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2016-2017學年高中英語 Unit3 Travel journal練習 新人教版必修1

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2016-2017學年高中英語 Unit3 Travel journal練習 新人教版必修1

Unit 3Travel journalAround the world in 80 waysHow can you travel around the world without ever leaving the earth's surface?For many of us,it sounds like an impossible mission(任務),but an ecofriendly British couple has done just that.They have travelled around the world for 297 days without getting on a single plane.“It feels like a historic achievement,following in the footsteps of great travellers before the plane was invented,”said the couple.Tom Fewins,32,and Lara Lockwood,30,used 78 buses,61 trains,34 cars,18 boats,six bicycles,two mopeds(電動自行車)and one elephant.They wanted to prove that tourists can see the world without producing a large carbon footprint(碳足跡)So they spent 10 months travelling 44,609 miles through 18 countries on land and seAThey believed that they used less than 3,000 kg of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳),compared with six times that amount if they had used planes.“We proved you can still be well travelled without damaging the environment,”said Fewins.The pair,who returned home to England two weeks ago,travelled very slowly,taking time to enjoy what was happening around them.The most difficult part of the trip was when they had to persuade the captain of a 100,000ton cargo ship(貨船)to take them from Hong Kong to Long Beach in CaliforniATom proposed(求婚)to Lara when they crossed the International Date Line(國際日界線)in the Pacific.Lara was over the moon (欣喜若狂):“It was very romantic(浪漫的)He got down on one knee and I had no hesitation(猶豫)in saying yes.”【詞海拾貝】1surface n表面2invent vt.發(fā)明;編造3prove vt.證明;證實4compare vt.比較;對照5damage n. & v損害,毀壞【問題思考】1Why did they travel around the world without getting on a plane?_答案:Because they wanted to prove that they could travel well without damaging the environment.2When and how did Tom propose to Lara?_答案:Tom proposed to Lara when they crossed the International Date Line in the Pacific by getting down on one knee.將單詞與其正確釋義配對1transportA費用2prefer B最后;終于3fare C時間表;進度表4persuade D旅行;旅程5finally E運送;運輸6journey F說服;勸說7attitude G更喜歡;選擇某事物(而不選擇其他事物)8schedule H態(tài)度;看法答案:1.E2.G3.A4.F5.B6.D7.H8.C.根據(jù)所給漢語提示寫出單詞1_n&vt.預測;預報2_n小包;包裹3_n保險4_n風景;視野;觀點;見解 vt.觀看;注視;考慮5_n枕頭;枕墊6_n火焰;光芒;熱情7_prep.在下面8_n廟宇;寺廟9_n洞穴;地窖10_vi.(指液體)沸騰;(水)開_ adj.沸騰的_ adj.燒開的11_n羊毛;毛織品_ adj.羊毛12_ vt.依賴;依賴_adj.可信賴的;可靠的答案:1.forecast2.parcel3.insurance4.view5pillow6.flame7.beneath8.temple9.cave10boilboilingboiled11.woolwoolen12.relyreliable.根據(jù)英語釋義寫出單詞1_:a written record of the things that happen to you every day2_:a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another,using vehicles,roads,etc3_:to like sth/sb better4_:an unfavourable condition or quality that tends to stop sb/sth from succeeding or making progress5_:to make sb do sth by giving good reasons for doing it;to make sb believe that sth is true6_:a list of the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing7_:a long distant trip,usually by land8_:the way you behave to sb or in a particular situation;the opinions and feelings you have about sth9_:the height of an object or place above the sea10_:to move the top of your body forwards or downwards答案:1.journal2.transport3.prefer4.disadvantage5persuade6.schedule7.journey8.attitude9altitude10.bend.