2020年高中英語外研版必修3同步練習(xí):module 6 第2課時grammar i—everyday english and function含答案

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《2020年高中英語外研版必修3同步練習(xí):module 6 第2課時grammar i—everyday english and function含答案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2020年高中英語外研版必修3同步練習(xí):module 6 第2課時grammar i—everyday english and function含答案(11頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2020年精編外研版英語資料Module 6 第二課時.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1The children climbed the hill,on whose top they picnicked.The children climbed the hill,_they picnicked.2As we all know,bats come out only at night._to us,bats come out only at night._that bats come out only at night._is that bats come out only at night.3Crusoes dog

2、became ill and died,making him very lonely.Crusoes dog became ill and died,_very lonely.4We traveled together as far as Chicago,where we said goodbye to each other.We traveled together as far as Chicago,_we said goodbye to each other.5This is the best thing that we can do in memory of our beloved te

3、acher.This is the best thing_in memory of our beloved teacher.6Yesterday we had a meeting which lasted two hours.Yesterday we had a meeting_two hours.7The boy whose eyes are blue is my brother.The boy_are blue is my brother.8The plan which was discussed at the meeting last night is of great importan

4、ce.The plan_at the meeting last night is of great importance.答案:1.on the top of which2.As is known;It is known;What is known to us3.which made him4.in which5.to do6.lasting7.the eyes of whom8.discussed.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子1昨天我碰見李萍了,她似乎很忙。Yesterday I met Li Ping,_.2他有很多朋友,其中很多都上過大學(xué)。He has many friends,_had bee

5、n in the universities.3伽利略生活在比薩城,那里有一個大約180英尺高的斜塔。Galileo lived in the city of Pisa,_a leaning tower about 180 feet high.4這個會議將推遲到下一個月召開,屆時我們將做好了一切準備。The meeting will be put off till next month,_have made all the preparations.5屋子里有兩個小房間,其中較小的那個當廚房。There were two small rooms in the house,_served as a

6、 kitchen.6正如上面所說,高中學(xué)生的數(shù)量正在增加。_above,the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.7那里的人們睡在他們稱之為“炕”的地方,這對詹妮來說是很奇怪的。The people there slept on what they called“kang”,_to Jenny.8他做出了一個驚人的發(fā)現(xiàn),我認為這對科學(xué)是極其重要的。He has made a wonderful discovery,_to science.答案:1.who seemed to be very busy2.many

7、 of whom3where there is4.when we will5.the smaller of which6As is said7.which was very strange8.which I think is of great importance.語法填空1The doctor_the manager is talking to is going to Europe next year.答案:whom考查定語從句。句意:正在跟經(jīng)理談話的那個醫(yī)生明年要去歐洲。定語從句修飾的先行詞是人,且在從句中作賓語,故用whom。2At the end of August,another s

8、erious quake in Sichuan,_has affected 500,000 people,happened about 30 km southeast of Panzhihua City,near the SichuanYunnan border.答案:which句意:在八月底,四川省又發(fā)生了一次嚴重的地震,震源在攀枝花市東南30千米處,靠近川滇邊界,50萬居民的生活受到了影響。非限制性定語從句修飾quake,而且從句缺少主語,只能用which。3The sun heats the earth,_is very important to living things.答案:whi

9、ch考查which引導(dǎo)的非限制性定語從句。句意:太陽給地球以熱量,這對地球上的生物非常重要。定語從句對前面整個句子作補充說明。4His whole family dont like the car,_price is very high.答案:whose考查whose引導(dǎo)的非限制性定語從句。句意:他們?nèi)胰硕疾幌矚g這輛價格很高的車。whose pricethe price of which。5He is a man of great experience,_much can be learned.答案:from whom考查關(guān)系代詞。句意:他是一個有豐富經(jīng)驗的人,從他的身上可以學(xué)到很多東西。l

10、earn from從學(xué)習(xí)。由于先行詞指人,故關(guān)系代詞用whom,在本題中,介詞from提前了。6The Science Museum,_we visited during a recent trip to Britain,is one of Londons tourist attractions.答案:which考查關(guān)系代詞。句意:這家科學(xué)博物館是倫敦的旅游景點之一,在最近一次去英國旅行的過程中,我們參觀了它。根據(jù)句中的逗號可知此句是非限制性定語從句,而從句中缺少visited的賓語,故用which引導(dǎo)。7Sam promised to hand in the term paper befor

11、e this June,_,personally I doubted much.答案:which考查關(guān)系代詞。句意:薩姆答應(yīng)說在6月之前上交學(xué)期論文,我對此表示相當懷疑。which引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,指代前面整句話的內(nèi)容,同時在從句中充當doubted的賓語。8The clever boy made a hole in the wall,_he could see what was going on inside the house.答案:through which考查through which引導(dǎo)的非限制性定語從句。句意:這個聰明的男孩在墻上鑿了個洞,從洞里他能看到房子里發(fā)生的事。see.

