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中英文項目合作協議書范本 Project cooperation agreement:甲方:_乙方:_經甲、乙雙方共同協商,本著互惠互利、共同發(fā)展Party A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by a, B both negotiation, mutual benefit, common development項目合作協議范本正文開始 甲方:_ Project cooperation agreement start of text A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _乙方:_B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _經甲、乙雙方共同協商,本著互惠互利、共同發(fā)展,使中國秘書盡早走向職業(yè)化,達成如下合作協議:The A, B both negotiation, mutual benefit, common development, make Chinese secretary as early as possible to occupation, reached the following agreement:一、甲方授權乙方為_省_市_合作基地。同時為了維護雙方的合法權益,乙方一次性向甲方交納履約保證金_元。One, Party A authorizes Party B to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ province _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cooperation base. At the same time in order to maintain the lawful rights and interests of both parties, Party B shall pay to party a one-off performance bond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.二、甲方職責:In two, a duty:1.向乙方提供合作范圍內的授權書;1 Party A shall provide to Party B within the scope of cooperation authorization;2.向乙方頒發(fā)_合作基地的銅牌;2 Party B _ _ issued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cooperation base bronze;3.負責協助乙方辦理_證書;3 assisting Party B with the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ certificate;4.向乙方提供甲方的辦學許可證、收費許可證復印件等有關證明文件;4 Party A shall provide to Party B Party school license, charging a copy of the license and other relevant documents;5.負責學生入學資格的審核、面試及錄取工作;5 is responsible for student admission qualification examination, interview and enrollment;6.負責乙方教學大綱的制定及教學質量的監(jiān)督和檢查;6 be responsible for working out a syllabus and teaching quality supervision and inspection;7.學生在甲方學習期滿成績合格者,由甲方負責畢業(yè)證書的發(fā)放;7 students in a learning period achievement eligible, by Party A is responsible for the issuance of a certificate of graduation;8.精品秘書班、現代高等秘書班的學生學習期滿成績合格者,甲方負責安排就業(yè)。8 fine secretary class, modern advanced secretarial class student learning expires achievement eligible, Party A is responsible for arranging employment.三、乙方職責:Three, B: 1.負責在當地辦理合作辦學的有關手續(xù);1 is responsible for the local management cooperation in running schools of the relevant procedures;2.負責在當地的招生宣傳、報名及入學資格的初步審定等事宜,并及時與甲方聯系安排學生入學注冊;2 is responsible for the local propaganda of enrollment, enrollment and admission of the initial validation of such matters, and timely and a contact arrangement student enrollment;3.負責學生在乙方學習期間的教學及生活管理,并提供教學所需要的教室及教學設施;3 for the students in learning during the teaching of Party B and life management, and provide teaching needs classrooms and teaching facilities;4.乙方必須嚴格執(zhí)行甲方所制定的教學大綱,并及時向甲方通報教學計劃的執(zhí)行情況 ;4 Party B must strictly implement the Party established the teaching outline, teaching plan and to Party A in time informed of the implementation of;5.負責學生在乙方學習期間的安全并承擔由此產生的相關責任;5 for the students in learning the safety during the period of Party B and bear the responsibilities associated with;6.乙方辦學、培訓期間自行管理,自負盈虧,并承擔相應的責任和義務。6 Party B school, during training self-management, self-financing, and assume corresponding responsibilities and obligations.四、項目名稱:In four, the project name:(一)精品秘書班合作項目:( a ) fine secretary class cooperation projects:1.生源定位:專科、本科畢業(yè)生(年齡在26周歲以下);1 source localization: college, graduates ( at the age of 26 years of age);2.開班條件:每班不少于_人;2 classes: each class is not less than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people;3.合作模式:實施“半年+半年”教學方式;3 cooperation mode : the implementation of the half + half teaching mode;4.收費標準及結算辦法:每年每生學費_元。前半年在乙方開班由乙方收取學費_元,為保證教學正常進行,乙方可以預留_元,余款全部交于甲方,甲方從開學后第三個月開始每月向乙方支付_元,直至余款付清;后半年學生在甲方學習的學費_元由甲方負責收取。如乙方不能獨立開班而直接將學生送到甲方學習,則甲方按該生全年學費的15%向乙方返利。4 fees and settlement way: each student tuition fee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element. The first half of the year in the B class B charge tuition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element, in order to ensure the normal teaching, Party B may be reserved for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan, balance over to Party A, Party A from school third months after the start of the monthly pay to Party B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan, to pay off the balance; after half a year in tuition of students party _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element by the party responsible for the collection. If Party B can not be independent classes and will direct the students to the party to learn, then Party A according to the annual fees to Party B at 15% of the rebate.(二)校際直升合作項目:( two) intercollegiate helicopter cooperation projects:1.生源定位:初中畢業(yè)生;1 source localization: junior high school graduates;2.開班條件:每班不少于_人;2 classes: each class is not less than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people;3.合作模式:“2+3”五年?;颉?+2+2”六年本;3 cooperation mode: 2+3 or 2+2+2 for five years the six years;4.招生與管理:乙方招生時可使用“校際合作,直升北秘”宣傳語,學生前兩年在乙方學習,期間的一切教學活動由乙方負責。學生入學后須在甲方注冊,甲方將進行全程教學監(jiān)控。學生前兩年學業(yè)證書由乙方負責頒發(fā),成績合格者經面試由甲方直接錄取,其后在甲方完成大?;虮究齐A段的相應課程。如乙方不具備獨立開班條件亦可將學生直接送入甲方完成“五年?!被颉傲瓯尽睂W業(yè)。4 admissions and enrollment management: Party B may use the intercollegiate cooperation from the north, the secret slogan, the student two years ago in the B learning, during all the teaching activities by Party B is responsible for. Students must register in Party A, Party A will be carried out throughout the teaching monitoring. Students in the first 2 years of academic certificate issued by Party B is responsible for, achievement eligible interview by a direct admission, then Party A to complete college or undergraduate course. If Party B does not have independent classes can be sent directly to a condition of students completed the five years or the six years.5.