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在這些等式中和分別是輪胎滑動和轉(zhuǎn)向時的剛度,l和a 分別表示輪胎側(cè)滑和其側(cè)偏角,時輪胎上的法向力,m是輪胎與路面最大摩擦系數(shù).以上的側(cè)向力與縱向力關(guān)系不僅適用于m-slip曲線開始的線性區(qū)域,也同樣適用于非線性區(qū)域。由于輪胎的滑動和轉(zhuǎn)向剛度主要取決與輪胎的材料,兩者的比值雖輪胎由夏季到冬季的變化,以及輪胎的磨損而變化。接下來要說的是,側(cè)偏角的正切值近似等于其本身:tan a = a
圖4冰面完全制動時,行駛方向改變的結(jié)果,而且比較了ESP和ABS的結(jié)果。在完全制動時,用測量儀可以獲得足夠的信息來估算車輛側(cè)偏角。因而可以得到滿意的側(cè)偏角。 圖4a是控制ABS(沒有ESP)工作得到的結(jié)果。開始操縱不久,側(cè)偏速度和側(cè)偏角就變得很大使得駕駛員反向轉(zhuǎn)向困難。結(jié)果側(cè)偏角在其他方向快速增長,駕駛員不得不又一次快速反應(yīng)。他幾乎不能使汽車在一個方向穩(wěn)定行駛。圖4b所示的操縱ESP時車輛在其指定軌道內(nèi)穩(wěn)定行駛??墒菓?yīng)對行駛路線的改變所需的轉(zhuǎn)向操縱比ABS要簡便得多。ESP用來阻止駕駛員轉(zhuǎn)向過度。側(cè)偏速度和側(cè)偏角都很小,后者比特征值小2°。結(jié)果展示了測量儀在完全制動時的側(cè)偏角已經(jīng)相當(dāng)精確了。對于普通駕駛者側(cè)偏角和他日常很少低于2°。使用ESP系統(tǒng)的制動距離比ABS制動距離少一些。原因是因?yàn)椋捎肁BS操縱會產(chǎn)生較大的側(cè)偏角,從而降低了輪胎與路面的摩擦系數(shù)。ESP相對于ABS對車輛的穩(wěn)定性能的提升是沒有必要增加制動距離的。相反ESP的制動距離總體上要比ABS短。
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[6]. Shibahata, Y.; Shimada, K.; Tomari, T.:Improvement of Vehicle Maneuverability by Direct Yaw Moment Control,In: Vehicle Systems Dynamics, 22 (1993),pp. 465 - 481
[7]. Inagaki, S.; Kshiro, I.; Yamamoto, M.:Analysis on Vehicle Stability in Critical Cornering Using Phase-Plane Method,AVEC’94, International Symposium on
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[8]. van Zanten, A.T.; Erhardt, R.; Pfaff, G.; Kost, F.;Hartmann, U.; Ehret, T.:Control Aspects of the Bosch-VDC,AVEC’96, International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Aachen, June 24 - 28,1996, pp. 576 - 607
Although the total number of car occupants involved in accidents in Germany has not significantly reduced during the past 10 years, the number of fatalities has steadily decreased. Most of the severe accidents result from a loss of control of the car. The problem of the driver losing control of his car will be explained. This problem is then used to formulate the goal for the vehicle dynamics control system ESP (Electronic Stability Program, also known as VDC). The approach chosen to reach this goal will then be shown. It will be shown that the vehicle slip angle is a crucial indicator for the maneuverability of the automobile. Since the complete vehicle state is not readily available, estimation algorithms are used to supply the control algorithms with sufficient information. With the automatic control of the slip angle the required yaw moment can be generated by individual wheel slip control. By using two examples it will be shown, that ESP can significantly improve vehicle handling in extreme maneuvers by automatically controlling the brakes and the engine.
ESP uses the components of the antilock brake system (ABS) and of the traction control system (ASR), Fig. 1, Fig. 2. These components are: sensors to derive the rotational velocity of the wheels, a hydraulic unit to modify the pressure in the wheel brakes and an electronic control unit to realize the control algorithm, to process the sensor signals and stimulate the hydraulic unit. An interface to the engine management controller is also used to measure and modify the engine torque output. Additionally four ESP sensors are required to derive the handling desire of the driver and to derive the actual handling behavior of the car. These sensors are a steering wheel angle sensor, a yaw velocity sensor, a lateral acceleration sensor and a pressure sensor (Fig.2).
