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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大專科英語閱讀(2) 2028-2029期末試題及答案(試卷號:2156)Pnrt IQuestions 110 arc based on Passage L1Panagc I b about the Channel Tunnel which was officially opened on 6 May 199LThea regular 24 houn a day. M3 days a cai serviceChun ndTunnelLK TerminalISO hum tn armJ* 2 bu uf faifrmvk2J kni mjwd8電麗 Hoa山,舊 pktlforr

2、wiFrvtich rcrminnlhiTtarei hi utvu8 kui uf rathnti i44 hn “j Nzd8 ItMhn iuihMhhng platform%T Special high-speed At least one departure Eurosai high-speedpassenger tminsper horn through thepassetnja trains can travel Lc Shuttle lor allnightal |60kphkhtds of ors For lorries.shuttleC/ir duels lo prevcn

3、iP Lc Shutlle carries roadIcitcs even 20pressure bin Id-upvebiclci from one icmitnaiminutes at peak timesNon-wnp loirrncysio the other in juu 55when fully opcmtional Pnris-LufKlon in Ic&sminiMcsZDrivcoa drive offthan 5 hours Maximum spccdJUd Esiimatcd maxiiiium London-Brussels iustkphloading linv X

4、nnnuteover 3 hcMirii Conies coaches as Estinuicd maximum Scrvkr tunnel - lotwell acarsunload rng time 司企。 and Spccidtretghtminulcsinamienancc 4.K in in$)niUk fb( IonicsZTwo singlc-irnck raildiamcteiZ? Service for enr caravninlurawk one lund fm each Can be inal ioand coaches ccr 15dtrcctloiK each 5l

5、km lonicsicunte people inminutes m peak nnwsand 7q m In dianiciease of lire oi accident i Over3,IMSscnirrs in tiotirtunnel by cn Sijais nl both of thecmi 2 earnedpassages every 375 mtemunnls and on iliv 山 ulilc in Frvnch uixlEnghMRead Passage 1 and then try to give short amwers to Questions 15 Write

6、 your answers on the Answer Sheet91. How long is the Channel Tunnel open n day?2. Could people drive their own cars through the Channd Tunnel?3. How fast do the Eurostar passenger trains go?4. How long does it take passengers to get to London from Brussels?S000 pnnxcngcrR can be carried per hour9. A

7、pproximately it will take Lc Shuttle 8 minutcN 砒 mct to loud or unlomL10 A tourint who only known English couldn1! read the mgnn when he arrive* at Paria StationPart IIQueitlons 11 20 arc bacd on 2.PaKMiec 2The worldS only nrtiftcinlly4ccl YangUc dolphin crlrbratrd Uh 17th birthdny in Wuhnn with spe

8、cial offering of hin fiivorite finhQiqit the dolphin, war cmiKht by finhcrmrn nenr the mouth of DonKtinu Iske on the YAnKlxc Rtvrr on Jnnunry 12. 1980 miuI nent to thr Wuhnn InniHutcof Biology tn 11ubri Province. The date wnn then choAcn nn hin birtluhy. He wun 1. 17 rnclcm long and weighed 36. i ki

9、lografnMt and hr wan rstimolcd i hr nbout two yenm old. By 1Q86. hr had grown to over two tnrtern in length and weighed 126 kilogrAtiiR. Since thn hi length and weiuhi hrtve rrmninrcl the Mirnc9Qiqi livr a Ain|(lr life. He hm thrvr mcnln n tiny of over 10 kilonim!* of (rruh (imH. Hr hm rrccivrd dntl

10、y training and hnR participated in scientific rxpcritnrniM of vnrioun kind,.Rcftrarrhrr mnkr rctfulnr hrnlth chccka on him rvrry month. If nbnormnl indicxitor?i apixrar thr rrrnrchrrn Add vitnmtnt trace clcmenlRt anttbiotirn or nutritionnl mcdicincM to hin (reh fish. Between April and July year* Qiq

11、i contracted serious life threntening liver trauma hypcrglycerniii and hyperlipemia* The institute quickly invited expert! from the United States, Hongkong and 1aiwan to help 5nve Qiqi. Guided by experts from No. 2 Hospital attAched to Hubei Medical Sciences IJnivcmhy. the researchers applied a drip

12、 method of stomach lavage to treat him and Q】qi recovered after 100 days of treatmentsThe Yangtze River dolphin inhabits the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze Riven It is one of China f s most prized species after the ginnt panda nnd it is also one of the worldmost endangered species with less