選詞填空(注意形式的變化)put up;as usual;stay awake;for company;be fond of;care about;change one's mind;ever since;give in;make up one's mind1David _ fun too much,so the boss doesn't like him.答案:is fond of2Children _ the environment and want to help keep it clean.答案:care about3As we can't afford a bigger house we must _ to stay here.答案:make up our minds4If you _ about the job,just give me a call and I'll find another one to do it.答案:change your mind5We will carry on fighting to the end and we will never _答案:give in6We've been friends _ we were at school together.答案:ever since7After supper he went to sleep quickly but I _答案:stayed awake8We can _ you _ for the night.答案:putup9I hate going out alone;I take my daughter _答案:for company10Everything went on _ as though nothing had happened.答案:as usual.領會句子所用的句型并譯成漢語1It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends._答案:首先想到沿湄公河從源頭到終點騎車旅行的是我姐姐。2Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly._答案:盡管她對去某些地方的最佳路線并不清楚,她卻堅持要自己把這次旅行安排得盡善盡美。3Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it._答案:她一旦下了決心,什么也不能使她改變。4Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice._答案:我們的腿又沉又冷,感覺就像大冰塊。5That's what we looked like!_答案:我們看上去就像那樣!6When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience._答案:當我告訴她那里空氣稀薄,呼吸困難,而且天氣很冷時,她卻說這將是一次有趣的經歷。課文表層理解.根據(jù)課文內容判斷正(T)誤(F)1The passage only tells us their plan to travel.(F)2Though Wang Wei has one serious shortcoming,Wang Kun is still fond of her.(T)3Wang Wei is stubborn sometimes.(T)4During their travel,they went to some libraries to get some information.(F)5The Mekong River flows into the East.(F).讀課文,回答問題1Who thought of the idea of cycling along the Mekong River?What is she doing now?_答案:It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River.She is planning our schedule for the trip.2Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?_答案:The source of the river is in Qinghai Province and it enters the South China SeA3Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong?Why?_答案:Yes.Because the journey begins at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres,where it is hard to breathe and very cold.根據(jù)課文內容完成表格PeopleWang Wei is a 1._girl and determined to take a bike trip.Wang Kun 2._details and didn't agree with Wang Wei.PlanTaking a bike trip along the Mekong River,which would begin at an 3._of more than 5,000 metres.Means of transportBy 4._bike.PreparationsLooking up the detailed 5._about the Mekong River in the library.TheMekongRiverIt begins on a mountain,where the air is hard to 6._and it is very cold.At first,it is small.Then it moves quickly and becomes 7._through deep 8._.Out of China,it becomes wide,brown and warm.In Southeast Asia,it runs slowly,making wide 9._or meanders.At last, it 10._into the South China SeA答案:1.stubborn2.cared about3.altitude4mountain5.information6.breathe7.rapids8valleys9.bends10.flows課文深層理解.根據(jù)課文匹配段落大意1Para 1AShows us how stubborn his sister is by insisting on her idea about their plan.2Para 2 BTells us something about their great dreams and how they started“the journey down the Mekong River”to make their dreams come true.3Para 3 CIntroduces to us some basic knowledge about the Mekong River.答案:1.B2.A3.C.讀課文,選擇最佳選項What's the main idea of the passage?AThe proper trip down the Mekong.BTheir dream and the journey down the Mekong.CTheir plan to travel down the Mekong and the attitudes of two people.DThe dream of Wang Kun and Wang Wei and their preparation for the bike trip.答案:D.