12、through.通過看。9The West Lake,_Hangzhou is famous,is being visited by a growing number of tourists.答案:for which考查關(guān)系代詞。句意:杭州以西湖聞名,而西湖正被越來越多的游客游覽。Hangzhou is famous為非限制性定語從句,be famous for為固定搭配,故which之前應(yīng)用for。10The club,_(found)25 years ago,is holding a party for past and present members.答案:founded考查定語從句的簡

13、化。句意:這家俱樂部正在為新老會員們舉行宴會,它建于25年以前。分析題干可知,所填部分為一個定語成分,俱樂部與found之間是被動關(guān)系,而且動作發(fā)生在過去,所以要用過去分詞表示“被動和完成”相當于一個被動的定語從句:which was founded。11_has been announced,we shall have our sports meeting next week.答案:As句意:正如所宣布的,下周我們要舉行運動會。as引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,代表整個主句的內(nèi)容。12The old man had one son and two daughters,_treated him wel

14、l,_made him very sad.答案:none of whom;which考查定語從句。句意:這位老人有一個兒子,兩個女兒,都對他不好,這讓他很傷心。分析題干知道他有一個兒子,兩個女兒,又因為The old man had one son and two daughters和_treated him well之間沒有連詞but,不是并列句,所以應(yīng)用none of whom構(gòu)成定語從句。第二個空中which引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句修飾前面整個句子的內(nèi)容。13The Eiffel Tower,_(date)back to 1889,_(situate) in the Mars square

15、in Paris,F(xiàn)rance.答案:dating;is situated考查定語從句的簡化和situated的用法。句意:埃菲爾鐵塔位于法國巴黎的馬斯河廣場,它追溯到1889年。分析題干可知第一個空是一個定語成分,date back沒有被動形式,作定語只能用doing形式,可以轉(zhuǎn)化為一個非限制性定語從句:which dates back to 1889;第二個空是謂語部分,be situated in“位于”,這里situated可以看作是形容詞。14Mo Yan became the first one to_(award)the Nobel Prize for Literature in

16、 China.答案:have been awarded句意:莫言成為中國第一個被授予諾貝爾文學(xué)獎的。the first或the last后的定語應(yīng)用to do充當,且award發(fā)生在過去,與the first one之間是被動關(guān)系,故用have been awarded。15The Voice of China is generally believed to be Chinas best TV show,_many potential singers have stood out.答案:where考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意:中國好聲音被認為是中國最好的電視節(jié)目,在這里很多有潛力的歌手脫穎而出

17、。先行詞是TV show,而非限制性定語從句中又缺少地點狀語,所以用where來引導(dǎo)。.完形填空I consider myself somewhat of a history buff(愛好者),but I must admit“tripping”over history on a recent trip to Nashville,TN._1_ of myself is the best description.Having to arrive in Nashville,TN on Wednesday evening for an appointment for my knee replace

18、ment,we planned to _2_ the weekend.Now we are well _3_ to weekends in the Music City,however,a Saturday begged us to see something _4_.I suggested we visit the Hermitage.During the many visits to this city we had not _5_ in the Hermitage.We arrived at the visitor _6_ hesitant not knowing what to enc

19、ounter(遇到)Again,I fell in love with _7_.From the short film story of Andrew Jackson and family to walking the 1,100 acres of the farm,I was back in the 1700s.I am ashamed of my lack _8_ of this period of history.We began our walk _9_ gravel(礫石) paths to the home of President Andrew Jackson.The huge

20、cedar trees(雪松) lining the walk were a real _10_.I would expect live oaks.However,the cedars grow _11_ and some are over 75 ft.tall.Many were _12_ in high winds a few years ago.We were greeted at the mansion(官邸) by two _13_ ladies in full dress.I could not resist _14_ my short experience as a docent

21、 aboard the Nina,Columbus ship.They _15_ quite impressed by my experience and dedication.I do have a newly _16_ respect for those volunteering for such guide duties. We _17_ the Mansion for the guided viewing.However,a faint ghost,like a _18_,appeared in the wavy window in the drawing room.I was _19

