(通用版)2019中考英語二輪復習 名詞講義

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《(通用版)2019中考英語二輪復習 名詞講義》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(通用版)2019中考英語二輪復習 名詞講義(8頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、名詞學員姓名: 年 級: 輔導科目:英語 學科教師:授課日期授課時段授課主題名詞教學內容課前回顧知識梳理知識點1:名詞1. 名詞的可數(shù)與不可數(shù) 可數(shù)名詞指表示的人或事物可以用數(shù)來計量,它有單數(shù)與復數(shù)兩種形式。不可數(shù)名詞指所表示的事物不能用數(shù)來計量。物質名詞與抽象名詞一般無法用數(shù)目,來統(tǒng)計,都成為不可數(shù)名詞。不可數(shù)名詞前一般不能用冠詞a、an來表示數(shù)量,沒有復數(shù)形式。要表示“一個”這一概念,就須加a piece of這一類短語。要注意許多名詞在漢語里看來是可數(shù)名詞,在英語里卻不可數(shù)。如:chalk,paper,bread,rice,grass,news等。2. 名詞的復數(shù)名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)口訣2.1

2、規(guī)則變化 名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù),直接加 s 占多數(shù);s, x, z, ch, sh 來結尾,直接加上 es;詞尾是 f 或 fe,加 s 之前先變 ve;輔母 + y 在詞尾,把 y 變 i 再加 es;詞尾字母若是 o,常用三個已足夠, 要加 es 請記好,hero, tomato, potato。2.2不規(guī)則變化男人女人 a 變 e,鵝足牙 oo 變 ee;老鼠虱婆也好記,ous 變 ic;孩子加上 ren,魚鹿綿羊不用變。【注】2.2.1.英語名詞有單數(shù)和復數(shù)的區(qū)別,單數(shù)表示“一”,復數(shù)表示“多于一?!泵~由單數(shù)變復數(shù),多數(shù)是規(guī)則的變,直接加s,例如:book books, girl girl

3、s。但以 s, ss, z, x,ch, sh 結尾的名詞,變成復數(shù)時加 es, 例如:bus buses, classclasses buzz buzzes, box boxes, watch watches, brush brushes以o結尾的名詞,是加s構成的復數(shù):kilokilos, pianopianos, radioradios, photophotos, zoozoos2.2.2. f(e) 結尾的名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)歌訣: 樹葉半數(shù)自已黃,妻子拿刀去割糧,架后竄出一只狼,就像強盜逃命忙。妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷嚇得發(fā)了慌,躲在架 后保己命,半片樹葉遮目光。如:leaf(樹葉,葉子),h

4、alf (一半),self (自已),wife (妻子),knife (刀子),shelf (架子),wolf (狼), thief (竊賊,強盜) 和 life(生命),這些名詞變成復數(shù)時,都要改 f (e) 為 v,再加 es。2.2.3. f 結尾的名詞直接加 s變復數(shù)歌訣:海灣邊、屋頂上,首領奴仆兩相望;誰說他們無信仰,證據(jù)寫在手帕上。例如:gulf,roof, chief, serf, belief, proof,handkerchief,這些名詞變復數(shù)直接加 s。注:scarf(圍巾;披風) 可以先改 f 為 ve 再加s,也可直接加 s。2.2.4. 輔音字母 + y 結尾的名詞

5、,把 y 變 i 加 es。例如:baby babies, country countries, family families;而y 前是元音時,y 不變,直接加 s。例如:day days, boy boys2.2.5. 以 o 結尾的名詞變復數(shù)時,多數(shù)直接加 s。例如:radio radios,piano pianos, kangaroo kangaroos;有的須加es,可以通過一句口訣來記憶:黑人英雄愛吃西紅柿和土豆。即:Negro Negroes, hero heroes, tomato tomatoes, potato potatoes;有的以 o 結尾的名詞既可加 s 也可加e

6、s。例如:volcano (火山) volcanos / volcanoes 等。2.2.6. 名詞復數(shù)的不規(guī)則變化需要特別記憶。例如:man men, woman women, goose geese, foot feet, tooth teeth ,mouse mice, louse (虱子) lice, child children, fish fish, deer (鹿) deer, sheep sheep 等。2.2.7. 表示“某國人”的名詞復數(shù)形式變化可通過歌訣記憶:中日不變英法變,其余 s加后面。例如:1)Chinese Chinese, Japanese Japanese;2

7、)Englishman Englishmen, Englishwoman Englishwomen,F(xiàn)renchman Frenchmen, Frenchwoman Frenchwomen;3)American Americans, Russian Russians, Arab Arabs, German Germans 等。 2.2.8.不可數(shù)名詞一般只有單數(shù)形式,沒有復數(shù)形式。有些不可數(shù)名詞可借助單位詞表示一定的數(shù)量。例如:a cup of tea 一杯茶, two pieces of paper 兩張紙, an item of news 一則新聞2.2.9.復合名詞的復數(shù)形式: edit

8、orinchiefeditorsinchief Daughterinlawdaughtersinlaw grownupgrownupsWoman teacherwomen teachersman drivermen drivers2.2.10注意一下幾個名詞單復數(shù)問題1)物質名詞一般不用復數(shù)形式,但有些物質名詞要用復數(shù)形式來表示不同的類別,如fish(魚肉)fishes(各種魚),fruit(水果)fruits(各種水果)steel(鋼鐵/材)steels(各種鋼材)2)有些抽象名詞的復數(shù)形式表示不同的含義:Arm(手臂)arms(軍火), glass(玻璃)glasses(眼鏡),Cloth

