定語從句 - 2022年高考英語備考糾錯筆記

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1、03定語從句 2022英語備考糾錯筆記糾錯-關系詞的漏用或關系詞的誤用(1)【誤】There are many people think that wealth is better than health.【正】 There are many people who/that think that wealth is better than health.【正】 There are many people thinking that wealth is better than health.分析此句是there be句型,故判斷“think that用作定語;先行詞是people,從句中 缺少主

2、語,故用who/that引導定語從句,相當于現(xiàn)在分詞ihinking。(2)【誤】I still remember the days when I spent with farmers in the countryside.【正】I still remember the days (that/which) I spent with farmers in the countryside.分析先行詞是thedays,從句動詞spent缺少賓語,故用關系代詞that/which引導定 語從句,并在從句中作賓語,可省略。(3)【誤】 All the books which were borrowed

3、from the library must be returned on time.【正】 All the books that were borrowed from the library must be returned on time.分析當定語從句的先行詞被all, some, any, no, few等修飾時,關系代詞用that。(4)【誤】Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, who is quite unexpected.【誤】Until now, we have raised 50,00()

4、 pounds for the poor children, as is quite unexpected.【正】Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, which is quite unexpected.分析考查非限制性定語從句,先行詞并非children,而應為整個主句所述的內(nèi)容, 另as在引導非限制性定語從句時,常用于肯定,而which可用于否定,故本題應用which 來引導非限制性定語從句。注意造成以上錯誤主要因為以下幾點:(1)對先行詞判斷不準,特別是當先行詞被其他句子成分分離開時。(2)不清楚關系

5、代詞和關系副詞的區(qū)別。(3)不了解特殊關系詞的區(qū)別,如關系代詞as與which, that與which的區(qū)別。針對以上錯因,可從以下幾方面著手:(1)準確判斷先行詞,解題時,如遇過長過繁的句子,應學會簡化,將干擾項移除.(2)找對先行詞后,將其代入定語從句,一般而言,代入之后,不需加介詞的,應用 關系代詞來引導從句,而需要加介詞的,則用關系副詞來引導。(3)加強基礎知識的學習,如:關系詞何時可省略,特殊先行詞之后的定語從句,特 殊關系詞的用法區(qū)別等。糾錯二關系代詞與替代詞的重:復或與普通代詞的誤用(1)【誤】 He was the lost boy that his parents were

6、looking for him everywhere.IE He was the lost boy that his parents were looking for everywhere.分析定語從句中關系代詞作從句中動詞look for的賓語,而him與關系代詞that指 代的內(nèi)容重疊,均是the lost boy,因此him多余,需刪除。(2)【誤】They were deeply moved, most of them were with tears in their eyes.【正】 They were deeply moved, most of whom were with tea

7、rs in their eyes.正They were deeply moved, and most of them were with tears in their eyes.【正】 They were deeply moved, most of them with tears in their eyes.分析分析句式可知,此處是“介詞+關系代詞”型的定語從句,先行詞指人,故用 whom引導定語從句。此句還可以改為并列句或獨立主格形式。注意造成以上錯誤主要是由于幾個方面掌握不牢而致。(1)關系代詞的作用:既指代先行詞又起連接句子的作用,因此關系代詞與指代同為先 行詞的代詞不能重復出現(xiàn)在定語從

8、句中。(2)定語從句的定義:在復合句中,修飾某一名詞或代詞的句子叫作定語從句,定義中 要求把握幾點:首先要有主句,其次關系詞引導的為從句,再次從句要修飾主句中的某個名 詞或代詞,因此要知曉定語從句與并列句或其他句式的區(qū)別,才能避免錯誤的發(fā)生。糾錯三定語從句中主謂不一致或與其他結構的誤用(1)【誤】This is one of the rooms that was damaged in the fire.【正】 This is one of the rooms that were damaged in the fire.分析句意:這個房間是那次大火中被燒毀的房間之一。在。ne of.結構中,先行

9、詞 為of后的復數(shù)名詞或代詞,從句謂語用復數(shù)形式。但當先行詞是“theonly/veryoneof+復數(shù) 名詞”時,從句謂語則用單數(shù)形式。比較:This is the only one of the rooms that was damaged in the fire.這就是那次大火中唯一一個被燒毀的房間。(2)【誤】The university in France that I am applying for having its own requirement.【正】The university in France that I am applying for has its own re

10、quirement.分析此題中that 1 am applying for為定語從句,修飾先行詞the universityo該句主語 為the university,缺少謂語,且謂語動詞應用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。注意造成以上錯誤一是由于對先行詞,特別是特殊先行詞把握不好,二是定語從句 起了干擾作用。因此在解題時,首先要找對先行詞,并要學會簡化句式結構,化繁為簡,這 需要我們在平時訓練時多分析、多積累。糾錯四定語從句與強調(diào)句型結合考查時造成的誤用【誤】Could it be in the restaurant that you had dinner with me yesterday where

11、you lost your handbag?【正】 Could it be in the restaurant where you had dinner with me yesterday that you lost your handbag?分析本句中where引導的為定語從句,而that為強調(diào)句型中的連接詞,如顛倒誤用 則導致句子結構混亂、語義不明?!咀⒁狻吭斐梢陨襄e誤主要是因為定語從句與強調(diào)句型結合考查時,不能進行分辨而致。 在解此類題型時,耍首先判斷哪一部分為強調(diào)句型(強調(diào)句型強調(diào)的是句子中的一個完整成分, 詳參“特殊句式”),然后再判斷是否為定語從句。二.真題演練一、單句語法填空1.