22、_ into the 1700s.How I would like to ask her about life here.I was _20_ by a slight,black woman of many years named Hanna Jackson. 1. AAfraid BAshamedCAwakenDWorried答案:B句意:慚愧是最好的描述。tripping over history“沒有搞懂歷史”,讓“我”最近去田納西州的納什維爾的旅行非常尷尬,而ashamed“慚愧的”表明了“我”當時的心情,這也與下文中“我”在那個時間段對田納西州的納什維爾的歷史匱乏感到羞愧的意思一致。

23、2. AspendBtakeCpayDcost答案:A句意:按約定必須在周三晚上抵達田納西州的納什維爾去更換我的膝蓋骨,我們計劃在那兒度過這個周末。第一段已經(jīng)提到了在田納西州的納什維爾的一次旅行,故我們將在那里spend“度過”這個周末。3. AaddictedBdevoted CaccustomedDrelated答案:C句意:現(xiàn)在我們習(xí)慣了在音樂城過周末,然而,在周六我們期望看到新的東西。上句中的my knee replacement“置換膝蓋骨”,說明我們經(jīng)常去田納西州的納什維爾,故accustomed“習(xí)慣的”符合語境的意思。addicted意為“成癮的”;devoted意為“獻身于”

24、;related意為“相關(guān)的”。4. AoldBancient CmodernDnew答案:D句意:然而,在周六我們期望看到新的東西。下文所描述的“我”提議去參觀郝米提巨博物館,是對something new“新東西”的解釋。這里的new“新的”,指的是我們雖然經(jīng)常來田納西州的納什維爾,但在以前卻沒有看過的東西。5. AtakenBvisited CappreciatedDarrived答案:A句意:對這個城市的多次參觀,我們沒有考慮的是郝米提巨博物館。take“考慮”,說明了為什么“我”會在這個周末提議去參觀這里的郝米提巨博物館的原因。6. AplaceBcenter CreceptionD

25、beginning答案:B句意:我們到達游客中心時有點猶豫了,不知道能夠遇到什么樣的事情。我們是第一次參觀納什維爾的郝米提巨博物館,因此對于visitor center“游客中心”的服務(wù)情況心里沒底。7. AcityBpalace ChistoryDfarm答案:C句意:同樣,我愛上了歷史。根據(jù)語境,下文主要是圍繞著18世紀70年代的郝米提巨博物館的歷史展開的,history“歷史”符合語境的意思。city意為“城市”;palace意為“宮殿”;farm意為“農(nóng)場”。8. AinformationBreport CevidenceDknowledge答案:Dknowledge“知識”。句意:我

26、為我對這段歷史的匱乏而感到羞愧。information意為“信息”;report意為“報道”;evidence意為“證據(jù)”。9. AbyBalong CwithDtowards答案:B句意,我們開始沿著礫石路步行到總統(tǒng)安德魯杰克遜的家。句中的walk“表明”,我們是步行,因此這里的along“沿著”是對我們所走的路的介紹。by意為“依靠”;with意為“用”;towards意為“朝著”。10. AsurpriseBwonderCstoryDsecret答案:A句意:路兩邊排列整齊的巨大雪松給人一個真正的驚喜,surprise“驚喜”,是下句中however及對于雪松的描述而帶給“我”的。won

27、der意為“奇跡”;story意為“故事”;secret意為“秘密”。11. AslowlyBstronglyCrapidlyDlargely答案:C句意:然而,雪松能快速地成長,它們中的一些能高達75英尺。rapidly“快速地”,可以從句中over 75 ft“超過75英尺高”中得到提示。12. AinjuredBhurt CharmedDdamaged答案:D句意:很多雪松在幾年前的大風(fēng)中受損了。高的雪松在大風(fēng)中很容易受到破壞。damage“受損”,主要指對物的損害,強調(diào)對于價值、用途或外觀等的損失,這種損失或因自然或人為破壞造成。故damage符合句意和語境的意思。13. Apleas

28、antBlovely ClivelyDhappy答案:Blovely“可愛的”。句意:在官邸迎接我們的是兩個可愛的穿著寬松衣服的女士。pleasant意為“令人愉快的”;lively意為“有生氣的”;happy意為“快樂的”。14. AreceivingBadmitting CsharingDtelling答案:C句意:我忍不住與別人分享我在哥倫布的船“尼娜”號上作為一個講解員的短暫經(jīng)驗。作為講解員,就是將有關(guān)事物的歷史知識介紹給大家,“我”曾經(jīng)做過短時間的講解員,所以share“分享”符合該語境的要求。15. AseemedBremained CbecameDcontinued答案:A句意:

29、他們似乎因我的經(jīng)驗和奉獻精神而對我印象深刻。句中的they指的是那兩個迎接我們的可愛的女士,這里因“我”的講解經(jīng)驗和奉獻精神而使她們看起來對我的印象深刻。16. AgainedBfound CshownDaccepted答案:B句意:我對那些對這種志愿服務(wù)指導(dǎo)工作有了一個新的發(fā)現(xiàn)的尊重。這里是對“我”自己作為解說員對這里的歷史進行解說而言的,表明了“我”對于讓參觀者自己當解說員的新的認識。gain意為“獲得”;show意為“顯示”;accept意為“接受”。17. AsawBdiscovered CenteredDreached答案:C句意:在導(dǎo)游的引導(dǎo)下,我們進入了這個官邸。上一段中是gre

30、et“迎接”,而這里則是我們enter“進入”了官邸,而下面的描述也是對該官邸內(nèi)部的介紹。saw意為“看見”;discover意為“發(fā)現(xiàn)”;reach意為“到達”。18. AshadeBdarkness CnightDshadow答案:D句意:然而,一個模糊的重影就像一個陰影出現(xiàn)在客廳的波浪形的窗口。這里是對“我”進入大廳時,光線的暗淡而造成的模糊的重影,“我”把它比作一個shadow“影子”。shade意為“陰涼處”;darkness意為“黑暗”;night意為“夜晚”。19. ApulledBknocked CdroppedDarranged答案:A句意:我被拉進了18世紀70年代。這與上

31、文中I was back in the 1700s.“我回到了18世紀70年代”的意思一致,體現(xiàn)出了這個官邸的年代久遠,而pull“拉”更是形象地表達了“我”當時的心情。20. AcalledBmet CledDgreeted答案:D句意:迎接我的是一個纖細的名為漢娜杰克遜的黑人婦女。這里的woman與上句中的her“她的”,指的是同一個人,即是這座官邸中的雕塑。用great“迎接”較為形象地表達出了官邸中的人物的情況。.閱讀理解Scientists have shown that Mozart has a positive effect on many things,but the grea

32、t composer himself might be surprised that his music helps bananas ripen (使成熟)A Japanese fruit company,Toyoka Chuo Seika,claims its bananas taste better after being exposed to Mozarts music for a week.It is mostly easy listening to Mozart music and it does work on bananas.The company has special“rip

33、ening rooms”that play walltowall(整個的)Mozart to its Philippine bananas nonstop for a week.Company officials say“String Quartet No.17”and“ Piano Concer to No.5 in D major”are particularly good at sweetening the fruit.The company is very confident in its work.It has started selling its fruit as“Mozart

34、Bananas”in local supermarkets.A spokesperson believes Mozart bananas will become a hit throughout the rest of Japan once word gets out.Toyoka Chuo Seika is not the first Japanese company to experiment with classical music to produce better tasting food.The“Japan Times”newspaper reports this is the l

35、atest in a trend spanning ten years.It writes,“Over the past few decades,a wide variety of foods and beverages (飲料)have been exposed to classical vibrations(振動),such as soy sauce in Kyoto,udon noodles in Tokyo,miso in Yamagata,maitake mushrooms in Ishikawa and Beethoven Bread in Nagoya,to name a few

36、.”The paper reports on a 1973 study into music and plants by botanist Dorothy Retallack.It says,“After playing various kinds of music to plants for three hours daily,she found they preferred relaxing classical music,which made them flourish (茂盛)Rock and country music,on the other hand,had either a w

37、eakening effect or none at all.”1What can we infer from the passage?AMozart didnt expect his music could sweeten fruits.B“String Quartet No.17”is Mozarts rock music.CBananas need 7 days to ripen with Mozarts music.DPeople had a preference for Mozart in Japan.答案:A推理判斷題。第一段說莫扎特看到自己的音樂能幫助香蕉成熟的會感到驚訝,由此可

38、以推斷出莫扎特沒有預(yù)料到他的音樂會有這種效果。2The underlined word“hit”in Paragraph 2 has the closest meaning to“_”AexampleBproblem CdifficultyDsuccess答案:D詞義猜測題。第二段說這家日本水果公司堅信音樂在香蕉上所起的作用,他的發(fā)言人說消息一旦傳出,莫扎特香蕉便會在日本的其他地區(qū)風(fēng)行開來。hit在此意為“成功而風(fēng)行一時的事物”,與success意思最為接近。3What can we learn from the passage?AMozart liked playing music for

