2015屆高考英語二輪專題專練 完型填空(4 )

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1、2015屆高考英語二輪專題專練:完型填空(4 )A“I couldnt survive without music,” says fifteenyearold Steve. In the morning, Steve wakes up_1_his favorite radio station. He listens to rock on the radio while he eats his_2_. He puts on his personal stereo before he leaves the house and listens to cassettes on the bus to_3

2、_.“Last week I put my headphones on in the maths_4_,” admits Steve. “The teacher was really_5_.She took my headphones away and I couldnt use them for a week. It was_6_.” At home Steve does his homework to musicloud music.“My mother_7_shouts Turn it down!” says Steve. “She cant_8_how I can work_9_mus

3、ic on, but music_10_me to fix my attention upon my studies.” Steve would like to make music himself. “Im learning to play the guitar._11_, it doesnt sound too good at the_12_. But Im going to keep practising!”For_13_like Steve, music is a very important part of_14_. Music is social; it brings people

4、 together at discos, parties and concerts. Fast,_15_music is full of energy; it helps people to_16_their problems and have_17_. Music talks about love, freedom and imagination. There are always new songs and new styles._18_Steves mother agrees that music brings some problems. “Steve is a sensible(明智

5、的) boy,” she says. “I dont think he would ever take drugs hearing rock. But I_19_worry about his hearing with all that loud music. And it_20_me crazy!”1A.fromBforCwithDto答案:Dwakes up to his favorite radio station,to表示一種方向或者結果。2A.breakfast BlunchCsupper Ddinner答案:A根據wakes up及時間發(fā)展次序,這里應該是“早餐”。3A.workB

6、office Cschool Dparty答案:CSteve是學生,所以選擇“上學”。4A.workshopBclassClab Ddormitory答案:Bmaths提示是上數學課。5A.excitedBworriedCangry Dtired答案:C學生上課做其他事情,老師生氣。6A.terribleBhopelessCpoor Dsurprising答案:A一周不能聽音樂,對癡迷于音樂的Steve是一件可怕的事情。7A.usuallyBseldomCfrequentlyDalways答案:Dalways表示母親一直以來對此事的反對。8A.expectBbear Cunderstand D

7、believe答案:C表示母親對Steve開著音樂做作業(yè)不能理解。9A.whileBat CforDwith 答案:Dwith的復合結構,表示音樂開著。10A.helps Bleads Ccauses Dforce 答案:ASteve的辯解是音樂能幫助集中注意力。11A.UnluckilyBActuallyCDisappointinglyDNecessarily 答案:C實際上演奏得還不好。12A.first Blast CmomentDtime答案:Cat the moment“當前,此刻”。13A.grownupsBparentsCfriendsDteenagers答案:D文中的Steve

8、是青少年。14A.study BlifeCfamilyDschool答案:B音樂可以說是Steve生活的一個組成成分。15A.classicalBcountryClightDloud答案:Dloud能與fast music并列,而且是充滿激情的。16A.forgetBsettleCremoveDleave答案:A通常說,音樂能讓人忘記憂愁、不快樂的東西。17A.smilesBfutureCfunDsense答案:C音樂給人帶來樂趣。18A.AndBThereforeCMeanwhileDBut答案:D上下文的邏輯關系是轉折,Steve的母親因為Steve沉迷音樂而非常擔憂。19A.canBdo

9、CwillDshould答案:Bdo表示強調。20A.causesBresultsCdrivesDleaves答案:Cdrive sb.crazy意思是“使人發(fā)瘋,發(fā)狂”。B(2014東北三省四市第一次聯考)For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗幟) across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I_1_certain things could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt lik

10、e a tortoise believing that being slow and_2_would win the race.At other times I would_3_like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous _4_hoping to reach that banner a little faster._5_,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it,the banner was never any_6_.I finally decided

11、 to_7_and take a break.It was then that I saw my_8_sitting beside me.It had been with me as I_9_hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their_10_and even when I was _11_with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just

12、didnt have the_12_to see it.There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be._13_is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the_14_life we think we should have and _15_the life we have now.Happiness will never be found under some banner far away.It w

13、ill be found_16_your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you_17_that others love you just as you do.Dont be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of_18_with you everywhere you go._19_yourself out of the race and realize that when it

14、comes to love and happiness,you are_20_there1.AforgotBmissedCovercame Daccomplished2A.safe BsteadyCcalm Dquiet3A.act Brun Cjump Dwalk4A.placeBheight Cspeed Dtime5A.Generally BGraduallyCFortunately DFirstly6A.clearerBlower Ccloser Dsmaller7A.settle inBstart off Cstop by Dsit down8A.happinessBgoal Csu