12、 (2020全國卷Hl)In ancient China lived an artist paintings were almost lifelike.【答案】:whose【解析】:句意:中國古代有一位畫家,他的畫幾乎栩栩如生。此處為定語從句修飾先 行詞artist,且先行詞在從句中作定語。2. (2020江蘇高考)Many lessons are now available online, from students can choose for free.【答案】:which【解析】:句意:現(xiàn)在許多課程都可以在網(wǎng)上找到資源,學生們可以從中免費選擇。此 處是非限定性定語從句,先行詞是many

13、 lessons,關系詞在從句中作介詞from的賓語,應 使用關系代詞which引導。3. (2020天津高考)Dr. Rowan,secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.【答案】:whose【解析】:句意:羅文博士的秘書兩周前辭職了,他現(xiàn)在只能自己打字。secretary resigned two weeks ago是非限制性定語從句,修飾Dr. Rowan,引導詞在從句中作定語,應 用關系代詞whoseo4. (2018天津高考)Kate,sister I shared a room with w

14、hen we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.【答案】:whose【解析】:句意:凱特已經(jīng)去澳大利亞工作了。我們在大學的時候,我和她的姐姐共住 一室。句中先行詞為Kate,在非限制性定語從句中作名詞sister的定語,故用關系代詞whoseo5. (2018江蘇高考)Self-driving is an area China and the rest of the world are onthe same starting line.【答案】:where【解析】:句意:自動駕駛是一個中國和世界其他國家都在同一起跑線的領域。句中先 行

15、詞為an area,在從句中作地點狀語,故用關系副詞whereo6. (2018全國卷 II )1 arrived early at Byron Bay we were supposed to meet.【答案】:where【解析】:句意:我們早早地到達了 Byron海灣,我們應該在那里相見。where指代先 行詞Byron Bay,在從句中作地點狀語,引導定語從句。7. (2018浙江高考)Then I got to the point I was staying up really late at night toget my work done.【答案】:where【解析1句意:接著我到

16、達了這樣的一個地步:我熬夜一直到深夜來完成任務。point 在此表抽象地點,故用where引導定語從句,在從句中作地點狀語。8. (2018:HIII)Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness.【答案】:whose【解析1句意:因為我們的努力,我們的女兒喬治婭的確決定把一大袋子玩具捐獻給 一個女孩,她的母親因為疾病沒有錢讓

17、她度假。whose引導定語從句,修飾前面的先行詞 girl,作后面mother的定語。9. (2018北京高考)Now Mr Anderson has set up an online campaign to donate money for Mr Smith and other homeless people in the area,by yesterday had received 8,000.【答案】:which【解析】:句意:現(xiàn)在安德森先生發(fā)起了一個網(wǎng)絡運動給史密斯和本地區(qū)其他無家可歸 的人們捐款,到昨天為止已經(jīng)收到了 8,000英鎊。which引導非限制性定語從句,修飾前面 的 an

18、 online campaign, 故填 whicho10. (2018天津高考)One chilly night I was hiking in the Rocky Mountains withsome students, I mentioned that we were going to cross a mountain stream.【答案】:when【解析I前面的night是一個表時間的名詞,設空后面的句子不缺主語或賓語,缺少 時間狀語,故填when。11. (2018浙江高考)Many westerners come to China cook much less than in t

19、heirown countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.【答案】:who/that設空處引導定語從句,修飾先行詞westerners,在從句中作主語, 所以用who/thato12. (2018全國卷 I )Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and

20、early deaths from all causes.【答案】:ihat/which【解析】:此處引導定語從句,修飾前面的先行詞a study,從句中缺少主語,所以用that/whicho13. (2019江蘇高考)We have entered into an age dreams have the best chance ofcoming true.【答案】:when【解析】:句意:我們已經(jīng)進入了一個夢想最有可能實現(xiàn)的時代。設空處引導定語從句, 先行詞是表示時間的名詞an age,在從句中作時間狀語,故用關系副詞when引導定語從句。14. (2019浙江高考)On the edge

21、of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth gives offlight in the dark.【答案】:thal/which【解析】:此處引導定語從句,修飾先行詞a piece of cloth,而且在從句中作主語,所以 用that或which來引導。15. (2019天津高考)Their child is at the stage she can say individual words butnot full sentences.【答案】:where【解析】:stage ”階段”,后接定語從句時,如果關系詞在從句中作地點狀語,則應該用 關系副詞wh