13、 than 100 remaining. Since 1978. the Chine* government has spent 40 million yuan (US $ 5 million) on the protection And Fudy of the Yangtze River dolphin*Read Passage Z and then choose the best answer that may complete each of the Klatcnicnts according to the passage. Write your anxwm on the Answer

14、Sheet.IL The Yangtze dolphin* Qiqi was anificially fed. which h to “y .A he was an artificial dolphinB.hr only Ate artifieial foodhe was fed by manD.he only ate a special kind of fish12. Qiqi wm caught by people in .Dongting luikcHongkong6/12/1980.1/12/1980.A. Wuhan氏G TaiwunfX13. Which day wan choNc

15、n Qiqi birihdfty?A. 7/12/1980.B.C. 12/12/1980.以14 Which one of thr AtntcnirntN in True?A. Qiqi live% in Wuhan InMifutc of Biology in Hunan Province.K When people caught Qiqi. he wits three ysrn old.C* Siner 1986. Qiqi,. length and weight hwvr remained the same.IX Qiqiii fjivorite food is vegetablesI

16、5. In his daily life* Qiqi*s min job in to.A. ukc part in tentific exprnments of vahoub kinduK work with rrsearclwrn from many countriesC help to tet the effect of mnny kindn of medidnenH receive tmininK (or |erfnrmance|6, When Qiqi waa ill* the researchers addedt。誼ocxi,A i one of the most dangerous

17、 animals in the worldC. is rcgnrded as one of the most precioun animnlM in ChinnD is more precious than pnnda20. Which one of the stnit?mcnu it* False?A. The Chinrsr government hnn spent 10 million yuan on thr protection and study of this kind of dolphin#ft This kind of dolphin liven in the middle a

18、nd lower reaches of the Yangtze RivenQ Thin kind o( dolphin it in danger of cxtincnon.|), Mirny af the dolphtitn hnvr bettn cmiKhl lor cxpcnnu nK.Part HI True or Fill*QurstiiiHM 2130 rnv bwMd on PaMMgr 3,PacMxr 3Techy IM like to talk about M)me of the problem thm MudenK lace when they SMw . course o

19、l Mudy through the mtdium。性卿商 The problems cun be divided into three broad catcKorirs*i puyithological cultural nd hnnuiMtic.1 h? first two categories mainly concern thosr who come to study in Bntnin* I e II comment only briefly tn these hrjet two and then spend niOMt af the time looking av linguint

20、ic difficulties which apply to everyone wherever they are learning English. Some of the common psychological problems really involve fear of the unknown. The overseas student in Britain may also suffer from separation from his family and possible homcsickncMKlooking now ai the cultural problems wc c

21、an wme o( them are of a very pmcliod naturet e g getting used to British money (or the lack ol it!) British food and went her (neither is always bad!)The Urges! category h probably ImguiMlic Lets look at thia in some dctaiLMost studrntx will have learnt English at school but i( they1 ve already been

22、 to college ch univernity in their own countncei theyf 11 have studied mostly in their own language t perhaps for reading orne textbooks and journnlsi in English. In other words# they * 11 have hud hule everyday opportunity to prncticc using English*When foreign learners first have the opportunity t

23、o Apeak to an EnRli?th-apeaking person they may have a shocki they often have great difficulty in understanding! Thrrr nre a number of rroAuns for this different styles of nperrh nrc uncd in different ituntions. For all of thrnc reasons students will have difficuhy mainly because they lack practice

24、in listening to English people speaking English.What can a student do then to overcome these difficulties? Well* johvtounly hr should listen to progrnniFi in English on the r*do ond V. Irhapn mom irriportnnt of alL he should tkc every available opportunity to mret and apck with native English-speaki

25、ng people He should be awarr. however that English people are often rtjeerved and niny br unwilling to tnkc the initinrive Howrvrr diFficuh it may ct!n io br mo#t Engluh people will respond. He will need pnucncc and perseverance!The studrnt probably hax difficulty in speaking EnliHh Huctitly. He ha5

26、 thr ideas. he knows what ta nay (in bin own InnguiiK) but he down、know how to 5y it in English, The ldvitr mH gm difficult to follow but ilS yemr” HrHfly. hr munt Amplify hi. language o thut hr cun express himself mcmWy clearly. St condly. he must try to think inEnglish* not translate from his moth

27、er tongue. This will only begin to take plnce when his uxc ol English becomes automatict using a language laboratory und listening to much English as possible will help. In general he should practice speaking much as possible. He should also notice the kind of English, and itn structure thni educate