15、ccess Dfriendship9A.studiedBfoughtCexercisedDworked10A.laughter Bcomplaints Cstories Dbreathing11.A.lonelyBtired Csick Dhungry12A.courageBchance CwisdomDstrength13A.StressBRelaxationCFailureDPain14A.real Bperfect Ccommon Dordinary15A.enjoy Bchange Cimprove Dcreate16A.from BonCover Din17A.realize Bbe

16、lieveChope Dadmit18A.sorrow BresponsibilityCfortune Djoy19A.Carry BMake CPush DTake20.A.never BstillCalready Dever語篇解讀作者通過自身的經歷詮釋了這樣一個道理:幸福就在每個人的身邊。1解析:“我”覺得只有當“我”完成(accomplished)了某些事情后,最終在一生中“我”才是幸福的。答案:D2解析:大多數時候“我”感覺(自己)像一只烏龜,相信只要慢慢的穩(wěn)穩(wěn)的(steady),就會贏得比賽。答案:B3解析:其他時間,“我”又像一只兔子一樣,嘗試不同的旁道。根據語境可知,act“做

17、事,行動”正確。答案:A4解析:“我”以一種危險的速度(speed)前進,希望能更快一點兒到達那面旗幟。答案:C5解析:漸漸地(Gradually),“我”開始發(fā)現無論“我”跑多遠,那面旗幟從不曾更近一點兒。答案:B6解析:參見上題解析。closer更近一點兒,符合語境。答案:C7解析:最后,“我”決定坐下(sit down)來休息一下。答案:D8解析:就在那時,“我”看到幸福(happiness)就在“我”身邊。根據文章第一句中的“happiness”可知,A項正確。答案:A9解析:當“我”努力工作(worked)來養(yǎng)家糊口時,當“我”和孩子們一起玩耍,聽到他們的笑聲(laughter)時,

18、甚至當“我”生病(sick)妻子在身邊照顧“我”時,幸福一直都在“我”身邊。答案:D10答案:A 11.答案:C12解析:“我”只是沒有看到這些身邊的幸福的智慧(wisdom)。答案:C13解析:壓力來自你對自己的期待,放松你會發(fā)現真實的自己。此處Relaxation“放松”和Tension“壓力”對應,所以B項正確。答案:B14解析:也許我們大家都應該停止追求我們自己認為的應該擁有的完美生活的腳步,享受(enjoy)我們現在所擁有的生活。perfect完美的。答案:B15解析:參見上題解析。enjoy“享受”,符合語境。答案:A16解析:你會在你自己的心中,思想里,腦海中找到你想要的幸福。答

19、案:D17解析:當你意識到(realize)其他人愛你就像你愛他們一樣時,你就會感到幸福。答案:A18解析:在通往幸福的路上,不要做烏龜,也不要做兔子。要做一個頑皮的小狗,無論去哪里,都把自己的快樂(joy)的骨頭帶在身邊。答案:D19解析:把自己從賽跑中解脫出來。take.out of從中出來,符合語境。答案:D 20.解析:談及愛和幸福時,你已經(already)處在愛的包圍和幸福的海洋里。答案:CC(2014馬鞍山市高中畢業(yè)班第一次教學質量檢測)A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of

20、 many years.She_1_immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back._2_she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt_3_the pain she caused._4_to cancel what she had done,she went to an older,wiser woman in the village,explained her situation,and asked for

21、_5_.Listening to her,the older woman_6_the younger womans distress and knew she must help her.She also knew she could never_7_her pain,but she could teach.She knew the_8_would depend only on the character of the younger woman.She said,“Tonight,take your best feather pillows and put a single feather

22、on the doorstep of each house in the town_9_the sun rises.”The young woman hurried_10_to prepare for her chore,even though the feather pillows were very_11_to her.All night long,she labored alone in the cold.Finally the sky was getting_12_,she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house.J

23、ust as the sun rose,she returned to_13_.“Now,” said the wise woman,“Go back and_14_your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps.Then everything will be_15_it was before.”“You know thats_16_!The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the_17_!” The younger woman was surpris

24、ed.“Thats true,” said the older woman.“Never forget.Each of your_18_is like a feather in the wind.Once spoken,no amount of effort,_19_how heartfelt or sincere,they can never return to your mouth.Choose your words well and_20_them most of all in the presence of those you love.”1.Asaid Bfelt Cregrette

