
1、國開電大本科《管理英語4》歷年期末考試(第三大題閱讀判斷題)題庫試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 It's no secret that good leaders are also good communicators.Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied.How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you d
2、on't communicate in a clear,credible and authentic way?Here are 5essential communication practices of effective leaders: 1.Mind the say-do gap.Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership—your behavior is your single greatest mode of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say.If your
3、actions don't align with your words, you a restoring up trouble for the future. 2.Make the complex simple.Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon.The most important thing is to clarify what you want t
4、o say, lookout for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity.Say what you mean in as few words as possible. 3.Find your own voice.Use language that's distinctly your own; let your values come through in your communication.Correct use of language and grammar are important, of co
5、urse, but don’t become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquence's sake; concentrate on being distinct and real.People want real, people respect real, people follow real. 4.Be visible.Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care about.Don’t hide behi
6、nd a computer and only interact with people electronically—see them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in a real,substantial way.In today's environment, where people are often burned out, it's important for employees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believ
7、e in.Show the people that work for you that you're engaged and that you care about them and their work.5.Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears.Becau
8、se you are in a position of authority, others maybe reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly.You won’t always get direct feedback, so you need to also be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal cues. 26.Communication and leadership don't always go hand in hand. [答案
9、]F 27.The say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leader's intention. [答案]F 28.Using technical jargon makes a leader convincing. [答案]F 29.Communicating sincerely is always the best. [答案]T 30.Observation is as important as communication when you want to know what people really think. [答案]T
10、 2020年9月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 In competitive markets, leaders are under increased pressure to maintain a positive work culture.A positive work culture cultivates greater employee satisfaction; greater employee satisfaction contribut
11、es to higher performance; higher performance impacts improved client outcomes; improved client outcomes contribute to service excellence. Positive work cultures are built overtime and need constant attention.Such cultures are dependent on leadership vision and values. An effective leader sets the to
12、ne for the team, encourages a positive workplace culture an disable to bring about cultural change. Workplace culture is made up of the shared attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, values and expectations that influence the way people work in the workplace.It is“the way we do things around here”. Some cult
13、ural aspects are understood by all and are obvious such as turning up for wok on time, while others maybe“unwritten rules”that are not so obvious for example how personal issues are resolved with work colleagues. Many factors that influence whether a workplace has a positive outlook are within the c
14、ontrol of people who work in a workplace.There are also factors out of their control, such as slumps in global prices or a change in demand and supply.The company can, however,control how they respond to these factors. Those companies that do create positive workplace environments develop a reputati
15、on in their community as being‘good to work for’and have a competitive edge.Not only are these companies more able to attract and retain people, they tend to be more stable as they proactively deal with issues and adapt to change. Teams work best when they are clear about what is expected of them.Th
16、ey are more able to deal with difficult issues if they feel the values of the organization are supportive of them. For a workplace culture to be positive, the direction and actions of the business must be consistent with the core values of the people in the workplace.The people must trust each other
17、 and be able to openly express and exchange ideas. Working through these steps will help with developing a positive business culture. 26.A positive work culture will give workers more satisfaction. [答案]T 27.Positive cultures have a lot to do with leadership vision and values. [答案]T 28.The direction
18、and actions for the business must differ from the core values of the employees in order for a workplace culture to be positive. [答案]F 29.In competitive markets, leaders are under more and more pressure to keep a positive work culture. [答案]T 30.Positive work culture can be built in a short period of
19、time. [答案]F 2020年7月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 When Jack Welch, the Chairman and CEO at General Electric(GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career.He became CEOin1981at the age of 45.At that time, GE had a very c
20、omplex organizational structure with considerably bureaucratic rules. One of his first changes was to initiate a strategy formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number 1or2in the irrespective areas.If this was not the case, managers had the options of fixing the
21、 problem, selling their particular business,or closing it.In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level and eliminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee positions. The restructuring was followed by changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of
22、 GE's managers.One such program was the Work-Out(群策群力) .Groups of managers were assembled to share their views openly in three一day sessions.At the beginning of the meetings, the superior presented the challenges for his or her organizational unit.Then the superior had to leave,requesting the groups
