2020屆高中英語 Unit2 Sporting events單元復習學案 譯林牛津版必修4

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1、譯林牛津版2020屆高中英語單元復習學案:Unit2 Sporting events(必修4)詞匯導練1There are seven great c_and four great oceans on the earth.2In our class,we often take part in many a_.3More trees have to be planted to protect the environment and keep the b_of nature.4Tao Xingzhi made great c_to our countrys education.5Its a gre

2、at_(榮幸)to be here to share my ideas with you.6The runner has reached his_(極限)of his endurance.7Tom beat all the_(對手)and won the championship.8If you want to make some progress,you have to pay attention to your_(先前的)mistakes.9He hasnt realized the_(意義)of learning English well.10His_(缺席)from the party

3、 made us very disappointed.11We are in_(compete)with four other companies for the contract.12China Construction Bank has many_(branch)all over the country.1.continents2.activities3.balance4.contributions5.honor6.limit7.opponents8.previous9.significance10.absencepetition12.branches短語匯集1_并肩地;一起2_打破紀錄3

4、_扮演角色;起作用4_許多;大量5_保護某人/某物免受6_期望7_失去平衡8_牽涉,卷入9_與類似10_受歡迎11_使處于控制之下12_給讓路,讓位于1.side by side2.break the record3.play a role in4.plenty of5.protect sb./sth.from/against6.hope for7.lose ones balance8.be involved in9.be similar to10.be popular with11.keep.under control12.make way for語句試譯1(回歸課本P22)Today,at

5、hletes from around the world can take part,_ _ _ _they speak.如今,不管講什么語言,世界各地的運動員都能參加。2(回歸課本P22)His dream was that the Olympic Games would make_ _ _countries and people_ _peacefully side by side.他的夢想是奧運會將會使國與國之間,人與人之間的和平共處成為可能。3(回歸課本P23)Deng Yaping,who won four Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996 an

6、d became an IOC member in 2000,is perhaps the greatest female table tennis player the world_ _ _.鄧亞平在1992年和1996年共獲得4枚奧運金牌,2000年成為國際奧委會委員,她可能是迄今為止全世界最杰出的女乒乓球運動員了。4(回歸課本P36)Will Saturday morning_?周六早晨行嗎?5(回歸課本P38)Supporters of wushu would like to_it_as a branch in the Martial Arts category.中國武術的支持者們希望

7、看到它作為武術類別的一個項目被選中。1.no matter what language2.it possible for;to live3.has ever seen4.do5.see;entered核心知識1.delightedadj.愉快的,高興的(回歸課本P22)I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.我很高興應邀前來貴校給大家講述有關奧運會的歷史及其意義。11歸納拓展例句探源(牛津P5

8、28)He takes great delight in proving others wrong.他以證實別人出錯為(一大)快事。She won the game easily,to the delight of all her fans.這場比賽她贏得很輕松,令所有的崇拜者大為高興。(朗文P534)Im delighted to have finally met you.我很高興終于見到了你。They were delighted with the results of the recent elections.他們?yōu)樽罱倪x舉結果感到高興。1完成句子(1)聽到他們到達的消息我們很高興。W

9、e_ _ _the news of his arrival.答案:were delighted at(2)令我們非常高興的是,我們贏得了比賽。_ _ _ _,we won the game.答案:To our great delight(3)這些小狗圍著歡樂的孩子們跑來跑去的。The puppies ran around the_children.答案:delighted(4)大多數(shù)人都喜歡去看馬戲表演。Most people_ _/_ _ _going to the circus.答案:delight in/take delight in2.separateadj.分開的;分離的;單獨的;不

10、同的vt.& vi.(把)分開;(使)分離;隔離;分散;分別(回歸課本P22)Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honour of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.為了紀念希臘天神宙斯的妻子,未婚女性可以在另一個節(jié)日里專門參加比賽。歸納拓展例句探源(朗文P1858)She looked over the picket fence that separates her lawn from the neighbours

11、.她從那道把她和鄰居的草地隔開的尖樁柵欄上看過去。(牛津P1817)It happened on three separate occasions.這事在三個不同的場合發(fā)生過。Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.生肉和熟肉必須分開存放。易混辨析separate,divide,part(1)separate意為“分開”,側重表示把原來在一起或靠近的事物分隔開來,分開后的部分具有相對的獨立性。它常與介詞from連用。另外它還有“分離,分手”的意思。(2)divide意為“分割;分開”,強調(diào)把一個整體按等量或一定比例分開。它常與into連用

