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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上新概念英語第一冊課文課文1 對不起Excuse me! 對不起 Yes? 什么事? Is this your handbag? 這是您的手提包嗎? Pardon? 對不起,請再說一遍。 Is this your handbag? 這是您的手提包嗎? Yes, it is. 是的,是我的。 Thank you very much. 非常感謝! 課文3 對不起,先生My coat and my umbrella please. 請把我的大衣和傘拿給我。 Here is my ticket. 這是我(寄存東西)的牌子。 Thank you, sir. 謝謝,先生。 Numb

2、er five. 是5號。 Heres your umbrella and your coat. 這是您的傘和大衣 This is not my umbrella. 這不是我的傘。 Sorry sir. 對不起,先生。 Is this your umbrella? 這把傘是您的嗎? No, it isnt. 不,不是! Is this it? 這把是嗎? Yes, it is. 是,是這把 Thank you very much. 非常感謝。 課文5 很高興見到你Good morning. 早上好。 Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布萊克先生。 This is Mis

3、s Sophie Dupont. 這位是索菲婭.杜邦小姐。 Sophie is a new student. 索菲婭是個新學生。 She is French. 她是法國人。 Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲婭,這位是漢斯。 He is German. 他是德國人。 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 And this is Naoko. 這位是直子。 Shes Japanese. 她是日本人。 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 And this is Chang-woo. 這位是昌宇。 Hes Korean. 他是韓國人。 Nice to me

4、et you. 很高興見到你。 And this is Luming. 這位是魯明。 He is Chinese. 他是中國人。 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 And this is Xiaohui. 這位是曉惠。 Shes Chinese, too. 她也是中國人。 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 課文7 你是教師嗎?I am a new student. 我是個新學生, My names Robert. 我的名字叫羅伯特。 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 My names Sophie. 我的名字叫索菲婭。 Are you Fr

5、ench? 你是法國人嗎? Yes, I am. 是的,我是法國人。 Are you French too? 你也是法國人嗎? No, I am not. 不,我不是。 What nationality are you? 你是哪國人? Im Italian. 我是意大利人。 Are you a teacher? 你是教師嗎? No, Im not. 不,我不是。 Whats your job? 你是做什么工作的? Im a keyboard operator. 我是電腦錄入員。 Whats your job? 你是做什么工作的? Im an engineer. 我是工程師。 課文9 今天好嗎H

6、ello, Helen. 你好,海倫 Hi, Steven. 你好,史蒂文 How are you today? 你今天好嗎? Im very well, thank you. 很好,謝謝你。 And you? 你好嗎? Im fine, thanks. 很好,謝謝。 How is Tony? 托尼好嗎? Hes fine, thanks. 他很好,謝謝。 Hows Emma? ?,敽脝幔?Shes very well, too, Helen. 她也很好,海倫。 Goodbye, Helen. 再見,海倫。 Nice to see you. 見到你真高興。 Nice to see you, t

7、oo, Steven. 我見到你也很高興,史蒂文。 Goodbye. 再見。 課文11 這是你的襯衫嗎?Whose shirt is that? 那是誰的襯衫? Is this your shirt, Dave? 戴夫, 這是你的襯衫嗎? No. Sir. 不, 先生。 Its not my shirt. 這不是我的襯衫。 This is my shirt. 這是我的襯衫。 My shirts blue. 我的襯衫是藍色的。 Is this shirt Tims? 這件襯衫是蒂姆的嗎? Perhaps it is, sir. 也許是,先生。 Tims shirts white. 蒂姆的襯衫是白

8、色的。 Tim! 蒂姆! Yes, sir? 什么事,先生。 Is this your shirt? 這是你的襯衫嗎? Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 Here you are. 給你。 Catch! 接著! Thank you, sir. 謝謝您,先生。 課文13 一件新連衣裙What colours your new dress? 你的新連衣裙是什么顏色的? Its green. 是綠色的。 Come upstairs and see it. 到樓上來看看吧。 Thank you. 謝謝。 Look! Here it is! 瞧,就是這件。 Thats nice dress. 這是件很好

