
1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大本科《文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析》2028-2029期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1062) Purt I Literary Fundamentals [30 pointe] Section L Match the woriis with their writera (10 points)e Works 1. Of Studifi 2. The Rime of thf Ancient Mariner 3. The 5/range Cast of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hydf 4. J ant Eg 5. I ni pec tor Calli Writers A.
2、Charlotte Bronte B. JB Priestley C. Walt Whitman D. Francis Bacon E> Ernest Hemingwuy F. Robert Ix)uib Stevcnnon G. Thomas Hardy H. Saniuei Taylor Coleridu^ Section 2. Decide whether the following BlntcmrnU arc True (T) or False (F) (10 polrilt). 6. The novel A Christmas Carol chart* the gr
3、owing up of the chnrnctcr Pip. 7. Emily Dickinson is ? well-known American poet* 8. Hamht in one of Shnkespeare1 b welbknown trnge(iiea the other three bcinR Macl^lh ? Othello and King Lear. 9. The Old Man and th. S^a cxponea the corruption, cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa> 10
4、. In the poem "Futility”, the speaker expressed hit dintresA at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the mcaninR of marriBgc< Section 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences (10 polnl>) 11. in written to commemorate gomeone who has died. A. A limerick B- A sonnet
5、 G An epitaph IX An elegy 12. The refers to a type of which exaggerates one or more aspects of hurnun ruxure and preaentn them in a non-rrMlistic way. A Thentrc of the Absurd, play K mytery> play C Bonncte poem D. myth, novel 13. Whm figures of upccch lire used in the followinK iinea? "Now i
6、rhe time to make real the promines of democracy^ Now is the time to rine from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of raciAl justice. Now in the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.” A. Irony? nirnile B. ParAlle
7、lini metaphor C Simile# pun D. Personificationt pun 14. All the following were Awarded the Nobel Prize (or Literature except ? A. Harold Pinter B. William Golding C. Sherwood Anderaon D. Ernest Hemingway 15> I have a dream that one day this nation will rie up and live out the true mooning of iu
8、 erredi "We hold thciie truth to be nclf^cvidcnt> that all men are created cquaL " This in n quote from n farnouH speech by ? A. Hawaharloi Nehru B. Martin Luther King C Abraham Lincoln D. Thoma* Jefferson Prt 0 Reading Comprehension [50 points] Read the texts 1—3 and choose the best annwer to e
9、ach question. Text ) Proctort I am only wondering how I may prove what nhe told me> U the girl1* ■ Mint nowt I think it not easy to prove ahe9B a fraud* and the town Rone no ,il}y. She told it to me in ? room alone I have no proof of it* EhxAbethi You were alone with her? Proctor Stubbornly) i F
10、or a moment alonet aye. Elisabeth: Why. thent it is not as you told me. Proctor (hn angrr ruing) ( For n morncnt ? 1 say. The others comr in soon after. Elizabeth (quietly —she has tuddenly loit all faith tn him ) t Do a、you wi』h? then, (i/ir xtarli to turn). Proctor: Womm (SAe turns to him. ) T
11、il not have your suspicion ony more. Elisabeth (a little loftily) i I have no — Proctori Ill not hve it! Elunbeth: Then let you not earn it. Proctor {with a violent undertone) i You doubt me yet? Elizabeth {with a smile, to keep her dignity): John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to hu
12、rt? would you filter now? 1 think not. Proctorj Now look you 一 Elizabethi I see what I see, John. Proctor {with solemn warning) > You will not judge me morc Elizabeth. I have good rranon to think before I charge fraud on Abigail# und I will think on it. Let you look to your own improvement before
