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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??朴⒄Z閱讀(1)2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號:2155)Part IQuestions I一10 are based on Passage 1. (30 pinU9 3 points each)Passage IThe dentistoncowsofWaterpicktoupspiderAntnd uiQuestions 110: The following people rc talktnf: about their phobias (恐懼癥).Read Passage1 and complete the following Ideas with the wor

2、dx given above In the box.Nicola Spiders. I just cant go near a (1)Lim: Im really seared of flying, so I can f t go to Americzi or (2for myholidays.Peter: Heights. 1 cnft go (3)n ladder or anything like that !Tm not verykeen (4) flying either, bur Im not seared of it.Joseph: (5) ! know its sillyt bu

3、t Im really terriftcd(6) going tothe dentisLGuy: Spiders. Wasps. In facrt all kinds of things that crawl or bum round your head.Christ Nothing rcally My brother doesnt like spiders9 so I have to (7_ _ themup and throw them outside.Philip: (8) I suppose. 1 didnt learn to swim when I was little and no

4、w Imtoo scared (9)try,Miriam: Cows. And spiders Stupid redly, isnt it? Big things like (10)Andlittle things like spidersPart IJRead passages 2 and 3 then choose an answer from the choices given to complete statements1120 based on your understanding of the passage (30 pointsf 3 points each)Passage 2S

5、uspect sent back to TaiwanXIAMEN ( Xinhua)The Chinese tnnninland Red Cross organization handed over a suspect in a financial crime to its counterpart in Taiwan here last Thursday.The repatriated man. Cai Zhiwei. a 27-ymrold Tniwan bunk clerk fled to Hong Kong on 30 Aprili thin yenr with pnrt of the

6、3h 44 million Taiwan yuan ($1.12 million)he h.d Niolen from cuntofncr account* at the bftnk where he worked.Cni entered Shenthen on 1 Muy* rnrrying a total 000 including HK $ 1 million($ I35 t35)m Esh. and the rcat in travellers checks*f ie wnK held fur questioning when be enuhed the trovrllcr1 n ch

7、ecks nt the Bunk of Chinn Shenzhen Brnnch on 5 Mtiy The fundn hr drpuRtted tn locnl bank were nho fro/cnThe Tniwnn red Crann expressed thnnk% for the c(ro|M?rntion of Hn mnmland countrrpnrt And hoped tIwt such ccropcrntion would continue*The two sidrg worked ou1 n rcp/itrirnion ngrrcnicnt in Septemb

8、er 1990 and aincc then hnvr cnmplrtcd n total o( 14 repatriations o( illegal inimigrants ond suspected cnminfth Questions 11 15 nrc bused on P】邸瞄v 2.1 L This possoRc is mostly tAken from _ .A. A textbookB. a newspaper(a novel2. The nuMpect was handed over to.A. a police ntaiion in Tuiw/tnB. thr imtn

9、igratian office in TniwnnC The Taiwan Red Crow13. Which of the following statements is true about Cai Zhiwci?A. He i 26 years old.II He in a aie!imanQ He mny be involved in n financiAl crime.14. Which of the following wird can be ujrd to replace the word H deposit cdM in th- Nentence the funds he de

10、poRtted rn n local bnnk were nlno (roientf?A. Placed.B. Stole.Ce Stored.15# The suspect wan caught _ A on 30 AprilB000 Chinese characters per hour, with 80 percent of the totnl content easily understandable after the trAnsIntion proersa-The major problem hindering the development of the Internet in

11、China is the language barrier Many Chinese users feel that their English is inadequate for operating the Internet, which i predominantly in English.Development of trnnshlion software in pn of a high-tech prngrm introduced by the State Science and technology Commission in the mid-1980The softwaret jo

12、intly developed by a research institute and a university in Southwest Chinnfs Sichuan Province runs in the Windows environment. Users cati use a mouse to achieve inxiant trnrilntionTit while mnintaminK the original format of documents or picturi!.Questions 1620 arc based on Passage 3.16 The passage

13、is mostly token fromA. a newspaperB. n magazineC. a novel17. Which of the following phrasr can be used to replace the word hinderM in the sentence 40The major problem hindering the development of the Internet in chins is the Unguage barrier.A. holding onB holding toC holding back18. It can be inferr

14、ed fnmi thr passage that Intenirt is mninly operated throughA ChineseB. EnglishC. German19. Which of the following statements is NOT true about translation software?A. It is parr of b high-tech programme.B. It is developed by a research institute and a university in Beijing.C It runs in the Windows

15、environment.20. The mouse* in the last paragraph refers to.A. the device connected to a computer to control the cursors movementB. the animal of which the cat is the natural enemyC a kind of moue-like toy for childrenPart d True or FalseDirections:Read passage 4 and then decide whether the sUtevnenh

16、 after It are TRUE or Fals(t On your answer sheet, indicate T for TRUE or E for FALSE against the number for cuch of items 2130 for the answers you choose. (20 pointse 2 points each)Passage 4The Olympics1 The Olympic games are an international ports competition. In the Olympics, athletes take part i

17、n many different types of sports Some athletes compete in the Winter Olympics. Some enrapete in the Summer Olympics.2 I he Olympic games are very old and hnve a very interesting history- The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in uncient time They probably began in the eighth century Ft C the co

18、ntests were held every four years in summer. The first gmes lasted for only one dny. There wiu only one cant ent i *hort race. Only rcek men were nllowcd to run in the rncc No women And no non-Greck were allowed to take part. Women were not allnwcd to watch the rncr eitbrr. or to br anywhere nenr th