9、看的衣服。 Its very smart. 真漂亮。 My hats new, too. 我的帽子也是新的。 What colour is it? 是什么顏色的? Its the same colour. 一樣的顏色, Its green, too. 也是綠的。 That is a lovely hat! 真是一頂可愛的帽子! 課文 15 請出示你們的護照Are you Swedish? 你們是瑞典人嗎? No, we are not. 不,我們不是瑞典人。 We are Danish. 我們是丹麥人。 Are your friends Danish, too? 你們的朋友也是丹麥人嗎? No

10、, they arent. 不,他們不是丹麥人。 They are Norwegian. 他們是挪威人。 Your passports, please. 請出示們的護照。 Here they are. 給您。 Are these your cases? 這些是你們的箱子嗎? No, they arent. 不,不是。 Our cases are brown. 我們的箱子是棕色的。 Here they are. 在這兒呢。 Are you tourists? 你們是來旅游的嗎? Yes, we are. 是的,我們是來旅游的。 Are your friends tourists too? 你們的

11、朋友也是來旅游的嗎? Yes, they are. 是的,他們也是。 Thats fine. 好了。 Thank you very much. 非常感謝。 課文 17 你好Come and meet our employees, Mr.Richards. 來見見我們的雇員,理查茲先生。 Thank you, Mr. Jackson. 謝謝,杰在遜先生。 This is Nicola Grey, 這位是尼克拉.格雷, and this is Claire Taylor. 這位是克萊爾.泰勒。 How do you do? 你們好! Those women are very hard-workin

12、g. 那些姑娘很勤快。 What are their jobs? 她們是做什么工作的? Theyre keyboard operators. 她們是電腦錄入員。 This is Michael Baker, 這位是邁克爾.貝克, and this is Jeremy Short. 這位是杰里米.肖特。 How do you do? 你們好! They arent very busy! 他們不很忙吧! What are their jobs? 他們是做什么工作的? Theyre sales reps. 他們是推銷員, Theyre very lazy. 他們非常懶。 Who is this yo

13、ung man? 這個年輕人是誰? This is Jim. 他是吉姆, Hes our office assistant. 是我們辦公室的勤雜人員。 課文19 又累又渴Whats the matter, children? 怎么啦,孩子們? Were tired. 我們累了 and thirsty,Mum. 還很渴,媽媽。 Sit down here. 坐在這兒吧。 Are you all right now? 你們現(xiàn)在好些了嗎? No, we arent. 不, 還沒有。 Look! 瞧! Theres an ice cream man. 有個賣冰淇淋的。 Two ice cream pl

14、ease. 請拿兩份冰淇淋。 Here you are, children. 拿著,孩子們。 Thanks, Mum. 謝謝,媽媽。 These ice creams are nice. 這些冰淇淋真好吃。 Are you all right now? 你們現(xiàn)在好了嗎? Yes, we are, thank you! 是的,現(xiàn)在好了,謝謝您! 課文 21 哪一本書Give me a book please, Jane. 請拿本書給我,簡。 Which book? 哪一本? This one? 是這本嗎? No, not that one. 不,不是那本。 The red one. 是那本紅皮的

15、。 This one? 這本嗎? Yes, please. 是的,請給我。 Here you are. 給你。 Thank you. 謝謝。 課文 23 哪幾支杯子Give me some glasses please, Jane. 請拿給我?guī)字徊AП?,簡?Which glasses? 哪幾只? These glasses? 這幾只嗎? No, not those. 不,不是那幾只。 The one on the shelf. 是架子上的那幾只。 These? 這幾只? Yes, please. 是的,請拿給我。 Here you are. 給你。 Thanks. 謝謝。 課文 25 史密斯

16、太太的廚房Mrs. Smiths kitchen is small. 史密斯夫人的廚房很小。 There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. 廚房里有個電冰箱。 The refrigerator is white. 冰箱的顏色是白的。 It is on the right. 它位于房間右側。 There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. 廚房里有個電灶。 The cooker is blue. 電灶的顏色是藍的。 It is on the left. 它位于房間左側。 There is a table in the mi