13、 you ro to judfte your buMbnnd any more. 1 have forgot Abigail, and — Elizabethi And L Proctor:Spare me! You forget nothinf and forgive nothin \ Learn charily, woman. 1 have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved from there to there without 1 think to plrAnc
14、yout and ^till nn everlnsting (unernl marches round your heart. ! cannot upeak but I urn doubted> r.vcry moment judged for hes# as though 1 come into o court when 1 come into this house! Elizabeth John, you are not open with me. You maw her with a crowd# you mid. Now you — Proctort Pl! plead my ho
15、nesty no more* Eliawibcth. Elixabeth (now sAr would justify herselfJohn. I am only — Proctori No more! 1 uhould hnve nwirrtl you down when GrM you told me your miMpinon. But I willed . nruL like n ChriMiant I conferscd> ConfcRiuxi! Surur dre^rn I Imd muM hove rnuitakcti you for (hx< thnt d". But y
16、(iuf rc iuh> you1 re not n<- run. Elixahcthi I(io not JucIkc you. The inAgiMnttc 前抽 in your IkMrt that yg J never ihonght you but a gtxxl trviru John—(uil/i a imi/r ) -only x)nirwlmt bcwildrreiL Proctor (laughing b
17、itterly) t Oh# Elizabeth ? your junher would freexc beer! QuenUons 16—19 (12 poinh) 16. From the extrnct? it in clrnr tht ? A. the man and the warnon have lost their jobs due to InwBuit H? there in a grcj)i tension between the mnn nnd the- wornnn C< Proctor ha lout his Iawsuh agninnt Abigail
18、17, The rclftuonship between the mnn nnd the wornnn 浦 thnt of ? A. huiibnnd nnd wife B. lawyer and client C? brother nnd i9ter 18. Which of the following in trur uccording Io the extrnct? A. Proctor hesnnten ar to whether he should trntify MKinst Ab,HiL 11 Elizabeth doesnt want Proctor to chnrK
19、r (niud on Abigiiil. > (\ Abigail doesnt wnnt to nccunr Elitubrth of wiichcralti 19> Eltmbrth portrayed an ? A. guilty nnd depressed & scl^dingustcd and rerrified C. insistent nnd Ufipiciau5 Text 2 Ralph looked at him (the officer) dumbly. For a moment hr had a fleeting picture of the sirnnft
20、e glomour thnr had once invEed the bunches. Hut the inlnnd wn> scorched up like dead wood—Simon wam dc/id—nnd Jack hud ???? The tears began to flow and obs shixik him. He gave himself up to them now fur the first time on the inlandi grc/it ? shuddering,呻心 of grief that seemed to wrench his whole bod
21、y. His voice rone under the blnck smoke before the burning wreckage of the ialandi and infected by that emotion# the other little boys began lo a hake and sob too. And in the middle of thorn, with filthy body, matted hiiir. and unwiprd noAOe Ralph wept for the end of innocence? the darkneM of man f
22、a heart* and the (nil through the air of the (ruct wise friend called Pig^y. The officeri nurroundcd by thene noise? wah moved nnd a little embarraated. He turned *wy to >(ive them time to (Question 22 ) pull thctnxelvcs together; and waitedt allowing his eyes to refit on the trim cruiser in the di
23、ntance. Questions 20—22 (9 points) 20. From which novel it the extract taken? A. Lord of the F7如. B. A Chriilmai Carol. C Grtal Expectations. 21. Which o( the following niatements aummanics the scene described in the extract? A. Rnlph broke down. He and the boys wept and cried together at the
24、sight o( the officer* H. Rnlph gave up fightings He ond the boyt cried at the new-found pcace< C. Rfllph gave up negotiating with the boy# on what to do. He cried in protest, 22. The phrase "to I pull themiielvcs together1 (pnrAgraph 2) could be explained by A. toMatAnd doser to each other for w
25、armth^ H to*regain their cidmnmn" G fo^stand up and ahoiit together** Text 3 I think I could turn and live with Antmaltt they arc to placid nnd M:1>coruiiind. I stand And look t (hem long and long* H>ey do imH ?nd whine ?1>0眼 their condition ? They do not He Mwnkc In the dnrk nnd weep for the
