七年級英語上冊《Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section D》教學(xué)設(shè)計 (新版)仁愛版

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《七年級英語上冊《Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section D》教學(xué)設(shè)計 (新版)仁愛版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《七年級英語上冊《Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section D》教學(xué)設(shè)計 (新版)仁愛版(6頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section D. Teaching aims and demands 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1. (1) Learn the following phonetic symbols:/m/, /n/, /N/, /l/(2) Learn some new words and a phrase:happy, teach, only, after, look after2. Review Wh-Questions with what/where:(1)What do your parents do

2、?(2)Where do you/they work?3. Learn the useful sentences:(1)I have a happy family.(2)My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.(3)Jacks mother is in red. Teaching aids 教具單詞卡片/圖片/錄音機/幻燈片/錄像設(shè)備/小黑板/獎品/投影. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學(xué)方案Step 1 Review 第一步 復(fù)習(xí)(時間:15分鐘)放錄音,出示全家福,師生對話,復(fù)習(xí)有關(guān)職業(yè)的

3、詞匯及句型,引出新詞匯,導(dǎo)入新課。1. (方案一)(播放含有職業(yè)性對話的錄音片斷,師生互動。)T: Now, lets listen to the tape, and answer my questions.(1)(播放醫(yī)生詢問病人病情的錄音片斷,可以是中文的。)T:What does the man/woman do?S1:He/She is a doctor.(2)(播放教師上英語課的錄音片斷。)T:What does the man/woman do?S2:He/She is a teacher.T: He/She teaches English.(板書,教學(xué)新單詞,并要求掌握。)tea

4、cher teach(3)(播放學(xué)生上課的錄音片斷。)T:What do they do?S3:They are students.(以同樣的方式進(jìn)行其他“聽錄音辨職業(yè)”訓(xùn)練。)(方案二)(看錄像/幻燈片/投影/圖片,找出具有職業(yè)特征的人物。)(教師讓學(xué)生快速觀看錄像/幻燈片/投影/圖片,然后提出問題。)T:Who can you see?S4:I can see a teacher.S5:I can see a doctor.S6:I can see a driver.(直到?jīng)]有學(xué)生補充為止,然后再現(xiàn)材料,讓學(xué)生仔細(xì)觀察,師生合作,共同找出所有職業(yè)性人物。)2. (看誰演得好:讓學(xué)生上前表演

5、各種職業(yè)的特征,可利用道具。) T: Nice work! Now Ill ask some students to act out different jobs and say what you do and where you work. S7, please.S7:I am a I work in a (學(xué)生一邊說一邊做該職業(yè)的標(biāo)志性動作。)S8:I am a I work in a (像S7一樣)(所有volunteers表演完畢后,師生一起評出“最佳演員”,并頒發(fā)獎品。如:英語本。)3. (教師出示一張自己家三代同堂的全家福,師生問答,引出新詞匯。) T:Boys and girls

6、, please look at this photo of my family. This girl is my little daughter. Can you guess how old she is? Ss:She is four years old. (學(xué)生猜測女兒的年齡。) T:Yes. She is only four years old, and she is very cute. (板書,教學(xué)新單詞,并要求學(xué)生掌握only;了解cute。)only, cute Ss:Yes. T:Do you know whos looking after my daughter now?

7、Ss:Her grandparents. (板書,并要求掌握。)after, look after T:You are right. I think I have a happy family. (板書,學(xué)習(xí)新單詞,并要求掌握。)happy (導(dǎo)入1。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(xiàn)(時間:10分鐘)運用卡片學(xué)習(xí)音標(biāo);聽錄音,做閱讀理解,掌握目標(biāo)語言。1. (出示1中的單詞卡,讓學(xué)生認(rèn)讀單詞。) T:Boys and girls, we all know this word, right? (手持family單詞卡。) Now Ill show you more word

8、 cards. Please read these words in turn. (手持nurse單詞卡) S1:Nurse. (手持apple單詞卡) S2:Apple. (手持map單詞卡) S3:Map. T:(出示mouse, monkey的單詞卡。) Well done! Now please look at the two words. Can you read them? The old words can help you. Ss:Mouse, monkey. (教師可幫助學(xué)生學(xué)會怎樣用學(xué)過的單詞拼讀新單詞。)2. (讓學(xué)生把單詞卡片歸類。教學(xué)音標(biāo)/m/, /n/, /N/,

9、/l/.)T:Good. You are very clever. Now please divide these words according to the pronunciation. (板書)/m/ /n/ /N/ /l/ 3. (播放1錄音,并讓學(xué)生跟讀,直到讀準(zhǔn)確為止,完成1。) T:Very good! Now please listen to the tape and repeat.4. (由自己家的全家福照片,導(dǎo)入2a。) T: You know about my family. Today we have a new friend, Peter. Here is a pho