17、ddle of the room. 房間的中央有張桌子。 There is a bottle on the table. 桌子上有個瓶子。 The bottle is empty. 瓶子是空的。 There is a cup on the table, too. 桌子上還有一只杯子。 The cup is clean. 杯子很干凈。 課文27 史密斯太太的客廳Mrs. Smiths living room is large. 史密斯夫人的客廳很大。 There is a television in the room. 客廳里有臺電視機。 The television is near the w

18、indow. 電視機靠近窗子。 There are some magazines on the television. 電視機上放著幾本雜志。 There is a table in the room. 客廳里有張桌子。 There are some newspapers on the table. 桌上放著幾份報紙。 There are some armchairs in the room. 客廳里有幾把扶手椅。 The armchairs are near the table. 那些扶手椅靠近桌子。 There is a stereo in the room. 客廳里有臺立體聲音響。 Th

19、e stereo is near the door. 音響靠近門。 There are some books on the stereo. 音響上面有幾本書。 There are some pictures in the room. 客廳里有幾幅畫。 The pictures are on the wall. 畫掛在墻上。 課文29 進來,艾米Come in, Amy. 進來,艾米。 Shut the door, please. 請把門關上。 This bedrooms very untidy. 這臥室太不整潔了。 What must I do, Mrs. Jones? 我應該做些什么呢,瓊斯

20、夫人? Open the window and air the room. 打開窗子,給房間通通風。 Then put these clothes in the wardrobe. 然后把這些衣服放進衣櫥里去。 Then make the bed. 再把床整理一下。 Dust the dressing table. 撣掉梳妝臺上的灰塵。 Then sweep the floor. 然后掃掃地。 課文31 薩利在哪里?Wheres Sally, Jack? 杰克,薩莉在哪兒? Shes in the garden, Jean. 她在花園里,瓊。 Whats she doing? 她在干什么? S

21、hes sitting under the tree. 她正在樹蔭下坐著。 Is Tim in the garden, too? 蒂姆也在花園里嗎? Yes, he is. 是的,他也在花園里。 Hes climbing the tree. 他正在爬樹。 I beg your pardon? 你說什么? Whos climbing the tree? 誰在爬樹? Tim is. 蒂姆在爬樹。 What about the dog? 那么狗呢? The dogs in the garden, too. 狗也在花園里。 Its running across the grass. 它正在草地上跑,

22、Its running after a cat. 在追一只貓。 課文33 晴天It is a fine day today. 今天天氣好。 There are some clouds in the sky, 天空中飄著幾朵云, but the sun is shining. 但陽光燦爛。 Mr. Jones is with his family. 瓊斯先生同他的家人在一起。 They are walking over the bridge. 他們正在過橋。 There are some boats on the river. 河上有幾艘船。 Mr. Jones and his wife are

23、 looking at them. 瓊斯先生和他的妻子正在看這些船。 Sally is looking at a big ship. 莎莉正在觀看一艘大船。 The ship is going under the bridge. 那船正從橋下駛過。 Tim is looking at an aeroplane. 蒂姆正望著一架飛機。 The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飛機正從河上飛過。 課文35 我們的村莊This is a photograph of our village. 這是我們村莊的一張照片。 Our village is in a va

24、lley. 我們的村莊坐落在一個山谷之中。 It is between two hills. 它們于兩座小山之間。 The village is on a river. 它靠近一條小河。 Here is another photograph of the village. 這是我們村莊的另一張照片。 My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. 我和妻子沿河岸走著。 We are on the left. 我們在河的左側。 There is a boy in the water. 河里面有個男孩。 He is swimming

25、across the river. 他正橫渡小河。 Here is another photograph. 這是另一張照片。 This is the school building. 這是學校大樓。 It is beside a park. 它位于公園的旁邊。 The park is on the right. 公園在右面。 Some children are coming out of the building. 一些孩子正從樓里出來。 Some of them are going to the park. 他們中有幾個正走進公園。 課文37 做書架Youre working hard, G

26、eorge. 你干得真辛苦,喬治。 What are you doing? 你在干什么呢? Im making a bookcase. 我正在做書架。 Give me that hammer please, Dan. 請把那把錘子拿給我。丹。 Which hammer? 哪一把? This one? 是這把嗎? No, not that one. 不,不是那把。 The big one. 是那把大的。 Here you are. 給你。 Thanks, Dan. 謝謝。丹。 What are you going to do now,George? 你現(xiàn)在打算干什么,喬治? Im going t

