存檔編碼:無無錫錫太太湖湖學學院院 2013 屆屆畢畢業(yè)業(yè)作作業(yè)業(yè)周周次次進進度度計計劃劃、檢檢查查落落實實表表 系別:信機系 班級:機械95 學生姓名:朱天柱 課題(設計)名稱:電池柜冷藏箱DC Tall之箱體結構設計 開始日期:2012年11月12日周次起止日期工作計劃、進度每周主要完成內容存在問題、改進方法指導教師意見并簽字備 注1-32012年11月12日-2012年12月2日教師下達畢業(yè)設計任務,學生初步閱讀資料,完成畢業(yè)設計開題報告。按照任務書要求查閱論文相關參考資料,填寫畢業(yè)設計開題報告書存在問題:對課題理解模糊,對設計目的及要求不明確,實際設計能力不足。改進方法:向指導老師請教,通過導師指導后,翻閱圖書館的書籍等途徑查閱資料,重新填寫報告。4-102012年12月3日-2013年1月20日指導專業(yè)實訓機械制造綜合實訓,機械零件加工方法和加工工藝編制存在問題:發(fā)現(xiàn)理論知識與實際操作、設計存在很大差別,加工工藝編制存在著一些問題。改進方法:及時的對自己的知識點查漏補缺,了解設備的基本操作及特點,理解工藝編制,重新修訂加工工藝。11-122013年1月21日-3月1日指導畢業(yè)實習到企業(yè)進行崗位實習,了解本專業(yè)的實踐知識存在問題:缺乏實際動手能力。操作中遇到問題無法自己解決。改進方法:向工廠師傅請教,不斷學習,恪盡職守的工作。補充自己專業(yè)知識和師傅們討論一起解決一些難題。132013年3月4日-3月8日查閱參考資料查閱與設計有關的參考資料不少于10篇,其中外文不少于5篇存在問題:身邊資料欠缺,相關理論知識不足。改進方法:利用空余的時間去校圖書館、新華書店等地方翻閱書籍、在相關專業(yè)網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料,并利用工作之余在網(wǎng)上搜索相關資料加以整理修改。142013年3月11日-3月15日翻譯外文資料翻譯外文資料(8000-10000字符)存在問題:英語水平低,專業(yè)詞匯不足。改進方法:上網(wǎng)查詢,翻閱字典并結合翻閱軟件,向同學求助等方法,不斷提升英語翻譯能力。152013年3月18日-3月22日熟悉電池柜冷藏箱的各個零件分析產(chǎn)品圖、分析零件,優(yōu)選確定零件的制造方案存在問題:缺乏設計經(jīng)驗,零件制造方案不合理,存在材料浪費,工藝性差。改進方法:多去車間部門了解實際生產(chǎn)過程,向有相關設計的工程師和同學尋求幫助,設計合理的結構方案,建立正確的零件制造方案。162013年3月25日-3月29日選用電池箱上的2個零件確定零件尺寸存在問題:零件尺寸設計不合理。改進方法:詢問導師及工廠師傅,上網(wǎng)查找箱體結構設計和選擇的相關資料加以消化后改進。172013年4月1日-4月5日上底板和簧件零件的選用初步確定零件尺寸存在問題:計算原理不對,錯誤使用各種計算公式,沒有合理的排布尺寸。改進方法:查閱相關資料,翻閱理解前人的設計方案和書籍,通過分析公式的計算原則和應用條件,合理運用各種公式計算出所需尺寸。182013年4月8日-4月12日主要零件結構設計和計算主要零件結構設計和尺寸計算存在問題:箱體零件的結構設計不合理,甚至存在不能按設計要求加工的情況,零件結構尺寸選取不合理。選用零件不合理。改進方法:詢問指導老師,結合加工設備,重新零件及結構。192013年4月15日-4月19日畫零件圖,裝配圖及爆炸圖初步繪制沖壓模裝配圖存在問題:不能熟練操作繪圖軟件的指令,實際裝配不正確。改進方法:加以訓練CAD、UG等繪圖軟件,并表示出合理的裝配關系。202013年4月22日-4月26日完成裝配圖修改箱體沖壓模圖存在問題:裝配圖中標準件畫法及查找的尺寸不正確,填寫技術要求意識模糊,沒能正確填寫明細欄和技術要求。標注不合理。改進方法:翻閱書本,請導師檢閱。改正正確畫法及尺寸212013年4月29日-5月3日繪制零件圖繪制沖壓模主要零件的零件圖存在問題:零件圖的表達方案不合理,零件圖上尺寸公差不合理,粗糙度選用不規(guī)范。對于一些重要零件沒能正確表示。改進方法:請老師檢閱修改零件圖以求以求達到合理要求。222013年5月6日-5月10日完善鈑金工藝等完善所鈑金需要的內容等存在問題:不清楚鈑金工藝,工藝編排不正確。改進方法:了解鈑金工藝,請教工廠師傅,改正并改進工藝順序及方法。232013年5月13日-5月17日設計說明書(論文)、摘要和小結編寫完成設計說明書(論文)、摘要和小結存在問題:說明書(論文)的格式不規(guī)范,摘要不合理要求等。改進方法:按學院要求重新修改書面格式,重新并編寫摘要。242013年5月20日-5月25日上交資料、準備答辯整理所有資料,打印后上交指導教師,準備答辯按指導老師要求結合學院要求整理書籍及資料 說明:1、“工作計劃、進度”、“指導教師意見并簽字”由指導教師填寫,“每周主要完成內容”,“存在問題、改進方法”由學生填寫。2、本表由各系妥善歸檔,保存?zhèn)洳椤V艽纹鹬谷掌诠ぷ饔媱?、進度每周主要完成內容存在問題、改進方法指導教師意見并簽字備 注無錫太湖學院
信 機 系 機械工程及自動化 專業(yè)
畢 業(yè) 設 計論 文 任 務 書
1、題目 電池柜冷藏箱DC-tall之箱體主要零部件的計算設計
DC tall是該廠根據(jù)市場需求開發(fā)研制的電池柜冷藏箱。電池柜冷藏箱(DC tall)的主要結構采用的是鈑金材料,本產(chǎn)品的主要研究目的:將電池保持一定的溫度,使得電池延長使用壽命。裝電池后產(chǎn)品重量達1.42t吊起時頂部的四個螺絲每個都必須能承受220kg的拉力。保持電池柜內部溫度251,并保持內部溫度的均勻性。
機械95 班 姓名 楊理剛
自2012年11月12日 至2013年5月25日
指導教師 簽名
〔學科組組長研究所所長〕 簽名
系主任 簽名
題目: 電池柜冷藏箱DC-tall之箱體主
信機 系 機械工程及自動化專業(yè)
學 號: 0923244
學生姓名: 楊理剛
指導教師: 陳偉明(職稱:教授 )
(職稱: )
目 錄
題目: 電池柜冷藏箱DC-tall之主要
信機 系 機械工程及自動化 專業(yè)
學 號: 0923244
