The Two-Dimensional Dynamic Behavior of Conveyor Belts
Ir. G. Lodewijks, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
1--------In this paper a new finite element model of a belt-conveyor system will be introduced. This model has been developed in order to be able to simulate both the longitudinal and transverse dynamic response of the belt during starting and stopping. Application of the model in the design stage of long overland belt-conveyor systems enables the engineer, for example, to design proper belt-conveyor curves by detecting premature lifting of the belt off the idlers. It also enables the design of optimal idler spacing and troughing configuration in order to ensure resonance free belt motion by determining (standing) longitudinal and transverse belt vibrations. Application of feed-back control techniques enables the design of optimal starting and stopping procedures whereas an optimal belt can be selected by taking the dynamic properties of the belt into account.
2--------The Netherlands has long been recognised as a country in which transport and transhipment play a major role in the economy. The port of Rotterdam, in particular is known as the gateway to Europe and claims to have the largest harbour system in the world. Besides the large numbers of containers, a large volume of bulk goods also passes through this port. Not all these goods are intended for the Dutch market, many have other destinations and are transhipped in Rotterdam. Good examples of typical bulk goods that are transhipped are coal and iron ore, a significant part of which is intended for the German market. In order to handle the bulk materials a wide range of different mechanical conveyors including belt-conveyors is used.
3--------The length of most belt-conveyor systems erected in the Netherlands is relatively small, since they are mainly used for in-plant movement of bulk materials. The longest belt-conveyor system, which is about 2 km long, is situated on the Maasvlakte, part of the port of Rotterdam, where it is used to transport coal from a bulk terminal to an electricity power station. In addition to domestic projects, an increasing number of Dutch engineering consultancies participates in international projects for the development of large overland belt-conveyor systems. This demands the understanding of typical difficulties encountered during the development of these systems, which are studied in the Department of Transport Technology of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, one of the three Dutch Universities of Technology.
4--------The interaction between the conveyor belt properties, the bulk solids properties, the belt conveyor configuration and the environment all influence the level to which the conveyor-system meets its predefined requirements. Some interactions cause troublesome phenomena so research is initiated into those phenomena which cause practical problems, [1]. One way to classify these problems is to divide them into the category which indicate their underlying causes in relation to the description of belt conveyors.
5---------The two most important dynamic considerations in the description of belt conveyors are the reduction of transient stresses in non-stationary moving belts and the design of belt-conveyor lay-outs for resonance-free operation, [2]. In this paper a new finite element model of a belt-conveyor system will be presented which enables the simulation of the belt's longitudinal and transverse response to starting and stopping procedures and it's motion during steady state operation. It's beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the results of the simulation of a start-up procedure of a belt-conveyor system, therefore an example will be given which show some possibilities of the model。
6--------If the total power supply, needed to drive a belt-conveyor system, is calculated with design standards like DIN 22101 then the belt is assumed to be an inextensible body. This implies that the forces exerted on the belt during starting and stopping can be derived from Newtonian rigid body dynamics which yields the belt stress. With this belt stress the maximum extension of the belt can be calculated. This way of determining the elastic response of the belt is called the quasi-static (design) approach. For small belt-conveyor systems this leads to an acceptable design and acceptable operational behavior of the belt. For long belt-conveyor systems, however, this may lead to a poor design, high maintenance costs, short conveyor-component life and well known operational problems like :
· excessive large displacement of the weight of the gravity take-up device
· premature collapse of the belt, mostly due to the failure of the splices
· destruction of the pulleys and major damage of the idlers
· lifting of the belt off the idlers which can result in spillage of bulk material
· damage and malfunctioning of (hydrokinetic) drive systems
Many researchers developed models in which the elastic response of the belt is taken into account in order to determine the phenomena responsible for these problems. In most models the belt-conveyor model consists of finite elements in order to account for the variations of the resistance's and forces exerted on the belt. The global elastic response of the belt is made up by the elastic response of all its elements. These finite element models have been applied in computer software which can be used in the design stage of long belt-conveyor systems. This is called the dynamic (design)approach Verification of the results of simulation has shown that software programs based on these kind of belt-models are quite successful in predicting the elastic response of the belt during starting and stopping, see for example [3] and [4].
The finite element models as mentioned above determine only the longitudinal elastic response of the belt. Therefore they fail in the accurate determination of:
· the motion of the belt over the idlers and the pulleys
· the dynamic drive phenomena
· the bending resistance of the belt
· the development of (shock) stress waves
· the interaction between the belt sag and the propagation of longitudinal stress waves
· the interaction between the idler and the belt
· the influence of the belt speed on the stability of motion of the belt
· the dynamic stresses in the belt during. passage of the belt over a (driven) pulley
· the influence of parametric resonance of the belt due to the interaction between vibrations of the take up mass or eccentricities of the idlers and the transverse displacements of the belt
· the development of standing transverse waves
· the influence of the damping caused by bulk material and by the deformation of the cross- sectional area of the belt and bulk material during, passage of an idler
· the lifting of the belt off the idlers in convex and concave curves
The transverse elastic response of the belt is often the cause of breakdowns in long belt-conveyor systems and should therefore be taken into account. The transverse response of a belt can be determined with special models as proposed in [5] and [6], but it is more convenient to extend the present finite element models with special elements which take this response into account.