27、o paint it. 我打算把它漆一下。 What colour are you going to paint it? 你打算把它漆成什么顏色? Im going to paint it pink. 我想漆成粉紅色。 Pink! 粉紅色! This bookcase isnt for me. 這個書架不是為我做的, Its for my daughter, Susan. 是為我的女兒蘇珊做的。 Pinks her favourite colour. 粉紅色是她最喜歡的顏色。 課文39 別摔了What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? 你打算

28、如何處理那共瓶? Im going to put it on this table, Sam. 我打算把它放在這張桌子上,薩姆。 Dont do that. 不要放在那兒, Give it to me. 把它給我。 What are you going to do with it? 你打算怎么辦? Im going to put it here, 我準備把它入在這兒, in front of the window. 放在窗前。 Be careful! 小心點! Dont drop it! 別摔了! Dont put there, Sam. 別放在那兒,薩姆。 Put it here, 放在這兒

29、, on this shelf. 這個架子上。 There we are! 我這里. Its a lovely vase. 這只漂亮的花瓶。 Those flowers are lovely, too. 這些花也很漂亮啊。 課文41 彭妮的提包Is that bag heavy, Penny? 那個提包重嗎,彭妮? Not very. 不太重。 Here! 放在這兒。 Put it on this chair. 把它放在這把椅子上。 Whats in it? 里面是什么東西? A piece of cheese. 一塊乳酪、 A loaf of bread. 一塊面包、 A bar of so

30、ap. 一塊肥皂、 A bar of Chocolate. 一塊巧克力、 A bottle of milk. 一瓶牛奶、 A pound of sugar. 一磅糖、 Half a pound of coffee. 半磅咖啡、 A quarter of pound of tea. 1/4 磅茶葉 And a tin of tobacco. 和一聽煙絲。 Is that tin of tobacco for me? 那聽煙絲是給我的嗎? Well, its certainly not for me! 噢,當然不會給我的! 課文43 快點!Can you make the tea, Sam? 你會

31、沏茶嗎,薩姆? Yes, of course I can, Penny. 會的,我當然會,彭妮。 Is there any water in this kettle? 這水壺里有水嗎? Yes, there is. 有水。 Wheres the tea? 茶葉在哪兒? Its over there,behind the teapot. 就在那兒,茶壺后面。 Can you see it? 你看見了嗎? I can see the teapot, 茶壺我看見了, but I cant see the tea. 但茶葉沒看到。 There it is! 那不是么! Its in front of

32、your! 就在你眼前。 Ah yes, I can see it now. 噢,是啊,我現(xiàn)在看到了。 Where are the cups? 茶杯在哪兒呢? There are some in the cupboard. 碗櫥里有幾只。 Can you find them? 你找得到嗎? Yes. Here they are. 找得到。就在這兒呢。 Hurry up, Sam! 快,薩姆。 The kettles boiling! 水開了! 課文 45 老板的信Can you come here a minute please, Bob? 請你來一下好嗎?鮑勃? Yes, sir? 什么事,

33、先生? Wheres Pamela? 帕梅拉在哪兒? Shes next door. 她在隔壁, Shes in her office, sir. 在她的辦公室里,先生。 Can she type this letter for me? 她能為我打一下這封信嗎? Ask her please. 請問她。 Yes, sir. 好的,先生。 Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? 請你把這封信給老板打一下可以嗎,帕梅拉? Yes, of course I can. 可以,當然可以。 Here you are. 給你這信。 Than

34、k you, Bob. 謝謝你,鮑勃。 Bob! 鮑勃! Yes? 怎么了? Whats the letter. 怎么回事? I cant type this letter. 我打不了這封信。 I cant read it! 我看不懂這封信, The bosss handwriting is terrible! 老板的書寫太糟糕了! 課文47 一杯咖啡Do you like coffee, Ann? 你喜歡咖啡嗎,安? Yes, I do. 是的,我喜歡。 Do you want a cup? 你想要一杯嗎? Yes, please, Christine. 好的,請來一杯,克里斯廷。 Do y

