
I How did you miss your tniin*
A. WrIL I wa^ raui?ht In thr tvMiv ianu
IL Whm、yrmr propo 2、g! Congmtulniion^!
C< 1( I hud the money. Kd one.
3. —How did you find your vinit tn Qingdao Joanrm^
A. ()h> wonderful mdce 3、
5. —What9s the weather like in thit area?
A. Very well. H 1tFs rniny.
C. Yc?代、fine.
二. 伺匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計(jì)30分,每小題2分)
6-20 18:88讀下面的句子,從A、H.C三個(gè)逸頃中選出一個(gè)健域入空白處的正確逃項(xiàng).并將答 案序號(hào)寫(xiě)在答atac
6. He gnvr up ht< study in rollrgc in?
A. bundle B.如pflir
C. mh
7 they luve hn o( ^pplirnrn> they cAnr find thr people they w 4、nt.
A? Though B. Bccrubv
C Thtrcforc (X However
(L UMcd
& Whs om plMimrch a crrdh enrd caii br n powerful hnunciMl loot
9. Whrn you nn nf t |ihypiicnlly handniK someone rnnnry or n check for n ? you
will (crl you rc spending free money<
A. purpote B. purne
C? purchAnc
10b 5、I bouwlw n nrw cur last month, but I my uld car yet.
A. did not Bell 氏 havr not hold
C. hud not wold
1" I donf 1 think nnyntie inn ncrunr him not lining honcut.
A. of H. with
(\ Bbout
12. (irucr dorn *! prk ErrncK. I)oea Mnry ipcnk Erenchy
She docMnii . ?
A. chher H? nehhef
;C loo
13. We 6、have uprnt nil of our *prr tmira ? our npre m(itiry> un the prujrct.
A- ah Moan aa H. at lonfl ”
C. a> well n
Mr ! hrunl thut you n .dly hnd ? wnndrrlul timr nt lohn* hirthd/iy pnrtye ?
A. didn9t t B. didn1! yuu
C hiuhit you
15. UruM no circumtuncc o trll lies ro pnrentji.
A. childrrn nrr all 7、owed il. rr children allnwcd
C< will children Allow
)6. Pm KainK to hnv3 with Mnrk aboui thm iwut* tomorrow.
A. gh & 5"
(\ word
I7? I Kot _ money with mr. m I wam* i flblr io buy evrn lottlr p( wiitcr !
? A. any K ,hlU
C. frw
18. Allnn is lucking forward to — yg " “mmer Iwhduy,
A. meet 此"頑 8、皿
inforniAtion from the Intrrnrii
K offer
C. be mrenntt
19. Praplc now cab cnmly
A. Jtn rEM
(二 bcccr*
20. Supcrvuarw huuld mnke a hi o< 呻]control msuw io
K dpted
A. given
?C iken
21-25 Oh lit下列蝴文,從AJLC三個(gè)m中坎出一個(gè)正<*籥案,并將善5d?
PiWe I
There m three kmcin o 9、f k(mIhi whort trim, medium rne nnd long.term gonlM. Shon- teTfn kcimU are those that u.unlly deal with current aetivitie*. which we can apply 10、HUiion. our long tcrm guxlfe cunnot ntnount to very much without the nchicvcmmt o( aohd ^orf^trrm oiiN. Upon complelmK our nhori term Hoah. wr thouhi d" the ocmmg md then ndd new >hnrt. trrm KoA|f* thM will build on ihnjr that hnve been complrird.
【h,? miEwdg Kanb build on the kmiuhtian ul ihr 4wim 11、rm —岫 might deal WUh n,M onc ,enn 湖 Sool m the entire “h心 y頃.or they could even 頑m— hr 心m】 gm Any time you move a Mcp at n tig, you 山mid nrvrr Mluw yonMell in huromr 山gggMr overwhelmed. A> you vumpkic rach Mcp. ynu will mfuere ihr belief in yowr nWHty 10 Krow ?f 12、m 13、ar nuny yrnrF
C. keep you rng/igcd on a d/iily hym
22. 1 hr malhtrn ran^r goah nrr built upon.
At brlirf and Mucrcttfi
H? thr tnotivcafiofi nnd desire
仁 thr cumplcriau of the) 14、 g山》wr Imv<- new hhg and 叩口少皿師心
C?"Hud benrt wnh for the exchii^ mwj of gm*
紈 Whm doe? thr word FUL main in ihr hst f
A. moving
C. nut moYitig
m Whkh of dlr lollowinw Mnh iricniR in TRUE 頃wdg單 tu thr 呻河叩
A? Any hrnr you movr 0 15、 nil hrlj in nchicvirig your long*-teem ffwds
(-I Hr 141 n utAtiv ihing. thui* ncwr allowlnff m hm. trrrn u<>nl in limit hr.