Figure 1. ESP components mounted in the car
Figure 2. ESP components
Furthermore, the system entails a TCS-OFF (Traction Control System) switch, to prohibit brake slip control of the driven wheels during traction control, a (redundant) brake light switch, a hand brake switch, a brake fluid level switch, a serial interface for diagnosis and a data bus connection (CAN). If a smart booster is used to realize a brake assistant, then an additional relay is required to prevent the brake lights from being lit during the precharging of the ESP hydraulic unit.
The vehicle dynamics controller part of ESP (Fig. 3) constitutes the upper part of a hierarchical control. In the lower part the slips of the tires are controlled. The vehicledynamics controller part consists of several processing blocks. In the first block the sensor signals are processed (e.g. filtered). An observer based on a simple but full car model is used to estimate the slip angle of the car and of each tire as will be shown below. Also the normal and lateral forces on each tire are estimated. The slip controller supplies the required information for the observer like the vehicle velocity and acceleration, and the longitudinal tire forces.
Figure 3. Simplified block diagram of the ESP control
As a first approach in estimating the slip angle of the car, the following differential equation may be solved:
This differential equation is valid only if the pitch and roll angles of the car are zero and furthermore, if the car moves on a horizontal plane, i.e. the slope of the road inlongitudinal and lateral direction is zero. In this equationis it’s lateral acceleration and is its longitudinal acceleration, is its lineal velocity andis its yaw velocity. The equation is valid during panic braking and also during acceleration. If the slip angle is small and if the car velocity is constant however, the equation can be reduced and integrated to result in the simple estimate:
Together with the measured variables,and the estimated variable,their errors,and,respectively, are integrated also.Offset and other errors in the sensor signals may thus quickly lead to large errors in the estimate of the slip
angle . Furthermore, during full braking the car deceleration and the pitch angle cannot be neglected and during heavy cornering, the car roll angle cannot be neglected. In order to obtain a more reliable estimate of the slip angle of the car an observer is used. The
observer is based on a full four-wheel model of the car and uses two dynamic equations, one for the yaw velocity and the other for the lateral velocity of the car.
The differential equation for the lateral motion is:
The differential equation for the yaw motion is:
In these equations the side forces,…and the longitudinal forces,…on the tires are unknown. The vehicle mass,the moment of inertia of the vehicleabout the vertical axis and the distances a,b,c are supposed to be approximately known.The longitudinal forceat any wheel can be estimated by the following generic equation:
Heredenotes a known constant, denotes the brake fluid pressure in the brake wheel cylinder, Pwhl denotes the brake fluid pressure in the brake wheel cylinder, R denotes the known tire radius, MCaHalf denotes half of the engine torque at the axle, Jwhl denotes the knownmoment of inertia of the wheel and denotes the wheel speed which is the product of the wheel angular velocity and the tire radius. The engine torque value can be obtained from the engine management system, while the rotational wheel velocity is measured by the wheel velocity sensor. By modeling the hydraulic unit, measuring the brake master cylinder pressure and knowing the valve stimulation times of the hydraulic unit the wheel brake pressure can be estimated at each wheel using a hydraulic model. Thus the longitudinal forces can be estimated at any time for each wheel.
The side forces are not readily available. Therefore a tire model is used. Specifically, the HSRI tire model as described in [8] is used which allows the computation of the side and longitudinal forces in a closed form.
Using these equations, a simple relation between the lateral and the longitudinal force can be found:
In these equations, andare the slip and cornering stiffness of the tire respectively, l and a are the tire slip and tire slip angle respectively, FN is the normal force on the tire and m
is the maximum coefficient of friction between the tire and the road surface. The above relation between the lateral and longitudinal tire force is not only valid for the initial linear region of the m-slip curve, but also for the nonlinear region. Since the tire slip and cornering stiffness are mainly determined by the tire material, the ratio of the two is robust with respect to changes from summer to winter tires and changes due to tire wear. In the following, the tangent of the slip angle is approximated by the slip angle itself: tan a = a
The differential equations of the full car model can be rearranged and the solution discretized to be used as the model for a Kalman filter. It can be shown that rearranging the equations results in
The discretization is approximated by an Euler integration:
in which T is the sampling time and k is the time index. Since the yaw velocity is measured, it is possible to obtain the measurement equation for the lateral velocity of the car by linear extrapolation of the yaw velocity and substituting the result in the last equation:
After substitution, the measurement equation for the lateral velocity is obtained:
However, a prerequisite for using the observer is that the longitudinal tire slip is not too small. Otherwise the relation between the lateral and longitudinal force cannot be used. Experience has shown, that the slip angle estimation during full braking results in quite accurate slip angle estimates. However during the free rolling of the tires the observer cannot be used and slip angle estimates have to be derived from the lateral acceleration of the car as shown at the beginning of this chapter by integration of the slip angular velocity.
