形容詞的句型 講義高考英語語法復習.docx

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1、高考英語語法知識梳理形容詞句型形容詞的句型一、形容詞的平級”比較l. as+原級形容詞+as(1) 肯定形式She is as beautiful as her mother (is),她和她的母親一樣漂亮。I am as interested in English as you (are).我和你一樣對英文有興趣。 He is as handsome as his brother (is).他和他哥哥一樣英俊。The girls are as busy with their work as bees.這些女孩子就跟蜜蜂-樣忙 著工作。(2) 否定形式She is not as beautif

2、ul as her mother,她不像她母親那樣漂亮。She is not so beautiful as her mother.(3) as .as句式的修飾語必須置于第一個as之前。(not) nearly almostjustnothing likeexactly notquitehalfone-tentwice three times30 per centHe is just as tall as his father.他剛好與他父親一樣高。Its not nearly so difficult as you think,這遠不像你想像的那樣難。This rope is exactl

3、y as long as that one.這根繩子與那根繩子恰好一樣長。 He hasnt been quite so unlucky as he pretends.他不像他裝的那樣不幸。 This dress is twice as expensive as that.這條連衣裙比那條貴一倍。2. as+原級+名詞+as(1) as+原級+a+單數(shù)名詞+asHe is as nice a boy as Peter (is).他和彼得一樣都是好男孩。I have never had as tiring a day as today.我從未像今天這樣疲憊過。 This is as good a

4、n example as the other is.這個例子和另夕卜一5、一樣好?!颈容^】她和她媽媽一樣是位好廚師。 She is as good a cook as her mother, (as .as)She is such a good cook as her mother, (such .as)(2) as many+可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)+asYouve made as many mistakes as I have.你犯的錯誤和我犯的一樣多。 She has as many friends as Mary (does).她和瑪麗一樣有許多朋友。(3) as much +不可數(shù)名詞+asWe

5、 have as much snow this year as last year.我們這里今年下的雪和去 年一樣多。She has as much money as I (have).她有和我同樣多的錢。(4) as .as+名詞as many as+數(shù)詞+復數(shù)名詞 多達. as much as+數(shù)詞+不可數(shù)名詞多達 as long as+數(shù)詞+名詞 長達 as wide as+數(shù)詞+名詞 寬達as high as+數(shù)詞+名詞 高達as early as+數(shù)詞+名詞 早在as late as+數(shù)詞+名詞 遲至.She has as many as seven sisters.她的姊妹有七人之

6、多。I gave the beggar as much as 1, 000 yen.我給了那乞丐整整一千日元。I have been learning English (for) as long as 15 years.我學英文已有 十五年之久。He came home as late as two in the morning.他遲至清晨兩點才回家。The river is as wide as 100 meters.這條河寬達一百米。I mailed the letter as early as Friday.我早在星期五就把信寄了。(5) as .as常用短語as .as possibl

7、e/one can 盡可育目的/也as .as usual/before 像往常一樣as many/much as多達;和一樣多as long as只要as soon as 一就as far as 遠至ij、同級比較級特殊句式(1) .as+形容詞+as+ (同一形容詞)+can beHis failure is as plain as plain can be.他的失敗是再明白不過了。He is a person as wise as wise can be.他再聰明不過了。He is as handsome as (handsome) can be.他瀟灑極了。She is as kind

8、 as can be.她極為和顏悅色。Mary is as hardworking as can be.瑪麗的用功不輸任何人。(2) as+形容詞(+名詞)+as one canTo speak English fluently, you had better read as many English articles as you can.要想把英文講得很流利,你最好盡量多看英文文章。We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can.我們最好盡可能多背句型。Take as much exercise as you

9、 can.盡可能多做運動。Be as careful as you can.盡可能小心。(3) 主語+系動詞+the same as/similar toThis book is the same as that one.這本書和那本一樣。The chairs look similar to those in theoom.那些椅子看起來跟房間里的 椅了相似。形容詞的句型二、形容詞的超過比較三、形容詞的“超過比較1 .比較級+than(1) than句式中必須用比較級People in the country are happier than people in the city.鄉(xiāng)下的人們比