39、plants.BAll Mozarts music has the same effect on bananas.CSome companies have tried music to make better food beforeDMozart bananas are well received all over the world.答案:C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第三段第一句話可知:日本曾有多家公司用音樂來使食物美味可口。4According to the passage,plants exposed to(暴露在)country music may_.Abecome strongerBgro

40、w as usualCripen earlierDtaste sweeter答案:B細節(jié)理解題。由最后一段最后一句話可知:鄉(xiāng)村音樂對植物的成長影響并不大。.語法填空閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當內(nèi)容(不多于3個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式?!救珖抡n標卷題型】It was really dark when Jennifer finally reached her front door. It seemed_1_(difference) to her. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was_2_(s

41、urprise) as her father usually worked hard to keep everything clean and tidy. She couldnt understand what was going on. She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen_3_she saw a note written by her father. It said, “Dear Ellen, here is some coffee. I am out searching.” Ellen was_4_mother,

42、but where was she? She went to her parents room. She found her there. Her mother_5_(lie) on the bed, fast asleep. Her face looked so tired, as if she hadnt slept for days. Jennifer wanted to wake her up but she looked_6_tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep_7_her. When Jennifer woke up, something was

43、different: she wasnt in her mothers room anymore_8_she wasnt wearing the old clothes she ran away_9_. She was on her own bed. It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice, “Are you feeling_10_(well) now, dear? You know you made us all very, very scared.”1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9.

44、_ 10._答案:1different做表語,表示狀態(tài)應(yīng)用形容詞different。2surprised表示“人驚訝”用surprised。3wherewhere引導(dǎo)定語從句,在從句中做狀語。4herEllen是Jennifer的媽媽。Jennifer是女名,故用her。5was lying表示過去正在發(fā)生的狀態(tài)用過去進行時。6too想叫醒媽媽,但是媽媽看起來太累了。too“太,過于”。7beside睡在媽媽的身邊。beside“在旁邊”。8and兩個句子是并列關(guān)系,用and。9inshe ran away in是定語從句,修飾the old clothes,定語從句中引導(dǎo)詞做in的賓語,故可

45、省略。10better暗含比較,用better。【遼寧卷題型】Jim: Ming Yue, can I ask you a question?Ming Yue: Sure, what is it?Jim: I was just_1_(wonder) if many Chinese people take their leftover food home_2_the restaurant.Ming Yue: In most cities in China, doggy bags are quite_3_(common). The leftover food usually goes to the

46、 dustbin.Jim: That seems like an awful waste! Why dont people order fewer dishes_4_they dont have to throw so much food away?Ming Yue:_5_(order) a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people_6_not afford to eat out like they can today.Jim: I guess that make

47、s sense. I just think_7_would make more sense to take the leftovers home.Ming Yue: Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. Jim, I was_8_( impress) by your trying trotters(豬蹄). I heard that many_9_dont like to eat them.Jim:_10_, many people in my generation dont eat trotters, but my paren

48、ts grew up eating them, so I think theyre OK.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1wondering考查謂語動詞。由空格前的was可知,此處為過去進行時,此處意為“我剛才在琢磨是否”。2from考查介詞。此處表示“中國人是否從餐館把剩菜打包回家”,故使用介詞from。3uncommon考查形容詞。根據(jù)后面的“The leftover food usually goes to the dustbin.”可知,此處意為“剩菜袋特別不常見”,故用common的反義詞。4so that考查狀語從句。此處意為“為什

49、么人們不少點一些菜,以便他們不用扔掉那么多剩菜”,故此處使用so that引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句。5Ordering考查非謂語動詞。根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處缺少的是句子的主語,應(yīng)用動名詞短語作主語。6could考查情態(tài)動詞。此處表示在過去,人們沒錢出去吃飯,動詞afford常和情態(tài)動詞can/could連用,根據(jù)前面的“in the past”可知此處應(yīng)用一般過去時。7it考查代詞的用法。結(jié)合語境可知,此處it作形式主語,真正的主語為后面的動詞不定式短語。8impressed考查非謂語動詞。此處意為“你吃豬蹄這件事令我印象深刻”。短語be impressed by/with.意為“有深刻的好印象”。9foreigners考查名詞。此處表示“我聽說許多外國人都不喜歡吃豬蹄”,且根據(jù)many可知,此處要用foreigner的復(fù)數(shù)形式。10Exactly考查副詞。根據(jù)后面的“many people in my generation dont eat trotters”可知,此處表示Jim贊同Ming Yue的看法,所以用exactly,意為“正是如此”。

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