單項選擇1If they travel along the river,where will it become rapids as it passes through deep valleys?AIn Qinghai Province.BIn Tibet.CIn Yunnan Province. DIn Vietnam.答案:C2If you travel with them,you will see all the following EXCEPT_Aa desert Ba waterfallCa delta Da glacier答案:A3What does Wang Kun think of her sister?AFoolish and stubborn.BFoolish but determined.CStubborn but determined.DUnkind and stubborn.答案:C4What did they do before the trip?AThey had a very good rest.BThey talked with their parents about it.CThey got rid of their fear.DThey prepared well for it.答案:D5Which is the proper order about the Mekong River according to the text?aThe Mekong River enters the South China SeAbThe Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.cAt first,the river is small,and the water is clear and cold.dThe Mekong River enters Southeast AsiAeThe Mekong River travels across western Yunnan Province.fThe Mekong River leaves ChinAAb,c,e,f,a,d Bb,c,e,f,d,aCc,b,e,f,d,a Dc,b,f,e,a,d答案:B電子郵件電子郵件(electronic mail,??s寫為Email,email或email)指通過互聯(lián)網傳遞的郵件,即用戶之間通過互聯(lián)網發(fā)出或收到的信息,是目前互聯(lián)網上應用最廣泛的一種服務。一、注意事項1地址:在“地址”欄中寫收件人的郵箱地址。2主題:在“主題”欄中輸入所要發(fā)出的email主題。該主題將顯示在收件人收信箱的主題區(qū)。主題的內容應簡明扼要地概括郵件的內容,短的可以是一個單詞,如Greetings,長的可以是一個短語或完整的句子。3正文:email實質上是書信的一種,一般使用非正式的文體。正文前的稱呼通常不需要使用諸如Dear Mr John之類的表達。在同輩的親朋好友或同學間可以直呼其名,但對長輩或上級最好使用頭銜并加上姓,如:Chairman Smith。Email文體的另外一個特點是簡單明了、便于閱讀,太長的內容可以以附件的方式發(fā)出。一個段落大多由一到三個句子組成。結尾客套話通常也很簡明,常常只需一個詞,如:Thanks,Cheers,不需要用一般信函中的Sincerely yours或Best wishes等。二、常用句式1開頭語。(1)Thank you for your letter of May 5th.感謝你5月5日的來信。(2)I am much pleased to inform you that I got the first place in the English competition.很高興通知你我在英語競賽中取得了第一名。(3)Your kind letter of Nov 22nd arrived this morning.今早收到你11月22日的來信。(4)Thank you for your letter dated Dec 22nd.感謝你12月22日的來信。(5)How are you getting along with your study?你的學習怎么樣?2正文常用語。(1)Could you come to visit our school?你能來參觀我們學校嗎?(2)I would very much like you to join us.我真想你能加入我們。(3)I'd love to come,but I can't because I have much work to do.我很想來,但我有很多工作要做。(4)In my opinion,you should study hard.我認為你應該努力學習。3結尾語。(1)I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.期盼你的回信。(2)All my best wishes to you.給你最好的祝愿。(3)Good luck to you.祝你好運。假設你是李津,你的美國朋友Chris就讀于天津某國際學校。他熱愛中國文化,特別是戲曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的天津大劇院將上演越劇梁山伯與祝英臺。請你根據(jù)以下提示,用英語給Chris寫一封電子郵件,邀請他一起觀看演出。1提出邀請并簡述原因。2提出觀劇后活動建議(如參觀附近的博物館或美術館等)。3請求對方回復。注意:1.可適當加入細節(jié),以使內容充實、行文連貫;2詞數(shù)100左右,開頭和結尾已給出。參考詞匯:越劇Shaoxing Opera;梁山伯與祝英臺Butterfly Lovers;天津大劇院Tianjin Grand TheatreDear Chris,I have good news to tell you._Yours,Li Jin【審題謀篇】第一步明確要求本文是要求寫一封email,具體內容是寫邀請信,寫信的對象是你的朋友,你要邀請他一起去看演出,要告知他邀請的原因、觀看的具體節(jié)目和演出的內容,以及活動的具體安排,同時還要得到對方的回復。第二步確定段落Para 1提出邀請及演出的具體信息Para 2計劃安排Para 3要求得到回復第三步提煉要點本文可能會運用以下詞匯和短語:1will be put on即將上演2show up出現(xiàn);露面3as far as I know據(jù)我所知4be enthusiastic about對熱衷5devote yourself to使你自己專注于6show sb around帶某人參觀7places of interest名勝古跡8I will appreciate it if.如果我將不勝感激第四步句式升級1天津大劇院8月5日下午2點將上演越劇梁山伯與祝英臺。(一般表達)There will be a Shaoxing Opera Butterfly Lovers at 2 pm,Aug 5th in Tianjin Grand Theatre.(高級表達)The masterpiece of the famous Shaoxing OperaButterfly Lovers will be put on at 2 pm,Aug 5th in Tianjin Grand Theatre.2我希望你能來劇院。(一般表達)I hope you can come to the theatre.(高級表達)I'm looking forward to your showing up in the theatre.3你一定會專注于觀看并且被它精彩感人的情節(jié)吸引的。(一般表達)You will certainly be attracted by its wonderful and moving plot.