10、 城市的人們更快樂。It is colder this year than (it was) last year.今年匕去年冷。Sue is more beautiful than Jane.蘇L匕珍更美。The computer is more expensive than the typewriter.ifWMk匕字tTL 貴?!颈容^】Which is the more useful (metal) , iron or gold?鐵和金,哪一個比較有用些? Iron is the more useful (metal) of the two.鐵是兩者中比較有用的。(2) 比較級的修飾語a

11、bit, a lot, a great deal, a little, by far, even, far, much, rather, slightly, stilh yet,倍數(shù),分數(shù),百分數(shù)以及數(shù)詞等;The room is a bit larger than that one.這個房間比那個稍大一點,This is a great deal better than that.這個比那個好多了。Theyre a little better now.現(xiàn)在他們稍好一點兒了。Its slightly colder today than it was yesterday.今天比昨天稍冷一點。To

12、day was even colder than yesterday.今天k匕昨天還要冷。Lets go by car.Its much cheaper.咱們開車去。這樣便宜得多。He is fat, but his brother is still fatter.他很胖,但他哥哥更胖。China is one-sixth larger than the United States.中國比美國大六分之一。 This restaurant is rather more expensive than that.這家餐J亍比那家貴得 多。There are far more people than

13、we expected.人比我們預計的多得多。 She is by far the better actress.她是個更好的女演員。【提示】rather可以修飾比較級,但fairly不能; very不能修飾比較級,但much和very much可以;by far可以修飾比較級和最高級,前置時要在定冠詞之前。2. 、moe .than句式,意為是.而不是.;與其.不如.She is more wise than diligent.與其說她勤勉不如說她聰明。I was more disappointed than discouraged.是失望,而不是泄氣。He is more a sprint

14、er than a swimmer.他是短跑健將,而不是游泳選手。I am more frightened than hurt.我嚇壞了但沒有受傷。3. no+比較級+than句式,對比較的兩個對象進行否定no better than=as bad as 與 一樣不好no earlier than=as late as 與與一樣遲no faster than=as slow as 與 一樣不快no taller than=as short as 與 樣不高He is no cleverer than he.他與她一樣不聰明。Hes no richer than a beggar.他窮如乞丐。H

15、e is no taller than me.他同我一樣不高。His English is no better than mine.他的英語同我的英語一樣不好。You are no more careful than he is.你和他一樣不仔細。He is no more generous than John.他和約翰一樣不大方?!颈容^】I have no more than ten dollars.我只有 10 塊錢。(no more than 僅 僅)(2)1 have not more than ten dollars.我最多也不過 10 塊錢。(not more than不超過)、t

16、he+比較級,the+比較級句式,意為 越就越。The older we grow, the poorer our memory will become.年齡越大,記 憶力越差。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.你愈小心,你犯錯就會愈少。The more I learn, the less I feel I know.學而后知不足。The better the boy (is) , the more I like him.這男孩愈好,我愈喜歡他。 The colder the weather (is), the

17、 more comfortable my life (will be). 天氣愈冷,我的生活就愈舒服。The more haste, the less speed欲速貝ij不達。More profit and less honor.舍名逐利。The sooner, the better.事不宜遲。The more you have, the more you want.擁有愈多,欲望愈高。The more you beat iron, the harder it grows.鐵不煉不成鋼,玉不琢不成 器。4. 比較級+and+比較級句式,表示越來越.(1) -er比較級+and+-er比較級S

18、he is growing fatter and fatter.她越來越胖了。Things are getting better and better every day.情況一天天好起來。The days are getting longer and longer.白天越來越長了。(2) more+and+more+原級Its becoming more and more difficult to find a job.找工作越來越困難了。 English is becoming more and more important.英語越來越重要了。One reason is that the

19、tickets are more and more expensive.原因之一 是票價越來越高。6 .特殊超過句式be senior to比年齡大(類似于be older than)be junior to 比年輕(類似于 be younger than)be superior to 比優(yōu)秀(類似于 be better than)be inferior to 比差(類似于 be worse than)I am five years senior to Jane.我比簡大五歲。Jane is five years junior to me.簡比我小五歲。This computer is sup

