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9.9 積分





1、M1U1:green 綠色, yellow 黃色, blue 藍(lán)色, purple 紫色, white 白色, pink 粉紅色, orange桔黃色, brown 棕色, black 黑色,red 紅色, grey 灰色, what colour 什么顏色, see 看見, beautiful 美麗的,rainbow 彩虹, shine 陽光,照射,shining 閃閃發(fā)光的, shiny, 發(fā)光的,發(fā)亮的, over there 在那邊, outside 在外面, inside 在里面, window 窗, I 我, my 我的, you 你, 你們, your 你的, 你們的, he 他

2、, his 他的, she 她, her 她的, it 它, its 它的, they 他們, their 他們的, colour 顏色, what colour 什么顏色, pear 梨, rabbit 兔子,butterfly 蝴蝶, butterflies 蝴蝶 (復(fù)數(shù)), bird 鳥, apple 蘋果, bag 書包, dog 狗, elephant 大象, five 五, girl 女孩, hand 手, insect 昆蟲, jar 罐子, kite 風(fēng)箏, lion 獅子, mouse 老鼠, net 網(wǎng), orange 桔子, pig 豬, queen 女皇, rabbit

3、 兔子, soup 湯, table 桌子, umbrella 傘, van 貨車, window 窗, box 盒子, yellow 黃色, zebra 斑馬, What colour is it ? Its pink. 它是什么顏色? 它是粉紅色。What colour are they ? They are yellow. 它們是什么顏色? 它們是黃色。What can you see ? I can see a butterfly. 你看到了什么? 我看到了一只蝴蝶。M1U2:watch 手表, bag 書包, soft 軟的, hard 硬的, rough 粗糙的, smooth 光

4、滑的, touch 摸 , feel 感覺, open 打開, close 關(guān)上, tall 高的, short 矮的 , fat 胖的, thin 瘦的, long 長的, young 年輕的, old 年老的, big 大的, small 小的, new 新的,Is it a watch ? Yes, it is. / No, its a pencil case. 它是一塊手表嗎?是的。/ 不, 它是一只鉛筆盒。Do you like it ? Yes. 你喜歡它嗎? 是的, 我喜歡 。What is it ? Its a bag. 它是什么? 它是一只包。M1U3:train 火車, b

5、us 公共汽車, car 小汽車, van 廂式貨車, bicycle ,bike自行車, ship 輪船, can 能,會, cant 不能, 不會, hear 聽見, listen 聽, what 什么, outside 在外面, inside 在里面, beside 在旁邊, beside the window 在窗戶旁邊, tiger 老虎, cat 貓, dog 狗, red 紅的, down 向下, 沿著, up 向上, down by. 沿著., bus stop 公共汽車站, here 這里, come 來, go 去, station 車站, wait for 等待, roa

6、d 馬路,Is it smooth ? Yes, it is. No, its rough. 它光滑嗎? 是的。 不, 它粗糙的。What is it ? Its a van. 它是什么? 它是一輛貨車。What can you hear ? I can hear a train. 你能聽到什么? 我能聽到火車的聲音。I cant hear the bus. 我聽不見公共汽車聲。M2U1: run 跑, skate 玩滑板, hop 單腳跳, skip 跳繩, swim 游泳, ride a bicycle 騎自行車, fly 飛, together 一起, too 也, kite 風(fēng)箏, w

7、rite 寫字, sing 唱歌, dance 跳舞, book 書, girl 女孩, frog 青蛙, sing with me 跟我唱, dance with me 跟我跳, write with me 跟我寫, Do you like running ? Yes, I like running. No, I like skating. 你喜歡跑步嗎?是的,我喜歡跑步。 不, 我喜歡玩滑板。M2U2:salad 色拉, carrot 胡蘿卜, fish 魚, chicken 雞肉, banana 香蕉, soup 湯, meat 肉, hamburger 漢堡, pizza 比薩, no

8、odles 面條, rice 米飯, cake 蛋糕, biscuit 餅干, hand 手, hen 母雞, steak 牛排, vegetable 蔬菜, plane 飛機(jī), mop 拖把, listen to聽, look at看,What do you like eating ? I like eating salad. 你喜歡吃什么?我喜歡吃色拉。M2U3:giraffe 長頸鹿, snake 蛇, elephant 大象, zebra 斑馬, bear 熊, panda 熊貓, pig 豬, dog 狗, cat 貓, fish 魚, wolf 狼, van 貨車, five 五,

9、 parrot 鸚鵡, pigeon 鴿子, in the toy shop 在玩具店里, have 有, has 有, tail 尾巴, like 喜歡, them 他們 (賓格), all 全部, may 可以, help 幫助, please 請, love 愛, lovely 可愛, very much 非常, thank 謝謝, thanks 謝謝, thank you 謝謝你, what 什么, what colour 什么顏色What are they ? They are giraffes. 它們是什么? 它們是長頸鹿。Do you like pigs ? Yes, I do.