(高級表達)I'm certain that you will devote yourself to watching it at that time and be attracted by its wonderful and moving plot.4如果你能盡快回復,我將非常感激。(一般表達)I'll be very happy if you can reply quickly.(高級表達)I will appreciate it if you immediately make an reply to me.【范文賞析】Dear_Chris,I_have_good_news_to_tell_you.The masterpiece of the famous Shaoxing OperaButterfly Lovers will be put on at 2 pm,Aug 5th in Tianjin Grand Theatre.I'm looking forward to your showing up in the theatre, for,as far as I know,you are enthusiastic about Chinese traditional culture,particularly Chinese operAI'm certain that you will devote yourself to watching it at that time and be attracted by its wonderful and moving plot.After the performance,I'm eager to show you around some places of interest,or some culture centres of Tianjin,such as the museum and the art gallery.I will appreciate it if you immediately make a reply to me.And I sincerely long to meet you early.Yours,Li_Jin【亮點點評】該范文結構完整,作者首先陳述自己的主要目的,然后指出具體的安排、想法。要點齊全,語言規(guī)范地道,環(huán)環(huán)相扣,邏輯井然,一氣呵成。連接詞運用熟練,邏輯性強。在句式上,作者巧妙地使用了大量的定語從句、賓語從句、狀語從句等句式,亮點頻出,表達形式多樣。總之,該范文是一篇朗朗上口的優(yōu)秀范文,值得學生們學習。假設你是某中學高一學生李華。最近,你初中時的外教Emily發(fā)來郵件,詢問你進入高一以后的學習和生活情況。請根據(jù)以下要點給Emily回一封郵件。1學習情況尤其英語學習方面。2生活、身體狀況。3期待對方的幫助。注意:1.詞數(shù):100詞左右;2開頭及結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Emily,I am really grateful for your concern about me._Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear_Emily,I_am_really_grateful_for_your_concern_about_me.Now I'd like to share with you about my situation.We have been busier since I came to this new school.Every day,I not only have much homework to do,but also we have to deal with many examinations.Happily,I am getting on well with my study and have made progress in all subjects,especially in English.Last time,I was praised for my wonderful English writing.However,I feel a little stressed now,because I still have difficulty in catching up with the top students in my class.Although I often play sports to get myself relaxed,I am not quite energetic.Now I am even not so confident in achieving my dream of going to a key university in three years.Would you give me some advice?Looking_forward_to_your_reply.Yours,Li_HuaA級基礎過關.單句語法填空在句中空白處填上適當?shù)膬热?1個單詞)或括號內單詞的正確形式。1She put_a notice about the trip to Italy.答案:up2The man had to give in_his wife.答案:to3The morning air is so good _(breath)答案:to breathe4I'm_(determine)to change the job I'm doing now.答案:determined5I finally persuaded him_(buy)the bike for me.答案:to buy/into buying6After all,all kids prefer_(praise)rather than be scolded(斥責)答案:to be praised7We can hardly wait_(see)you again.答案:to see8No matter_you do,do it well,please.答案:what9_he has made up his mind,nothing can change him.答案:Once10The man_(dress)in red is my brother.答案:dressed.選詞填空(注意形式的變化)make up one's mind;give in;be fond of;change one's mind;care about;be dressed in;put up;stay awake;change.for;can't wait for1I'm thinking of_my car_a bigger one.答案:changingfor2She_white and looks like a nurse.答案:is dressed in3He drank a cup of coffee before bedtime,so he_all night.答案:stayed awake4If you have any questions to ask,please_your hands.答案:put up5The children_Christmas to come.答案:can't wait for6At first he said he would go there with us on Sunday,but at last he_答案:changed his mind7He is a determined person and never_to any difficulty.答案:gives in8She_inviting others to her home to dinner.答案:is fond of9He_nobody but himself.答案:cares about10If you_to work hard at your lessons,you are to succeed.