20、erior to the one you bought.這臺電腦比你買的要好。 This photo is inferior to that one.這張照片比那張差。形容詞的句型三:最高級的用法一、最高級的用法1 .三者或三者以上的比較:通常含有in, of介詞短語或定語從句表示范圍 Autumn is the best season in Beijing.秋天是北京最好的季節(jié)。She is the most intelligent girl in the whole school.她是全校最有才華的 女生。John is the cleverest of all the boys.約翰是所

21、有男孩中最聰明的。This is the best film that Ive ever seen.這是我所看過的最好的電影。He was the greatest musician that ever lived.他是世上最偉大的音樂家。【提示】形容詞最高級前要加定冠詞the,用不定冠詞時,表示、非常。Its a most useful book,它是一本非常有用的書。2.one of+the+最高級+復數(shù)名詞”句式,表示最.之一This is one of the best televisions on the market.這是目前銷售的最好的 電視機之一。That was one of

22、 the strangest incidents in my life.那是我一生中所遇到的最奇特的事件之一。Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy.友誼是最大的樂趣之一,我們可以盡情享受。She is one of the most beautiful girls in our school.她是我們學校最漂亮 的女孩之一?!咎崾尽縜mong相當于one of。Rome is among the greatest cities in the world.羅馬是世界上最偉大的城 市之一。Rome is one

23、of the greatest cities in the world.3.序數(shù)詞+最高級句式,表示第幾最.Canada is the second largest country in the world.加拿大是世界上第二 大的國家。The Yellow River is the second largest river in China.黃河是中國的第二 大河流。Tourism has become the third largest industry in the country.旅游業(yè)己成為該國的第三大產(chǎn)業(yè)。4 .形容詞最高級的修飾語almost, by far, by no mea

24、ns, much, nearly, quite, really,序數(shù)詞, 形容詞性物主代詞,名詞所有格。This tree is almost/nearly the tallest one.這棵樹幾乎是最高的。This article is much the best.這篇文章是最好的。The TV tower is by far the largest construction of our city.電視塔目前 是我市最大的建筑。This is the third largest building in this city.這是這個城市里第三大的建筑 物。This is my busies

25、t day.這是我最忙的一天。The Yangtze River is Chinas longest river.長江是中國最長的河流。形容詞的句型四、最高級的表達形式二、最高級的表達形式1 .比較級4-than+any (other) +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.長江比中國其他任何一條河流都長。Bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world. 竹子的用途比世界上任何一種植物都多。2.比較級+than+any of

26、 the othe+ 復數(shù)名詞The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China.長江比中國其他任何一條河流都長。Bamboo probably has more uses than any of the other plants in the world.竹子的用途比世界上任何一種植物都多?!颈容^】China is larger than any other country in Asia.(范圍一致) China is larger than any country in Africa.(范圍不一致).否定詞+

27、比較級Ive never heard a better voice than you.我從未聽到過比你更好的嗓音。It is not a worse idea.S是再糟糕不過的一個辦法了。I have never heard a more interesting story.我從來沒有聽過比這更有趣 的故事了。3 .否定詞so +原級+asNo person suffered so much as she.沒有一個人像她一樣遭受那么多的苦 難。None is so blind as those that wont see.不愿正視事實的人才是真正的瞎 子。Nothing is so easy

28、as this.沒有比這更容易的事情了。4 .否定詞+比較級+ (than)No other book has had a greater influence on my life.任何其他書籍對我一生的影響都不如這本書大。Never have I read a more interesting book than this one.我從未讀過k匕 這更有趣的書。Nothing is more detestable than the man who courts popularity. 再沒有比沽名釣譽的人更令人厭惡了。形容詞的最高級三、形容詞最高級短語at first 起初at (the) latest 最遲at least 至少at ones best全盛時期at (the) longest 最久不過first of all 首先get/have the best of 擊敗要的make the most/best of 充分利用:形容詞最高級短語at last最后at (the) most最多不過at best充其量不過at (the) worst最壞也不過do/try ones best 盡力for the most part多半,大部分last but not least最后但并不是最不重not in the least 絲毫也不

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