Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 18 (1999) 783792 1999 ditions scientifiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved Three-dimensional mixing in Stokes flow: the partitioned pipe mixer problem revisited V. V. M e l e s h ko a , O.S. Galaktionov a;b , G.W.M. Peters b; *, H.E.H. Meijer b a Institute of Hydromechanics, National Academy of Sciences, 252057 Kiev, Ukraine b Dutch Polymer Institute, Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands (Received 24 April 1998; revised 22 February 1999; accepted 7 March 1999) Abstract The velocity field and mixing behaviour in the so-called partitioned pipe mixer were studied. Starting with the same physical model as in previous studies, an exact analytical solution was developed which yields a more accurate description of the flow than the previously used approximate solution. Also, the results are in better accordance with the reported experimental data. 1999 ditions scientifiques et mdicales Elsevier SAS Stokes flow / laminar distributive mixing / static mixers 1. Introduction The aim of the present paper is to study the three-dimensional creeping flow in an infinitely long cylindrical pipe with internal walls, that divide the pipe into a sequence of semicircular ducts. Such a system, called the partitioned pipe mixer (PPM) was introduced by Khakhar et al. 1 as a prototype model for the widely used Kenics static mixer (Middleman 2). In the Kenics mixer each element is a helix, twisted on a 180 , plate; elements are arranged axially within a cylindrical tube so that the leading edge of an element is at right angles to the trailing edge of the previous one. Computational fluid dynamics tools make a straightforward numerical simulation of this kind of three- dimensional flow feasible (Avalosse and Crochet 3, Hobbs and Muzzio 4, Hobbs et al. 5). However, such simulations do require significant computational resources, especially when studying the effect of varying parameters on the mixing process. Therefore, simplified analytical models, that give the possibility of fast simulations of the process (or mimic its features closely enough), are still useful. The PPM model of the essentially three-dimensional flow was highly idealized, nevertheless retaining the main features of the flow under study. The model involves two superimposed, independent, two-dimensional flow fields: a cross-sectional (rotational) velocity field and a fully developed axial Poiseuille profile in every semicircular duct. This gives two independent two-dimensional boundary problems instead of the three- dimensional problem. The solution proposed by Khakhar et al. 1 for the cross-sectional velocity field was only an approximate one. There exists, however, exact analytical solutions in a closed form. In the present paper we use these exact solutions to examine the mixing properties in this three-dimensional mixer. Important differences in some mixing patterns were obtained, and our results resemble more closely the available experimental results of Kusch and Ottino 6. * Correspondence and reprints: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Building W.h. 0.119, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands; e-mail: gerritwfw.wtb.tue.nl 784 V. V. M el eshko et al . 2. Velocity field in PPM Consider the interior of an infinite cylinder 06r6a; 06 62 ; jzj0; 06 6 =2 with the constant tangential velocity V applied at the plane D0. Figure 1(a) shows contour levels of the stream function (6). The cross-sectional flow exhibits a single vortex cell with one elliptic stagnation point at (0:636a; =2). The previous studies (Khakhar et al. 1, Ottino 7) suggested the approximate one-term solution of the boundary problem (1), (4): 9 D 4Va 3 r a 2 1 r a sin 2 ; D.11=3/ 1=2 1 0:915; (16) which has been obtained by a variational method. This expression (16), however, does not satisfy both the governing biharmonic equation (1) and the no-slip condition at the moving boundary! It turns out that the tangential velocity at the boundary rDa varies as .4=3/V sin 2 instead of being constant V. Therefore, the velocity is overestimated (up to 33% at the circular boundary) in some zones far from the flat boundary, and it is artificially smoothed near corners. The contour plot of the stream function according to one-term solution (16) is presented in figure 1(b). The solution of boundary problem (2), (5) for the fully developed axial flow in a semicircular duct reads (Ottino 7): v z D 16 2 8 hv z i 1 X kD1 r a 2k 1 r a 2 sinT.2k 1/ U .2k 1/f4 .2k 1/ 2 g ; (17) where hv z iD 8 2 4 2 1 p z a 2 is the average axial velocity. Using straightforward transformations and tables of infinite sums (Prudnikov et al. 12), we can present expression (17) in a closed form: v z D 2 2 8 hv z i ( r 2 a 2 sin 2 C r a a r sin 1 4 r 2 a 2 a 2 r 2 sin.2 / ln r 2 C2arcos Ca 2 r 2 2arcos Ca 2 C 1 2 2 r 2 a 2 a 2 r 2 cos.2 / arctan 2arsin a 2 r 2 ) ; (18) which is preferable for numerical simulations of the advection process. It is worth mentioning that the first three terms of the infinite sum (17) used in Khakhar et al. 1 and Ottino 7 provide reasonable accuracy with EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 Three-dimensional mixing in Stokes flow 787 Figure 2. Contour plots of the axial velocity v z : solid lines correspond to the exact expression (18), dotted lines correspond to three-terms approximation of (17). maximum errors (compared to exact expression (18) that are within a few percent. In figure 2 the contour lines of v z , defined by (18) are shown as a solid lines, while the same contours for three-term approximation of (17) are plotted as dotted lines. Despite this approximation the shape of the contours is rather similar, the discrepancy amounts up to 7% of the average velocityhv z i, reaching a maximum not far from the corner points, where the velocity v z is underestimated. Increasing the number of terms in (17) to one hundred, reduces the relative error to less then 0:005%, but, it will take much more computer time to simulate the passive tracers advection. 