22、ere引導定語從句。16. (2019北京高考)The students benefitting most from college are those aretotally engaged (參與)in academic life, taking full advantage of the colleges chances and resources (資源).【答案】:who【解析】:先行詞為those,指大學生們,通常用who引導定語從句,而不用ihal。17. (2018全國卷 II )The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that bet

23、ween 2005一when the government started a soil-testing program gives specific fertilizer recommendations tofarmers-and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.【答案】:that/which【解析】:設空處引導定語從句,且在從句中作主語,前面的“a soil-testing program”是 指物的先行詞,故填that/which。18. (2018北京高考)She and her family bicycle to wo

24、rk,helps them keep fit.【答案】:which【解析】:句意:她和家人騎自行車去上班,這幫助他們保持健康。設空處引導定語從 句,且在從句中作主語,指代前面整個句子的內(nèi)容,故用which。19. (2019天津高考)Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs may be unstable, small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems.【答案】:where/in which【解析】:句意:數(shù)

25、學模型也揭示了食物網(wǎng)可能是不穩(wěn)定的,在那里,頂部捕食者的微 小變化可能導致整個生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的巨大影響。設空處引導非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞food webs,在從句中作地點狀語,故填where或in which。20. (2019天津高考)The book turns out to be one has appealed to the world formore than 350 years.【答案】:that【解析】:設空處引導定語從句,先行詞為不定代詞one,設空處在從句中作主語,故 用that引導。21. (2019浙江高考)you can imagine, the trip is no

26、piece of cake.【答案】:As【解析】:句意:正如你能想象的,這趟騎行之旅并不容易。此處引導非限制性定語從 句,在從句中作賓語位于句首,故用as引導。二.短文改錯1. (2020全國卷 II )Thank you for your letter, what really made me happy.【答案】:what-which【解析】:逗號后的從句為非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞your letter,在從句中作主語, what不能引導非限制性定語從句。故將what改為whicho2. (2020全國卷HI Understanding her good intentions, I

27、eat all the food what is provided by Mom with appreciation.答案:whatthat【解析】:此處含有一個定語從句,先行詞是all ihe food,關系詞在從句中作主語,指 物,可用that或which;但當先行詞被all修飾時,只能用that,不能用which,而what不 能引導定語從句,所以將whal改為that。3. (2019 BIII)This indicates that there is a certain way where quantity is represented in their brain.【答案】:去掉

28、where 或 wherethat/in which【解析】:當way作先行詞,若定語從句中缺少方式狀語,則用in which或Ihat引導, 也可省略引導詞。故去掉where或?qū)here改為that/in which。4. (2019江蘇高考)But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a full 2 million years during that they remained weak and marginal creatures.【答案】:thatwhich【解析】:句意:但在整整200萬年的時間里,人類享受著所有這些優(yōu)勢,在這期間

29、, 他們?nèi)匀皇侨跣〉倪吘壣?。在“介詞+關系代詞”引導的定語從句中,不能用關系代詞that, 此處修飾先行詞2 million years,指物,故將that改為which(,5. (2019江蘇高考)Melissa, his daughter, felt it more than worthwhile to save his music, which she fell asleep each night when she was young.【答案】:which前加to【解析】:句意:他的女兒梅利莎覺得挽救他的音樂是非常值得的,因為她小時候每天 晚上都是伴著音樂入睡的。本句是“介詞+關系代詞

30、”引導的非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞 music,可理解為 回1 asleep to music 伴隨音樂入睡”,將介詞to提前,故在which前加to。6. (2019北京高考)A decade of data breaches (數(shù)據(jù)侵入)of personal information has led to a situation which scammers can easily learn your mothers name, and far more.【答案】:whichwhere【解析】:句意:十多年來個人信息的數(shù)據(jù)泄露導致詐騙者很容易就能知道你母親的名 字,甚至更多。當先行詞是s

31、ituation, point, case等詞,且關系詞在定語從句中作狀語時,用 where引導。7. (2018全國卷 I )They also had a small pond which they raised fish.【答案】:whichwhere或which前加in【解析】:本句是含有定語從句的復合句,先行詞是pond,引導詞在定語從句中作狀語, 故將which改為where或在其前加in。8. (2018-JtM)Imagine a future which most adults own individual self-driving vehicles.【答案】:whichwh

32、ere或which前力口 in【解析】:句意:想象一個未來,那里很多成年人擁有自己的無人駕駛汽車。which引 導定語從句,在從句中作主語或賓語,而該從句中缺:少地點狀語,故將which改為where或 在which前加in9. (2021 河南省南陽市第一中學高三上學期第二次月考)1因a place which we all gather, no matter what our interests, and no matter what ages, young and old, rich and poor.【答案】:whichwhere【解析】:這是一個限制性定語從句,先行詞為place,在從句中作地點狀語,故用whereo

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