2022年五年級英語下冊 Unit 4 Lesson 25 Always Eat Breakfast!教案 冀教版

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1、2022年五年級英語下冊 Unit 4 Lesson 25 Always Eat Breakfast!教案 冀教版教材分析:1. 本課是冀教版小學英語第十冊第四單元的第一課,是本單元的基礎,包含兩部分內容,第一部分主要圍繞與健康有關的詞匯healthy ,sick ,strong, weak闡明為什么吃早餐,第二部分通過討論課文人物Danny和Kim一周內吃早餐的情況,學習有關頻率的特殊疑問句How often及其回答。通過本課的學習,要求學生掌握2組反義詞,使學生會表達事物的健康狀況,以及通過語言情境的創(chuàng)設,掌握并運用How often句型。學情分析:本課的教學對象是五年級學生,具備一定的語

2、感和英語學習能力,能夠聽懂并且很快的掌握本節(jié)課所學的內容。本課生單詞不多,但與學生生活息息相關,所以學生會非常有興趣學習本課,他們會樂于參與教學中的各種活動,喜歡與同伴合作完成教師布置的任務,真正體會到Its fun ! Its easy!教學目標:(一)知識目標:1、通過本課的學習,使學生掌握(讀、寫、說出并聽懂)下列詞匯:healthy, strong, week, weak2、能正確理解并能體驗句型How often ?times a(二)能力目標1.能夠熟練地運用How often引導的特殊疑問句及回答與他人健康的生活方式。2.通過多種課堂活動培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言運用能力,引導學生通過實踐

3、、合作等學習方式,培養(yǎng)學生合作學習的意識,提高與他人交往的能力。(三)情感目標1.調動學生學習積極性,使學生在不斷體驗成功的同時,增強學習英語的自信心。2.倡導健康的生活方式,幫助學生明白早餐的重要性,培養(yǎng)學生健康的早餐習慣。教學重、難點:重點:能聽、說、讀、寫本課詞匯。理解How often ?times a,能正確理解,掌握對話的內容,并能流利地朗讀課文內容。難點:How often ?times a句型的理解和運用。教學準備:調查表,錄音機,多媒體課件教學方法:小組合作 TPR chant 教學過程:Step1: Warm up1. Greeting:T: Hello, boys and

4、 girls. How are you today?S: Im fine, thanks. And you ?T: Me , too.設計意圖:問候是英語課中不可或缺的環(huán)節(jié),它意味著一節(jié)課的開始,能夠將學生的注意力轉移到課堂教學中來。2. Review the words about food.Activity : Talk about the food in groups.Team show. 設計意圖:利用小組競爭的方式,讓學生復習食物名詞,也為后面的教學作好準備.T: They are good food for breakfast.Step2: PresentationT: Do yo

5、u always eat breakfast ?Ss: Yes /No.Everyone wants to be strong and healthy. Whats strong and healthy? Lets look!Play the game:”hand wrestling(掰手腕)”.Have two students to do it.Then say”Im strong and healthy.”Get the students to repeat.2.Do the actions about weak and sick.Then say “Im weak and sick.R

6、epeat after the teacher.Have a chant: Strong strong strong ,not weakHealthy healthy healthy ,not sick.設計意圖:這個環(huán)節(jié)重點學習兩組反義詞,通過邀請學生掰腕子,讓學生在老師創(chuàng)設的語境中不知不覺學習和理解了新單詞。同時利用學生喜聞樂見的chant形式,鞏固四個單詞。Activity :Show the pictures of two flowers. Ask “Whats this?”Repeat the words for two times.Read the texts in Part 1

7、for three minutes.Team show. 【設計意圖】:給學生實踐的機會,通過小組合作,創(chuàng)造機會讓學生感受成功,進一步激發(fā)學習興趣。Step3: Introduce T:Boys and girls, do you want to be strong and healthy?S:Yes!T:Good ! First always eat breakfast. Because its good for you. Activity :Discuss it for three minutes.Team show. 【設計意圖】:拓展句子,練習句型的用法。Step 4 Always e

8、at breakfast1. T: Eating breakfast is good for you. I eat breakfast on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.How often do I eat breakfast? Seven times a week. Lets see “How often did Danny and Kim eat breakfast last week?” Activity(一):a.Listen to the tape for two times an

