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The worlds Latest Mechanical Design Conceptssource:China Science and Technology JournalAbstract:According to scholars at home and abroad to carry out mechanicaldesign product design features of the main ideas, product design method of theprogramsummarizedassystematic,modularstructure,basedonproductcharacteristics of knowledge and wisdom. The characteristics of these methods andtheir organic connection between them and put forward to achieve the computerproduct design direction.Key words: Mechanical Product Design MethodDevelopment Trends Design documents will be Semantic Web as a design tool inthe design of its Semantic Web activity of the development of ASK, using nodes andlines to describe the design a network, nodes that components of the cell (such asdesign tasks, functions, components or processing equipment, etc. ), used to adjust thelines and definitions between nodes of different semantic relations, thus the designprocess all the activities and results of pre-built models so that the definition of theearly design requirements to the specific description of each structure can be definedby the relationship between the expression, achieved a computer-aided design process,the leap from the abstract to the concrete.Asystematic design methodThe main features of a systematic design method are: the design as designed by anumber of elements of a system, the independence of each design elements, eachelement of an organic link between the existence of, and is layered, with all the designelements , you can design systems to achieve the required task.Systematic design idea in the 70s by the German scholar Professor Pahl andBeitz, the system based on the theory they developed a general pattern of the design,advocacy design work should have organized. German Engineers Association, on thebasis of this design concept to develop a standard VDI2221 technology systems andproduct development design methods.1.The user needs functional characteristics as a product concept, structuredesign and part design, process planning, job control, etc. based on the macro fromthe product development process of starting the use of quality function deploymentmethod and system to user demand information reasonably and efficiently convertedto the various stages of product development, technical goals and operational controlprocedures method.2.The level of the product life of the organism as a system, and means ofliving systems theory, the product design process can be divided into successfulhierarchy of needs to achieve the functional requirements of the conceptual level andproduct level of the specific design. At the same time life-support systems used toexpress the abstract icons of the product functional requirements, system structureformation of product features.3.The mechanical design of the application of systems science into two basicquestions: First, to be designed as a system dealing with the products, the best way todetermine its component parts (modules) and their mutual relations1; is the productdesign process as a system, according to design objectives, a correct and reasonablydetermine the various aspects of the design work and various design stage.Because each designers point of research questions and to consider the questionof emphasis, to design a specific research methods used is also different. Here aresome representative of the systematic design methods.4.Design Element MethodWith the five design elements (functions, effects, effects vector, shape, elements,and surface parameters) describe the product solutions that a product to determinethe value of the five design elements, the product of all the features and characteristicsof the value of i.e. determined. Scholars in China have adopted similar methodsdesigned to describe the products original understanding.5.Graphic modeling methodAnd developed a design analysis and guidance systems KALEIT, with thelevel of clear graphic description of a products functional structure and its associatedabstract information, to the system structure and function relationship of graphicalmodeling, and functional connection between the layers 2.Assistance will be designed to be divided into two aspects of methodology andexchange of information using the Nijssen Information Analysis Method can be usedgraphic symbols, with a rich semantic model structure, can be described as integrationconditions, can be divided into types of constraints can be achieved in relationsbetween any combination of characteristics , the design method to solve integrationand information technology to realize the design process of information betweendifferent abstraction layers between the graphical modeling.6.Concept - Design methodProducts design is divided into concept and design in two stages. Conceptphase of the task is to find, choose and mix to meet the requirements of the originalunderstanding of design tasks. Design stage of work is a concrete realization of theoriginal understanding of the conceptual stage.Of the programs idea of specific described as: In accordance with theappropriate functional structure, seeking to meet the design requirements of theoriginal understanding of the task. The functional structure of the sub-function isperformed by the structural elements to achieve, and structural elements of thephysical connection between the definition of a feature vector, feature vector andstructural elements further the interaction between the formation of the functionaldiagram ( mechanical diagram). The program design is based on functional diagram,the first qualitative description of all of the feature