學生姓名: 楊理剛
指導教師: 陳偉明 (職稱:教授 )
(職稱: )
DC tall是該廠根據(jù)市場需求開發(fā)研制的電池柜冷藏箱。電池柜冷藏箱(DC tall)的主要結構采用的是鈑金材料,本產(chǎn)品的主要研究目的:將電池保持一定的溫度,使得電池延長使用壽命。裝電池后產(chǎn)品重量達1.42t吊起時頂部的四個螺絲每個都必須能承受220kg的拉力。保持電池柜內部溫度251,并保持內部溫度的均勻性
電池柜冷藏箱DC Tall之箱體主要零件部件的計算設計研究的意義將電池保持一定的溫度,使得電池延長使用壽命,節(jié)能減排、綠色成本、節(jié)約成本。
模具技術的發(fā)展是模具工業(yè)發(fā)展最關鍵的一個因素,其發(fā)展方向應該為適應模具產(chǎn)品“交貨期短”、“精度高”、“質量好”和“價格低”的要求服務。未來,我國模具工業(yè)和技術 2 主要發(fā)展方向將主要集中在以下幾個方面:
1)分析零件的尺寸、形狀,加工要求,表面粗糙度等。分析零件的材料以及材料的性能 和制件的用途;
2)分析工藝資料及件的變形方式 ,成型可能性分析等;
2)根據(jù)零件結構的工藝性,并根據(jù)零件測繪出的彎曲件圖,確定最合理的方案,確定總工序數(shù)、工序順序、各工序的加工內容、沖壓方向等。根據(jù)彎曲件的結構、形狀尺寸,選擇合適的毛坯。對彎曲件展開,初步確定毛坯的形狀和外形尺寸,制定材料消耗定額。選定各個工序的模具結構形式,選定毛坯和各工序制件的送、卸料方 3 向和方法。
本課題研究的是墊圈沖壓模具設計,要求其材料軟黃銅H62,采用大批量生產(chǎn),精度要求高。通過合理的設計凸凹模,選擇合理的標準模架,制造出符合要求的制件。 (1)查閱有關模具設計方面的資料,翻譯與模具設計相關的英文文獻;
(4) 凸凹模刃口會有磨損,這樣會影響斷面質量,應及時更換刃口。
(5) 設計前后工序的關聯(lián)性以及模具的關聯(lián)性,合理安排工序,盡量是模具的結構緊密,同時在模具的設計過程中環(huán)要考慮到所設計的零件的可加工性,要盡量多的選用標準間,達到規(guī)范設計的要求成為此次畢業(yè)設計的難點
2確定毛坯形狀、尺寸和下料方式 在最經(jīng)濟的原則下,確定毛坯形狀、尺寸和下料方式,并確定材料的消耗量
4進行必要的工藝計算 a 計算毛坯尺寸,以便在最經(jīng)濟的原則下進行拍樣和合理使用材料 b計算沖壓力(包括沖裁力、卸料力、推件壓邊力等),以便選擇壓力機 c確定模具的壓力中心防止模具銀收偏心負荷作用影響模具壽命。 d計算或估算模具各主要零件的外型尺寸 e確定凸凹模的間隙,計算凸凹模工作部分中尺寸。
① 使用CAD設計及繪畫,效果明顯,方便改變參量,能夠直觀判斷實驗結果。
② 我的設計會按照要求,既注重實用性和安全性;同時性價比高,成本低。
1.防水性要求:背部拼接達到IP65等級即:浸水一米以內不漏水; 其余拼接部分IP55級即要求能夠防雨。
年 月 日
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Design Of Tool Machine Prop
Research significance
The original knife machine control procedures are designed individually, not used tool management system, features a single comparison, the knife only has to find the tool knife, knife positioning the shortest path, axis tool change, but does not support large-scale tool.
Automatic knife in the knife election, in the computer memory knife-election on the basis of using the Siemens 840 D features, and the election procedures knife more concise, and complete the space Daotao View. ATC use the knife rapid completion of STEP-7 programming, and have been tested in practice. In the positioning of the knife, PLC controlled modular design method, which future production of similar machines will be very beneficial, it is easy to use its other machine. Automatic tool change systems will be faster growth, reduced tool change time, increase the positioning accuracy tool is an important means to help NC technology development.
Tool and inventory components of modern production is an important link in the management, especially for large workshop management. The traditional way of account management, and low efficiency, high error rate, and not sharing information and data, tools and the use of state can not track the life cycle, are unable to meet the current information management needs. With actual production, we have to establish a workshop tool for the three-dimensional tool storage system to meet the knife workshop with auxiliary storage and management needs.
