四川省綿陽市2014高考英語 暑假作業(yè) 文章類訓練題(10)

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四川省綿陽市2014高考英語 暑假作業(yè) 文章類訓練題(10)_第1頁
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1、四川省綿陽市2014高考英語(暑假)文章類訓練題(10)附答案完形填空(共20小題,每小題15分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項、四個選項中,選出適合填入對應空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該選項涂黑。One cold night,I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco There I was walking home around one oclock in the morning after a 26 practice at the theatre With the opening night only a wee

2、k away, I was still learning my lines by heartI was having 27 handling my part-time job at the bank in the daytime and my acting at night at the same time As I walked I thought seriously about 28 both acting and San FranciscoI had 29 too much of city life As 1 walked down the 30 streets under the ta

3、ll buildings,I felt very small and cold, so I began 31 both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbersVery few people were still out 32 a few homeless people under blanketsAbout a block from my 33 , I heard a sound behind me I 34 quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a

4、gun The street was emptyAll I saw was a shining streetlight Still,the noise had made me 35 , so I started to run faster Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I 36 what the noise had beenIt had been my wallet 37 to the sidewalkSuddenly I wasnt cold or tired any moreI ran

5、 out of the door and back to where Id heard the noiseAlthough I searched the sidewalk 38 for 15 minutes,my wallet was 39 to be found Just as 1 was about to quit the 40 , I heard the garbage truck stop to the sidewalk next to 41 When a voice came from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?”I thought I was 42 Ho

6、w could this man know my name? The door opened and out jumped a small blonde man with an amused look in his eyes, “Is this 43 youre looking for?” He asked, holding up something like a walletIt was already 3 am by the time I got into bed I couldnt get much sleep,but I had got my wallet back I also ha

7、d got back some 44 of city life I realized the city couldnt be a bad place 45 people were willing to help each other26A comfortableB seriousC tiresomeD fortunate27A comfortB desireC painD trouble28A setting upB giving upC holding upD picking up29A expectedB changedC controlledD possessed30A deserted

8、B crowdedC blankD narrow31A runningB jumpingC movingD marching32A towardsB exceptC includingD between33A bankB theatreC apartmentD office34A stoodB walkedC turnedD 1eft35A satisfiedB confusedC frightenedD annoyed36A turn outB figure outC give outD pull out37A belongingB addingC stickingD falling38A

9、gratefullyB anxiouslyC skillfullyD delightedly39A nowhereB anywhereC everywhereD somewhere40A instructionB trainingC searchD acting41A itB himC someoneD me42A thinkingB murmuringC dreamingD considering43A whatB whoC whicheverD whomever44A productionB judgmentC friendshipD appreciation45A as soon asB

10、 as long asC as far asD as well as 參考答案26-30: CDBAA 31-35: ABCCC 36-40:BDBAC 41-45: DCADB*結束(2013南昌模擬)The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good _21_ in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I _22_ to know him. For a moment, I thought he might be _23_, b

11、ut I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was _24_. I felt like saying that it was ridiculous to _25_ that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But, _26_, I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very _27_

12、city. He nodded,and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he _28_ to tell me all about his friend. His friends main _29_ in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player, and he

13、 _30_ had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming _31_, yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several _32_ like that, including my brother, who was a doctor in California. He _33_ that maybe ther

14、e were more private courts in the country than he _34_ but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me _35_ my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence _36_ his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a _37_ who

15、 had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my nextdoor neighbor had gone to Sacramento last summer and had _38_ the house next to my brothers house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything. “Would your friends name happen to be

16、 Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He _39_ and said, “Yes. Would your brothers name happen to be Dr. Rey Hunter?” It was my _40_ to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.21A.brother BteacherCepal Dfriend解析:根據(jù)26空前面的“.his friend.”可知他告訴作者他在芝加哥有一個“朋友”。另外,29空前面的部分也是線索提示。答案:D22A.managed BhappenedCtried Dwanted解析:他不知道作

17、者是否“碰巧”知道這個朋友。happen to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”。答案:B23A.expecting BlyingCjoking Dtalking解析:有一會兒,作者認為對方也許是在“開玩笑”,因為從茫茫人海中碰巧認識他的朋友的這種機會十分渺茫。答案:C24A.funny BseriousCcareful Ddisappointed解析:但是作者從他臉上的表情能夠看出他不是在開玩笑,他是“認真的”。答案:B25A.think BhearCknow Dsee解析:作者想說從芝加哥數(shù)百萬人中碰巧可能撞上他的朋友的想法是非常荒謬的。答案:A26A.indeed BactuallyCi

18、nstead Dexactly解析:根據(jù)本句開頭的轉折連詞But可知作者沒有說出自己的真實想法,“反而”微笑著提醒對方芝加哥是一個大城市。答案:C27A.famous BinterestingCnoisy Dbig解析:作者認為這種可能性無比渺茫,他想提醒對方的是芝加哥是一個“大”城市,人口眾多。答案:D28A.began BstoppedCrefused Dfailed解析:作者原以為他會滿足于自己善意的提醒而放棄這個話題并談論其他事情,但想不到他沉默了幾分鐘后又“開始”談論他朋友的一切。答案:A29A.problem BinterestCchoice Dwork解析:下一句提到他的朋友是一