26、ir ?lnn. !hcy do not make me tick discussing their duty to God. Not one is dissatisfied9 not one is demented with the mania of owning things? Not one kneels to another? nor to his kind that lived thousands of yearn ago# Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth. So they nhow their
27、rclntions to me nnd I accept them. They bring me tokens o( mymM. they evince them plainly in their posBesnion. Picking out here one that ! lovet and now go with him on brotherly terms. A gigiintic beauty of ? stallion? frenh and responsive to my careasca9 Head high in the forehead> wide between
28、the ears* LimbR Klonay nnd nupplct tail duiting the ground. Eyen full of sparkling wickedneaai ears finely cut. flexibly moving. Hib noatrila dilate as my heels embrace him > His wclbbuilt limbs tremble with plensure as we race Around nnd return. I but use you ? minute, then I resign you. utall
29、ion. Why do I need your paces when I myself ourxatlop them? Even as I stund or sit passing faster than you. (Song of Myjr//) Qucstionv 23—25 (9 points) 23. The poem can be categorized as . A. a sonnet EL a free verse C ■ ballad 24. Which of the following can be mid of the underlined lines in
30、 Btanxa 1? A. The parallel lines rcinforcea the differences between animah and humans. B. The parallel line* reinforces the similnritie!i between inimnlM and humAns. C. The parallel lines stresses the writer1 a respect for the innocence of mankind. 25. Which of the following is the messnge Whitm
31、an in conveyiriR? A. People should love animal* and respect nAture< B? People should love themnelves for what they arc and be themselves. C? People should despise riches and give their wealth away to thoe in need. Text 4 Raid (he text nnd give brief answers to the qurMlon* 26—29 that follow. P
32、lease note: Hih rending la%k will he relevant to the writinR I ask in Part ||| e Kvcllnc Shr mH nt lhe window wntching the evening tnvAdr the nvenuet Iler head wan Irnncd AKninNt thr window curtAiiis and in her nuntrih wna the odour ol diiMty cretonne. Shr wn, tired. Few people pnMtcda The mfln o
33、ut of thr Inwt hounr pAAArd on hM way hornci nhc heard hz (outMtrps clnckinn nlunx the concrclr pavement md aftcrwurdn crunching on the cinder pnth before the new red Onr time there uncd to be it field there in which they used to play every evening with other proplrf ? children^ Then a mon from bou
34、ght the field nnd built h“uiu* in it not like their little brown hounrs but bright brick houseA with Hhining roof a. The children of the avenue used io play together in that field - the Devines > the Wnterst the I)unri5 little Keogh the cripple< hc and her brothers and nistcrs< Ernest? however, neve
35、r plnycdi he wn-i too grown up. Her fnthcr tixcd altrn to hunt them in out of the (ickl with hm blackthorn Nticki but ununlly little Keogh iiMcd to keep nrx and cull ou! when hr shw her frtthrr rcHningt Still they Neernrd to hnve been rnther happy then. Her lather wan not z bad thcni and bcRtdcf her
36、 mother wn# alive That wtrn a long time agoi he nnd her brothers and nistcrM were nil grown upi hrr moi her was dend. Tixjjic Dunn whm dead. tao. And the Wntern had gone bark to Enxlimd. Everything chntixm Now nhe waj going to f;o nwHy like the othernt to leave her home,
llornr! Shr locikc 37、the room t reviewinx nil its familiar objects which she hod dunted once week fur ao runny yenrt wondering where on earth all the dunt came from. Prrhupn shr would never Mtr ngam tho^c Girmhnr ubjeett* from which the had never dreamed of being divtdccL And yet during nil thoHe yenrn nhr hnd never fo 38、und out the name of the priest whonc ycllowinK phutomph hung on the wall above the broken harmonium beside the coloured print pf the promiacn made to Blended Mnrgnrct Mnry Ahcoquct He hud been a school friend of her hither. Whenever he showed thr photograph to n visitor her fnthrr URed to panii it w 39、ith h camial wordi
— He im in Melbourne now.