9、d fill in the blanks. b. Discuss the answers in groups.c. Team show.設計意圖:此環(huán)節(jié)是教師播放帶之前布置任務,聽后請學生回答問題。既練習了聽力,幫助學生初步理解課文主要內容又培養(yǎng)了語感,還利于糾正學生發(fā)音。Activity (二):a. Read the texts for three minutes.b. Team show.c.Judge T/F. a.( )Danny ate breakfast on Thursday at 7:30 in the morning.b.( )Jenny ate breakfast at

10、7:15 in the morning.c.( )Li Ming eats breakfast seven times a week.d.( ) Li Ming usually eats porridge for breakfast.設計意圖:請學生通過讀文章,進一步加深對課文的理解,培養(yǎng)學生良好的的閱讀習慣。Step 5 Drill and practice:Practice in groups. The teacher give their help. A:How often did . eat breakfast last week?B:Once a week ./Twice a wee

11、k./Three times a week. times a week.nameMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayLinlin Steven Li linJennyKimDanny 設計意圖:創(chuàng)設學習情境,為學生搭建一個展示所學的平臺,通過與他人的合作,鞏固所學知識,提高綜合語言運用能力。Step 6 Do the exercises .Step 7 Homework :Do the activity book.板書設計Lesson 25 Always eat breakfast!Strong and healthyWeak

12、and sickHow often do you _?_ times a _.附送:2022年五年級英語下冊 Unit 4 Lesson26JennyGoes Home習題 冀教版一、基礎題1我愛記單詞。(1)查找,尋找 _(2)發(fā)現(xiàn),弄清 _(3)世界 _ (4)發(fā)送 _(5)電子郵件,給.發(fā)電子郵件 _ (6)問候_ 2短語(1)email my friends _ (2) send greetings _ (3)search for a lot of things _(4) find out about countries _二、綜合題1根據(jù)課文內容填空。(1)peter的父親給他買了一

13、臺電腦作為生日禮物。Peters father _ him a puter for his birthday.(2)他能用電腦做很多事情。He could do a lot of things _ the puter.(3)我昨天在書上看到一只有趣的鳥。I _ an interesting bird in a book yesterday.(4)讓我們現(xiàn)在就試試。Lets _ it now.(5)我們可以給朋友發(fā)送問候。We can _ _ to our friends.2單選題。( )(1)We can search _ a lot of things.A. on B. with C. fo

14、r( )(2)You can also find out about countries_ the world.A. in B. on C. about( )(3)I _ an interesting bird in the book yesterday.A. see B. seeing C. saw( )(4)Peters father bought _ a puter for his birthday.A. he B. him C. his( )(5)You can also find out about _ in the world.A. country B. countries C.c

15、ountrys三、提高題 1閱讀題,判斷正誤。正確寫T,錯誤寫F。I have a good friend. Her name is Lisa. She isnt Chinese, but American. She likes studying in China. She likes Chinese food very much. She spent the Spring Festival inBeijinglast year. She was very happy. She watched TV on the eve of the Spring Festival. She ateJiaoz

16、ithat night. Her father is a worker and her mother is a teacher. They loveChinavery much. They think Chinese people are very friendly.()(1)Lisa is a Chinese girl.()(2)She spent the Spring Festival inBeijinglast year.()(3)She ate noodles that night.()(4)Her mother is a worker.()(5)They think Chinese

17、people are friendly.2考考你,將下面句子補充完整。 (1)貝蒂會說英語,但他不會說漢語。 Betty _ _ English, _ she _ speak Chinese.(2)你會跳舞嗎?是的,我會。 _ you dance? Yes, I _.(3)他會打籃球。 He _ _ basketball.參考答案一、1(1)search (2)find (3)world (4)send (5)mail (6)greeting 2(1)給朋友發(fā)郵件 (2) 發(fā)送問候(3)查找許多東西 (4)了解國家二、1(1)bought(2)with(3)saw (4)try (5)send greetings2(1)C (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)B三、1(1)F (2)T (3)F(4)F (5)T 2(1)can speak; but; cant (2)can; can (3)can play

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