10、 / No, I dont. 你喜歡豬嗎?是的,我喜歡。/ 不, 我不喜歡。May I have one? O.K. 我可以要一個(gè)嗎?好的。M3U1:spring 春天, summer 夏天, autumn 秋天, winter 冬天, green 綠色, red 紅色, yellow 黃色, white 白色, nice and warm 宜人暖和的, sunny and hot 晴朗炎熱的, windy and cool 刮風(fēng)涼爽的, cloudy and cold 多云冷的, ride my bicycle, riding my bicycle 騎自行車, in the park 在公園

11、里, very hot 非常熱, swim in the water, swimming in the water 在水里游泳, skate on the ice, skating on the ice 在冰上滑冰, fly a kite, flying a kite 放風(fēng)箏, season 季節(jié), seasons 季節(jié)(復(fù)數(shù)), in spring 在春天, in summer 在夏天, in autumn 在秋天, in winter 在冬天, eat fruit 吃小果, have fruit 吃水果, now 現(xiàn)在, make 做,制作, making 做,制作, outside 在外

12、面,inside 在里面, beside 在旁邊, sun 太陽, sunny 晴天, bus 公共汽車,bus stop 公共汽車站, zebra 斑馬, 人行道, zoo 動物園, we 我們, our 我們的, us 我們(賓格),I like spring. 我喜歡春天。It is winter now. We like making snowmen in winter.現(xiàn)在是冬天。我們喜歡在冬天做雪人。In spring, we like riding our bicycle outside.在春天, 我們喜歡在外面騎車。M3U2:rule 規(guī)則, stop 停, go 走, wai

13、t 等待,wait for 等待, look at 看., it is =its 它是, let us =lets 讓我們, light 燈, in the childrens garden 在兒童樂園里, mouth 嘴, warm 暖和, nose 鼻子, ten 十, by the road 在馬路邊, cross the road 穿過馬路, go past 過了, all 都, very fast 非??? 句子:Look at the light. Its green. Lets go. 看交通燈。它是綠色的。我們走吧。M3U3:clothes 服裝, trousers褲子, sw

14、eater 毛衣, shirt 襯衫, T-shirt T-恤衫, coat 外套, dress 連衣裙,shorts 短褲,socks 襪子, cap 帽子, gloves 手套, have 有, has 有, look 看, too 也, two 二, go to school 去上學(xué), together 一起, time 時(shí)間, time for class 上課了, my new skirt 我的新的裙子, nice and warm 又漂亮又暖和, listen 聽, listen to 聽, hear 聽見, here 這里,light, 燈cool 涼爽, run 跑 , ora

15、nge 桔子,句子:I have a sweater.我有一件毛衣。 Im sorry.對不起。 Thats all right. 沒關(guān)系Here you are.給你。M4U1:drive 駕駛, drive a car 開小汽車, jump 跳, baseball 棒球. play baseball 打棒球. play football 踢足球, play basketball 打籃球, play ping-pong 打乒乓, play table tennis 打乒乓, play cards 打牌,can 能,會, cant 不能, 不會, make a bird 做紙鳥, look a

16、t 看., listen to 聽., fly a kite 放風(fēng)箏, ride a bicycle 騎自行車, Can Ben play football ? Yes, he can. Can Alice play basketball ? No, she cant. M4U2:letter 信, balloon 氣球, carnation 康乃馨, a good idea 一個(gè)好主意, for 給, love 愛, lovely 可愛, a cup of tea 一杯茶, card 卡片, blow up 吹, find 尋找, a piece of paper 一張紙, on the p