12、。(3)part指“把密切相關的人或物分開”。They didnt want to part with the three girls.Separate those two dogs that are fighting,will you?Divide the cake into three parts,please.2.The two boys were fighting each other,and it was hard for the old man to _ them.Adivide BseparateCkeep Davoid解析:選B。根據(jù)題干內(nèi)容可知,應該選separate,表示將

13、聚在一起的兩個個體分開。句意:那兩個男孩在打架,那位老人很難將他們分開。其他幾項不合題意:divide表示“將一個整體分成若干部分”;keep表示“保持”;avoid表示“避免”。3A fence _ our garden _ the playing field.Adivides;intoBseparates;intoCseparates;fromDdivides;from解析:選C。divide.into.把一個整體分成若干部分;separate.from.則是將聚集在一起的若干個個體分開。由此可知C項正確。4. (2020年黃岡中學模擬) We cant work together any

14、 more.I think its time we went in _ ways.Aown BdifferentCseparate Dproper解析:選C。separate意為:“獨立的,單獨的”。句意:我們不能再在一起工作了。我認為是時候各奔東西了。5When we _ after a long talk,we found the children sleeping in _ beds.Aseparated;separatedBseparate;separatedCseparated;separateDseparate;separate解析:選C。第一空處為謂語動詞,根據(jù)句子時態(tài)可知用一般

15、過去式;第二空處為定語,用形容詞,故選C。3.lightvt.點燃;照亮n光線(回歸課本P22)He returned gladly to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.他興高采烈地重返1996年的亞特蘭大奧運會點燃了開幕式的火炬。歸納拓展【溫馨提示】light有兩種不同的過去式、過去分詞形式(lit,lit;lighted,lighted),但置于名詞前作定語時常用lighted。例句探源(牛津P1170)I put a lighted match

16、 to the letter and watched it burn.我劃了根火柴,點燃了那封信,然后看著它燃燒。There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up.一聲爆炸照亮了整個天空。(朗文P1190)It eventually came to light that the CIA had information about a security problem.中央情報局獲得了一個有關安全問題的情報這一消息最終被披露出來。These facts have only just been brought to light.這些事實剛剛才被披露出來

17、。6完成句子(1)那位冒險家打開手電筒照亮了洞穴。The adventurer turned on his flashlight to_ _the cave.答案:light up(2)我們點燃了蠟燭,蠟燭照亮了整個房間。We_ _ _and the candle_ _ _.答案:lit the candle;lit the room(3)她借著燭光勉強能看見。She could just see_ _ _ _the candle.答案:by the light of(4)這個秘密現(xiàn)在已被揭開了。The mystery has now_ _ _.答案:come to light(5)他點燃一支

18、蠟燭,然后把燃燒的蠟燭遞給我。He lit/lighted a candle and handed_ _ _to me.答案:the lighted candle4.absencen缺席,沒參加,不在場(回歸課本P23)At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics,the Peoples Republic of China returned to the Games after 32 years absence.在1984年洛杉機奧運會上,中華人民共和國在缺席了32年后重新回到了奧運會上。歸納拓展例句探源(牛津P6)The decision was made in my a

19、bsence.這個決定是我不在時做出的。The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.此案因缺乏確鑿證據(jù)而不予授理。(朗文P6)Half of my students were absent from class today.今天,我們的學生有一半沒來上課。7介詞填空(1)I shall take your place_/_your absence.答案:in/during(2)He didnt finished his paper because of absence_information.答案:of(3)It is

20、 useless waiting for him.He is absent_business.答案:on(4)Why did you absent yourself_school yesterday?答案:from5.limitn限度,限制;界限v限制,限定(回歸課本P23)These are some of the Olympians who have brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the limits of human achievement.這些(人)是努力推進人類成就極限、給世界人民

21、帶來喜悅和快樂的奧林匹克運動員中的一部分。歸納拓展例句探源(朗文P1196)Theres no limit to what you can do if you try.如果你努力,成績不可限量。You can decorate the apartment yourselfwithin limits,of course.你可以自己裝修公寓,當然是在一定限度之內(nèi)。Violent crime is not limited to big cities.暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。(牛津P1175)This offer is for a limited period only.此次減價時間有限。8完成句子

22、(1)洗手可以有效地防止疾病的傳播。Washing hands can _ _ _ _disease.答案:limit the spread of(2)我們不能無限制地開采自然資源。We cant explore the natural resources _ _.答案:without limits(3)每個學生都應該充分利用有限的時間努力學習。Every student should make full use of _ _ _to work hard.答案:the limited time(4)他們樂意幫助我們,但有一定限度。They are glad to help us,_ _.答案:

