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(宜賓專版)2022屆中考英語總復習 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 八上 Units 9-10(精講)檢測

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(宜賓專版)2022屆中考英語總復習 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 八上 Units 9-10(精講)檢測

(宜賓專版)2022屆中考英語總復習 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 八上 Units 9-10(精講)檢測類別課標考點要求重點單詞1.prepare(v.)使做好準備;把準備好2.exam(n.)考試 3.flu(n.)流行性感冒;流感4.available(adj.)有空的;可獲得的5.until(conj.& prep.)到時;直到為止6.hang(v.)懸掛;垂下7.catch(v.)及時趕上;接?。蛔プ?.invite(v.)邀請9.accept (v.)接受10.refuse(v.)拒絕11.weekday(n.)工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天) 12.reply (v.)回答;答復13.forward(v.)轉寄;發(fā)送;(adv.)向前;前進14.delete(v.)刪除15.print (v.)打??;印刷16.sad (adj.)(令人)悲哀的;(令人)難過的17.glad (adj.)高興;愿意18.glue(n.)膠水19.without(prep.)沒有;不(做某事)20.surprised(adj.)驚奇的;感覺意外的21.opening(n.)開幕式;落成典禮22.concert(n.)音樂會;演奏會23.event(n.)大事;公開活動;比賽項目24.guest(n.)客人;賓客25.calendar(n.)日歷;日程表26.daytime(n.)白天;日間27.meeting(n.)會議;集會;會面28.video(n.)錄像帶;錄像29.organize(v.)組織;籌備30.chocolate(n.)巧克力31.upset(adj.)難過;失望;沮喪32.taxi(n.)出租汽車;的士 33.travel(v.& n.)旅行;游歷34.teenager(n.)(1319歲的)青少年35.normal(adj.)正常的;一般的36.unless(conj.)除非;如果不37.certainly(adv.)無疑;肯定;當然;行38.wallet(n.)錢包39.mile(n.)英里40.angry(adj.)發(fā)怒的;生氣的41.understanding(adj.)善解人意的;體諒人的42.careless(adj.)粗心的;不小心的43.mistake(n.)錯誤;失誤44.himself(pron.)他自己45.careful(adj.)小心的;細致的;精心的;慎重的46.advise(v.)勸告;建議47.solve(v.)解決;解答48.step(n.)步;步驟49.trust(v.)相信;信任50.experience(n.)經驗;經歷 51.else(adv.)別的;其他的詞性轉換1.prepare(v.)準備preparation(n.)準備2.invite(v.)邀請invitation(n.)邀請;請柬3.normal(adj.)正常的;一般的normally(adv.)通常;正常情況下4.catch(v.)及時趕上;接住;抓住catches( 單三 )caught(過去式/過去分詞)5.opening(n.)開幕式;落成典禮open(v.& adj.)打開;開著的6.advice(n.)建議advise(v.)建議7.certainly(adv.)無疑;肯定;當然certain(adj.)無疑的8.travel(v.& n.)旅行;游歷traveler(n.)旅行者9.meet(v.)遇見;相逢met(過去式 / 過去分詞)meeting(n.)會議;集會;會面10.sad(adj.)悲傷的sadness(n.)悲哀;憂傷11.angry(adj.)生氣的anger(n.)生氣angrily(adv.)發(fā)怒地;生氣地12.understand(v.)理解;領會understood(過去式/過去分詞)understanding(adj.)善解人意的;體諒人的13.solve(v.)解決solved(過去式/過去分詞)solution(n.)解決;解答;解決方法14.hang(v.)懸掛;垂下hung(過去式 / 過去分詞)15.care(v.)在意;關心;擔憂careful(adj.)小心的;慎重的carefully(adv.)細致地;謹慎地重點短語 1.為做準備prepare for2.得流感have the flu3.去看醫(yī)生go to the/a doctor4.其他時間;別的時間another time5.閑逛;常去某處hang out6.前天the day before yesterday7.后天the day after tomorrow8.照料;照顧look after9.拒絕turn down10.去旅行take a trip11.(幫助)分擔工作、解決難題help out 12.盼望;期待look forward to13.接到(某人的)信、電話等hear from14.保守秘密 keepto oneself15.逃離 run away from16.分成兩半 in half類別課標考點要求重點句子1._Can_ you e to my party on Saturday afternoon?你周六下午能來我的派對嗎? Sure,_I'd_love_to_.當然,我很樂意。2.But Sam _isn't_ leaving _until_ next Wednesday.但是薩姆直到下周三才離開。3._Are_ you _free_ to e to my place on Saturday?星期六你有空來我這里嗎?4._What_a_ great _idea_ it is! 多棒的一個主意??!5.I'm sad to _see_ her _go_,and this party is _the_best_way_to_ say “Thank you and goodbye.”看到她走我很難過,并且這個聚會是跟她說“感謝和再見”最好的方式。6.My family is _taking_a_trip_to_ Wuhan _at_the_end_of_ this month _to_visit_ my aunt and uncle.這個月末我家要去武漢旅行并且看望我的嬸嬸和叔叔。7._Bring_ Ms.Steen _to_ the party _without_telling_ her so that she can be surprised.在沒有告知她的前提下,把斯蒂恩女士帶來參加聚會,這樣她會感到驚喜。8.Let me know _if_ you need my help.如果你需要我的幫助,讓我知道。9.To show _how_much_ we're going to miss her,let's have a _surprise_party_ for her!為了表示我們會有多想她,讓我們?yōu)樗k一個驚喜派對吧。10.I look forward to _hearing_from_ you all.我期待收到你們所有人的來信。11._If_ you _go_ to the party,you _will_have_ a great time!如果你去參加聚會,你將會玩得很開心!12.What _will_ happen _if_ they _have_ the party today?