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金識源專版高中英語 Unit 4 Making the news Using language學(xué)案 新人教版必修5

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金識源專版高中英語 Unit 4 Making the news Using language學(xué)案 新人教版必修5

Unit4 Using language1We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers.我們這一版就要用,這樣我們就搶在其他報紙的前面了。(回歸課本)用法點撥The dictionary is now in its sixth edition.本詞典現(xiàn)在是第六版。This remark did not appear in revised edition of the work.這一評述在作品的修訂版中沒有出現(xiàn)。歸納拓展edit v編輯;校訂;做(報紙、雜志的)主編editor n主編;編輯軟件佳句背誦(1)He had an entry in the 1993 edition of the Guinness Book of Records.他被收錄到1993年版的吉尼斯世界大全中。(2)Her original text has been heavily edited.她的原文已被大量地修改了。2He would have to be_accurate.他必須做到準(zhǔn)確無誤。(回歸課本)用法點撥We need to get some more accurate information.我們需要得到一些更準(zhǔn)確的情報。He is very accurate in his calculations.他的計算非常準(zhǔn)確。歸納拓展accurately adv.準(zhǔn)確地;精確地accuracy n準(zhǔn)確性;精確性inaccurate adj.不準(zhǔn)確的完成句子(1)The accuracy_of_the_report(報道的準(zhǔn)確性)cannot be checked.(2)Would it be_more_accurate(更為準(zhǔn)確)to say that the plan failed?3The first person who saw his article was a_senior editor from his department.第一個看到這篇文章的人是他們部里的一位編審。(回歸課本)用法點撥Only senior pupils can leave the school during the lunch break.只有高年級的學(xué)生能在午休期間離開學(xué)校。He is a senior officer.他是一位高級軍官。歸納拓展senior n(中學(xué)或大學(xué)的)畢業(yè)班學(xué)生be two/three etc. years sb.s senior 比年長2/3歲等be senior to.比高完成句子(1)There are only two posts that are_senior_to_mine(比我的高)(2)Her husband is_fifteen_years_her_senior(比她年長15歲)4Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.因為這篇文章要用英文來寫,所以周揚拿了一份稿子給一位母語為英語的外國雇員,請她對語言風(fēng)格進行潤飾。(回歸課本)用法點撥Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.要經(jīng)常擦鞋,以保護皮革。He polished his glasses with a handkerchief.他用手絹擦拭眼鏡。歸納拓展polish off/away/out擦去polish up擦得亮亮的;裝飾一新;改善;潤色polish sth.off很快做完;迅速吃光翻譯句子(1)The hotel has polished up its act since last year.自去年以來,這家酒店已經(jīng)改善了服務(wù)水平。(2)I gave it a polish now and again.我不時把它擦亮。5Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.最后,主編審閱并批準(zhǔn)這篇稿子。(回歸課本)用法點撥The mayor approved the new building plan.市長批準(zhǔn)了新建筑計劃。The document has been approved.這份文件獲得批準(zhǔn)。歸納拓展approve表示官方或正式批準(zhǔn),當(dāng)“批準(zhǔn)”講時常用作及物動詞;當(dāng)“贊成,贊同”講時常用作不及物動詞,和of連用。approval n贊成;贊許;批準(zhǔn);認(rèn)可approved adj.批準(zhǔn)的;核準(zhǔn)的;認(rèn)可的完成句子(1)I dont approve_of_wasting_time(贊成浪費時間)(2)Her application for studying abroad has_been_approved(已得到了批準(zhǔn))6All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives.此后,所有的報道材料都要被制成膠片。(回歸課本)用法點撥It will be three days before the film is processed.三天以后膠卷才能沖洗出來。He learned in the factory that building a car is a long process.在工廠里他了解到制造一輛小汽車有很長的工序。歸納拓展peace process和平進程in the process of doing sth.在做某事的過程中processor n計算機處理器;加工廠;膠片沖洗公司完成句子(1)Learning a language is a_slow_process(一個緩慢的過程)(2)They are in_the_process_of_moving_their_head_office_from_Paris_to_London(正在把總部從巴黎遷往倫敦)7Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.