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附錄2 外文譯文
關(guān)鍵詞:制造業(yè) 虛擬制造 虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)
0 引言
1 虛擬制造
2 虛擬制造技術(shù)支持
3 VM在制造業(yè)中應(yīng)用
4 虛擬制造系統(tǒng)體系結(jié)構(gòu)
附錄3 外文原文
Virtual Manufacturing Technology and Its Application
Abstract:This paper describes the fundamental conception,the key virtual technology of virtual manufacturing and its application.
Keywords:Manufacturing industry Virtual manufacturing Virtual reality
0 preface
Nowadays the manufacturing industry basic technique is attain mature, its market be placed in with consumer for direction of market environment descend, product species, the time appear on market and the customer satisfaction to become main factor that the business enterprise obtains the competitive advantage. The manufacturing industry fierce competition of this kind of globalization urges to born various of the manufacturing technique and new manufacturing philosophies forerunners continuously, Virtual manufacturing technique will flow out toward the tide head in this century, it’s simple thought and high and new technique means are all worshiped by studying realm and industries .
Virtual manufacturing just according to the need of the business enterprise market competition, while emphasize the gentle and fast premise, in the 80's the United States put forward of, along with the development of the computer technique and the information networks technical, get the people's value in 90's, and acquire the quick development.
1 virtual manufacturing
The basic thought of the virtual manufacturing is in the upper stream of the product process- the design stage carry on the conjecture to the product making of the whole process gather, resolving the problem that may appear in the whole stage in this stage, passing to design superior to turn once manufacturing success of attain the product.
The virtual realistic technique is a dynamic state model that uses the sense organs organization to imitate the true or vain environment of true equipments born or create a person can the feeling know of environment or actuality, make person can with borrow the intuition function in three D that calculator produce imitates the true model of virtual environment. According to realistic technical virtual manufacturing technique of conjecture at an unifies the model under gather to the processes such as design and manufacturing etc., it will make with product related various process and techniques gather in three D of, imitate the true true process dynamic state of numerical model of entity on. Its purpose designs the stage in the product, asking for help to set up the mold with imitate the true technique in time, abreast, imitate to produce the article to make in the future the process is to go to various activity of the product whole life cycle to the influence that product design, estimate, examination, evaluate the product function and products can make the sex etc.. Thus and more valid of, economy of, the gentle organization produce, strengthenning decision and controling the level, lowering emolliently because of expecting to design before to behind expected to make to bring of returned to change, attain the development period and cost minimums, products of the product design quantity superior to turn and produced the efficiency to maximize.
The conjecture manufacturing system is the conjecture of each manufacturing function to gather, it can see to turn to gather the scope includes and designs various functions of related sub- system, if customer support, engineering analysis, the material chooses to use, the craft plan, work pack analysis, fast prototype, even include to make all functions( such as plan, operation, control) of business enterprise to gather.
The conjecture manufacturing system owns all informations of the product and related manufacturing process, including the conjecture design and making and controling the output data, knowledge and model informations.The virtual control manufacturing system returns to gather to three kinds of sub- environments of different type according to the function, the system mode that the common composing center three dollar match:
(1)Conjecture manufacturing design center: the one who give design provides various tool for the purpose of conjecture design, the conjecture manufacturing, design to match the product model of design the standard( such as DFX);
(2)Conjecture the manufacturing processes the center: Study to develop the product manufacturing process model and the environment models and its nalytical various viable production plan and craft programmingses;
(3)Conjecture manufacturing control centre:Evaluate the product design, product prototype, produce the plan and make to imitate and control the strategy etc..
2 conjecture manufacturing technique support
The conjecture manufacturing technique is the system technique that many course synthesize, the hardware that needs to study the development to correspond gather system and software, in regard to the software technique, the related research support is as follows:
Can see to turn: True, keep the view ground to reappear the subjective product and objective manufacturing processes;
Basic environment: The to build up can see to turn to gather with other conjecture manufacturing function system terrace;
Information description: Express various information, include data, knowledge and the united method, language righteousness, phrasing of the models;
Win to lie the model: Structure, definition, the model that develop to be easy to to the process break off to get involved;
The basic level gather the organization structure: Grass-roots organization structure of the hardware and software;
Imitate the true model: True system model of the design in the calculator system;
Applied method: The product abstraction of diverse sex and process dynamic state and common characteristic withdraw;
Make the characteristic: Various material makes the variety process in the environment in the conjecture;
Conjecture manufacturing system evaluation: Can make sex, craft, credibility, economy, quantity, the work period...etc..
2.1 set up the mold technique
The conjecture manufacturing system is an actuality manufacturing system under the virtual environment of reflect to shoot, is a RMS model to turn, the formalization and calculators turn abstract description and mean. The VMS set up the mold and should include: Produce the information system structure of the model, the product model and the craft model.
(1)Produce the model induces to describe to describe two aspects with dynamic state for the static state. The static state description mean the system production ability and produce the description of the characteristic .The dynamic state description mean on the foundation that have already known the system appearance and the need characteristic the whole process that the estimate product produce.
(2)The product model is to make in the process, each kind of entity object model gather. To VMS, to make all activities within the product implement processes gather, must have the complete product model, so virtual manufacturing under of product model is not the single static state characteristic model any more, it can pass to reflect to shoot, abstract etc. the method withdraw the product implement in the model that each activity need.
(3)The craft model hand over the product design that the craft parameter and influences make the function belongs to sex to contact, respond the of produce the model and the product model with each other function.The craft model must have the following function:The calculator craft imitate true, manufacturing
Data form, manufacturing programming, the covariance model and physicses and mathematics models.