A typical belt-conveyor geometry consisting of a drive pulley, a tail pulley, a vertical gravity take-up, a number of idlers and a plate support is shown in Figure 1. This geometry is taken as an example to illustrate how a finite element model of a belt conveyor can be developed when only the longitudinal elastic response of the belt is of interest.
Since the length of the belt part between the drive pulley and the take-up pulley, Is, is negligible compared to the length of the total belt, L, these pulleys can mathematically be combined to one pulley as long as the mass inertia's of the pulleys of the take-up system are accounted for. Since the resistance forces encountered by the belt during motion vary from place to place depending on the exact local (maintenance) conditions and geometry of the belt conveyor, these forces are distributed along the length of the belt. In order to be able to determine the influence of these distributed forces on the motion of the belt, the belt is divided into a number of finite elements and the forces which act on that specific part of the belt are allocated to the corresponding, element. If the interest is in the longitudinal elastic response of the belt only then the belt is not discredited on those places where it is supported by a pulley which does not force its motion (slip possible). The last step in building, the model is to replace the belt's drive and tensioning system by two forces which represent the drive characteristic and the tension forces.
The exact interpretation of the finite elements depends on which resistance's and influences of the interaction between the belt and its supporting structure are taken into account and the mathematical description of the constitutive behavior of the belt material. Depending on this interpretation, the elements can be represented by a system of masses, springs and dashpots as is shown in Figure 1, [9], where such a system is given for one finite element with nodal points c and c+ 1. The springs K and dashpot H represent the visco-elastic behavior of the belt's tensile member, G represents the belt's variable longitudinal geometric stiffness produced by the vertical acting forces on the belt's cross section between two idlers, V represent the belts velocity dependent resistance's.
Figure 1: Five element composite model [9].
If only the longitudinal deformation of the belt is of interest then a truss element can be used to model the elastic response of the belt. A truss element as shown in Figure 2 has two nodal points, p and q, and four displacement parameters which determine the component vector x:
xT = [up vp uq vq] ????????????(1)
For the in-plane motion of the truss element there are three independent rigid body motions therefore one deformation parameter remains which describes
Figure 2: Definition of the displacements of a truss element
the change of length of the axis of the truss element [7]:
ε1 = D1(x) = ∫1 o
ds2 - ds2o
dξ ???????? ????(2)
where dso is the length of the undeformed element, ds the length of the deformed element and ξ a dimensionless length coordinate along the axis of the element.
Figure 3: Static sag of a tensioned belt
Although bending, deformations are not included in the truss element, it is possible to take the static influence of small values of the belt sag into account. The static belt sag ratio is defined by (see Figure 3):
K1 = δ/1 = q1/8T ??????????(3)
where q is the distributed vertical load exerted on the belt by the weight of the belt and the bulk material, 1 the idler space and T the belt tension. The effect of the belt sag on the longitudinal deformation is determined by [7]:
εs = 8/3 K2s ?????????????(4)
which yields the total longitudinal deformation of the non linear truss element:
Figure 4: Definition of the nodal point displacements and rotations of a beam element.
If the transverse displacement of the belt is being of interest then the belt can be modelled by a beam element. Also for the in-plane motion of a beam element, which has six displacement parameters, there are three independent rigid body motions. Therefore three deformation parameters remain: the longitudinal deformation parameter, ε1, and two bending deformation parameters, ε2 and ε3.
Figure 5: The bending deformations of a beam element
The bending deformation parameters of the beam element can be defined with the component vector of the beam element (see Figure 4):
xT = [up vp μp uq vq μq] ???????? (5)
and the deformed configuration as shown in Figure 5:
ε2 = D2(x) =
?????? ??(6)
ε3 = D3(x) =
The movement of a belt is constrained when it moves over an idler or a pulley. In order to account for these constraints, constraint (boundary) conditions have to be added to the finite element description of the belt. This can be done by using multi-body dynamics. The classic description of the dynamics of multi-body mechanisms is developed for rigid bodies or rigid links which are connected by several constraint conditions. In a finite element description of a (deformable) conveyor belt, where the belt is discretised in a number of finite elements, the links between the elements are deformable. The finite elements are connected by nodal points and therefore share displacement parameters. To determine the movement of the belt, the rigid body modes are eliminated from the deformation modes. If a belt moves over an idler then the length coordinate ξ, which determines the position of the belt on the idler, see Figure 6, is added to the component vector, e.g. (6), thus resulting in a vector of seven displacement parameters.
Figure 6: Belt supported by an idler.
There are two independent rigid body motions for an in-plane supported beam element therefore five deformation parameters remain. Three of them, ε1, ε2 and ε3, determine the deformation of the belt and are already given in 3.1. The remaining two, ε4 and ε5, determine the interaction between the belt and the idler, see Figure 7.
Figure 7: FEM beam element with two constraint conditions.