3. Chaotic mixing in PPM The motion of a passive individual (Lagrangian) particle is described by the advection equations dr dt Dv r .r; /; r d dt Dv .r; /; dz dt Dv z .r; /; (19) with the velocity field on the right hand side of (19) defined by (6) and (18). The initial conditions are rDr 0 ; D 0 ;zD0attD0. Here the variable is obviously defined as D 8 : ; 2kL6z.2kC1/L; 06 6 ; ; 2kL6z.2kC1/L; 2 ; =2;.2kC1/L6z.2kC2/L; =26 63 =2; C =2;.2kC1/L6z.2kC2/L; 06 =2; 3 =2;.2kC1/L6z.2kC2/L; 3 =2 2 ; (20) where kD0; 1; 2;: System (19) describes a steady motion of an individual particle along the streamline in each compartment. However, as the flow is three-dimensional and spatially periodic, it can exhibit chaotic behaviour (Aref 13, Section 5.4). In Khakhar et al. 1 the single non-dimensional parameter , the mixing strength D 4VL 3 hv z ia ; (21) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 788 V. V. M el eshko et al . was introduced to completely describe the behaviour of such a system. Although the parameter has no particular meaning for the exact solution (6), the value of is used to compare our results with those of the literature. Poincar mapping was applied to reveal the zones of regular and chaotic motion. The Poincar maps were constructed by taking an initial point .r 0 ; 0 /at the levelzD0 and recording the coordinates of the intersections of the trajectory with the planes z n D2nL; nD0; 1; 2;: The Poincar maps for several values of were computed and analysed using both the approximate and exact solution. Here we present the resulting Poincar maps for which one single starting point was chosen in the chaotic zone (figure 3). White regions in the plots correspond to islands. The boundaries of the islands are plotted as thin solid lines. Islands in Poincar maps correspond to the KolmogorovArnoldMoser (KAM) tubes in the flow. The fluid captured in such a tube will only travel inside, not mixing with the rest of the fluid outside the tube. The influence of the KAM tube on mixing can be characterized by the relative flux carried by the tube compared to the total flux through the mixer. So, for the islands both their area and the flux carried by corresponding KAM tubes are evaluated. The flux can be computed as the integral of v z over the islands area, or, by using Stokes theorem, as a contour integral over the boundary of islands. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) present the Poincar maps for D4. For the approximate solution the eight largest islands are clearly seen (figure 3(a). They occupy about 49% of the cross-section area and carry approximately 55% of the total flux. The exact solution provides a completely different system of islands (figure 3(b). Their influence is considerably lower since they occupy only about 13% of the area and bear 18% of the total flux. The difference becomes even stronger for larger values of the mixing strength . Figures 3(c) and 3(d) represent the case of D8. The approximate solution provides two large islands that occupy about 13% of the cross-section (see figure 3(c) and bear 18% of total flux, while the islands revealed by the exact solution (figure 3(d) occupy only about 0:7% of the cross-section area. The relative flux through KAM tubes amounts in this case to approximately only 1% of total flux. In both examples presented the total area of the cross-section of the KAM tubes is significantly smaller when the exact solution is used. As both the approximate and exact solutions are based on the same simplified model of the PPM, i.e. neglecting the transition effects at the joints of the mixer elements, the calculated shape of the KAM tubes should be considered with some reservations. The relative cross section of, and the relative flux through these tubes are of more relevance and they can give an useful estimation of these values for practical flows. Streaklines can serve as a tool to characterise the mixing and to visualise underlying mixing mechanisms. Kusch and Ottino 6 noted that computed streaklines, originating from a cross-section of a KAM tube, are much different from those experimentally observed. Computed streaklines for D8:0 and the experimental results obtained for D10:0 0:3 were compared to get, at least, some resemblance. They pointed out that the PPM model can hardly mimic closely the experimental results (due to the small length of dividing platesless than the pipe radius). However, the results of numerical simulations using the corrected velocity field (6), (18) and the right value for gives a much better agreement. Figures 3(e) and 3(f) show the Poincar maps for D10, using both solutions. In figure 3(f) the approximate contours of the two islands of period 2 are plotted with solid lines. These contours were used to reveal the shape of the correspondent KAM tubes (see figure 4(c). Contours were represented