2.2 imitate the true technique
Imitate is really applied calculator to complicated of realistic system becomes the system model through abstraction and simplifications, then circulate this model on the analytical foundation, thus getting the covariance function of the system a series.
Imitate the really basic step is: Study the system- collections data- establishment the system model- the assurance imitates the true calculate way- build up imitating the true model- circulate imitate the true model- output the result is also analytical.
The product manufacturing process really imitate, can induce for make the system to imitate true and really process the process to imitate. Conjecture manufacturing product within system development involve the product to set up the mimicry true, design process programming imitate true, design the thinking process and designs hand over with each other the behavior imitates true etc., in order to as a result carry on the evaluation to the design, realization design process earlier period feedback, reduce or avoid the product design mistake. Process the process really imitate, including to slice to pare the process to imitate true, really assemble the process to imitate, examine the process to imitate true and weld, the pressure process, casts to imitate true etc..Above-mentioned currently two the types imitate the true process to develop independently of, can't gather still, but VM in really should build up face to make the whole process to unify to imitate.
2.3 virtual realistic technique
Virtual realistic technique is at for improve the person to hand over with calculator with each other way, output in the exaltation calculator maneuverability, it is to synthesize to make use of the calculator sketch system, various manifestation and control etc. to connect a people's equipments, providing to sink the technique of immerse the felling in compute on board born lternant three D environment ( be called the virtual environment)
From the sketch system and various connect a people's equipments to constitute, use to produce the virtual environment and provide to sink to immerse the felling, and the calculator department that hand over to operate with each other knows together as the virtual realistic system.The virtual realistic system includes the operation the , machine and person's machine connects 3 essential elements of.Make use of the VRS can carry on the dynamic state mold to the real world, hand over through a customer to input with each other, and modify the virtual environment according to the exportation in time, make person the creation body faces its band to sink to immerse the felling.The virtual realistic technique is one of the VM key techniques.
3 the VM is applied in the manufacturing industry
Although in product develop process the application set up the mold and imitate and really can shorten to develop the period consumedly, the function and credibilities of the improvement product, in the design process of the industry field the actual application combine not much.Imitate the request that the true system can't still adapt the industry field to carry on the analysis and verification etc. in design process currently.
The deluxe engineering imitate the true system and should have the following characteristics:
Three complicated spare parts of the D the spare parts connects; Essentially different respond to diverse material of the characteristic; The material is important not the line property, such as: Not Newton's behavior, plastics transform, splits; Have another mutually phenomenon; Take to have the chemical reaction much and mutually the energy transfer; Move or free boundary; Not line dynamics.
In taking model as basal design, carry out the deluxe engineering to imitate the true key technique and can induce as follows:
The customer connects; Stereoscopic shape of analytical type; To the born calculate way of the hull body and the advanced mesh of the entities;( an analysis use)The error margin of the solution analysis and improvement; Material model; Excellent turn the design of the target function; Face to the software engineering of the object; The sea quantity proceeds together the calculation; Can see to turn.
These techniques the one who gather get up, can in aid of design carries on the design, the function of the product that the understanding design come out. Apply the mesh born calculate way, the error margin analysis and calculations of the above-mentioned forerunner, can compose of to adapt the calculate way, making know only the organization and don't know the analytical design also can design the product and design the manufacturing process of this product. Can guarantee the analytical accuracy from the orientation ability. Important several properties can turn with the parameter, so can carry on the shape excellent to turn etc..
The application that the conjecture manufacturing technique achieve success in the realms, such as airplane and automobile...etc. first. Currently the VMT application at following few aspects:
3.1 virtual business enterprise
Virtual business enterprise establishment, among them have the most important reason is because each business enterprise can't satisfy the market need alone, greeting the market challenge.Therefore, for responding to the need of the market quickly, surround the new product development, make use of the existing resources, different business enterprise of the different region or the factory of different locations, re- organize a new company.That company must analyze whether combination is superior or not before movement, can moderate the movement, and to hurl the risk, the benefits allotment...etc. of the postnatal period carry on the valuation.This kind of the parter company to be called the virtual company, or be called the dynamic state alliance, is a kind of virtual business enterprise, it has to gather economic entity of sex and real results two greatest characteristicses.
3.2 virtual product design
For example the shape design of the airplane, automobile, whether its shape match the aerodynamicist principle or not, the sport resistance within process, rationality etc. that its internal structure layout.In the complicated piping system design, the one who adopt virtual technique, design can" enter among them 0 carry on piping's arrange, and can check and can take place the interference. At compute the on board virtual product design, not only can raise to design the efficiency, but also can discover the problem in the design as early as possible, thus excellent turn the design of the product. For example the American company of Boeing invests USD 4,000,000,000 to research to manufacture 777 blow out gas type aerobuses of Boeing, using zero 8 month times of 3 years to complete to research to manufacture only from since October of 1990 to June of 1994, trying to fly the success once, devotion luck camp.The Boeing company dispersion adjusts to serve as HE2 YI to sow in to compute the on board observation, research, discussion in the technical personnel of the world-wide locations can from millions zero parts of 777 aerobuses, all zero partses are three D entity models all. It is thus clear that the virtual product designs the performance that brings for business enterprise.
3.3 virtual product manufacturing
The applied calculator imitates the true technique, processing the method, the work preface to the spare parts in proper order, the work pack of choose to use, the craft parameter chooses to use, processing the craft, assembling the craft, matching with the match between piece, linking the conjunction between piece and exercising a piece of sport etc. really all can