19、個優(yōu)秀的網(wǎng)球運動員,并且擁有自己的網(wǎng)球場,由此可推測他的朋友生活中主要的“興趣”似乎是網(wǎng)球。答案:B30A.just BeverCeven Dsurely解析:下一句提到只有兩個人擁有私人網(wǎng)球場,由此可知他的朋友相當了不起,“甚至”擁有自己的網(wǎng)球場。答案:C31A.suit BhabitCpool Driver解析:擁有私人游泳“池”的人很多,但是只有兩個人擁有自己的私人網(wǎng)球場。答案:C32A.people BplayersCstrangers Dfriends解析:根據(jù)本句中的“including my brother” 可知作者認識好幾個像上述情況一樣擁有私人網(wǎng)球場的“人”。作者的兄弟是醫(yī)

20、生,由此可排除B項;根據(jù)作者與兄弟之間的關系可判斷C、D兩項錯誤。答案:A33A.advised BarguedCadmitted Dannounced解析:作者把自己知道的情況告訴了他,他“承認”也許在鄉(xiāng)下有更多的私人網(wǎng)球場。答案:C34A.recognized BrealizedCvisited Dfound解析:也許在鄉(xiāng)下有比他“意識到”的更多的私人網(wǎng)球場,因為他只知道兩個。答案:B35A.how BwhetherCwhen Dwhere解析:根據(jù)下一句前半部分中的內容可知他詢問的是作者的兄弟居住在加利福尼亞的什么“地方”。答案:D36A.because BifCthen Dthough

21、解析:他說那是個巧合,“因為”他的芝加哥朋友去年夏天也在薩克拉門托度假。答案:A37A.doctor BstudentCneighbor Dnurse解析:由下文可知作者的兄弟和陌生人的朋友去年夏天都住在薩克拉門托,并且是鄰居,而且上文提到作者的兄弟是加利福尼亞的一名醫(yī)生,擁有自己的私人網(wǎng)球場,故選A項。答案:A38A.hired BcheckedCdesigned Dsold解析:作者感覺這確實是一個巧合,因為作者的隔壁鄰居去年去了薩克拉門托并且“租用”了作者兄弟隔壁的房子。答案:A39A.smiled BlaughedCcried Dnodded解析:此處與40空后面的laugh相呼應,表

22、示他“大笑”起來。答案:B40A.chance BpleasureCtime Dturn解析:作者想不到事情竟然如此巧合,所以現(xiàn)在“輪到”作者大笑了。答案:D。*結束完型填空(2013屆山東師大附中高三12月(第三次)模擬檢測)11 after almost seven months of complaining about everything, I realized that complaining didnt change things. 12 just made my life worse. If I was going to 13 in this new concrete jungl

23、e, I had to 14 . I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 15 school. After about four months, I started enjoying reading the crime and sports stories. After six months of studying, my teachers 16 my improvement and moved me into a more 17 English class. I could go to the store and as

24、k for things that I wanted to buy without 18 frustration. For the first time I felt like I was living on earth again 19 .I didnt hear foreign talk. I 20 understand people.1A. findB. joinC. seeD. help2A. good-looking B. well-dressed C. better-payingD. highly-thought 3A. onceB. otherC. eachD. only4A.

25、case B. conditionC. situationD. state 5A. packing B. tryingC. managingD. arranging6A. reachedB. enteredC. gotD. arrived7A. strangeB. unusualC. standardD. foreign8A. hopedB. wishedC. expectedD. demanded9A. staringB. lookingC. checkingD. watching10A. texts B. newspapersC. EnglishD. poems11A. AlthoughB

26、. Even ifC. ButD. Since12A. It B. TheyC. ID. Things13A. live B. studyC. surviveD. continue14A. adapt B. adoptC. adoreD. admire15A. for B. inC. afterD. at 16A. made B. noticedC. concernedD. remember 17A. modern B. advancedC. difficultD. convenient18A. evenB. everC. someD. any19A. if B. thoughC. everD

27、. because 20A. couldB. should C. wouldD. might【解析】1考查動詞;A. find發(fā)現(xiàn)B. join參加,C. see看見D. help 幫助,這里表示;和父親匯合。選B2考查形容詞:A. good-looking相貌好看的B. well-dressed穿著考究的,C. better-paying報酬更高的,D. highly-thought 高度評價的,better-paying可以修飾job。選C7考查句意理解:從后面的I couldnt understand. 可知是外語foreign,選D8考查虛擬語氣:wish后面的從句用相應的過去時表示虛

28、擬語氣:句意:但愿人生有字幕就就好了。選B9考查動詞辨析:A. staring盯著B. looking看C. checking檢查D. watching注視,句意:老師總是注視著我的行動。AB都是不及物動詞,選D。10考查上下文銜接:下文提到:I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 可知這里填newspapers,選B15考查介詞:after school放學后。選C16考查動詞:A. made制作,B. noticed注意到C. concerned關心D. remember記住,句意:老師注意到我的進步。選B。17考查形容詞:A. modern現(xiàn)代的B. advanced高級的,C. difficult困難的D. convenient方便的,從前面的improvement可知老師讓作者去了advanced English class 英語高級班,選B*結束

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