17、aper 在紙上, write your name 寫上你的名字, decorate 描繪, tie 系 , giveto 把給, dear 親愛的, smile 笑臉, hug 擁抱, kiss 吻, happy 快樂, hope 希望, every day 每天, hungry 餓, thirsty 渴, bread 面包, milk 牛奶, bear 熊, baby 嬰兒, go out 出去, tired 累, a nice house 一座漂亮的房子, want 想要, some 一些, chair 椅子, sleep 睡覺, this bed 這張床, a little girl

18、一個(gè)小女孩, 句子: Im sorry.對不起。Thats all right.沒關(guān)系。M1U1:( ) 綠色, ( ) 黃色, ( )藍(lán)色, ( )紫色, ( ) 白色, ( ) 粉紅色, ( )桔黃色, ( )棕色, ( ) 黑色, ( ) 紅色, , what colour ( ), ( )看見, beautiful ( ),rainbow ( )虹, shine ( ),照射,shining ( ), shiny, 發(fā)光的,發(fā)亮的, over there ( ) outside ( ), inside ( ), ( ) 窗, I ( ), my ( ), you ( ), your (

19、 ), he ( ), his ( ), she ( ), her ( ), it ( ), its ( ), they ( ) ,their ( ), colour ( ), ( ) 梨, ( )兔子,butterfly ( ), butterflies 蝴蝶 (復(fù)數(shù)), ( ) 鳥, ( ) 蘋果, ( )書包, ( )狗, ( )大象, ( ) 五, ( )女孩, ( )手, ( )昆蟲, ( ) 罐子, ( ) 風(fēng)箏, ( ) 獅子, ( ) 老鼠, ( ) 網(wǎng), ( ) 桔子, ( ) 豬, ( )女皇, ( ) 兔子, ( ) 湯, ( )桌子, ( ) 傘, ( ) 貨車, (

20、) 窗, ( ) 盒子, ( ) 黃色, ( ) 斑馬, What colour is it ? Its pink. ( )What colour are they ? They are yellow. ( )What can you see ? I can see a butterfly. 你( )M1U2:( ) 手表, ( )書包, ( ) 軟的, ( )硬的, ( ) 粗糙的, ( )光滑的, ( )摸 , feel 感覺, open ( ), close 關(guān)上, tall 高的, short 矮的 , fat 胖的, thin 瘦的, long 長的, young 年輕的, old

21、年老的, ( )大的, small 小的, new 新的,Is it a watch ? Yes, it is. / No, its a pencil case. ( )Do you like it ? Yes. ( )What is it ? Its a bag. ( )M1U3:( )火車, ( ) 公共汽車, ( )小汽車, ( ) 廂式貨車, ( )bike自行車, ( )輪船, can ( ),會, cant ( ),, hear ( ), listen ( ), what ( ), outside ( ), inside 在里面, beside 在旁邊, beside the wi

22、ndow 在窗戶旁邊, ( )老虎, ( ) 貓, ( )狗, ( )紅的, down ( ), up ( ), down by. 沿著., bus stop 公共汽車站, here 這里, come 來, go 去, station 車站, wait for 等待, road 馬路,Is it smooth ? Yes, it is. No, its rough. ( )What is it ? Its a van. ( )What can you hear ? I can hear a train. ( )I cant hear the bus. ( )M2U1:( )跑, ( ) 玩滑板

23、, ( ) 單腳跳, ( )跳繩, ( ) 游泳, ( ) 騎自行車, ( ) 飛, together 一起, too 也, kite 風(fēng)箏, write 寫字, sing 唱歌, dance 跳舞, ( )書, ( ) 女孩, ( ) 青蛙, sing with me 跟我唱, dance with me 跟我跳, write with me 跟我寫, Do you like running ? Yes, I like running. No, I like skating. ( )M2U2:( )色拉, ( ) 胡蘿卜, ( ) 魚, ( ) 雞肉, ( ) 香蕉, ( )湯, ( )肉,

24、 hamburger ( ), pizza ( ), noodles ( ), rice 米飯, cake 蛋糕, biscuit 餅干, ( ) 手, ( ) 母雞, steak 牛排, vegetable 蔬菜, plane 飛機(jī), mop 拖把, listen to聽, look at看,What do you like eating ? I like eating salad. ( )M2U3:( )長頸鹿, ( )蛇, ( )大象, ( ) 斑馬, ( )熊, ( ) 熊貓, ( )豬, ( ) 狗, ( ) 貓, ( ) 魚, ( ) 狼, ( ) 貨車, ( ) 五, parro