23、within limits6.removevt.去除,去掉;移開,拿開(回歸課本P38)These sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to make way for new,more popular sports.這些運動項目撤出奧運會項目單往往是由于它們的普及程度不如以前,必須讓位于新的、更為普及的運動項目。歸納拓展例句探源(牛津P1684)He removed his hand from her shoulder.他將手從她的肩膀上拿開。(牛津P1684)Three children w

24、ere removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.三個孩子因持續(xù)行為不檢被學校開除。(朗文P1728)Whats the best way to remove red wine stains?去掉紅酒漬的最佳方法是什么?9完成句子(1)那孩子盡最大努力弄掉鞋子上的泥。The child tried hard to_mud_his shoes.答案:remove;from(2)該地區(qū)現(xiàn)已從危險去處的名單中被劃掉了。The area has now been_ _the list of dangerous destinations.答

25、案:removed from(3)爭吵后,他把辦公桌搬到了另一個辦公室。He_his desk_another office after argument.答案:removed;to(4)她脫掉夾克,把它搭在椅子上。She_her jacket and hung it over the chair.答案:removed7.otherwiseconj.否則;要不然adv.在其他方面;不同地;別的方式adj.別的;不同的(不置于名詞前)(回歸課本P31)This is very important.Otherwise,you may hurt yourself.這非常重要,要不然你可能會傷到自己。

26、歸納拓展(1)otherwise conj.否則,要不然.(根據(jù)語境,otherwise后所跟句子有時用虛擬語氣,有時不用)(2)otherwise adj.別的;不同的(不置于名詞前)I thought I would be welcomed by the family,but it was otherwise.我以為會受到那一家人的歡迎,然而并非如此。(3).and otherwise及其他.or otherwise或用別的方法;或相反地例句探源(朗文P1447)You should type it;otherwise,they wont be able to read it.你該把它打出

27、來,否則,他們將無法閱讀。(牛津P1411)There was some music playing upstairs.Otherwise the house was silent.樓上有些音樂聲。除此之外,房子里靜悄悄的。I wanted to see him but he was otherwise engaged.我想見他,但他正忙著別的事。10We didnt know you were in trouble at that time,_ we would have given you a hand.AbutBsoCotherwise Dand解析:選C。句意:我們不知道你當時有麻煩,

28、不然我們就會幫助你的。otherwise后面的句子中用了虛擬語氣。11.Progress so far has been very good._,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.AHowever BOtherwiseCTherefore DBesides解析:選C。根據(jù)題意可知,前后兩句話有因果關系,即:因為到目前為止一切進展順利,因此我們相信工程將按期完成。therefore因此,所以;however然而;otherwise否則,要不然;besides除之外。據(jù)此可知,C項正確。8.side by side肩并肩;

29、并排,一起(回歸課本P22)His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.他的夢想就是奧運會能使各個國家和人民和平相處成為可能。歸納拓展例句探源(牛津P1861)There were two children ahead,walking side by side.前面有兩個孩子肩并肩走著。(牛津P1861)The two communities exist happily side by side.兩個群體和

30、睦共處,相安無事。(朗文P1893)They were working shoulder to shoulder with local residents.他們與當?shù)鼐用癫⒓绻ぷ鳌?2Whenever I was in trouble,he was always_with me,giving me support.Aside by sideBstep by stepCall in all Dface to face解析:選A。句意:每當我遇到困難,他總是在一旁支持我。13.When I got back home from school,my parents always had a _tal

31、k with me about my study.Aheart to heart BhearttoheartCside by side Dsidebyside解析:選B。句意:當我從學校返回家時,爸爸媽媽總是用心跟我交流學習情況。heart to heart在句中充當狀語,而hearttoheart在句中充當定語。9.break the record打破紀錄(回歸課本P23)In 1995 he broke the world record for the 10km run and won the gold at both the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 2

32、000 Sydney Olympics.1995年他打破了10公里賽跑的記錄并且在1996年亞特蘭大和2000年悉尼奧運會上獲得金牌。歸納拓展beat the record打破紀錄hold the record保持紀錄set a record創(chuàng)紀錄keep a record of sth.記錄play a record播放唱片例句探源(朗文P1707)The past decade has been the warmest since people began keeping records.過去的十年是有記載以來最溫暖的。Lewis holds the record in the dash.

