2013屆高考英語 二輪語法強化訓(xùn)練23 介詞短語

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《2013屆高考英語 二輪語法強化訓(xùn)練23 介詞短語》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2013屆高考英語 二輪語法強化訓(xùn)練23 介詞短語(6頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、強化訓(xùn)練23 介詞短語(時間:15分鐘 分?jǐn)?shù):27分).單項選擇(每題1分,共20分) 1(2012東北三校一次聯(lián)考)The truth is that _ helping the situation,youve just made it worse.Afar from Bout of Cdue to Dnext to答案A考查介詞短語辨析。far from的意思是“遠(yuǎn)非,幾乎相反”,符合句意。句意:事實是,你所做的對當(dāng)前情形毫無幫助,反而把事情搞得更糟。2(2012河北模擬)How did she lose so much weight as expected?_ eating less,s

2、he jogged for several miles every day.AIn spite of BIn addition toCInstead of DThanks to答案B考查介詞短語辨析。in spite of表示“盡管”;in addition to表示“除外,還”;instead of表示“相反,代替”;thanks to表示“由于,幸虧”。答語表示“除了吃得少外,她每天還慢跑幾英里”,故用in addition to,選B項。3(2012江西重點中學(xué)聯(lián)考)Its important that we should show consideration for others if

3、 we are to live _ them in social life.Ain connection with Bin touch withCin contrast with Din harmony with答案D考查介詞短語辨析。句意:在社交生活中,如果我們想與他人和睦相處,就應(yīng)該學(xué)會為他人著想這一點尤為重要。由句意可知,選in harmony with,表示“與和睦相處”。4(2010江蘇卷)So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is _ ideal.We have to work still har

4、der.Anext to Bfar fromCout of Ddue to答案B句意:迄今為止我們?yōu)榻ㄔO(shè)低碳經(jīng)濟已經(jīng)做出了很多,但是遠(yuǎn)不理想,我們必須更加努力。far from表示“遠(yuǎn)非;一點也不”。A項表示“僅次于”;C項表示“離開,出于”,一般與名詞或代詞連用;D項表示“因為”。5His efforts to raise money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain place Bin sightCin effect Din v

5、ain答案D句意:誰也不愿意從自己的口袋里掏一分錢,看來他為他的項目籌錢的努力是白費力氣,因此選D表示“徒勞的;無用的”。A“在對的位置”,B“被看到;在視線之內(nèi)”,C“有效;實際上”。6Everything was perfect for the picnic _ the weather.Ain place of Bas well asCexcept for Din case of答案C句意:除了天氣外,野餐萬事俱備。except for表示“除了之外”,不包括在內(nèi)。in place of表示“代替”;as well as表示“也”;in case of表示“以防萬一”。7When she

6、first arrived in China,she wondered what the future might have _ for her,but now all her worries are gone.Ain need Bin timeCin preparation Din store答案D這里用have sth in store表示“準(zhǔn)備著,必將發(fā)生,就要到來”。8(2012蘇北四市二檢)As young people,we should always take the lead _ the call of the government.Ain response to Bin re

7、gard toCin relation to Din addition to答案AA項意為“回應(yīng)、響應(yīng)”。句意:作為年輕人,我們應(yīng)經(jīng)常帶頭響應(yīng)政府的號召。B項意為:“關(guān)于,至于”;C項意為 “關(guān)于,與相比較”;D項意為“除還”。9(2012瓊海市高三模擬)He serves the public wholeheartedly,_ his personal gain or loss.Ain reference to Bowing toCin terms of Dregardless of答案DD項意為“不管,不顧”,符合語意“不管個人的得失”。A項意為“關(guān)于”;B項意為“由于”;C項意為“在方面

8、,依據(jù)”。10(2012湖北八校二次聯(lián)考)The disasterstricken village was inaccessible _ by helicopter,and the storm added to the rescuers difficulty.Ainstead of Bother thanCrather than Ddue to答案BB項意為“除了”,語意為“除了直升機,無法進(jìn)入受災(zāi)區(qū),并且暴風(fēng)雨又增加了救援的困難”;A項意為“代替,而不是”;C項意為“而不是”;D項意為“由于,應(yīng)歸于”。11(2012唐山一模)The survivors of the crashed plan