如果他們今天舉行聚會,將會發(fā)生什么?13.Can you give me _some_advice_ please?請問你能給我一些建議嗎?14.Some people believe _the_worst_thing_ is to do nothing.有些人相信最糟糕的事情是什么也不做。15._Unless_ we talk to someone,we will certainly feel worse.我們如果不與人聊聊,肯定會感覺更糟。16.So you're _halfway_to_solving_ a problem just _by_talking_ to someone about it! 因此,你只要跟人聊聊這個問題,你就已經解決了問題的一半。語法1.情態(tài)動詞(can,might,should)(詳見第二編P140P141)2.if引導的條件狀語從句(詳見第二編P152)話題Unit 9 Invitations(邀請)Unit 10 Decision making(做決定)My sister invited me to her birthday party.我妹妹邀請我去她的生日聚會。(邀請某人去某地invite sb.to sp.)My grandpa invited us to have dinner with him.我爺爺邀請我們和他一起吃晚餐。(邀請某人做某事invite sb.to do sth.)accept an invitation接受邀請make an invitation 發(fā)出邀請turn_down an invitation 拒絕邀請(invite 作動詞,意為“邀請”,其名詞形式為invitation,意為“邀請;邀請書;招待”。)(D)(xx天津中考)Harry invited me _ with him when his parents were out of town.A.stay B.stayedC.staying D.to stay辨析accept 與 receive (八上Unit 9 P67)【舉例透析】I won't accept your advice.我不會接受你的建議。(accept 接受,表示主動而且高興地接受。) I received a letter from my pen friend last week.我上星期收到了筆友的信。(receive 接到;收到,表示被動地接受。) She _received_(receive) a gift from her father but she didn't _accept_(accept) it.Because her father left her behind when she was just 3.surprised (八上Unit 9 P69)【舉例透析】 The news surprised many people.這消息讓很多人感到震驚。(surprise為動詞,意為“使驚訝”。)I have a surprise for youwe are moving to Shanghai.我有一個驚喜給你我們要移居上海了。(surprise為名詞,意為“驚訝;驚喜”。短語:to one's surprise 令人驚訝的是)We got a surprising result of the game.我們得到了令人驚訝的比賽結果。(surprising為形容詞,意為“令人驚訝的”。)I was surprised at what you said.我對你所說的感到吃驚。(surprised為形容詞,意為“感到驚訝的”。用法:be surprised at sth./be surprised to do sth./be surprised that從句)用surprise,surprised,surprising填空。1.To my _surprise_,my father didn't cook dinner as usual!2.We are _surprised_ that every class has a group photo.3.We had a _surprising_ party yesterday.if (八上Unit 10 P73)【舉例透析】 I don't really care if my friends are the same as me or different.我真的不在乎是否朋友和我一樣還是不一樣。 (if 意為“是否”,常用于賓語從句。) If you go to the party,you'll have a great time.如果你參加聚會,你會玩得很高興。(if意為“如果”,常用于狀語從句,若主句為一般將來時,if引導的從句用一般現(xiàn)在時,即“if一般現(xiàn)在時,主語一般將來時”。)(B)1.(龍東中考)I don't know if you _ to Mary's party next Sunday.If you go,_.A.go;so will I B.will go;so will I C.will go;so do I D.go;so I will(C)2.(xx畢節(jié)中考)We will go for a picnic _ it is sunny tomorrow. A.when B.whether C.if D.whileunless (八上Unit 10 P77) 【舉例透析】Unless we talk to someone,we'll certainly feel worse.如果我們不與人聊聊,肯定會感覺更糟。(unless從屬連詞,含否定意義,相當于ifnot。此句可說成:If we don't talk to someone,we'll certainly feel worse.)(B)1.(巴中中考)Will you help me with the trouble?I won't do _ you tell me the truth.A.if B.unless C.since D.when(C)2.(xx包頭中考改編)Air pollution will remain a problem for a long time,_ we do something to solve it right now.A.if B.sinceC.unless D.becauseuntil (八上Unit 9 P66)【舉例透析】I studied English until 9 o'clock last night.我昨晚學英語一直學到9點鐘。(表示9點前一直在學)(until意為“直到”,表示某一種行為一直持續(xù)到某一時間。用在肯定句中,句子的謂語動詞必須是可延續(xù)性的。)I didn't notice her until she called my name.直到她叫我名字我才注意到她。(notuntil表示“直到才”,表示直到某一時間,某一行為才發(fā)生,之前該行為并沒有發(fā)生。用在否定句中,主句中的謂語是非延續(xù)性動詞。 They had to wait till/until Monday to ring the bank manager.他們不得不等到星期一給銀行經理打電話。(until可以與till互換,但until可用于句首和句中,till只能用于句中。)(A)1.Hurry up.The bus is ing!Oh,no,we mustn't cross the street _ the traffic lights are green.A.until B.since C.when D.although(A)2.(xx恩施中考改編)Excuse me.Is it my turn now?Not yet.Please wait outside _ your name is called.A.until B.since C.so D.but直 擊 中 考一、單項選擇。(B)1.