收費標準及結算辦法:前兩年學費由乙方根據當地情況自定并收取,同時向甲方繳納學費的15%教學質量保證金(不足一萬元按一萬元收取),為有利于雙方長久合作,學生后期到甲方學習期間,甲方每年按學費的15%向乙方返利。5 fees and settlement: two years before the tuition by Party B in accordance with local selection and collection, at the same time to Party A to pay the tuition of 15% teaching quality margin ( less than ten thousand yuan by ten thousand yuan fee ), for the benefit of both long-term cooperation, students learning during late Party A, party a year according to Party B the 15% tuition rebate.(三)現代辦公管理證書培訓項目:( three) modern office management certificate program:1.生源定位:在職秘書及辦公管理人員及在校大學生;1: source localization in secretarial and office staff and management of College students;2.教學管理:甲方負責制訂教學計劃并提供師資培訓及教材;乙方負責組織招生及正常教學活動;2: Party A is responsible for the formulation of teaching management and teaching programs and provision of teacher training and teaching materials; Party B is responsible for organizing the enrollment and the normal teaching activities;3.收費辦法:由乙方根據當地市場自行制定收費標準并收取費用;甲方每年一次性收取管理費_元;3 fees: Party B according to the local market to set their own fees and charges a year; a one-time charge management fees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element;(四)劍橋辦公管理國際證書項目:( four) Cambridge International Diploma in office administration program:1.生源定位:在校大學生、企事業(yè)單位在職人員等;1 source localization: college students, enterprises and institutions to on-the-job personnel;2.教學管理:乙方負責組織招生及教學管理,如招生人數超過_人(已交費),甲方可協助申請開班;2: Party B is responsible for the organization of teaching management and teaching management such as the enrollment, enrollment more than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people ( paid ), Party A may assist in application;3.收費辦法:由乙方根據當地市場自行制定收費標準并收取費用;甲方每年一次性收取管理費_元;3 fees: Party B according to the local market to set their own fees and charges a year; a one-time charge management fees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element;(五)合作代理招生項目:乙方可作為甲方的招生代言人,為學生及家長提供咨詢服務并代表甲方對學生進行預面試。為有利于雙方長久合作,學生到甲方學習期間,甲方每年按學費的15%向乙方返利,直至該生畢業(yè)為止。如乙方希望一次性結算的,甲方將按照普通代理招生標準加100元支付給乙方(普通代理標準為:招收130人每生_元、3160人每生_元、61100人每生_元、101人以上每生_元)。為解決乙方在當地招生時的流動資金,乙方可代表甲方收取預錄費_元及_元報名費,甲方統(tǒng)一發(fā)放收據,學生入學憑收據可抵等額學費,甲方將此預錄費直接沖抵乙方的部分收入。( five) cooperation agency recruitment project: Party B can be used as a spokesperson for enrollment, students and parents to provide advisory services and represents the party on the students pre interview. For the benefit of both long-term cooperation, the student to a learning period, party a year according to 15% of the tuition rebate to Party B, until the student graduation date. If Party B wants to one-time settlement, Party A will be in accordance with the general agent of admissions criteria plus 100 yuan paid to Party B ( general agency standards: enrolled 1 - 30 per student _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan, 31 - 60 people per student _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan, 61 - 100 every student _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan, more than 101 people per student _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element ). In order to solve in the local students when liquidity, Party B may represent a collection of pre-recorded fee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan registration fee, a unified payment receipt, student admission receipt can support for tuition, Party A will be the pre-recorded fee directly offset part of the income of Party B.五、發(fā)生以下情況之一者,本合同自行終止,甲方有權收回授予乙方的銅牌及有關證書:In five, one of the following conditions, the termination of the contract itself, Party A shall have the right to recover the grants Party B bronze medal and certificate:1.乙方以甲方名義從事與甲乙雙方合作項目無關的活動;The 1 party in the name of Party A is engaged with the both parties of the cooperation project related activities;2.乙方違規(guī)辦學;2 Party B disreputable;3.乙方違背本合同的有關條款;3 Party B violates the relevant clauses of the contract;4.乙方為地市級合作方的,學歷班招生低于20人、精品秘書班低于15人,或總數低于40人;4 Party B to the local partners, education class enrollment below 20 people, quality secretary class of less than 15 people, or a total of less than 40 people;5.乙方為省會級合作方的,學歷班招生低于35人、精品秘書班低于20人,或總數低于60人。5 Party B as capital partners, education class enrollment below 35 people, quality secretary class of less than 20 people, or a total of less than 60 people.六、本協議未盡事宜,由雙方友好協商解決;協議履行過程中,如發(fā)生糾紛,雙方協商解決,協商未果交于甲方所在地的人民法院處理。In six, matters covered in this agreement, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation; protocol implementation process, such as a dispute, both sides negotiated settlement, the consultations fail over to a location in the peoples court for handling.七、本協議一式兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份,自雙方正式簽字蓋章之日起生效,有效期兩年,屆時可優(yōu)先續(xù)簽。Seven, two copies of this agreement, both sides armed with a copy of both sides, since the signing date, valid for two years, then the priority to renew.甲方(蓋章):_乙方(蓋章):_Party A (seal ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B (seal ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _法人代表(簽字):_法人代表(簽字):_Legal representative (signature ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ legal representative (signature ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _年_月_日_年_月_日_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ day最新范本


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