The system uses optimization technology, a large number of computer storage inventory information, timely, accurate, and comprehensive tool to reflect the inventory situation. The entire system uses a graphical interface, man-machine dialogue tips from the Chinese menu, select various functions can be realized and the importation of all kinds of information. Management system using online help function. Through the workshop management, network management and sharing of information. Have automated inventory management, warehousing management tool, a tool for the management and statistical functions.
1.System components and control structure
The entire system, including the structure and electrical machinery control systems.
1.1.1Mechanical structure and working principle
Tool from the stent, drive, drive system, Turret, shielding, control system, and electrical components. Support from the column, beam, the upper and lower guide Central track, and track support component.
1) Drive for the system chosen VVVF method. Cone used brake motors, with VVVF by Cycloid reducer through sprocket drive.
2) Drag a variable frequency drive system and control technology. VVVF adopted, will speed drive shaft in the normal range adjustment to control the speed rotary turret to 5 ~ 30mm in, the drive shaft into two, two under through sprocket, the two profiled rollers Chain driven rotating shelves. Expansion chain adopted by the thread tight regulation swelling, swelling the regular way. - Conditioned, under the same chain-of-conditioning, so that the chain of uniform.
3) Turret and shields the entire total of 14 independent Turret. 13 of them as a socket-Turret, as a drawer-Turret, each Turret back through the pin and, under the conveyor chain link chain plate, installed at the bottom roller, chain driven rotating turret rotation along the track. Outlet-Turret and BT50-BT40 Turret Turret two kinds of forms. To strengthen management, security, landscaping modeling, shelf peripherals and shields. Turret-drawer drawer placed at six other Des Voeux a knife, can be categorized with some of knife auxiliary equipment, such as bits, such as turning tools.
1.1.2.Electrical Control System
This tool storage systems is the main electrical control their shelves for operational control and position control. Operational control equipment, including operation of the start of braking control. Position Control is the main location and address of the shelves for testing. Control system as shown in Figure 1.