33、劉易斯保持著這項短跑的記錄。(朗文P1707)Walsh set a pentathlon record in 1953.1953年,沃爾什創(chuàng)造了五項全能運動的記錄。14完成句子(1)比賽開始時他得了第三名,但出人意料的是,他在第二輪竟然破了紀錄。He got the third place in the race at first,but to everyones surprise he_ _ _in the second run.答案:broke the record(2)她保持著100米的世界紀錄。She_ _ _ _for the 100 metres.答案:holds the wor

34、ld record(3)盡量記錄本周你吃的所有東西。Try to_ _ _ _everything you eat this week.答案:keep a record of10.make way for給讓路;讓位于(回歸課本P38)These sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to make way for new,more popular sports.這些運動經(jīng)常被去掉,因為他們不再受歡迎了,得為新的,更受大家喜愛的運動項目讓路。歸納拓展make ones way向前,一路前進fee

35、l ones way摸索著前進fight ones way拼/打出道路push ones way推擠著前行force ones way out擠出去,沖出去push ones way in擠進去in a/one/some way在某種程度上in the way擋道in no way一點也不,絕不no way沒門兒;不行;決不all the way一路上;一直on the way在途中,即將到來例句探源(朗文P2316)A middleaged shopper pushed her way into the first waiting cab.一個購物的中年婦女擠進了等在那里的第一輛出租車。(牛

36、津P2274)Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.熱帶森林被砍伐,騰出地方做草地。Will you be able to make your own way to the airport?你能自己去機場嗎?He felt his way across the room,and found the door handle.他摸索著走到房間的另一頭,找到了門的把手。15完成句子(1)人們友好地為那個可憐的人讓路,好讓他走到前面來。The people kindly_ _ _the poor man so that he could

37、 come forward.答案:made way for(2)他拒絕在任何一點上讓步。He refused to_ _on any of the points.答案:give way(3)這些變化從某種意義上說是一種進步。The changes are an improvement_ _ _.答案:in one way(4)那位盲人在沒有任何人引導的情況下摸索著行走。The blind man_ _ _without anyone guiding him.答案:felt his way(5)我恐怕你的汽車擋道了。Im afraid your car is_ _ _.答案:in the way

38、句型解析1【教材原句】His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.(P22)他的夢想是奧運會將能使各個國家和人民能和平共處地生活在一起?!揪浞ǚ治觥吭摼錇閺秃暇洌趖hat引導的表語從句中,謂語動詞make后接了it 作形式賓語,possible 作賓補,而真正的賓語是不定式復合結構for countries and people to live. 。句式為:主語動詞itadj./n.(for/of sb.

39、)to do sth.,it是形式賓語,其后的adj.或n.是賓語補足語,而不定式是真正的賓語。常用于這種句型的動詞有:think,believe,suppose,consider,feel,make,find等。In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised.為使人們更容易地使用計算機,設計出了編寫程序的語言。I think it impossible to answer all the questions within the ti

40、me given.我認為在限定時間內(nèi)回答所有的問題是不可能的。He thinks it his duty to help others.他認為幫助別人是他的職責。He made it a rule to get up at six every morning.他把每天早晨6點起床作為一項制度。16完成句子(1)現(xiàn)在,越來越多的人發(fā)現(xiàn)有必要學習英語。Nowadays,more and more people find _ necessary_ _ _.答案:it;to learn English(2)有很多學生,甚至包括一些優(yōu)秀學生,感到學好物理很難。Many students,even som

41、e outstanding ones,_ _ _ _ _physics well.答案:feel it difficult to learn(3)他沒有來,這使我們感覺到晚會很難進行。His not coming _ _ _ for us_ _ _ _the party.答案:made it hard;to go on with17.Many students in this school make _ a rule to come to the evening classes even on Saturdays.AthisBthatCit Dthem解析:選C。it作形式賓語,而to com

42、e to the evening classes.是真正的賓語。18.He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.Athis BthatCit Dthese解析:選C。依題干句式結構,make后缺形式賓語,四個選項中只有C項能在句子中作形式主語或賓語,故選C。2【教材原句】Will Saturday morning do?(P36)星期六早晨行嗎?【句法分析】do表示“適合,足夠,可以”。(常與will連用,不可用被動語態(tài))19完成句子(1)為聚會準備6瓶酒應該足夠了。Six bottles of wine_ _for the party.答案:may do(2)那樣就夠了嗎?還是你需要更多一點?Will that _or do you need more?答案:do(3)你如果沒有鋼筆,鉛筆也行。If you dont have a pen,a pencil_ _.答案:will do

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