
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《管理英語3》2021期末試題及答案(試卷號:1377) 盜傳必究 一、交際用語(共計10分,每小2分) 1-5 0:選擇正確的語句完成下面對話,并將答案序號寫在答題蜓上。 L - I'm more than happy to go out this weekend. — We've got so much work to do at that time. A. Don't worry. B Forget iU C. Doni say so. 2. — I'rn leaving for Shanghai tomorrow^ A- Sec you later
2、. B. Hnvc a pleasant trip! C go out for a drink. 3. —Could 1 help you with your henvy box? You are so tired . —! can moxuigc it. A. No. Thanks. B. Yes, please. C?. All right.; 4> — 1 wonder if 1 could use your computer tonight? A. Surct go ahead. h doesn11 matter. C. Who c/irea? 5. — — F
3、ire> hre service please! ThereFs a huge lire hcrc> A. 911? how may 1 direct your call? B. How may 1 help you? G Whnt can I do lor you? 二、詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計30分,每小H 2分) 6-20踴:閱讀下面的句干,從A、B.C三個選項中選出一個能填入空白處的正確選頊?井將答 案序號寫在答H?±o 6. A bus driver the safety of hi, passengers A. is respcinnible in B- is r
4、ble (or C\ in responsible to ? c tic 7. lie gave up hi? siudy in college in . A. bundle IL deupnir (\ n?h H. ! hr rnanH^rr urgrd his not t the nplrudid opportunity. B- mi” Ab Mick C. r^rttpr A number of boy< abnent xomc titnr during the tertn. Ai have been B. ho? been C? will 1().
5、 1 hm lit thr book I h/ivr? Icnrned n lot. A. to which B. by whom C. from which II. Lei1 j the report n on I het Inlesit work- A. over B. with C? to 12’ Itto puini to or talk iiIhmiI strHngerii in public A. not polite K polite C. Kood 13? I wish you succcmh in your c?recr> A# (io ahead> B
6、. It mntfrr f 「he Mmr to you. I4? My friend invited me the art club, and I neerpted it with plcAnurr> A. joinj B. to join C? joirnng 15t I n book when rhe irlephone? A. wn? r<2AciiiigteerAng R rcad>tAraiiA C. was readingteewam ringing 16. important it is (or k血 io unomne (rccly! A, Wh.t B H
7、ow C. Whnt nn 17. You enn go oug you promiMr to lir back before 12 o^lark. A. KU hr ” 已 AM f?r m (\ ii* long ftf? 1 Bt They rrcommended thnt the amuwefnrnl pork? A. wan cxtcndeil H? will bt? exiended be cxtcudrd Mh iti known to nil. too much fat cauara heart problems A. It B> As C. Just a
8、s 20. She doesn*!French ar German. A. speak B? say C talk 三、卸讀理解(共40分,每小題4分) 2】一25 fii :閱謨下列短文,從A、H、C三個選項中選出一個正確答案,并將答案序號寫在答蜓 紙上. Pasiui 對 1 To mmnnixe traffic jams in the city centre and on rnn|or roads out of Sydney ? the City's highway department will not agree to road closures scheduled f
9、or werkdays or Saturdays()n minnr rOAds outsicle the city emtret weekdays amJ Saturdays may be considered.、ou musi apply for approval la do roadwork and other ro^d-relatcd activities,tree cutting nnd use of very large construction machinery* laddrrs rtc< Pleastt note that approval is needed if you p
10、lan to block the roac! or footpath. Application!^ io liAve n road closcti !a tridfic must be completed and to the Depunmen^s Traffic Calming Committee nt least a month before the scheduled date. R加th can hr closed partially or fully, depending on your rc<|inrcment^ Partinl rond closures are only a
11、llowed in light truffle mfchs where there will be ot least 1 lane for traffic wnh extrn traffic control measures to tnnkc ?urr 2 way trnffic can continue to run (or the (hiratinn of the work Any change o( trnffic (low will require the proposal to be treated hs a full road closure. For further inlarn
12、iation nbout n pArual rand closure? please refer to (Contacts. 11 you nre orKnuixing o parade* march ar other type of Mrcct-bnscd event ? approvnl is required and we rcnimniend you choa^r onr of our 4 preferred routes. Choosing nn existing route reduces thr amount of pliinrnng you will need co do.
13、 £】. As a rule. Sydney k highway department will Agree to rond closures in the city centre jicheduled for . A. weekdayn R Saturdays C? Sunday、 II you wnm n road dosed to traffict you must complete your upplicationti and nend them to the rclcvftni committee at least before the uchrdulcd dntr< A.
14、 a week B. 30 days C two months 23# Partinl of full road closures are decided by . A. the requircmrntti from applicants & the traffic iltiw (:.the? rond conditiann 24. Which of the following is NOT the condition for partial road closures according i the poMAgc? A. In light traffic areatu B.