圖 1 Tool Control System for the
1) Electric Transmission horizontal rotary tool storage systems are the mechanical movements are repeated short-term work system. And the run-time system needs some speed, speed transmission needs, the system will use VVVF method can be used simple structure, reliable operation of the motor and frequency inverter.
2) Control of the system is divided into two kinds of manual control and automatic control, manual control as a general reserve and debugging methods of work; ways to the system control computer (IPC) and the control unit (inverter contactor , etc.) consisting of a control system.
3) location and positioning accuracy of the system automatically identify the site and location using a detection device as proximity switches, relays through the plate-point isolation and the number plate recorded close to the switching signal acquisition and operation of Hutchison with a Optimal Path addressable identify the current location and shelves of the purpose of the shelf location. In order to enable a more accurate positioning system, adopted two photoelectric switches, to detect the two shelves of the two films.
1.2.The functions of the knife
knife The is the role of reserves a certain number of tools, machine tool spindle in hand to achieve the fungibility a disc cutter knife is the type of library, the chain knives, and other means, in the form of the knife and capacity according to the Machine Tool to determine the scope of the process.
1.3.Common types
The knife is a tool storage devices, the common knife mainly in the following forms:
(1) the turret knife
Including the first level turret vertical turret and the first two, see Figure 2.6 a) and b):
(2) the disc cutter
Disc knife in the library with discoid knife, cutting tool along See how vertical arrangement (including radial and axial from knife from knife), along See how radial array into acute or arranged in the form of the knife. Simple, compact, more applications, but are ring-cutter, low utilization of space. Figure 2.7 a) to c). If the knife storage capacity must be increased to increase the diameter of the knife, then the moment of inertia also increased correspondingly, the election campaign long knife. Tool number not more than 32 general. Cutter was multi-loop order of the space utilization knife, but inevitably given the knife from complex institutions, applicable to the restricted space Machine Tool storage capacity and more occasions. Two-disc structure is two smaller capacity knife on both sides of the sub-spindle place, more compact layout, the number of certificates corresponding increase knife, apply to small and medium-sized processing center.
(3) the chain knife
? Including single-and multi-ring chain ring chain, chain link can take many forms change, see Figure 2.8 a) to c), the basic structure shown in Figure 2. 8 do
Features: knife apply to the larger capacity of the occasion, the space of the small number of generally applicable to the tool in the 30-120. Only increase the length of the chain tool will increase the number should not be increased circumferential speed of its moment of inertia of the knife does not increase the disc as large.
(4) linear combination knife and the knife library
The linear knife simple structure in Figure 2.9, tool single order, the capacity of small knife, used for CNC lathe and drill press on. Because the location of fixed knife, ATC completed action by the spindle without manipulator. The cutter knife is generally the turret combination turret with a combination of the disc cutter knife and the chain combination. Every single knife the knife certificates of smaller, faster tool change. There are also some intensive drum wheel, and the lattice-type magazine for the knife, the knife-intensive though. Small footprint, but because of structural constraints, basically not used for single processing center, the concentration used for FMS for the knife system.
1.4 Tool storage capacity
Tool storage capacity of the first to consider the needs of processing, from the use of point of view, generally 10 to 40 knives, knife will be the utilization of the high, and the structure is compact.
1.5 Tool options
(1) choose to order processing tool according to the order, followed Add to the knife every knife in the Block. Each tool change, the order of rotation of a cutter knife on location, and remove the need knives, has been used by the cutter knife can be returned to the original Block, can also order Add Block, a knife. However, as the knife in the tool in different processes can not be repeated use of the knife must increase the capacity and lower utilization rate.
(2) most of the arbitrary choice of the current system of using arbitrary NC election knives, divided into Daotao coding, coding and memory-cutter, three. Daotao coding tool code or knives or Daotao need to install the code used to identify, in accordance with the general principle of binary coding coding. Tool knife election coding method uses a special knife handle structure, and each of the coding tool. Each of the tool has its own code, thereby cutting tool can be in different processes repeatedly used, not to replace the tool back at the original knife, the knife capacity can be reduced accordingly. Memory-election this paper knife, in this way can knives and knife in the position corresponding to the Daotao memory of the PLC in the NC system, no matter which tool on the Inner knife, tool information is always there in mind, PLC . On the knife with position detection devices, will be the location of each Daotao. This tool can be removed and sent back to arbitrary. On the knife is also a mechanical origin, every election, the nearest knife selection.