最后,主編審閱并批準(zhǔn)了這篇稿件。(回歸課本)用法點撥Smoking is one of the chief causes of lung cancer.吸煙是導(dǎo)致肺癌的主要原因之一。Unemployment is the chief cause of poverty during the 1930s.失業(yè)是20世紀(jì)30年代貧困的主要原因。歸納拓展chief engineer總工程師chief justice首席法官chiefly adv.主要地;大部分地;多半佳句背誦(1)Dana had always considered her looks as her chief asset.達納向來認(rèn)為她的長相是自己的主要資本。(2)Keith joined the company as the chief industrial engineer.基思成為該公司的工業(yè)總工程師。8We need it in this edition to be ahead_of the other newspapers.我們這一版就要用,這樣我們就會搶在其他報紙的前面了。(回歸課本)用法點撥He is always ahead of the age.他總是走在時代的前面。He is ahead of me in English.他的英語比我強。歸納拓展ahead of time/schedule提前get/keep/stay ahead (of the game)(在競爭中)占據(jù)(保持)優(yōu)勢look/think/plan ahead展望/考慮/計劃未來完成句子(1)He left one_day_ahead_of_me(比我早一天)(2)He is two_grades_ahead_of_me(比我高兩級)9He set_to_work.他著手工作。(回歸課本)用法點撥When shall we set to work?我們什么時候開始工作?He quickly set to work to build a shelter from the rain.他馬上開始建一個遮雨的棚子。歸納拓展set about doing sth.set out to do sth.著手做某事set aside/byput away/aside/by儲蓄set fire to sth.set sth.on fire放火燒set off/out for a place動身去某地set off/out on a journey出發(fā)旅行set upput up豎立起,搭起set up home建立家園;成家完成句子(1)The hostess has set_about(著手) preparing supper.(2)Edison had set_up(建立) a chemical lab of his own by the time he was ten.He checked the evidence,read the article and passed it on_to the copy­editor.他核查了文中的證據(jù),閱讀了整篇報道,然后遞給技術(shù)編輯。(回歸課本)用法點撥Pass the mixture on to others when you have sucked it.你嘗完以后就把混合物遞給其他人。I managed to pass her message on to her mother.我設(shè)法把她的口信帶給她母親了。歸納拓展pass on to sth.從一個活動、階段進入另一個活動、階段等pass sth.down (to sb.)將某物從一代傳給下一代(多用于被動語態(tài))pass sb. sth.或者pass sth. to sb.把傳遞/傳送給某人完成句子(1)The house has_been_passed_(on)(已經(jīng)相傳了)from father to son for generations.(2)Could you pass_me_that_newspaper(把那份報紙遞給我)?1The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department.第一個看到這篇文章的人是他們部里的一位編審。用法點撥who saw his article是定語從句,修飾the first person。She is the girl who lives next door.那就是住在隔壁的女孩。This is the hero (who/whom) we are proud of.這就是那位英雄,我們以他為榮。歸納拓展當(dāng)先行詞指人時,引導(dǎo)定語從句的可以是who,whom,that,whose,who可以代替whom,當(dāng)who,whom,that在定語從句中作賓語時可以省略。完成句子(1)Thats the girl,whose father is a doctor.(2)In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to_whom she could turn for help.2 Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.因為這篇文章要用英文來寫,所以周揚拿了一份稿子給一位母語為英語的外國雇員,請她對語言風(fēng)格進行潤飾。用法點撥employed by the newspaper是過去分詞短語作后置定語修飾名詞短語the native speaker。The house built last year is beautiful.去年蓋的那所房子很漂亮。Have you read the novel written by Dickens?你讀過狄更斯寫的那篇小說嗎?歸納拓展作定語的過去分詞表被動或完成時,如果表示動作正在進行就用being done。完成句子(1)Listen!The song being_sung(正在唱的)is very popular with us.(2)Things lost(丟失的)never come again!搶發(fā)獨家新聞周陽剛剛采訪了一位著名影星回到辦公室,編輯就說:“快點把那篇報道準(zhǔn)備好, 我們這一版就要用,這樣我們就搶在其他報紙的前面了,這就是搶先的獨家新聞?!眹H新聞編輯部有人提出問題:“他真的干了那種事嗎?”周陽回答說:“是的,恐怕是這樣的?!