35、ou want any sugar? 你要放些糖嗎? Yes, please. 好的,請放一些。 Do you want any milk? 要放些牛奶嗎? No, thank you. 不了,謝謝。 I dont like milk in my coffee. 我不喜歡咖啡中放牛奶, I like black coffee. 我喜歡咖啡。 Do you like biscuits? 你喜歡餅干嗎? Yes. I do. 是的,我喜歡。 Do you want one? 你想要一塊嗎? Yes, please. 好的,請來一塊。 課文49 在肉店Do you want any meat tod

36、ay.Mrs. Bird? 您今天要買點肉嗎,伯德夫人? Yes, please. 是的,我買一點。 Do you want beef or lamb? 您要牛肉還是要羔羊肉? Beef, please. 請給我牛肉。 This lambs very good. 這羔羊肉很好。 I like lamb, 我喜歡羔羊肉, but my husband doesnt. 可我丈夫不喜歡。 What about some steak? 來點牛排嗎? This is a nice piece. 這塊很好。 Give me that piece, please. 就請給我那塊吧。 And a pound

37、of mince, too. 再來一磅絞肉。 Do you want a chicken,Mrs. Bird? 您要買只雞嗎, They re very nice. 這些雞很好。 No, thank you. 不要了,謝謝。 My husband likes steak, 我丈夫喜歡牛排, but he doesnt like chicken. 但他不喜歡雞。 To tell you the truth,Mrs. Bird, 說老實話, I dont like chicken either! 我也不喜歡雞。 課文51 宜人的氣候Where do you come from? 你是哪國人? I

38、come from Greece. 我是希臘人。 Whats the climate like in your country? 你們的國家的氣候是怎么樣? Its very pleasant. 氣候非常宜人。 Whats the weather like in spring? 春季的天氣怎么樣? Its often windy in March. 3月里常常刮風。 Its always warm in April and May, 4月和5月的天氣總暖洋洋的, but it rains sometimes. 但有時下雨。 Whats it like in summer? 夏季的天氣如何呢?

39、Its always hot in June, July and August. 6月、7月和8月的天氣總是炎熱的 The sun shines every day. 每天都出太陽。 Is it cold or warm in autumn? 秋季的天氣是冷還是暖呢? Its always warm in September and October. 9月和10月總是很暖和, Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes. 11月常常就冷了,而且有時下雨。 Is it very cold in winter? 冬季的天氣很冷嗎? Its o

40、ften cold in December, January and February. 12月、1月和2月常常很冷, It snows sometimes. 有時還下雪。 Where do you come from? 你是哪國人? I come from Greece. 我是希臘人。 Whats the climate like in your country? 你們的國家的氣候是怎么樣? Its very pleasant. 氣候非常宜人。 Whats the weather like in spring? 春季的天氣怎么樣? Its often windy in March. 3月里常

41、常刮風。 Its always warm in April and May, 4月和5月的天氣總暖洋洋的, but it rains sometimes. 但有時下雨。 Whats it like in summer? 夏季的天氣如何呢? Its always hot in June, July and August. 6月、7月和8月的天氣總是炎熱的 The sun shines every day. 每天都出太陽。 Is it cold or warm in autumn? 秋季的天氣是冷還是暖呢? Its always warm in September and October. 9月和

42、10月總是很暖和, Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes. 11月常常就冷了,而且有時下雨。 Is it very cold in winter? 冬季的天氣很冷嗎? Its often cold in December, January and February. 12月、1月和2月常常很冷, It snows sometimes. 有時還下雪。 課文53 有趣的氣候Where do you come from? 你是哪國人? I come from England. 我是英國人。 Whats the climate like i

43、n your country? 你們國家的氣候怎么樣? Its mild, 氣候溫和, but its not always pleasant. 但也不總是宜人的。 The weathers often cold in North 北部的天氣常常寒冷, and windy in the East. 東部則常常利風。 Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south. 西部常下雨,南部有時則很暖和。 Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜歡哪些季節(jié)? I like spring and summer

