, I just got his constant complaining.2Everyone should and save a little money each year for when he retires.3A new engine would cost, , two thousand dollars.4Most of the buildings visitors see today to the 18th century.5All the people should be treated with resp

5、ect _ their race, education and wealth.經(jīng)典句型必會1Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.很對。正如植物學(xué)的分析結(jié)果已經(jīng)告訴我們的,這兒四周曾經(jīng)是一個很大的淺水湖。解讀as引導(dǎo)的非限制性定語從句, as指代整個主句的內(nèi)容,意為“正如”。仿寫正如今天的報紙所宣稱的一樣,他們按照新的理論成功地解決了許多問題。 in todays paper, they ha

6、ve succeeded in solving many problems with the new theory.2If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year!她今年要是早有預(yù)見,計劃得更好些就好了!解讀此句用了虛擬語氣。if only .意為“要是就好了”。仿寫看看我所處的困境,要是我接受他的建議就好了!Look at the trouble I am in. his advice!3Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouti

7、ng sister, Luna.突然間她坐了下去,卻又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹盧娜一把摟了起來。解讀only to do sth.“不料;結(jié)果”,動詞不定式作結(jié)果狀語,表示意料不到的情況。仿寫他搬起石頭卻砸了自己的腳。He picked up a stone, _ .1alternative adj.供選擇的;其他的n.可能的選擇;選擇對象高考佳句The materials inventors say it has a number of possible uses and someday could provide a more environmentally friendly alternat

8、ive to plastic. (2012湖南高考閱讀C)這種材料的發(fā)明者說它有各種各樣可能的用途并且總有一天成為塑料制品的更環(huán)保型替代品。(1)have no alternative/choice but to do sth.別無選擇只好做某事theres no alternative . 別無選擇an alternative to . 的替代品(2)alternatively adv. 可供選擇地You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.你的工資可以按周以現(xiàn)金支取,

9、或按月以支票支取,二者可選其一。I him to the police.除了向警察舉報他,我別無選擇。The manager said that they had an alternative plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.經(jīng)理說如果他們遞交的計劃不被接受,他們還有另外一個計劃。 聯(lián)想歸納完成下列“別無選擇只好做”的其他表達(dá)形式。have no choice but _cant do sth. but _can do nothing but _2interrupt vt.& vi.打斷講話;打岔;暫時中斷或中止高考佳句

10、One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting.(2012浙江高考閱讀C)一個人應(yīng)描述他的狀況,而另外一個人應(yīng)該傾聽而不能打斷。(1)interrupt sb./sth.(with sth.)(因某事)打斷某人/某事(2)interruption n. 打擾;插嘴;打岔;阻斷物without interruption 連續(xù)地;不斷地Im sorry to interrupt you, but could you tell me the way

11、to the hospital?對不起,打擾了,你能告訴我去醫(yī)院怎么走嗎?Lets go somewhere where we can talk _ .我們?nèi)フ覀€說話不受打擾的地方吧。辨析比較interrupt, disturb試一試選擇上述單詞填空She tried to explain what had happened but he kept her.If you get up early, try not to anyone else辨一辨interrupt突然中斷、打斷他人的言語或行為,使其不能繼續(xù)disturb較正式的用詞,多用被動語態(tài)。指“擾亂”,使人不能平靜或妨礙別人工作、思維

12、或正常秩序,是程度較深的打擾3assume vt. 假定;設(shè)想教材原句So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.所以我們有理由認(rèn)為他們不顧嚴(yán)寒,就住在這些洞穴里。(1)assume sb./sth.to be假定/假設(shè)某人/某事為assume that . 假定/假設(shè)It is assumed that . 被認(rèn)為(2)assumption n. 假定;假設(shè)make an assumption 認(rèn)為;假定on the assumption that 假定(3)

13、assuming that . 假設(shè)/假定But when it comes to medicine, I had assumed it was important to always be honest with my patients.(2011湖北高考閱讀A)但是當(dāng)提到醫(yī)學(xué)時,我以前認(rèn)為如實地告訴病人是非常重要的。 that stress is caused by too much work.一般認(rèn)為,緊張是工作過重所致。 it is true, what should we do now?假定那是真的,我們現(xiàn)在該怎么辦?A lot of people make the assumpti

14、on that poverty only exists in the Third World.許多人認(rèn)為貧困僅僅存在于第三世界。4significance n. 意義;意思;重要性;重要意義經(jīng)典例句The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.(牛津P1866)這種新藥對于這種病的治療有重大意義。(1)be of significance/help be significant/helpful有意義/幫助be of no significance 無意義/不重要be of little signific

15、ance 不太重要(2)significant adj. 重要的And all the members should realize the value and significance of what they are going to do.(2011浙江高考任務(wù)型閱讀)并且所有隊員應(yīng)該意識到他們要做的事情的價值和意義。The factory set up the year before is _ this areas economy.前年建起的這個工廠對這個地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟(jì)有著重大的意義。5arrest n逮捕;拘留vt.逮捕;吸引經(jīng)典例句A man has been arrested in

16、connection with the robbery.(牛津P92)一名男子因與這樁搶劫案有關(guān)已被逮捕。(1)arrest sb. for因而逮捕某人get arrested 遭逮捕arrest ones attention 引起注意(2)under arrest 被捕make an arrest 進(jìn)行拘捕The young man got arrested for causing that serious accident.因造成嚴(yán)重事故,這個年輕人被捕。Her laughter and we all stared at her.她的笑聲吸引了我們的注意,我們都盯著她看。Fifteen p

17、ersons were because of the serious violence.由于暴亂十五人被捕。The young man got arrested for causing that serious accident.因造成嚴(yán)重事故,這個年輕人被捕。Her laughter and we all stared at her.她的笑聲吸引了我們的注意,我們都盯著她看。Fifteen persons were because of the serious violence.由于暴亂十五人被捕。單詞對點集訓(xùn).單詞拼寫1For a very long time, people always

18、 have been trying to find out the (意義) of life.2Mr. Smith, whose twin brother charged with stealing was (逮捕), believed that his brother was innocent.3 (假定) you have a chance to go abroad, what would you do?4Its obvious that greenhouse gases will (加速) warming and harm the polar bear.5Im sorry to (打斷), but your point seems not relevant to the topic. 5

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