These deformation parameters can be imagined as springs of infinite stiffness. This implies that:
ε4 = D4(x) = (rξ + u ξ)e2 - rid.e2 = 0
ε5 = D5(x) = (r ξ + uξ)e1 - rid.e1 = 0 ?????????????? (7)
If during simulation ε4 > 0 then the belt is lifted off the idler and the constraint conditions are removed from the finite element description of the belt.
In order to enable application of a model for the rolling resistance in the finite element model of the belt conveyor an approximate formulation for this resistance has been developed, [8]. Components of the total rolling resistance which is exerted on a belt during motion three parts that account for the major part of the dissipated energy, can be distinguished including: the indentation rolling resistance, the inertia of the idlers (acceleration rolling resistance) and the resistance of the bearings to rotation (bearing resistance). Parameters which determine the rolling resistance factor include the diameter and material of the idlers, belt parameters such as speed, width, material, tension, the ambient temperature, lateral belt load, the idler spacing and trough angle. The total rolling resistance factor that expresses the ratio between the total rolling resistance and the vertical belt load can be defined by:
ft = fi + fa + fb ??? ?????????????(8)
where fi is the indentation rolling resistance factor, fa the acceleration resistance factor and fb the bearings resistance factor. These components are defined by:
Fi = CFznzh nhD-nD VbnvK-nk NTnT
fa =
Mred ?2u
?Fzb ???t2
fb =
where Fz is distributed vertical belt and bulk material load, h the thickness of the belt cover, D the idler diameter, Vb the belt speed, KN the nominal percent belt load, T the ambient temperature, mered the reduced mass of an idler, b the belt width, u the longitudinal displacement of the belt, Mf the total bearing resistance moment and ri the internal bearing radius.The dynamic and mechanic properties of the belt and belt cover material play an important role in the calculation of the rolling resistance. This enables the selection of belt and belt cover material which minimise the energy dissipated by the rolling resistance.
To enable the determination of the influence of the rotation of the components of the drive system of a belt conveyor, on the stability of motion of the belt, a model of the drive system is included in the total model of the belt conveyor. The transition elements of the drive system, as for example the reduction box, are modelled with constraint conditions as described in section 3.2. A reduction box with reduction ratio i can be modelled by a reduction box element with two displacement parameters, μp and μq, one rigid body motion (rotation) and therefore one deformation parameter:
εred = Dred(x) = iμp + μq = 0 ??????????????(10)
To determine the electrical torque of an induction machine, the so-called two axis representation of an electrical machine is adapted. The vector of phase voltages v can be obtained from:
v = Ri + ωsGi + L ?i/?t ???? ????????????? (11)
In eq. (11) i is the vector of phase currents, R the matrix of phase resistance's, C the matrix of inductive phase resistance's, L the matrix of phase inductance's and ωs the electrical angular velocity of the rotor. The electromagnetic torque is equal to:
Tc = iTGi ??????????????(12)
The connection of the motor model and the mechanical components of the drive system is given by the equations of motion of the drive system:
Ti = Iij
+ Cik
??Kil? ???? ????????????(13)
where T is the torque vector, I the inertia matrix, C the damping matrix, K the stiffness matrix and ? the angle of rotation of the drive component axis's.
To simulate a controlled start or stop procedure a feedback routine can be added to the model of the belt's drive system in order to control the drive torque.
The equations of motion of the total belt conveyor model can be derived with the principle of virtual power which leads to [7]:
fk - Mkl ?2x1 / ?t2 = σ1Dik ???????????????(14)
where f is the vector of resistance forces, M the mass matrix and σ the vector of multipliers of Lagrange which may be interpret as the vector of stresses dual to the vector of strains ε. To arrive at the solution for x from this set of equations, integration is necessary. However the results of the integration have to satisfy the constraint conditions. If the zero prescribed strain components of for example e.g. (8) have a residual value then the results of the integration have to be corrected, also see [7]. It is possible to use the feedback option of the model for example to restrict the vertical movement of the take-up mass. This inverse dynamic problem can be formulated as follows. Given the model of the belt and its drive system, the motion of the take-up system known, determine the motion of the remaining elements in terms of the degrees of freedom of the system and its rates. It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss all the details of this option.
Application of the FEM in the desian stage of long belt conveyor systems enables its proper design. The selected belt strength, for example, can be minimised by minimising, the maximum belt tension using the simulation results of the model. As an example of the features of the finite element model, the transverse vibration of a span of a stationary moving belt between two idler stations will be considered. This should be determined in the design stage of the conveyor in order to ensure resonance free belt support.
The effect of the interaction between idlers and a moving belt is important in belt-conveyor design. Geometric imperfections of idlers and pulleys cause the belt on top of these supports to be displaced, yielding a transverse vibration of the belt between the supports. This imposes an alternating axial stress component in the belt. If this component is small compared to the prestress of the belt then the belt will vibrate in it's natural frequency, otherwise the belt's vibration will follow the imposed excitation. The belt can for example be excitated by an eccentricity of the idlers. This kind of vibrations is particularly noticea