19、e rncing nren. But the ancient Karnes were Ntoppcd in the fourth century A. D. . when Greece wna ruled by Rome.3 The Olympics were fttArtcd Agiiin in the nineteenth ccnturyi after Boron Pierre de Coubertin# Frenchmtint BUgKtcd thnt it would he Koad to have the Rnmcn AKain# but not just for Greek peo

20、ple. De Coubertin organized a meeting in 1894. Rcprccntntivc from nine countries went to the meeting* in Paris* They agreed to start rhe Olympic Games again m Athens Greece# in 1896. The Olympic Games h/ive been held every four years &ince 1896. However, the games were not held three times in 1916 1

21、940 and 1944because of the two world wars.4 De Coubertin also started a commiltee to run the Olympics. This committee is called rhe International Olympic Committee It makes the rule5 for athletes in the Olympics.5 These rulej are very strict. (1 Everyone who would like to be in the Olympics must be

22、an amateun They must not have ployed the sport professionally (2) There arc no nge limits- An athlete can be young or old. (3) No one can be kept out of the Olympics because f religionf color, or political ideas. (4) Only people who were born in a particular country can represent that country in the

23、 Games* (5) In each event each country can have only three entries in the summer games, nnd four entries in the winter These rules help to mnkc ure that everyone has the same chance of winning.6 The events and games are of several different types- There nre individual contests where each athlete com

24、petes alone To win this type of contest one Athlete must be better, fasleft or stronger thsn other athletes Some examples of individual spons are tiwimming* running nnd walking races. In a second group of events and gnmes three or four athletes work as a group. These contests are usually races and t

25、he fasUM group wins. For these small groupsthere arc relay races in running and swimming tn summert and relays in skiing in winter In a third group of games, teams from each country compete in sports* For team, there arc many kinds of games. They play games such as basketballs footballs and volleyba

26、lL To win these garner# one team must have a higher score than the other team. The athletes must usually be able to catch* throw hit* or kick a ball very well to win.7 For an amateur Athlete9 winning in the Olympics is n great achicvcrnent in small groups or on trams. An athlete who wins the Olympic

27、s is the best in the world.Questions 2】一30:2L The Olympic Games were firstly held in Grecce-22. There were many different types of contexts in the first Olympic Games.23. Women were neither allowed tn run in the Greek race nor allowed to watch it.24. Greece wns ruled by Rome in the eighth century B.

28、 C .25. The Olympics were started again in 1894.26. It is Barron Pierre de Coubertin that made the Olympics an interruitiona! event.27. Due to the two world wnrs the games were not held two timed-28. Only the professional HthleteA are allowed to take Part in the Olympic Game*29. An athlete who has j

29、ust immigrated into another country may represent it in the Olympic Garner30. Three mam types of games are mentioned in the passaget L eDirections:Read passage 5 and then give a short answer to each of the questions 3135 on your answer sheet (20 pointsv 4 points each)1 Auctions nrc public sales of g

30、oods conducted by nn officially approved auctioneer HeAsks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers orfor the variousitems on sale He encourages buyers to bid higher figurcs and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the good- Practically al! goods whose qualities vary are so

31、ld by auction. Among these nre coffee skins, wool, teaf furs species, fruit and vegetables and wines. Auction sales arc also useful for land and property antique furnituret pictures, rare kookst old china and works of art.2 An nuction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the art

32、icles to be soldi and where and when they can be viewed by prospective buyers H the advertisement cannot give full detail J catnlogues are printed t and each group of goods To be sold Together# called is usually given a number The nuctioncer need not begin with Lot 1 andcontinue in numerical nrderi

33、he may wait until he registers the fact that certain dealers are in the room and then produces the lots they are likely to be interested iru The auctioneer 9 s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has n direct interest in pus

34、hing up the bidding as high as possible.3 The auctioneer must know fairly accurately the current market values of the goods he is selling and he should be acquainted with regular buyers of such goods. He will not waste time by starting the bidding too low. He will also play on the rival among his bu

35、yersand succeed in getting n high price hy encouraging two business competitors to bid figainni each other. It is largely in his advice thnt n seller will fix a reserved pricet that ist price below which the goods cannot be sold Even the best auctioneer5. however find it difficult to stop n uknock*o

36、uC whereby deolrrs illegally arranged themselves as the only bidder m the hopt nf buying Rnnds At extremely low pricrs II such t#knock-outM cornea off. the real auction sale takes place privately afterwards Among the dealersQuestions 3135:31. What are auctions?32. What are the goods which can be sol

37、d by auction? (Name nt least three)33. Whnt is a MlotH?34. How lire the auctioneer services pnid for?35. Whnt will happen if a Mknock-outH la achieved?試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)Part 1 (30 points t 3 points each)1. spider2. AuBtrftiins. up4. onM The dentist6. of7 pick8. Wntcr10. cowsPart (| (30 point%, 3 points

38、 cuch)11. B 12. C6. A14. A17. CPart DI (20 points, 2 paints rath)2LT22. F18-B20. A26. T27. FPart IV (20 points, 4 points each)23. T28. F30. T31. Auctions urc public snlcs of good9 conducted by ah olficinlly Approved /luctianeer.32 Coffee# skinst wool. tenf fur. npecirs. fruit and vegetables nnd winc

39、At Innd andproperty nmique furniture, picture!*, rnrr keck, old chino and works of art. ( Any three of these will be OK)33. Each group of goodjit which can be sold together.34. In the (orm of percentage of the price the goods nrc Hold fur.35. The rcnl auction anlc tkc place pnvotcly M(rerwnrds amonK the deniers

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