1.6. Control of the knife
? (1) the knife as a system to control the positioning axis. In the ladder diagram in accordance with the instructions for computing T code comparison of the output angle and speed of instructions to the knife the knife servo drive servo motor. Tool storage capacity, rotation speed, and / deceleration time, and other system parameters can be set in such a manner free from any outside influence positioning accurate and reliable but the cost is higher.
? (2) knife from the hydraulic motor drives, fast / slow the points, with proximity switches count and positioning. In comparison ladder diagram of the current storage system knife (knife spindle) and goals knife (pre-knife) and computing, then output rotation instructions, judging by the shortest path rotation in place. This approach requires sufficient hydraulic power and electromagnetic valve knife the rotational speed can be adjusted through the throttle. But over time may be oily hydraulic, oil temperature and environmental factors impact the change in velocity and accuracy. Not generally used in large and medium-sized machine tool change frequently.
? (3) the knife from AC asynchronous motor driven cam mechanism (Markov institutions), with proximity switches count, which means stable operation, and generally accurate and reliable positioning cam used in conjunction with a mechanical hand, ATC fast-positioning.
2. ATC, the main types, characteristics, and the scope of application
2.1 Auto Rotary Tool
Rotary Tool automatically on the use of CNC machine tool is a simple installation of automatic tool change, the Quartet and 47.60 Turret Tool various forms, such as rotary turret were installed on four, six or more of the Tool , NC instructions by ATC. Rotary Tool has two vertical and horizontal, relatively simple structure, applicable to economic CNC lathe.
Rotary Tool in the structure must have good strength and stiffness, resistance to bear rough Cutting Tool in the cutting force and reduce the role of deformation and improve processing accuracy. Rotating Tool to choose reliable positioning programme structure and reasonable position, in order to ensure that each rotary turret to a higher position after repeated positioning accuracy (typically 0.001 to 0.005mm). Figure 2.1 shows the spiral movements of the Quartet Turret.
Auto Rotary Tool in the simplest of ATC, is 180 o rotary ATC devices, as shown in Figure 2.2 ATC instructions received, the machine control system put ATC spindle control to the designated location at the same time, the tool movement to the appropriate location, ATC, with the rotary axis and at the same time, the knives matching tool; drawbars from Spindle Cutting Tools rip, ATC, will be the tool from their position removed; ATC, 180 o rotary tool spindle and the tool and tool away; ATC, the Rotary At the same time, the tool refocusing its position to accept Spindle removed from the cutting tool; Next, ATC, will be replaced with the cutter knives were unloaded into the spindle and tool: Finally, back to the original ATC, "standby" position. At this point, ATC completed procedures to continue to run. This ATC, the main advantage of simple structure, the less movement, fast tool change. The main disadvantage is that knives must be kept in parallel with the axis of the plane, and after the home side compared to the tool, chip and liquid-cutting knife into the folder, it is necessary to the tool plus protection. Cone knife folder on the chip will cause ATC error, or even damage knife folders, and the possibility of spindle. Some processing centre at the transfer, and the tool side. When the ATC command is called, the transfer-cutter knives will be removed, the machine go forward, and positioning with the ATC, in line with the position. 180 o "Rotary ATC devices can be used horizontal machine, can also be used for vertical machining centers.
2. 2 ATC head-turret installed
With rotating CNC machine tool often used such ATC devices, with a few turret head spindle, each with a spindle on both knives, the first tower interim process can be automatic tool change-realization. The advantage is simple structure, tool change time is short, only about 2 s. However, due to spatial constraints, the number of spindle can not be too much, usually only apply to processes less, not to high precision machine tools, such as the NC drill, such as CNC milling machine. In recent years there has been a mechanical hand and the turret head with a knife for the automatic tool change ATC devices, as shown in Figure 2.3. It is in fact a turret head ATC, and the knife-ATC device combination. The principle is as follows:
5 turret on the first two tool spindle 3 and 4, when using the tool spindle 4 processing tool, the manipulator 2 will be the next step to the need for the tool does not work on the tool spindle 3 until after the completion of this process , the first rotary turret 180 o, ATC completed. ATC most of their time and processing time coincidence, the only real tool change time turret transposition of the first time, this approach mainly used for ATC and NC NC drilling file bed.
2. 3.Daidao system for the automatic tool change
Figure 2.4 shows the knife and the whole machine tool CNC machine tools for the appearance of Fig.
? Figure 2.5 shows the knife and split-type machine to the appearance of CNC machine tool plans.
At this point, knife storage capacity, a heavier tool can, and often additional transport unit to complete the knife between the spindle and cutting tool transport.