25、d Dexplained2A.That BWhich CWho DWhat3A.forBas CtoDof4A.By means BIn an effortCIn additionDOn account5A.questionBsuggestionCadvice Dpractice6A.sensedBtouched Csmelt Dbreathed7A.raise BreleaseCrelieve Drehearse8A.outlineBoutcome Coutput Doutbreak9A.until BunlessCafter Dbefore10A.home BsouthCinsideDou

26、tdoors11A.heavy BbrilliantCcolorful Ddear12A.light Bdark Crainy Dsunny13A.her home Bthe older woman Cher bedroom Dthe feather pillow14A.reciteBrebuildCrefillDrecycle15A.with Bjust ClikeDas16A.impossible Bimportant Cimaginable Dimmoral17A.house BdoorstepsCpillow Dbag18A.action Bfeather CwordsDbehavio

27、r19A.friendless BregardlessChomeless Dhopeless20A.guaranteeBsecure CmaintainDguard語篇解讀本文是一篇記敘文。一個善良的女人說了一些話傷害了她最好的朋友,她話一出口就后悔了。她的話傷害朋友如此之深,以至于這個善良的女人為自己給朋友造成痛苦而傷心不已。這個故事告訴我們:覆水難收。所以在別人面前尤其是我們珍愛的人面前最好注意自己的言辭。1解析:考查動詞辨析。由下文語境可知,她話一出口就后悔了。regret意為“后悔”,符合語境。答案:C2解析:考查名詞性從句的引導詞??崭裉幰龑е髡Z從句,且主語從句中缺少動詞say的賓語

28、,所以用what引導。答案:D3解析:考查介詞辨析。這個善良的女人為自己給朋友造成痛苦而傷心不已。for意為“因為”,符合語境。答案:A4解析:考查介詞短語辨析。句意為:為了努力消除她所做的一切,她去找村子里年長的、聰明的女人。in an effort to do sth.意為“試圖做某事”,符合語境。答案:B5解析:考查名詞辨析。根據第二段第一句話中“she must help her.she could teach”可知,她來是尋求建議的。ask for advice意為“請求建議”。答案:C 6解析:考查動詞辨析。 句意為:聽著年輕女人的述說,這位老婦人感覺到了她的憂傷,并且知道得幫助她

29、。sense意為“感覺到”,符合語境。答案:A7解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:老婦人知道她不可能減輕她的傷痛,但可以讓她從中吸取教訓。relieve意為“減輕”,符合語境。答案:C8解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:她明白事情的結果只能是取決于她的性格。outcome意為“結果,結局”,符合語境。答案:B9解析:考查連詞辨析。句意為:她說:“今晚,拆開你最好的羽毛枕頭,在太陽升起之前,在本鎮(zhèn)每家的門前的臺階上放一根羽毛。”由下文語境可知,此處指在太陽升起之前,故選D項。答案:D10解析:考查副詞辨析。句意為:年輕女人匆匆趕回家準備這件事。答案:A11解析:考查形容詞辨析。由上文“take your b

30、est feather pillows.”可知,這些枕頭是她非常心愛的。答案:D12解析:考查動詞辨析。由上文可知,她是在晚上將羽毛放在每家的臺階上,由此可推出此處指天快亮了。答案:A13解析:考查名詞辨析。由下文她和老婦人的對話可知,她在太陽升起時回到老婦人那里。答案:B14解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:回去再用你放在每家臺階上的羽毛把枕頭填滿。refill.with.意為“重新填滿”,符合語境。答案:C15解析:考查詞匯辨析。句意為:然后,一切事情將會像以前一樣。as意為“像一樣,依照”,符合語境。 答案:D16解析:考查形容詞辨析。由下文語境可知,羽毛被風吹走了,再將羽毛填到枕頭里是不可能

31、的。impossible意為“不可能的”,符合語境。答案:A17解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:我把羽毛一放在臺階上,風就把它們吹跑了!根據句意以及第二段最后一句話中的“doorstep”提示可知,應選B項。答案:B18解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:你要永遠記住,你的每句話就像是風中的羽毛,覆水難收。本文中提到這個善良的女人用話語傷害了她的好友,且由下文“Once spoken.they can never return to your mouth.”提示可知應選C項。答案:C19解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:一旦話已說出,盡管你的愿望是如何真心、如何誠意,但所說的話如潑水不可收回。regardless意為“不管,不顧”,符合語境。答案:B20解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:在那些為你所愛的人面前,適當選擇并且控制你的言辭。guard意為“控制;使(言辭等)謹慎”,符合語境。答案:D

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