9、(布)clothes(衣服), water(水)waters(水域,海洋等)Force(力量)forces(軍隊), game(游戲)games(運動會), paper(紙張)papers(報紙), people(人,人們)peoples(民族),manner(方式)manners(禮貌), time(時間)times(時代),spirit(精神)spirits(心情), sand(沙)sands(沙漠),interest(興趣) interests(利益), work(工作)works(著作),coffee(咖啡)coffees(幾杯咖啡)3. 物質名詞(不可數(shù)名詞)量的表示方法3.1用mu

10、ch,a little,a lot of等表示3.2用容器表示a bowl of rice,a glass of water,a cup of tea,a piece of,orange,two glasses of milk,two pieces of paper4. 名詞的所有格4.1 名詞所有格的構成法A.單數(shù)名詞詞尾加 s,復數(shù)名詞詞尾若沒有s,也要加 s。the workers bike,the Children s ballB.表示幾個人共有一樣東西,只需在最后一個人的名字后加 s若表示各自所有,則需在各個名字后 s。如:This is Lucy and Licy s room.T

11、hese are Kates and jack s rooms.C. 如果是通過在詞尾加s構成的復數(shù)形式的名詞,只加。如:the students books,the girls blouses4.2名詞+of+名詞名詞是有生命的,我們就用s結構來表示所有關系。如果名詞所表示的事物是無生命的,我們就要用名詞+of+名詞的結構來表示所有關系.如:the legs of the desk,the door of the room但在表示名詞所有格時, s結構也??赊D換成of結構。有些表示時間,距離、國家、城市等無生命的東西的名詞,也可以加s來構成所有格.如:ten minutes walk,tod

12、ays newspaper隨堂練習:1.According to a recent survey, more and more _ prefer to shop on line. A. person B. people C. man D. Woman2.On the top of the _ you can have a birds eyes view of the whole city.(build)3.The police will try to find out the _ of the traffic accident.(true)4.Mr. Ren, a Chinese_, bega

13、n to study global climate change more than a decade ago.(science)5. Teenagers should learn to protect _ from all kinds of danger.A. they B. them C. their D. themselves6. Could you please get me some _ ? Im hungry.A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg7. I dont know why a successful person often has many

14、. (enemy)8. May I use your laptop? I left at home this morning. (my)9. Mark isnt feeling well now as she had too much _ just now.A. potato B. noodle C. bread D. biscuit10. It is reported that three bank have happened lately in the city. (robbery)11. He had to make a between staying with his parents

15、and going abroad. (choose)12. There were so many in the street today because it was a national holiday.A student B. traffic C. policeman D. people13. Ben went on a trip to the mountains last week and took many there. (photo)14. The students had a in the English class yesterday. (discuss)15. In the G

16、uinness Book of Records, there are some amazing stories about . (memorize)16. The president will give a on the morning of the National Day. (speak)17. Professor Lee gave us much on how to live a low carbon life in big cities.A. tip B. suggestion C. advice D. idea18. After six in prison, the famous m

17、usic producer and director was set free. (month)19. With the of economy, our life is getting better and better, (develop)答案:15 B building truth scientist D 610 C enemies mine C robberies1115 choice D photos discussion memory1619 speech C months development 專題過關20. Toms mother works in our school. Sh

18、e is a of English. (teach)21. Never give up trying, and will finally come to you. (succeed)22. Most are red when ripe ($3&), but some kinds are yellow. (tomato)23. If you dont like the products, feel free to make a to the manager. (complain)24. Keeping pet dogs can help people learn more about life

19、and . (die)25. Detective Ken is now working on a that took place yesterday. (rob)26. I imagine youre tired from the journey. The underlined part means_.A. guess B. plan C. wonder D. hope27. He turned off the light and the room was in complete . (dark)28. You must judge a person by his not by what he

20、 says. (act)29. Steve Jobs made the fans of Apple from all over the world very sad. (die)30. His hobby is to collect from different countries. (coin) 31. This shop sells all kinds of _ from different countries. (watch)32. Jane felt nervous when she made her first _ in front the whole school. (speak)

21、33. I telephoned Jane just now, but she wasnt in. I has to leave her a(n) _. A. advice B. information C. message D. paper34. Big Ben is a famous _in London.A. statue B. museum C. park D. clock35. Walking in the space is one of the _ of our time. (wonder)36. People in England prefer to buy many in th

22、e supermarket at weekends.A. bread B. meat C. rice D. potatoes37. The 3rd Chinas Got Talent offers the child a chance to show his special _. (able)38. Williams gave his students a wonderful _on Manners last Wednesday.(speak)39. -Would you like some_?-OH, YES, just a littleA. milk B. apple C. pears D

23、. oranges40. President hujingtao made a _on TV last Wednesday to welcome the new year. (speak)41. My father has worked as an _ in the factory for several years. (engine)42. Do you know who will make a_ on the history of the USA this afternoon? (speak)43. As we all know the best way to learn English

24、is to practise more. The underlined part means “_”A. idea B. advice C. thing D. method44. Life is simple. You make_, and you dont look back. (choice)45. Almost everyone agreed that the New Year party was a great_. (succeed)46. Our headmaster will make a to the parents on the School Open Day. (speak)

25、47. After discussing for a whole day, they finally reached a to solve the problem. (conclude)2025 teacher success tomatoes complaint death robbery2630 A darkness action death coins3135 watches speech C D wonders3640 D ability(abilities) speech A speech4147 engineer speech D choices success speech conclusion課堂小結課后復習 8

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