She hnd consented to go away. to leave her home. Wm (hal wiz? She tried to weigh each aide of fhr qucMtion* In her home itnywny *he had ahrltcr wnd (ckmIi shr hd 1 ho^r whom the had known all her life about hen Of course nhe had to work hurdt both in th 40、e houae nnd at buaineM* What would they nuy of her in the Store* when they found out that hr hnd run away with n (rllow? Say hc wan 8 FoaL prrhnpBii nnd her place would be filial up by advertisements Mini Gm van would be glad. She hud always had on edge on hrr> cprcia||y whenever there were people l 41、istening.
—HiIL don11 you re thrMt ladies Arc wniting?
—Look lively> Miss Hill# pleoe.
Shr would not cry many “w nt kaving the Stores.
Hut in hrr new hornet in a di^tunt unknown country t it would not be like thnt. Thni .hr would be married she. Eveline. People would I rent het with rciprct then 42、. She would not be treated its her mother hud been. Even now. though she wa over nineteent !he sometimes felt herself in danger of her father *s violence. She knew it was that that had given her the palpitations. When they were growing up he had never gone for her. like he used to go for Harry and E 43、rnest ? because sihe was a girh but latterly he had begun to threaten her and sny whnt he would do to her only for her dead mother s 5ke> And now she had nobody to protect her. Ernest was dead and Harry? who wa in the church decorating business> wag nearly always down somewhere in the country. Besid 44、es? the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her urspeokably. She always gave her entire wnges seven ahillinga—and Harry nlwayn sent up what he could but the trouble was to get any money from her father. He said she used to squander the monry? that she hod no hold, ihn 45、! he wnsn11 going to give her hia hard-earned money to throw about thr "rem. and much mare, (or he was UAunlly fairly bad on Saturday night. In the end hr would give her the money and mk her had she any intention of buying Sunday dinner. Then she had to rush out os quickly am she could and do her ma 46、rketing, holding her block leather purse tightly in her hand as she elbowed her way through the crowd!* and returning home Into under her load oi provisions. She had hard work to keep the house together and to see that the two young
children who had been left to her charge went to school regularly 47、and got their meals regularly. It was hard work—a hard life—but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life*
She was about to explore another life with Frank. Frank was very kind, manly> open- hearted. She was to go away with him by the night-boat to be his wife 48、 and to live with him in Buenos Ayres where he had b home waiting for hen How well she remembered the first time she had seen him: he was lodging in a house on the main road where she used to visit. It seemed n few weeks ago. Hr was standing at the gatet his peaked cap pushed back on his head and hi 49、s hair tumbled forward over a face of bronze. Then they had come to know each other. He used to meet her outside the Stores every evening and sec her home. He took her to see The Bohemian Girl and she felt elated as she sat in an unaccustomed part of rhe theatre with h>nu He was awfully fond of musi 50、c and sang a little. People knew that they were courting and> when he ang about the lass that loves a sailor> she always felt pleasantly confused. He used to call her Poppens out of fun> First of all it had been an excitement for her to have a fellow and then she had begun to like him. He had tAles 51、of distant countries. He had started as n deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out to Canada^ He told her rhe names of the ships he had been on and the names of the different services^ He had sailed through the Straits of Magellan and he told her stories of the terrible Pata 52、gonians. He hnd fallen on his feel in Buenos Ayres? he said, and had come over to the old country just for a holiday. Of coursc< her father had found out the affair and had ilive< they had all gone for n picnic to the Hill of Howth. She remembered her father putting on her mothers bonnet to make the 53、 children Iru堆h.