28、d people use, and try to imitate it.Read Passage 3 and decide wtwthcr the following statements nre True or False. Write T for t rue and F for False agtiinst the number of each of the sUitcmcnts on your Answer Sheet.21. There arc three types of problems facing learners of English sociological cultura

29、l und linguistic.22. The linguistic problems nre diiwrusscd in the greatest detail.23. Fychological and cultural problems mainly concern British students and so are discussed briefly.24. The overseas student in Britain may also suffer from separation from his family and homesickness.25. In order to

30、understand English people bctier. the most important thing for a student to do is to listen to the radio and TV.26. In order to understand English people better students should tnkc every available opportunity to meet and speak with native EnRlish-speaking people.27. H houxh English people are often

31、 reserved, if the student has the courage to xprnk to them they will often respond.28. The advice givrn on how to improve npoken English will necm difficult to follow.29. The wny to make oneself think in English i only to practice speaking ns much as possible.30. Far Ntudrnt5 short English sentences

32、 arc belter tluin longer ones.Part IV Short AtwwerQtscstiom 3135 arr based on Passage 4Pnssac 4In November of 1995. Leslie was working for the Department of SociM Services in North Carolina. Her job is to take children out of dangerous home Mtuationn and place them ,n 心心 horns. During hrr first such

33、 task. Leslie saw thut the children she hud come to pick up were carrying all of their thin in plztic They didnt have suitwe for the.r clothe*. Wanting to help these children* Leslie naked her mother if she could have the family old suitcases to give to them.Lc,ie,5 10 grold niter Abby asked how man

34、y foster children there were in the area and found out thai there were 400. Mont of those children hnd to carry their thing from plnce to pluce in plastic bAg Letltc care and the thought of thoc 300 children made younK Abby take Action. Abby decided to ank people to give nwny their old nuiteaser to

35、thrr foMrr children. Shr begun nuking nnd hitnginx pO5tcr npenkini; At churchrnt nnd Asking other children for help, liut oftcr n few werkhe hc hnd not rrrrjvrd any ones. Abby decided to buy onir nuitniM?s with her mother* a help, ,huts how Abby Burnnide net tip her prOKrntn# Suitcase, for Kid. By M

36、arch of 1996. Suitcases for Kids had collected and sent 175 suitcases to the foster children.Pinallyt Abby、efforts were noticed by thr media. Her story wan in nrwApiipcrs and niARaxincs nnd Abby Apprarrd on populnr television uhowf. An the story been me known# Abby,a IocaI chapter received more nnd

37、rnorr uil(uw until it collected 4.000 suileat*rn in 1996. Soont Abby wn traveling to diHrrent Mtatee* to help net up newfor Kid、chapters. By the end of 】996. there were StiitrnMC for Kid,chapters in 19 different Btnicn. After two full yenrst Suitc4se for Kidn hud nrt up chftptrrn in nil 50 RfHtrn th

38、e little urKanUAtion rcnchrd intrrnntionnl nitrniiont hliving chapfers in more thiin ten eourilrte Now thauRAnds of children around rhe world can enrry thrir things in ivmtcnwrs inntrnd n( plntic Imikm jut becnuMc a 10 year old Rirl decided one day ihnt nhe jufi wnnted fo help.Kvud Pus%aRc 1 und the

39、n try to give Mmrt uniiwm Io Questions 3135. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet31. What in LcaUcv8 job?32. Wht did the children urn to enrry their things at firnt?33. Why did Abby decide to tnke action?34. In winch ycur did cnch mate h*vc Abbyf w chnptcrji?35. Whtit mndc Ahby help the children a

40、ueccsfilully? (ivr At lenMt two nrinwcru)試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)Part I (30 points 3 points each)L Itrs open 24 houm a dny.2. No. they couldnL3. The pascnKer trains can travel at 160 kph.4. Over 3 hours.5. People will evacuate through the service tunneL /Therefs a service tunnel which enn be urd to rvftcuate

41、 people in case of fire.6. F7. T8. F9. T10. FPart 11 ( 30 points9 3 points each)4. C15. A19. C20.Pnrt ID ( 20 poinU9 2 points each)22. T23x F24. T25. F29. F21. TPart |V ( 20 pointse 4(xinls curb)3L Her job 很 to take children out of dangcrouM home ittiftiiona and plnce rhrrn in foster honied32. Plawtic bagH.33 BecauMc of IxmlieM care nnd the thought of the 300 children34. In 1998.35. Her efforts* determination And the help of the media nnd other people. (Any two of ihciK? arc ()K)

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