23、to find solutions to the problems.Facilitators(會議主持人) helped these discussions.On the last day, the superior was presented with proposed solutions.He or she then had three choices:to accept the proposal, not to accept it, or to collect more information.This process put great pressure on the superior
24、 to make decisions. Another program to improve effectiveness and efficiency was Best Practices.The aim was to learn from other companies how they obtained customer satisfaction, how they related to their suppliers, and in what ways they developed new products.This helped the GE people to focus on th
25、e processes in their operations that would improve the company's performance. Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GE's training center in Crotonville.Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve results but also those who share the values of the company. 26.Jack
26、Welch retired at the age of 65. [答案]T 27.Jack Welch insisted that each of the businesses should beat least number 3in their respective area. [答案]F 28.If the business could not meet Welch's change requirements, its manager had 3choices. [答案]T 29.The restructuring went before changing the organization
27、al culture and the managerial styles of GE's managers. [答案]T 30.The Work Outlasted a week. [答案]F 2020年1月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 It's no secret that good leaders are also good communicators.Indeed, communication and leadership are inex
28、tricably tied.How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you don't communicate in a clear,credible and authentic way?Here are 5essential communication practices of effective leaders: 1.Mind the say-do gap.Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership—your behavior is your single greatest mode
29、of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say.If your actions don't align with your words, you a restoring up trouble for the future. 2.Make the complex simple.Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can gras
30、p and act upon.The most important thing is to clarify what you want to say, lookout for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity.Say what you mean in as few words as possible. 3.Find your own voice.Use language that's distinctly your own; let your values come through in your c
31、ommunication.Correct use of language and grammar are important, of course, but don’t become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquence's sake; concentrate on being distinct and real.People want real, people respect real, people follow real. 4.Be visible.Visibility is about letting your key stakeholde
32、rs get a feel for who you are and what you care about.Don’t hide behind a computer and only interact with people electronically—see them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in a real,substantial way.In today's environment, where people are often burned out, it's important for emp
33、loyees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in.Show the people that work for you that you're engaged and that you care about them and their work.5.Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good
34、 questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears.Because you are in a position of authority, others maybe reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly.You won’t always get direct feedback, so you need to also be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal cu
35、es. 26.Communication and leadership don't always go hand in hand. [答案]F 27.The say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leader's intention. [答案]F 28.Using technical jargon makes a leader convincing. [答案]F 29.Communicating sincerely is always the best. [答案]T 30.Observation is as important a
36、s communication when you want to know what people really think. [答案]T 2019年7月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smart phone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technica
37、lly inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming. It has also been argued that it was none of the above. Nokia lost the smart phone battle because of divergent shared fears among the company's middle and top managers which led
38、to company-wide inertia that left it powerless to respond to Apple's game. Based on the findings of an in-depth investigation and 76 interviews with top and middle managers, engineers and external experts, the researchers discovered a culture of fear due to temperamental leaders and that frightened
39、middle managers were scared of telling the truth. The fear that froze the company came from two places. First, the company's top managers had a terrifying reputation. Some members of Nokia's board and top management were described as “extremely temperamental“ and they regularly shouted at people “at
40、 the top of their lungs“. It was very difficult to tell them things they didn't want to hear. Secondly, top managers were afraid of the external environment and not meeting their quarterly targets, which also impacted how they treated middle managers. Top managers thus made middle managers afraid of
41、 disappointing them. Middle managers were told that they were not ambitious enough to meet top managers' goals. Fearing the reactions of top managers, middle managers remained silent or provided optimistic, filtered information. Thus, middle managers directly lied to top management. Worse, a culture
42、 of status inside Nokia made everyone want to hold onto vested power for fear of resources being allocated elsewhere if they delivered bad news or showed that they were not bold or ambitious enough to undertake challenging assignments. Beyond verbal pressure, top managers also applied pressure for f
43、aster performance in personnel selection. This led middle managers to over promise and under deliver. One middle manager told us that “you can get resources by promising something earlier, or promising a lot. It's sales work. “ While modest fear might be healthy for motivation, abusing it can be lik
44、e overusing a drug, which risks generating harmful side effects. To reduce this risk, leaders should coordinate with the varied emotions of the staff. Nokia's top managers should have encouraged safe dialogue, internal coordination and feedback to understand the true emotion in the organization. 26.