Her time wan running out but whe continued to it by the window. IcnninR her htnd ngftinMt the window curfnine inhnhng the odour of dusty cretonne Down far in the uvenue she could hear a street orgwn pinyin^. She knew the am StrnnKr thnt it uhould come that very nihf to remind her o 54、f the promise 55、ay and given nixpcncc^ She remembered her father strutting back into the sickroom iwiyin們
—Dttmnrd Italians! coming aver here]
Aa >he muRed the pitiful vision of her mother9a life laid its upell on the very quick o( her bring*-tha! life of commonplace Mcriftcc^ closiritf in finnl craxincBAe She tr 56、embled as hc heard ngm her mother,voice aayinK conatanlly with fooltiih insintencei
—Dcrevaun SerMun! Derevaun Seraunl
She ?tood up in a sudden impulse of terror Escape! She must escape! Prank would save hen lie would give her HGs perhapti lovet too. But nhe wanted to live. Why should she he unhnp 57、py? She had a right to hnppine?A Frank would tnkc her in his arrnHe (old her in his armn> He would avc her.
Shr atood among the nwaying crowd in the utation At the North WnlL He held her hand nd she knew that hr wan speakin to her. Myinx sonicihing about lhe pmm好 over and over agnin. The utation wa 58、n (nil of noldicra with brown buxgAge乳 Through the wide doora of the nheds ahe caught a iflimpse of the black ol the honf. lying in bcsiide the quay walk with illumined portholen. She nnnwered nothings She (ch her cheek pale and cold tind? out of a mnxe of diatressf hc prayed tu God to direct h
59、to how her whnt was her duty. The boat blew ii long mournful whintle into the miste If the went? tomorrow the would be on thr kca with Frnnke steaminK towards Bueno* Ayren. Their hod been booked. Could she
still draw back after all he had done for her? Her distrenA awoke a nnunca in her body nnd wh 60、e kept moving her lips in nilcnt fervent prayer
A bell clanged upon her henri. She felt him Jieixe her hiindi
AH the acaa o( the world tumbled About her henr!. He w” drawing her into themi he would drown her. She gripped with both hand* at thr im” rnilnig.
No! No! No! It w心 impo 61、Mible. Her hnnd* clutched the iron in frenxy. Amid the ucan nhc went n cry ul unKuiMh.
Eveline I Evvy!
Ha runhcd beyond the bnrrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted Al to go on but he still cflllcd to hcr> She act her white (nee to him? pgNVE like a hrlpIcM wnirniiL Her eyc! gnvc htrn 62、no ngn of love or furcwcll or recognition^
Quesliofi* 26—29 (20 points)
26. What rc Eveline91 reawntf for wonting (o leiive? Give t Icost two rensoriM in your
27. Why in your opinion ? does Eveline noi join Frunk?
28. Which (he feature o( time ntructure of thi> story? The action proccrtlf 63、* ns in renl time or Urtn a point in the recent puss or fhifta hnck and forth between different time tones?
29. How docn the time structure of the story help reflect the feeliriK^ of Eveline?
Part IQ Writing [20 Poiou]
30. SuppiMC you nrc n friend of Evelines. Write her n letter (about 150 wonk) 64、In which you urge her to leave—or to my.
Part I Literary Fundamentals [30 points]
Section L Match (he writers with their works (2 points each)
1. D 2. H 3. F 4. A 5.
Section 2. Decide whether the followltiR stutcmcnU arc True (T ) or False (F) (2 points each)
6. F 7.T 8. T 9. 65、 F 10. F
Section 3. Chooe the correct answer to complete the following lentcncci (2 points each)
11- D 12e A 13. B 14. C 15. B
Part I] Reading Comprehension [50 points]
TexU 1—3 (30pointav3poinU meh)
20. A
25. B
16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C
21. A 22, B 23. B. 24. A
Text 4 (20 points)
? 5 points 66、 each for qucstlono 26—29.
? Ideas most be correct. Wording can be dilTercnU Points should be given when Ideas are dmilar or stand to reason.
? Every 5 mistakes in grammar 9 spelling or of any other kind will lcd to the reduction of one point.
26. Award 5 points for ANY TWO of (he following:
a. She had to do endless housework.
b. She Buffered from her father^ violent behaviour
c> She had to try and mnke do with the little money sh
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