2&—矛IB:閱讀下列短文,從AJhC三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)正確答案,井將答案序號(hào)寫(xiě)在答《8 蛾上。
Puss^ko 2
Im Mirhhd Bush. Managirig Dtmttor of Hcxigic EnxitittrinR. 1 am pleaded fo wrlcome you here 10(nir wMzS md P4 hk 16、r to itII you n little dlMMJt the oo/n|uiny ^nd its orRQTtizAtiotL Hooftk &igincchng w心 *1 up in 198Q. It was divided into 5ml tkpartnwnt* at thiii time, such as the ssIe depAnmrntt nvirkvhtig 17、tng> arc dtffrrcni now. Sixiy peoph /ire employed liy Hoogle and conimuniention between dcpuftmehto i、ccinsiden^i io be one of the mom impartAnt aBpe 18、 licponmcnrs and never spoke to other. We hud ■ tall itructurr. TriidKionnlly wo >wd pcopk nr the first level on thr shop door ? m4nufdcturiti|^ prodnrt^ uccmditux to thr inMirueiiniiji which they were givcn< Thon you had a 9Upervisory level of people wluj >upeniscd them every dt>y. Then you moved u 19、p to the middle mftnMgcmrnt ? who weru d(nn< fh Ekw nf gening r>c-w hsinzsu *nd then you hud the senior nuinugenivnt lcnm> and then you had I In hord< whu dti idrci thr hiinincAR stratcgyi Sn there were it lot of Iwrla in :he company in the old do” actimlly.
The structure todziy m thnt we form with 20、in icarnK to place pmplr who can
mAnufAcmre d product E^t h "atd ha members that can inMnufarture dirferent pruductn. The jictunl (eamn now arc clf-mnnAging d we don11 even have teAni lenilcrsa Youf ve got the iw? and then youfve rot two people? only two people* who arr what you think of nianagvruc 21、nh Thm iji gcnerfilly called flnt structurc.
26. Who i telling the information about Hoogle Engineering?
A, Mnnnginu Dircctur-
K Vice prr^wknt.
(L AccY)untnnt<
27. How many people are employed by Hpogle Engineering?
A. 50.
K 40.
C 60.
28. Why ts it ncccnsary to maki contact wilh custotnerst 22、 worldwide?
A. Because the market js global,
R Because we need n.
C Because communication can make pcvplc hnppy
29. Which of the following surements is NOT true?
A. In the old dnys the、切"in different departments never spoke to wu?h other.
B< There were n lot of leveh in the company in the old 23、days.
C> The speaker rhinkx the two structures hflvt the same functions.
30< What kind uf organizationiii structure was Hcx)gle Engineering?
A. A flat xtmetnre.
B> A ull Mruciurc-
C. A flwt structure and a tall structure.
四. 寫(xiě)作(共20分)
31.根據(jù)要求寫(xiě)一 118()坷左右的作文.
Write a letter on a ituggealion reg 24、arding opening a new tbemc park in the city to the lioard of directars# based on the following reasons:
(I ) l^oing market rebc^rch f^incr August (online quolionruiifex and more than 200 respondentx) i
(2> The city haw a good location with a large populationi
(3) Our competitors plait to expand t 25、heir businessi
(4) Ncedinn tn find out enough fund^ nvAilable
Dear Board of Directors ?
Yours Faithfully*
James Wang
一 .交際用IB (Mit 2分,?小IB2分)
1-5 ■:正■的訝句完成下而對(duì)話,笄將答*序號(hào)可在答WI帳上。
l. A 2. H X A 4. C S? B
案序號(hào)弟在答題雄 26、上.
th H 7. A K. C 9. C 10. B
IL A 12, A 13. C H. B 15. B
16. C 17, B IR. 11 10. C 20. C
三, 閱讀理JW(共抻分.每小H 1分)
■:閱讀下列翊文,從三個(gè)逸項(xiàng)中炫出一個(gè)正確答案,并將答案序號(hào)寫(xiě)在答II 峨上.
歐 I
21. C 22. C 23< B 2L C 25. B
下列短文.從\Jk(三個(gè)毋項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)正確答* ?并料春*岸號(hào)寫(xiě)在答H 峨上。
I ■場(chǎng) MUW J
26. A 27. V 28? A 2d. C B
四. 環(huán)作(共2。分)
31.機(jī)也要求,ta 80 idA 27、右的fl z.
Writr .1 Irllri Hi n、叩 w “hm r^gnrdinH cipvnin^ n ovw ihvnir pink tn llu city hi I lit bon rd <4 dirvclnrfte b *vd on the (cillnwnig :
< I Dning markri rcMWif ch urv August I online <|ucsiionnairv< nnd more thnn 200
< 2)The city lm> n m(mhJ locAfion with u larRe p 28、nn
(3) Our compciiiors plnn to expand their buviruwN
< I)Nerding tn find out cnnngh fund?! nvnilnblc<
Ihar Board of Directors?
1 wnuhl like fn make 土 suggt/Mion n gurfling o)>vniiiK n new ihcniv park in our city iirxc year.
Smet August ? 2nIK# I have bwn catuluirfing mbrkvting rcM-arrh ki 29、^vd on atiltm qucMtiotnmirtwith rnurv limn 200 rv^pandcfit> participntiim. I here is j hirgv denund fur d new i henu* purk hs our rHy Ivih /i good loon inn with a birgf populnfioih
lhrhh~ I have livjirri fhni our comiwiihirh plan tn rxpand their huFimw* htTc< If w< dont grnsp thin npportuniiy t lhey will.
I h< most imponani thing f
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- 小學(xué)英語(yǔ)量詞用法詳解
- 四篇:2024年度民主生活會(huì)召開(kāi)情況總結(jié)報(bào)告匯編
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- 21-01《中國(guó)近代文學(xué)史》自學(xué)考試題及答案
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- 廉潔過(guò)春節(jié)清風(fēng)迎新村緊繃紀(jì)律弦廉潔過(guò)春節(jié)把好廉潔關(guān)過(guò)個(gè)廉潔年
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