44、. 我最喜歡春季和夏季。 The days are long and the night are short. 因為此時白天長而夜晚短, I dont like autumn and winter. 我不喜歡秋季和冬季。 The days are short and the nights are long. 因為此時白天短而夜晚長, The sun rises late and set early. 太陽升得遲而落得早。 Our climate is not very good, 雖然我們國家的氣候并不很好, but its certainly interesting. 但又確實很有意思。 I

45、ts our favourite subject of conversation. 天氣是我們最喜歡談論的話題。 課文55 索耶一家人The Sawyer live at 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在國王街87號。 In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. 早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子們去上學。 Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. 索耶夫人每天呆在家里。 She does the housework. 她料理家務。 She always eat

46、s her lunch at noon. 她總是在正午吃午飯。 In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. 下午,她總是會見她的朋友。 They often drink tea together. 她們經常在一起喝茶。 In the evening, the children come home from school. 傍晚,孩子們放學回家。 They arrive home early. 他們到家很早。 Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. 索耶先生下班回家。 He arrives home late. 他到家

47、很晚。 At night, the children always do their homework. 晚上,孩子們總是做作業(yè), Then they go to bed. 然后去睡覺。 Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, 索耶先生總是讀報紙, but sometimes he and his wife watch television. 但有時和他的妻子一起看電視。 課文57 很不平常的一天It is eight oclock. 現(xiàn)在是8點鐘。 The children go to school by car every day, 孩子們每天都乘小

48、汽車去上學, but today, they are going to school on foot. 而今天,他們正步行上學。 It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, 現(xiàn)在是10點鐘。上午,索耶夫人通常是呆在家里的, but this morning, she is going to the shops. 但今天上午,她正去商店買東西。 It is four oclock. 現(xiàn)在是4點鐘, In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in th

49、e living room. 下午,索耶夫人通常是在客廳里喝茶, But this after, she is drinking tea in the garden. 但今天下午,她正在花園里喝茶。 It is six oclock. 現(xiàn)在是6點鐘。 In the evening, the children usually do their homework, 晚上,孩子們通常是做作業(yè), but this evening, they are not doing their homework. 而今天晚上,他們沒做企業(yè)。 At the moment, they are playing in th

50、e garden. 此刻,他們正在花園里玩。 It is nine oclock. 現(xiàn)在是9點鐘。 Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. 索耶先生通常是在晚上看報, But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. 但今天晚上他沒看報。 At the moment, hes reading an interesting book. 此刻,他正在看一本有趣的書。 課文59 就這些嗎?I want some envelopes,please. 請給我拿幾個信封。 Do you want the larg

51、e size or the small size? 您要大號的還是小號的? The large size, please. 請拿大號的。 Do you have any writing paper? 您有信紙嗎? Yes, we do. 有。 I dont have any small pads. 我沒有小本的信紙, I only have large one. 只有大本的。 Do you want a pad? 您要一本嗎? Yes, please. 好,請拿一本。 And I want some glue. 我還要些膠水。 A bottle of glue. 一瓶膠水。 And I wan

52、t a large box of chalk, too. 我還要一大盒粉筆。 I only have small boxes. 我只有小盒的。 Do you want one? 您要一盒嗎? No, thank you. 不了,謝謝。 Is that all? 就要這些嗎? Thats all, thank you. 就這些,謝謝。 What else do you want? 您還要什么嗎? I want my change. 我要找的零錢。 課文61 重感冒Wheres Jimmy? 吉米在哪兒? Hes in bed. 他躺在床上。 Whats the matter with him?

53、他怎么啦? He feels ill. 他覺得不舒服。 He looks ill. 他看上去是病了。 We must call the doctor. 我們得去請醫(yī)生。 Yes, we must. 是的,一定得請。 Can you remember the doctors telephone number? 你還得醫(yī)生的電話號碼嗎? Yes.Its 09754. 記得。是09754。 Open your mouth, Jimmy. 把嘴張開,吉米。 Show me your tongue. 讓我們看看你的舌頭。 Say, Ah. 說“啊-” Whats the matter with him, doctor? 他得了什么病,醫(yī)生? He has a bad cold,Mr. Williams, 他得了重感冒,威廉斯先生, so he must stay in bed for a week. 因

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