(xx臨沂中考改編)When you are in your school dining hall during lunchtime,you may feel lonely _ you can find someone to have lunch with.A.if B.unless C.after D.so(C)2.(xx揚州中考)I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she _ it.Maybe she can manage herself.A.received B.returnedC.refused D.rewarded(B)3.(xx宜賓中考改編)We all look forward to _ you again soon. A.see B.seeing C.seen D.saw (B)4.(xx孝感中考)Miss Yang, are you _ this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions. Yes, I will wait for you in my office. A.afraid B.availableC.absent D.active二、(xx襄陽中考改編)閱讀理解。People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English.As for it,everyone is different.I'll share some of my experience.I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University,but I mostly learned English on my own.One thing I can tell you is that,once you've started learning,you should try to think in English as much as you can.If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking down the street,just think about “How would I say them in English? At first,it might be with simple words or phrases,but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences.Now I'm in America,and for most of the time,I would think in English and speak it directly.It's amazing how much this helps.For several years after I started learning,I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn't want to make mistakes.Finally I got it over.And while traveling in America,I'd try to hang out with friends who couldn't speak Chinese,so that I'd have no choice but to speak English.And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me,then so be it.After that,my English started improving much more quickly.Besides,it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing,and give you some suggestions for improvement.(D)1.The writer learned English in Wuhan University for about _.A.a week B.a monthC.a term D.a year(A)2.According to the writer, _ is a good way to improve your English.A.thinking in EnglishB.learning English grammarC.watching English filmsD.reading English books(D)3.The writer's English improved quickly _.A.in the universityB.in the middle schoolC.in ChinaD.in America(B)4.The best title for this passage should be _.A.The Importance of EnglishB.My English Learning ExperienceC.My University LifeD.My American Friends三、(xx荊門中考改編)還原句子。閱讀下面短文,把A、B、C、D四個句子填入文中空缺處,使短文內容完整、正確。How to build self­confidenceThese tips could help anyone who is trying to build self­confidence(自信).Remember to always love yourself and love others as you love yourself.Try not to be so hard on yourself or others.Choose to deal with those who can lift you up.Talk to and hang out with friends and family.Make new friends with those who love you and really care about you.1._D_ Choose your friends carefully.Be careful of people who may make you feel bad or unhappy about yourself.Get to know yourself.What are your values,your beliefs,your morals(道德觀),your wants,your needs and your tastes? The better you know yourself,the easier it will be to love yourself.2._A_ You can not be perfect.You can only be the best you can be.No one in this world is perfect,so don't blame(指責) yourself for making a mistake or not being perfect.Also,stop paring yourself to others.3._B_ Be kind to others and do nice things for them.This will help to build your self­confidence.4._C_ You will realize that by making other people happy,you yourself will also bee happy with your life and yourself.A.Stop trying to be perfect.B.You will never be them and they will never be you.C.This is what you can truly do to make people happy.D.They can accept you for who you are and only want the best for you.