25、t 鸚鵡, pigeon 鴿子, in the toy shop 在玩具店里, have ( ), has ( ), tail( ), like ( ), them 他們 (賓格), all 全部, may 可以, help 幫助, please 請, love ( ), lovely( ), very much 非常, thank 謝謝, thanks 謝謝, thank you 謝謝你, what 什么, what colour( )What are they ? They are giraffes. ( )Do you like pigs ? Yes, I do. / No, I don

26、t. ( )May I have one? O.K. ( )M3U1:( )春天, ( ) 夏天, ( ) 秋天, ( ) 冬天, ( )綠色, ( ) 紅色, ( ) 黃色, ( )白色, nice and warm 宜人暖和的, sunny and hot 晴朗炎熱的, windy and cool 刮風(fēng)涼爽的, cloudy and cold 多云冷的, ride my bicycle, riding my bicycle 騎自行車, in the park 在公園里, very hot 非常熱, swim in the water, swimming in the water 在水里游

27、泳, skate on the ice, skating on the ice 在冰上滑冰, fly a kite, flying a kite 放風(fēng)箏, season 季節(jié), seasons 季節(jié)(復(fù)數(shù)), in spring 在春天, in summer 在夏天, in autumn 在秋天, in winter 在冬天, eat fruit 吃小果, have fruit 吃水果, now 現(xiàn)在, make 做,制作, making 做,制作, outside 在外面,inside 在里面, beside 在旁邊, sun 太陽, sunny 晴天, bus 公共汽車,bus stop

28、公共汽車站, zebra 斑馬, 人行道, zoo 動物園, we 我們, our 我們的, us 我們(賓格),I like spring. ( )It is winter now. We like making snowmen in winter.( )In spring, we like riding our bicycle outside. ( )M3U2:rule 規(guī)則, ( )停, ( ) 走, ( ) 等待,wait for 等待, look at 看., it is =its 它是, let us =lets 讓我們, light 燈, in the childrens gar

29、den 在兒童樂園里, mouth 嘴, warm 暖和, nose 鼻子, ten 十, by the road 在馬路邊, cross the road 穿過馬路, go past 過了, all 都, very fast 非常快. 句子:Look at the light. Its green. Lets go. ( )M3U3:clothes 服裝, ( )褲子, ( ) 毛衣, ( ) 襯衫, ( )T-恤衫, ( )外套, ( )連衣裙, ( )短褲,socks 襪子, cap 帽子, gloves 手套, have 有, has 有, look 看, too 也, two 二,

30、go to school 去上學(xué), together 一起, time 時(shí)間, time for class 上課了, my new skirt 我的新的裙子, nice and warm 又漂亮又暖和, listen 聽, listen to 聽, hear 聽見, here 這里,light, 燈cool 涼爽, run 跑 , orange 桔子,句子:I have a sweater. ( )m sorry. ( )。 Thats all right. ( ).Here you are. ( )M4U1:drive 駕駛, drive a car 開小汽車, jump 跳, baseb

31、all 棒球. play baseball 打棒球. ( )踢足球, ( )打籃球, ( ) 打乒乓, play table tennis 打乒乓, ( )打牌,can 能,會, cant 不能, 不會, make a bird 做紙鳥, look at 看., listen to 聽., fly a kite 放風(fēng)箏, ride a bicycle 騎自行車, Can Ben play football ? Yes, he can. ( )Can Alice play basketball ? No, she cant. ( )M4U2:( ) 信, ( ) 氣球, ( ) 康乃馨, a g

32、ood idea 一個(gè)好主意, for 給, love 愛, lovely 可愛, a cup of tea 一杯茶, card 卡片, blow up 吹, find 尋找, a piece of paper 一張紙, on the paper 在紙上, write your name 寫上你的名字, decorate 描繪, tie 系 , giveto 把給, dear 親愛的, smile 笑臉, hug 擁抱, kiss 吻, happy 快樂, hope 希望, every day 每天, M4U2:( ) 餓, ( ) 渴, ( ) 面包, ( )牛奶, bear 熊, baby 嬰兒, go out ( ), tired ( ), a nice house 一座漂亮的房子, want 想要, some 一些, ( ) 椅子, sleep ( ), this bed ( ), a little girl ( ), 句子: Im sorry. ( )。Thats all right. ( )

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