vector and structural elements,and then quantitatively describe all the structural elements and the connection parts( feature vectors), the shape and location to be structure diagram3. Roper, H. usinggraph theory, by means of which he defines as the total design unit (GE), structuralelements (KE), functional structural elements (FKE), connect structural elements(VKE), Structural Parts (KT), structure element part (KET) concepts, as well asdescribe the structure element size, location, and transmission parameters of theinteractions between a number of kinds of schematics, the intuitive designprofessionals have done a formal design method a description of the formation of aneffective application of existing knowledge, methods, and applied to ideas anddesign stage.7.Bond Graph MethodFunction of the composition of system components will be divided into produceenergy, consumed energy, changing energy forms, such as various types of energytransfer, and to use bond graphs to express the function component solution, hoping tofunction-based model and bond graph combine to achieve functional structure theautomatic generation and functional structure with the bond graph automaticconversion between the search for bond graph generated by a number of designmethods.To promote the product on the basis of functional analysis, the product has somefeatures broken down into one or several modular basic structure, by selection andcombination of the basic structure of these modular form into different products.These basic structures can be parts, components, or even a system.The structure should have a standardized interface (connection and co-operationdepartment),andisserialized,universal,integrated,hierarchical,agile,economic-oriented, with interchangeability, compatibility and relevance. Chinascombination of software component technology and CAD technology, variant designcombined with the modular design, according to modular principle of classification,will be divided into descending Machining Center Machine Tool product level,component level, component level and component level, and use expert knowledgeand CAD technology to combine them into different species, different specificationsof functional blocks, and then by the combination of these functions into differentmodules of the overall program processing center.To design a directory as an alternative variation of the mechanical structure ofthe tool, the solution proposed by the design elements of a complete, structured layout,the formation of the solution set design catalogs. And in the solution set designed tocomment on each one listed in the directory solution additional information, is verybeneficial to design engineers select solution elements.The vigorous development of network technology, collaborative design andmanufacturing, as well as the product from the users functional requirements design processing assembly finished product of this realization of concurrentengineering possible. However, an important prerequisite to achieve these goals oneof the conditions is to realize the effect of product design three-dimensionalvisualization. To this end, three-dimensional graphics software, more and moreintelligent design software programs used in the product design, virtual realitytechnology and multimedia, hypermedia tools for product design is also its first debut.At present, Germany and other developed countries are focused on researchhypermedia technology, product data exchange standard STEP, as well as standardvirtual reality modeling language based on a standard exchange format for virtualenvironments) in the product design applications.Mechanical product design is moving in computer-aided realization of intelligentdesign and to meet the needs of distributed collaborative design and manufacture ofdirection, due to the computer product design Study on the implementation startedlate, not yet mature, to achieve the above objectives program design tools4. Authorbelieves that the integrated use of paper, four types of design method is an effectiveway to achieve this goal. Although the integrated use of these methods are moreinvolved in the field, not only with the mechanical design of the field-relatedknowledge, but also to the systems engineering theory, artificial intelligence theory,computer hardware and software engineering, network technology areas such asdomain knowledge, it is still product design must be working for. Abroad in researchin this area has achieved initial success, our scholars have been aware of CAD designtechnology and the importance of international exchange and cooperation, and itsmeasures to be taken.Feature-based design methodology of knowledge The main features are: using acomputer can identify the language to describe the characteristics of the product andits design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to establish the appropriateknowledge base and inference engine, re-use of stored domain knowledge and theestablishment of the inference mechanism to bring computer-aided product design.The mechanical system design is mainly based on the characteristics of a product,and design experts in the field of knowledge and experience to push volume anddecision-making, the completion of body type, the number of synthesis. To achievethis stage of computer-aided design, must study the automatic acquisition ofknowledge, expression, integration, coordination, management and use. To this end,the design and scholars at home and abroad program for the mechanical systemdesign knowledge of the automated processing done a lot of research work, theapproach can be summarized into the following several.