苯又阒譁?zhǔn)備報道了。他的第一件事就是寫報道稿,他必須認(rèn)認(rèn)真真地寫。盡管他認(rèn)為那個人一直在說謊話,但周陽懂得,他決不能直接指責(zé)那個人。他必須做到準(zhǔn)確無誤,還要簡明扼要。他知道該如何做。經(jīng)過幾個月的培訓(xùn),他已經(jīng)學(xué)會了寫文章,全然沒有廢話。他在電腦前坐下來就開始工作了。第一個看到這篇文章的人是他們部里的一位編審。他核查了文中的證據(jù),閱讀了整篇報道,然后遞給技術(shù)編輯。她就開始了編輯工作,設(shè)計了主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題。她說:“在版面上這會很好看。這個人的照片該放在哪兒好呢?”因為這篇文章要用英文來寫,所以周陽拿了一份稿子給一位母語為英語的外國雇員,請她對語言風(fēng)格進行潤飾。這位雇員對周陽的報道也很滿意。她評價說:“你確實能寫很好的頭版新聞了?!敝荜柛吲d地笑了。最后主編審讀了這篇稿子,并且批準(zhǔn)發(fā)表了。他對周陽說:“文章寫得很好,不過你還得拿出證據(jù)來表明事實確鑿?!敝荜栒f:“我馬上拿來?!毙侣勎淖志庉嬋∽哌@篇報道,開始對所有的報道和圖片進行編排,直至把各版面全部編定。此后,所有的報道材料就要被制成膠片。這是印制過程的第一道工序。由于這篇報道要用好幾種顏色,因此需要四張膠片。每一種主色要用一張底片,四張底片結(jié)合起來就制成一張報紙的彩頁。經(jīng)過最后一次校對后,這個版面就可以準(zhǔn)備印制了。周陽興奮地等待著第一批報紙的印出?!耙鹊浇裉焱砩?,”他的朋友輕聲地告訴他說?!拔移谕娨曅侣剷@件事作一點報道。真是獨家新聞了!”.單詞拼寫1Do you know the printing process(過程)?2He needs accurate(準(zhǔn)確的)data in order to succeed in the experiment.3The manager approved(贊成)of the employers suggestion.4I made an appointment(約會)with the doctor at 3 pm.5Carelessness is one of the chief causes of accidents.6Its the duty of the police to prevent crime.7They have just employed five new waiters.8She doesnt have a job and just is a housewife.短語填空approve of,last of all,on the page,ahead of,an interview with,set to work,pass.down,wait for1Last_of_all,the chief editor approved his opinion.2This will look good on_the_page.3I dont approve_of smoking in bed because it may lead to big fires.4The newspaper is always ahead_of others.5He has arranged an_interview_with the manager.6After lunch,they set_to_work at once.7Good customs should be_passed_down from generation to generation.8He stood there waiting_for a bus.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1He got down to work.He set to work.2He knew how he should do that.He knew how to do that.3The first person to see his article was an editor from his department.The first person who saw his article was an editor from his department.4The main colors each had its own beauty.Each of the main colors had its own beauty.5Zhou Yang waited in excitement for the first copies to be ready.Zhou Yang waited excitedly for the first copies to be ready.完成句子1You must finish the work ahead_of_time(提前)2After_an_interview_with_the_famous_star(采訪了這位明星后),he came back to write an article.3The teacher passed_the_papers_on_to(把試卷傳遞給)the students quickly after the bell rang.4After playing football for 3 hours,he set_to_work(著手工作了)5Months of training taught him to_write_with_no_wasted_words_and_phrases(全然沒有廢話地寫文章)6The article is going to be_written_in_English(用英文寫).單項填空1The buildings of the small cities are_the big cities.Aas good or better thanBas good or better asCas good as or better than those ofDas good as these of答案C解析句意為:小城市里的樓和大城市里的那些樓一樣好或者比它們更好。those替代the buildings。2This tradition has been passed_from generation to generation in this area.Aon Bdown Cup Doff答案B解析pass sth.down (to sb.)將從一代傳給下一代。