答案:make up your mind.完成句子1We insisted that father_for the good of his own health.我們堅決要求父親為他個人的健康而戒煙。答案:give up smoking2English is_well in a short time.英語難以在短時間內學好。答案:difficult to learn3Maths is easy to learn_一旦你理解了規(guī)則,數(shù)學就不難學了。答案:once you understand the rules4_you may say,I won't believe you.不管你說什么,我都不會相信你。答案:No matter what5We_when we were asked to practise singing.(about)我們正要動身回家,就在那時被叫去練歌。答案:were about to go homeB級能力提升.閱讀理解閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Boys and girls,I think most of you like travelling.Usually,people feel excited before a tour,but during it,they may feel they are not well prepared for it.After it they feel it is not worth the tour.Then how can you make your tour more interesting and meaningful?Here is some advice.FirstlyLook!Certainly we should look at the scenery very carefully.Also,before we leave our house,we should find some books about the place of interest.We should first know something about the place,such as its geography,its history and its famous people,etc.When we are ready for the tour,we can really understand the place during our tour even if we don't have much time.SecondlyTake photos!When we visit a place of interest,most of us take a camerAIf you want to take some photos,remember to choose the most special sights.Don't choose the sight that we can see in other places.For example,Beidaihe,Qingdao and Zhuhai are coastal(沿海的)cities.Don't only take photos of the seAYou should take something else,too.ThirdlyTaste!Some people like to buy some food that they like most during their tours.In my opinion,don't buy the food that you like most because you can buy it in your own city or town.You had better taste something special in the place of interest.Snacks in some places are very delicious.And from a place's snacks,you can find its food culture.So why not taste them?Maybe you have just one chance to taste it in your life.FourthlyWrite!When you visit a place,you should take a pen and a notebook,so you can write something down.It's possible that you write a good article.Later,when you read it,you will feel that you can find the pleasure during the tour.Have a good time!【語篇理解】文章告訴讀者如何解決“旅游前激動,游后后悔”的問題。1From the passage we can know it is_Aa speechBan essayCa novel Da story解析:推理判斷題。由第一段的“Boys and girls,I think.”以及短文最后的“Have a good time!”可知本文是一篇演講稿。答案:A2Travellers feel they can't enjoy their tours fully because_Athey feel too excited before the tourBthey are not well prepared for the tourCthey don't like travelling in factDthere are better places to travel解析:細節(jié)理解題。由第一段第二句可知,人們在旅游時,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己為此做的準備還遠遠不夠,因此就不能夠充分享受旅行的樂趣。答案:B3According to the passage,which of the statements is NOT proper during a tour?AWe should learn something about the place before travelling.BWe had better take photos where there are special sights.CWrite something during the tour and you can enjoy the tour more.DDon't taste food in the place of interest in order to keep healthy.解析:細節(jié)理解題。由第四段可知,作者建議游客品嘗旅游地的小吃等,因此D項的敘述是不恰當?shù)摹4鸢福篋4It can be inferred from the passage that_Anot all the tourists have a good time during the tour Bpeople can enjoy a tour if they like travellingCthe author's advice is uselessDdon't take photos by the sea解析:推理判斷題。由第一段第二、三句可知,并非所有人旅游都很愉快。答案:A.七選五根據(jù)短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Does failure


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