Thus depending on the driving situation, the accuracy of the vehicle slip angle estimation is different. For this reason, the vehicle dynamics controller has as an inner loop a model following control of the yaw velocity of the car. Using the bicycle model of the car a first value for the nominal yaw velocityis obtained:
The wheelbase I and the characteristic speed vch are parameters which depend on the car design. However the characteristic speed depends also on the tire characteristics like the lateral tire stiffness.Therefore, the nominal yaw velocity depends on the tire type, make and state (new or worn). Introducing the model following control thus introduces a complication in obtaining the nominal yaw velocity. To correctly function, ESP must therefore be checked with all released tires. The steering angle is not directly measured but is instead derived from the steering wheel angle. Usually the steering angle is obtained by division of the steering wheel angle by the steering gear ratio. However, in combination with the scrub radius longitudinal tire forces may corrupt this value so that a correction is required to account for this property. Furthermore, the steering column has two Hooke’s joints. If the ingoing and outgoing shafts are not parallel, then a superimposed error of sinusoidal shape is introduced. The vehicle forward velocity, is estimated by the slip controller.
Since the lateral acceleration of the car cannot exceed the maximum coefficient of friction between the tire and the road m,the nominal yaw velocity must be limited to a second value. The steady state lateral acceleration of the car can be expressed as follows:
in which Rt is the radius of the turn. It follows that the yaw rate must be limited by the following value:
Sinceμis unknown the measured lateral acceleration ay is taken instead. A first limit value for the slip angle of the car is derived as discussed using the b-method from the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road. This value is reduced depending on of the velocity of the car to a second valuebM, in order to increase the support of the driver in keeping his car stable at high speeds.
If the state of the car described by its yaw velocityand its slip angle b differs from its nominal stateandrespectively, then the vehicle dynamics controller checks if this difference is within some tolerable dead zone. If not, a yaw moment has to be generated to
reduce this difference to within this tolerable dead zone. Human behavior is included in the algorithm. As an example, on slippery roads the car reacts only slowly to steering angle changes. As a result the driver tends to steer too much and thus worsens the situation. In order to keep him from his natural but undesirable reaction, ESP reduces the response time of the yaw velocity for a short moment until the nominal slip angle of the car is reached. Test drivers also use this technique by steering too much for a short moment.
As shown above each tire can contribute to a change in the yaw moment by changing its slip value. However, since the gains at the individual tires are different the slip changes at the individual tires can be chosen to minimize undesirable effects like deceleration of the car. Unfortunately as shown above, the gains cannot always be estimated with sufficient accuracy. Simulation studies with full vehicle models have been used in order to obtain design rules for the choice of the distribution of the slip among the individual tires. For instance, during full braking, (ABS) slip changes at the front wheel on the outside of the turn and at the rear wheel on the inside of the turn are used to generate the required yaw moment. The tire slips of the other two wheels are not modified.
During driving on roads with a split-m coefficient of friction traction can be improved by active braking of the driven wheels on the low-m side. As a result, a yaw moment on the car is generated which is not desired by the driver and which pushes the car to the low-m side of the road. In order to prevent this, the driver has to countersteer. If the countersteering angle is too large or if the driver reacts too slow, then ESP reduces the yaw moment by reducing the brake pressure. But in order to prevent the low-m side wheel from spinning, the engine torque has to be reduced as well.
The slip controller controls tire slip. During braking and also during traction control the slip is controlled by the brake slip controller except for the driven wheels where the traction slip controller controls the slip values. For the brake pressure modulation the magnetic valves of the hydraulic unit are stimulated while for the modulation of the drive torque the engine management system is used to realize the torque request from the traction slip controller. If an Electro Hydraulic Brake system (EHB) is available, then the nominal brake pressures can be requested directly.
Figure 4 shows the result of a lane change maneuver during full braking on ice and compares the results of production ABS and ESP. During full braking, sufficient information is available to use the observer for the estimation of the vehicle slip angle. A satisfactory control of the slip angle can therefore be expected. In Figure 4a the results of the maneuver with production ABS (i.e. without ESP) are shown. Shortly after the maneuver is initiated both the yaw velocity and the slip angle become so large that the driver has to heavily countersteer. As a result, the slip angle grows again rapidly in the other direction and the driver has to react fast by countersteering again. He is barely able to stabilize the car before it comes to a stop in the other