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摘 要
關鍵詞 重型壓力容器;馬鞍形曲線;自動焊機;運動仿真
The heavy pressure vessel saddle automatic welding machine is used for welding of tube and intelligent pipe welding equipment. A lot of major technical equipment, such as the million kilowatt class nuclear power generating equipment, ultra supercritical thermal power generating units, complete sets of equipment megaton large ethylene equipment, want to realize cylinder thickness, diameter and pipe welding. The welding of saddle shaped seam between them is the key equipment of producing these. Saddle automatic welding machine for welding equipment is available to the cylinder body and the control of automatic welding and welding is developed, it can achieve large thickness, narrow groove weld of 3D complex.
In this paper, according to the practical application of welding technology at home and abroad, in the in-depth understanding and analysis of the existing domestic and foreign large welding equipment under the premise, to learn from the experience, put forward to narrow groove saddle shape weld multipass circular welding technology scheme. Based on this scheme is determined the overall design, the heavy pressure vessel for saddle shaped curve automatic welding machine kinematic and dynamic parameters, and complete the detailed design of each part of the mechanical structure.
Automatic welding machine for saddle shaped curve of heavy pressure vessel designed by this paper has good versatility, high control precision, stable operation, compact structure, simple operation, convenient maintenance, can be very good to meet the large cylinder and pipe welding requirements. Automatic heavy pressure vessel welding, improve production efficiency, to fill the gaps in domestic related fields.In this paper, according to the practical application of welding technology at home and abroad, in the in-depth understanding and analysis of the existing domestic and foreign large welding equipment under the premise, to learn from the experience, put forward to narrow groove saddle shape weld multipass circular welding technology scheme.
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目 錄
摘 要 I
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 課題背景 1
1.2 國內外研究現(xiàn)狀 2
1.2.1 國內研究現(xiàn)狀 2
1.2.2 國外研究現(xiàn)狀 4
1.3本文研究內容 6
第2章 總體設計 8
2.1設計要求 8
2.2 設計原則與總體布置 10
2.1.1 設計原則 10
2.1.2 總體布置 10
2.3 主要參數的確定 13
2.3.1 傳動原理 13
2.3.2 運動參數確定 14
2.3.3動力參數確定 15
2.4 本章小結 17
第3章 主要部件設計 18
3.1 電動機選擇 18
3.2 集電裝置 19
3.3 進給裝置 22
3.4 非任務的主要部件的設計 25
1.1 本章小結 32
結 論 33
參考文獻 34
致 謝 37
附錄I 38
附錄II 46
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第1章 緒論
1.1 課題背景
目前,我國在上述重型壓力容器的生產制造中,其主環(huán)縫和筒體內壁堆焊已實現(xiàn)自動焊接,而對于接口管的馬鞍形焊接和90°彎管內壁堆焊,尚無現(xiàn)成的自動焊設備可以采用, 主環(huán)縫的焊接自動化與智能化水平還較低。國內大多數廠家還在采用手工焊接,個別廠家雖然采用了焊接專機,但自動化程度不高,焊接過程中需要人工調節(jié),且焊槍沿馬鞍形運動軌跡靠機械方式調節(jié),效率低,焊接質量難以保證,而且一旦發(fā)生焊接缺陷,大厚度截面難以修復。因而研制重型壓力容器馬鞍形自動焊機對滿足我國鍋爐、核電及石化設備制造的需求,提高其自動焊接水平,具有重要的現(xiàn)實意義。