四、(xx義烏中考改編)綜合填空。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)單詞、首字母、漢語和語境提示,在每個空格內填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~,要求意義準確、拼寫正確。Curt von Badinski is an engineer of a pany in San Francisco.1.However_,his home is in Los Angeles,which is 770 2._miles_(mile) away from his workplace,so he has to take a plane work and back.Every workday morning,von Badinski gets up at 5 a.m.for the 15­minute drive to the airport.After 3._parking_ (park) his car,he goes straight to take the plane.After a 90­minute flight,he 4._lands_(land) at Oakland Airport and drives to his pany.The 5._whole_(整個的) trip takes him about 3 hours.Von Badinski pays the airline 2,300 dollars monthly so that he can fly 6._freely_(free) at any time to and from San Francisco.Flying to work every day is not 7.easy_ for von Badinski because he can only sleep five hours every night,but he believes nothing could be 8._more_(much) important to him than his family.He had about several ways to solve the problem,9._including_ (include) moving his family to San Francisco,but none of them worked.“The six­hour round trip shows that I have the 10._ability_(能力) to have all the things I want,”he explains.“ I am always excited to start a new day.”五、(xx北京中考改編)完成句子。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)題后要求完成句子。A Beautiful MomentWhen I was in high school,I worked part­time helping Dad sell fruits and vegetables at a market.One day,as I was preparing the fruits,a little boy came by with his mom and sister.He was about eight years old,and the girl,five or six.(A)front,they,were,at,looking,the,fruits,in,of,me. I heard the kids say to their mom(in French).“They're good!”(B)I knew it was French,because_I_can_speak_and_ _understand_it.Then I noticed how the mom was picking the fruits.At first I thought she was really looking at the fruits because she was facing them,but then I noticed how much she had to feel and smell each one as she picked them out.And she often asked her son if it looked okay,but looked way above where his face was.(C)Putting_what_I_saw_together,I_was_sure_she_was_blind.Both of the kids continued to help their mom pick out the fruits.The son made sure the fruits were not obviously bad,and the daughter handed them to her mom.The woman then felt each one and smiled,and the daughter would put them into their basket.(D)孩子們一邊笑,一邊幫媽媽挑選水果。Their smile and gentle manner moved me in a way that never happened before.It was so beautiful to see such young kids so willingly help.Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves,instead of helping their mom pick out fruits,as the two kids did.It was great to witness the moment,but not so great because I didn't tell the mom how beautiful her children were in their language.This is what I regret to this day.1.連詞成句。請將(A)處的單詞連成意義完整的句子。_They_were_looking_at_the_fruits_in_front_of_me._2.句子提問。請就(B)句的畫線部分提問。_Why_ _did_ you know it was French?3.英譯漢。請將(C)句譯成中文。_當我把看到的聯(lián)系在一起,我確定她是個盲人。_4.漢譯英。請根據(jù)(D)處中文提示寫出英語句子。(每空一詞)The kids were smiling while helping their mom _pick_ the fruits _out_.(D)5.The writer was moved because_.A.the mother was brave to face her problemsB.the kids were polite and kind to each otherC.the mother was careful in picking out thingsD.the kids were so willing to help their mother


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