by closed polygons and the vertices of these polygons were then tracked numerically through four mixing elements, showing the outer boundary of the KAM tube. The other two images in figure 4 represent the numerical (a) and experimental (b) results from Kusch and Ottino 6, respectively. As for the experimental results the actual value of mixing strength was D10:0 0:3, we calculated the KAM tube EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 Three-dimensional mixing in Stokes flow 789 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 3. Poincar maps for different values of mixing strength D4 (a) and (b), D8 (c) and (d), D10 (e) and (f), respectively. Pictures in the left column (a), (c), (e) were obtained by using approximate solution (16), (17), while those in the right column were obtained by using the exact solution (6), (18). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 790 V. V. M el eshko et al . (a) (b) (c) Figure 4. Computed KAM tubes for the PPM model with mixing strength parameter D10:0 (c) compared with (a) computed ( D8) and (b) experimental ( D10:0 0:3) streaklines from Kusch and Ottino 6. (Images (a) and (b) are taken from figure 9 of the cited paper, reproduced with permission from Cambridge University Press.) shapes for the limiting values D9:7and D10:3 as well. The overall shape of the tubes does not change much, variation of mixing strength influences mainly the tube thickness: it is thinner for larger parameter and vice versa. Kusch and Ottino 6 did not specify explicitly the location where the dye for streakline visualization was injected. However, it is easy to show that when the dye is injected just a little outside the KAM tube, this is clearly visible because the dye starts to spread over the mixing elements. To illustrate this, circles were drawn around the geometrical center of the island (see figure 3(f). Markers were evenly distributed on the boundary of every circle and tracked through four mixing elements (two spatial periods) of the PPM. In figure 5(a) the radius of the circle was 0:03a, thus all markers were positioned well inside the KAM tube. In figure 5(b) the circle (of radius 0:062a) touches the tube boundary. Such streaklines can be slightly deformed but are still captured completely within the tubes. In figure 5(c) the initial circle was slightly larger then the island shown in figure 3(f), and thus contains markers outside the KAM tube. It is clearly seen that within just four mixing cells the markers spread over the whole cross-section of the pipe. The use of approximate numerical solution (16), (17) led Kusch and Ottino 6 to a great discrepancy with experimental results for 10 40: experiments showed remarkably stable KAM tubes, while computations exhibited a lot of bifurcations (see, for example, figure 10(d) from their paper). However, using the exact solution (6), (18) relatively simple stable structures are predicted. For example, for a relatively large mixing strength of D20, four KAM tubes of first order were found but no KAM tubes of period 2 were detected. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 Three-dimensional mixing in Stokes flow 791 (a) (b) (c) Figure 5. Traces of the markers, originally regularly spaced on circles of different radii, centered around the geometrical centers of the islands of period 2. Each circle contains 100 markers. The radii are: (a) 0:03awell inside the KAM tube, (b) 0:062atouching its boundary, (c) 0:08acircumscribing the tube boundary. The cross section of these tubes (and, consequently, the flux associated with them) is relatively small. These periodical structures are, nevertheless, stable. 4. Conclusions Although the flow under study is merely a prototype flow, it possesses some important features of flows in widely used mixing devices. The comparison of an approximate and an exact solution, obtained within the framework of the same model, shows the possible major consequences of some mathematical simplifications. Such simplifications can cause large differences in the predicted systems behaviour, especially for systems that are supposed to exhibit chaotic properties. Here, the difference in the predicted behaviour was caused by the use (in previous studies) of a one-term approximate solution that artificially smoothes the cross-sectional velocity field. The exact solution shows much better agreement with the reported experimental results. Of course, there exists an important problem regarding the abrupt transition between mixing elements and ignoring developing flows at these transitions. Results of recent numerical simulations (Hobbs et al. 5) show that, indeed, this is a major assumption: for the Kenics mixer with a finite thickness of helical screwed mixing plates, flow transitions at the abrupt entrance and exit of each element strongly affect the velocity field over up to one quarter of the element length. However, the conclusion from the results presented of the importance of an accurate description of the velocity field in mixing flows, where even small changes can significantly alter the overall mixing behaviour of the system, is still applicable for real industrial situations. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B/FLUIDS, VOL. 18,N 5, 1999 792 V. V. M el eshko et al . Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge support by the Dutch Foundation of Technology (STW), grant no. EWT44.3453. 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