10、to of Peters family. After listening to the tape, youll know about his family. Do you want to know him? (1)(讓學(xué)生聽2a,然后回答小黑板上所列的問題,師生核對答案。) T: Please listen to the tape. Then answer the following questions.1. How old is Peter?2. Where is he from?3. How old is his little sister? (2)(再播放2a錄音,完成在小黑板上繪制的如

11、下表格,訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力。) T: Listen to the tape again. And fill out the table on the small blackboard.Family memberJobWorkplacePeterFatherMotherStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:6分鐘)通過復(fù)述短文和人物訪談,使學(xué)生進(jìn)一步鞏固目標(biāo)語言。1. (學(xué)生精讀2a,完成2b,核對答案;并要求同桌之間進(jìn)行對話。)T: Read 2a again. Then answer the questions in 2b. Then check the answers

12、with yourdeskmate.2. (板書關(guān)鍵詞,讓學(xué)生復(fù)述2a。) T:Please retell the passage according to the key words on the blackboard.Petercome fromtwelvestudentBeijingfatherdoctorhospitalmotherteacherschoolRosefourgrandparentslook after(學(xué)生如有困難,教師要及時給予幫助,對復(fù)述流暢、準(zhǔn)確的學(xué)生給予鼓勵。)3. (仿寫短文,讓學(xué)生把自己的家庭情況,用關(guān)鍵詞概括,然后口述。) T:Imitate the pa

13、ssage in 2a and retell the information about your family orally.4. (人物訪談:讓兩位學(xué)生表演,S1扮記者,S2扮外國明星。)T:Lets have an interview. Suppose S1 is a reporter, S2 is a famous foreign star. S1 interviews S2. OK, please!S1:Welcome to China, Mr./Miss S2:Thank you.S1:May I know your family?S2:Sure.S1:What does your

14、 father/mother do?S2:My father/mother is a (an) S1:Do you like China?S2:Yes. I like China very much.S1:Thank you very much.S2:Youre welcome.(讓學(xué)生兩人一組練習(xí)人物訪談對話。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(xí)(時間:8分鐘)通過做游戲和做練習(xí),使學(xué)生在運用中掌握目標(biāo)語言,并訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力。1. (播放兩遍3的錄音,第一遍讓學(xué)生了解大意,第二遍后判斷正誤,核對答案。) T: Listen to the tape for the first tim

15、e in order to learn about main ideas. Then listen again and mark True or False in 3. Ill check the answers.2. (重放3錄音,學(xué)生獲取更多信息,并根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,復(fù)述Jack的家庭情況,完成3。) T:Listen to the tape again, and try to get more information. Then retell Jacks family according to the dialog.3. (做游戲:找朋友。課前把4a,4b中的問句和答句寫在卡片上,打亂順序,

16、讓十六個學(xué)生抽取卡片,然后迅速找到與自己相對應(yīng)的問句或答語,兩人一組表演出來。) T:Lets play a game: Finding friends. Here are sixteen cards. Ill ask sixteen students to draw the cards. Then find out their own questions or responses quickly and act out in the front. Example: Group 1 S1:What do your parents do? S2:They are both office work

17、ers. Group 2 S3:What do you do? S4:Im a student. 4. (播放4a、4b錄音,學(xué)生跟讀,并注意語音語調(diào)。完成4a和4b。) T:Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.5. (教師出示小黑板,學(xué)習(xí)并操練本單元的特殊疑問句。) T:Lets do some exercises. Please look at the small blackboard. Fill in the blanks, then check the ans

18、wers together.對畫線部分提問:(1) My parents are workers. do your parents ?(2) I am a student. do you ?(3) The man works on a farm. the man work?(4) They work in a school. they work?(核對答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:6分鐘)通過畫家譜,采訪,填表格,寫短文等形式,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生綜合運用本話題語言知識的能力。1. (聽敘述,畫家譜。老師讓一個或幾個學(xué)生介紹自己的家庭情況,其他學(xué)生根據(jù)敘述,畫出家譜,看

19、誰畫得最正確。完成5(1)。) T:Listen to the description of your partners family photo. Then draw his/her family tree. And we will decide who draws best.2. (人人都做小記者。學(xué)生兩人一組相互采訪,完成5(2)。) T:Suppose you are a reporter, interview your partner about his/her family members. Then fill out the table in 5.3. Homework:讓學(xué)生根據(jù)5(2)采集到的信息,寫一篇介紹搭檔家庭的小短文,完成5(3)。教師挑選幾篇寫得好的短文,粘貼在教室后面的英語學(xué)習(xí)園地欄。板書設(shè)計:What does your mother do?Section Dlive with uslook after1. /m/, /n/, /N/, /l/in red2. My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home.on the sofa 3. What do your parents do?a photo of my family4. What does the man do?6

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