9、e had no food or water and were _ the extreme cold weather.Ain the possession of Bin the charge ofCat the mercy of Dat the risk of答案C句意:這架墜毀飛機的幸存者沒有食物和水,面對極端寒冷的天氣束手無策。in the possession of“被擁有”,in the charge of“由負(fù)責(zé)”,at the mercy of“受/聽任擺布”,at the risk of“冒的危險”。從句意判斷選C。12She treated me to a dinner _ f

10、or my help.Ain return Bin exchangeCin turn Din charge答案Ain return for作為的回應(yīng),作為的報答;in exchange for作為的交換;in turn輪流,依次;in charge負(fù)責(zé),主管。語意為“她請我吃飯作為對我?guī)椭拇鹬x”。13Can you tell me your plan _?Im very curious about it.Aat last Bat lengthCat least Dat hand答案BB項意為“詳細(xì)地”;at least至少;at hand(時間或距離上的)接近。語意為“你能詳細(xì)地告訴我你的

11、計劃嗎?”14The dress looks very fashionable,but _ actual sales,it hasnt been very successful.Athanks to Baccording toCregardless of Din terms of答案Din terms of在方面,用的話來說;thanks to多虧了;according to根據(jù);regardless of不管,不顧。這件衣服看起來很時尚,但在實際銷售中還不是很成功。15The old lady lives on her own and she keeps a dog _Afor shelte

12、r Bfor companyCon purpose Din need答案B句意:老婦人一個人生活,養(yǎng)了一條狗做伴。for company“陪伴,做伴”,符合語意。16If you are worried that the tickets will sell out,you can buy a ticket _Ain a row Bin advanceCon time Din time答案Bin advance“提前”,符合語意,你要是害怕到時候票賣完了,你可以提前買一張。17(2010湖北卷)It is illegal for a public official to ask people f

13、or gifts or money _ favors to them.Ain preference to Bin place ofCin agreement with Din exchange for答案D考查介詞短語。句中favors是指官員為他人做的事情,them指people。句意:對于一個公務(wù)員來說,為人們做點好事就向人們要錢要物是不合法的。A項in preference to是“優(yōu)先于”的意思;B項in place of是“代替”的意思;C項in agreement with是“與一致”的意思;D項in exchange for是“交換”的意思。顯然,D項符合題意。18This sp

14、ecial school accepts all disabled students,_ educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless ofCin addition to Din terms of答案B考查介詞短語。這所特殊的學(xué)校招收所有的殘疾學(xué)生,不管他們的教育水平和背景。regardless of不管,不顧,符合題意。19(2012寧夏部分重點中學(xué)聯(lián)考)She has almost failed the exam,but her sister,_,has done very well.Aby contrast Bin

15、generalCfor example Din addition答案A考查介詞詞組辨析。by contrast表示“相比之下,與之相比”;B項表示“通?!?;C項表示“例如”;D項表示“另外”。根據(jù)“相比之下,她妹妹在考試中做得很好,可知選A。20(2012煙臺高三診斷)Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical,and this special chemical,_,affects our brains,making us feel happy.Ain turn Bin particularCin advance Din short答案

16、AA項意為“反過來”,句意為“維生素D能幫助我們的身體制造一種特殊的化學(xué)物質(zhì),反過來,這種化學(xué)物質(zhì)會影響我們的大腦,使我們感覺幸?!薄項意為“尤其,特別”;C項意為“提前”;D項意為“簡言之”。.試說新語(每題1分,共7分)21recover(熟義:v.恢復(fù)健康;痊愈)He almost fell,but succeeded in recovering himself._22reflect(熟義:v.映出;反射,表現(xiàn))I need time to reflect on/upon your offer._23refresh(熟義:vt.使恢復(fù)精力)Her words refreshed my

17、memory._24relate(熟義:v.與有關(guān),相關(guān))I related my adventure to my family._25remote(熟義:adj.偏遠(yuǎn)的,偏僻的)He is a remote relative of mine._26repair(熟義:v.&n.修理)How can I repair the damage I have caused?_27rest(熟義:v.&n.休息)She rested her head on his._答案21.v.恢復(fù);重新控制22.v.沉思;思考23.vt.提醒,提示;使想起24.v.講述25.adj.關(guān)系較遠(yuǎn)的;遠(yuǎn)親的26v.補救;彌補27.v.把倚靠在

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