3On receiving the order,the workers_work at once.Aset up Bset toCset to on Dset off答案B解析句意為:一接到指令,工人們就立即著手工作。set to work開始工作。4Hello,Jim.I_to see you today.Sonia said you_ill.Oh,Im OK.Adidnt expect;were Bdont expect;wereChavent expected;are Dam not expecting;are答案A解析考查時態(tài)。此處表示在兩人見面前未料到,故用一般過去時態(tài)。5Whenever you walk on the ice,_that it is solid and safe enough.Aexamine Bcheck Ctry Dmake答案B解析句意為:無論你什么時候在冰上行走,一定檢查一下看冰是否夠結(jié)實。check檢查,核對。6Teachers are not happy when they find in class their students sending_to their friends by mobile phone.Aletters BmessagesCnotes Dinformations答案B解析send messages to sb.給某人發(fā)信息。7Who would you like_the article?Ahaving written Bto have writtenCto have write Dhaving write答案C解析考查would like (love) to do sth.及have sb. do sth.的結(jié)構(gòu)。句意:你想讓誰寫這篇文章?故選C項。8Tom_of her course of action,so he told her to go ahead.Aapproved Bagreed Caccepted Dconsented答案A解析approve sb. of sth.贊成(批準(zhǔn))某人某事。9They have_body temperatures though it is getting colder and colder.A common Bordinary Cgeneral Dnormal答案D解析common共同的,共有的;ordinary普通的;general大概的,總的;normal正常的。10The BBC will_all the major games of the tournament.Atell Bgive C cover Dtake答案C解析cover對進行新聞采訪,報道。.短文改錯假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2只允許修改10處。Last summer I to America and studied at a language school.I had many wonderful ,but I also had a sad one.One day,the school held party,where I invited to talk about Tianjin.After that they asked me a lot of things about China.But I couldnt explain them English clearly.I felt .I learnt a lesson from this experience.I have already studied English for eight years, I cant use it very .I must work hard to improve my spoken English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners. I hope I can be a bridge between China and countries in the future.書面表達關(guān)于幸福是什么,你們班學(xué)生昨天進行了熱烈的討論。外教Adam對此話題很感興趣,作為班長,請你根據(jù)下面的信息向他做一匯報。有的學(xué)生認(rèn)為幸福就是金錢,有的認(rèn)為幸福就是健康,多數(shù)學(xué)生認(rèn)為幸福就是從父母那里繼承財產(chǎn),你也可以談?wù)勛约旱目捶?。要求詞數(shù)為100左右?!緟⒖挤段摹縏he Meaning of HappinessThere was a heated discussion about the meaning of happiness in our class yesterday.Different people have different ideas about it.Some students believe that if they have a lot of money,they will be happy because they will be able to do whatever they want.Many students dream of receiving possessions from their parents,because there would be no need for them to work hard to get their own things.Others dont agree.When someone has all the wealth,power and status that they could ever want,are they necessarily happy?Some students feel that being healthy is that what makes people happy.As for me,I dont quite agree with any of these points of view.I think that real happiness does not come from possessions,achievements,or power.If everything goes well in my life,I think Im the happiest person in the world.8


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