45、 Nokia lost the smart phone battle because its technology is not as good as that of Apple. [答案]F 27. Nokia's middle managers were frank to tell the truth, but the top ones didn't listen to them. [答案]F 28. Nokia's top managers were too moody to hear anything good but harsh. [答案]T 29. Middle managers
46、in Nokia delivered results more than they promised earlier. [答案]F 30. Nokia's top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truth. [答案]T 2019年1月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 It's no secre
47、t that good leaders are also good communicators.Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied.How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you don't communicate in a clear, credible and authentic way?Here are 5 essential communication practices of effective leaders: (1) Mind the sa
48、y-do gap.Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership一your behavior is your single greatest mode of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say.If your actions don't align with your words, you a restoring up trouble for the future. (2) Make the complex simple.Effective leaders distill
49、complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon, The most important thing is to clarify what you want to say, lookout for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity.Say what you mean in as few words as possible. (
50、3) Find your own voice.Use language that's distinctly your own; let your values come through in your communication, Correct use of language and grammar are important, of course, but don't become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquence's sake; concentrate on being distinct and real.People want real
51、, people respect real, people follow real. (4) Be visible.Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care about.Don’t hide behind a computer and only interact with people electronically—see them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in
52、 a real,substantial way.In today's environment, where people are often burned out, it's important for employees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in.Show the people that work for you that you're engaged and that you care about them and their work. (5) Listen with your e
53、yes as well as your ears.Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears.Because you are in a position of authority, others maybe reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly.You won't alwa
54、ys get direct feedback, so you need to also be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal cues. 26.Communication and leadership don't always go hand in hand. [答案]F 27.The say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leader's intention. [答案]F 28.Using technical jargon makes a le
55、ader convincing. [答案]F 29.Communicating sincerely is always the best. [答案]T 30.Observation is as important as communication when you want to know what people really think. [答案]T 2018年7月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 In competitive markets, l
56、eaders are under increased pressure to maintain a positive work culture.A positive work culture cultivates greater employee satisfaction; greater employee satisfaction contributes to higher performance; higher performance impacts improved client outcomes; improved client outcomes contribute to servi
57、ce excellence. Positive work cultures are built overtime and need constant attention.Such cultures are dependent on leadership vision and values. An effective leader sets the tone for the team, encourages a positive workplace culture an disable to bring about cultural change. Workplace culture is ma
58、de up of the shared attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, values and expectations that influence the way people work in the workplace.It is“the way we do things around here”. Some cultural aspects are understood by all and are obvious such as turning up for wok on time, while others maybe“unwritten rules”t
59、hat are not so obvious for example how personal issues are resolved with work colleagues. Many factors that influence whether a workplace has a positive outlook are within the control of people who work in a workplace.There are also factors out of their control, such as slumps in global prices or a
60、change in demand and supply.The company can, however,control how they respond to these factors. Those companies that do create positive workplace environments develop a reputation in their community as being‘good to work for’ and have a competitive edge.Not only are these companies more able to attr
61、act and retain people, they tend to be more stable as they proactively deal with issues and adapt to change. Teams work best when they are clear about what is expected of them.They are more able to deal with difficult issues if they feel the values of the organization are supportive of them. For a w
62、orkplace culture to be positive, the direction and actions of the business must be consistent with the core values of the people in the workplace.The people must trust each other and be able to openly express and exchange ideas. Working through these steps will help with developing a positive busine
63、ss culture. 26.A positive work culture will give workers more satisfaction. [答案]T 27.Positive cultures have a lot to do with leadership vision and values, [答案]T 28.The direction and actions for the business must differ from the core values of the employees in order for a workplace culture to be posi
64、tive. [答案]F 29.In competitive markets, leaders are under more and more pressure to keep a positive work culture. [答案]T 30.Positive work culture can be built in a short period of time. [答案]F 2018年1月試題及答案 三、閱讀理解(每小題4分,共40分) 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案寫在答題紙上。 Passage 2 When Jack Wel
65、ch, the Chairman and CEO at General Electric(GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career.He became CEOin1981at the age of 45.At that time, GE had a very complex organizational structure with considerably bureaucratic rules. One of his first changes was to initiate a strategy
66、formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number lor2in the irrespective areas.If this was not the case, managers had the options of fixing the problem, selling their particular business,or closing it.In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level and eliminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee positions. The restructuring was followed by changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of GE's managers.One suc
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