15、< )n work daya< Ct Fhcrc will be at least I lane for traffic during the work. 25. Which oi the following would be the best title of this passage? A? Road (JoNure Procedures in Sydney Ft Rond ConditioriA in Sydney Road Munngerncnt in Sydney 26—30題:靖根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的塔句是否正確,正確的寫“T",錯誤的寫“F”,并將答案 寫在答18紙上
16、。 Paxsage 2 The Mwnr for talent"* reads like headlines from many years ago. but H hns never gone it way. say3 Eleanor Nickerson ? director of UK operations for Top Employers- Many companies they have researched are short of talents. Though the companies may receive many opplicaiions^ they ennnot f
17、ind the people they want.
Top Employers'心srch shows that offering go 18、gest challenge employers face in the long run.
Ycl not every employee feels that they can better their career chnncc5. Some nrc still nervous about lasing their jobs, despite r recent fall in unemployment? say、the Trades Union Congress (TUC). TUC points out that some four-fifths of new jobs created 19、 havr been in pnri of the economy where average pay rates are less than £8 an hour since the recession began. Many of these jobs are on temporary or ?cro hours cont rods.
A report (rom the Office for National Statistics published in February showed that real wages have been falling consistently sin 20、ce 2010> hfs the longest period since at leuM 1964- "We're still in the hardesT living standards squeeze (or over a century and those who are already working have had ye^rs of reahternis pay cuts 21、int for any employer- 11 employers want to show concern for their they should be paying them well and understand thui xero hours contracts bring insecurity and extreme money worries^ "
26. Many companies are not short of talents any morc>
27. Providing employees with good career chances ix the key 22、 to attracting and keeping the talent
28. Smari employees don 9\ cart- about what companies can offer thrni after 5 nr 10
ymnt' career development.
29. Moxt of the new jobs nre |mid more ihnn wn hour.
30? Pnynirntn have been drcrrAAing conj*i?tenlly Mncc 2010.
U 23、ttUJKJM的名義?價 5 Smith 財?份fUiAMa.
來電時間K月6 H下午3 ? 00
出—m月it & .廈期二
& &列達(dá)時問,? 55/10* 25
Wf^SffliMr Jamw 舶下周剽Sam Smith的辦公寮齡諛 現(xiàn)新的技術(shù)開發(fā)事日 并剃問對萬時間站有合透,如果時間不合18.職Sam Smith叫他話.
一 ■女際用用(共計2分,每小H2分)
1一5 H:逃押正確的18句完成下面對話?井將答案序號寫在答M峨上.
L B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
二,WlJt與t?御(共計30分, 24、督小H 2分)
B-Z0M:閱it下而的句子,從A.H.C三個選項中選出一個能堵入空白處的正?選項.并將答 案鼻號國在答MiK±.
6.B 7.B 8.B 9. A 10. C
11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A
16. B 17. C t?.C 19. B 20. A
三、帽偵理fW(共40分,每小H 4分)
PassmKC I
2hC 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A
26—:w ■:謂橫!a hi文內(nèi)容判斷蛤出的話句是否正嘛.正確的 25、5Mr.ww的財“f。井將答案 可在答■蛾上?
Pumcc 2
26. F
27. T
29, F
30. T
以秘4米強(qiáng)的名義.崎Sam Smith " ?份電
Rftlfl iCZ359O
& K/—RL7 ? 55/10 | 25
WpiJMffltMr Jamei將「卜圓到&m Smith的辦公^洽—新的技術(shù)開發(fā)項日 沖M何0。時間是古介堵.如果時間不合遣?增$m Smith M電炳.
A lekphonc Message
26、i Sam Smith
Fiiiicj 3 ? 00 p. m. . April 6
Mc?i?ngci Mr Jnmci of AAA Compnny im schrdnlrd to viRit your office on /\pnl II. Tuesday? Hi. Flight CZ3590 tukru nil from Shanghai at 7 1 55 n? fn> and arrives in Shenxhen ■t 10 1 25,I lr tn expeennu to diAcus* with you it bout the tcehnicnl cooprrntion 27、on n new project. Ring bnrk to check whether the time in Muitnblc* From i Li Qinng
⑵評分時?先根據(jù)文&的內(nèi)容WiA汗初步確定IC所依愕次.然后以坡II次的鑒求來向 81.肺定此通很檔次.找后靖分.
⑴怦分時ffitlfl的—強(qiáng)內(nèi)容丸內(nèi)時?加句M變化Mfl運(yùn)用和誦汰站構(gòu)的?他性?ift.fi 的itwn.aw性以及應(yīng)川文的格式饕求.
(2)各檔次的給分范圍和要 28、求。
16—20 分
Il 15 分
B -10 分
?事本克或了試l? Ml定的任務(wù)1
? RiXt所有內(nèi)容集點(diǎn).
?■用iB法靖柳和詞匯方IM能倘足任#M <*??(
? 4 -映訛法 29、站構(gòu)或MfL方血的物很?但不影響fflWi
? iftAiim性及3!輪性方伽存在■定間地h
?僅Hififfi分主要內(nèi)容.岫可了 -吵無關(guān)內(nèi)容■
? iAft不連成.謖機(jī)性方旅問順皎大,
1 2分
?諾法靖構(gòu)成同n/f血忸汝還嘰影響好號n內(nèi)■的aw 1 in tfi&iim
?來答Iffl .或雖作答但不知所云.
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