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員 工 管 理 制 度Employee rules 為更好地適應(yīng)工廠快速發(fā)展的需要,增強(qiáng)工廠的行業(yè)市場競爭力和提高員工工作效率,特制定本工廠員工管理制度。In order to meet the needs of fast-growing, and enhance market competitiveness of industries and factory, improve employee productivity, the management of employee rules is made.1、 按時(shí)上下班,不得遲到、早退、曠工,違者。按工廠考勤管理制度處理。1. Work on time, cannot be late, leave early, absenteeism, and offenders will be punished by Regulation of attendance management.2、 請假須提前寫請假條交本部部長、主管及考勤處簽字可生效。特殊情況須在上班前15分鐘通知本部部長及主管批準(zhǔn)方可生效。請假三天以上須提前兩天寫2. The request for leave shall be written in advance and get approval from supervisor or manager. Special circumstances is required to notify supervisor 15 minutes before on duty. Leave more than three days is required to get approval two days in advance.3、 請假條交本部部長、主管及考勤處簽字后方可生效,以上情況如有違反,按曠工處理。3. The request for leave will be affective after signed by supervisor, or will be regarded as absenteeism.4、上班時(shí)間一律不得會客或帶外人參觀工廠。違者。前兩次。罰款50元,第三次。開除處理。4. Working hours is not allowed to meet with outsiders or bring them to visit factory. Offenders first two times will have a fine of RMB 50, and third time will be fired.5. 下班鈴聲響后方得停止工作,提前下班者。按早退處理,主管人員應(yīng)負(fù)連帶責(zé)任。5. Work can be finished after the bell rang, those who is off duty in advance will be handled as leave early, and supervisor will be taken joint liability.6. 工作時(shí)間內(nèi)因私外出必須要寫請假條,由本人申請、部長簽字、主管簽字、廠長開出門證方可出廠。6. If need go out factory during working hours must submit written request for leave, signed by the supervisor and the factory director then is allowed to leave. 7.休息日沒有工廠領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準(zhǔn)不得進(jìn)入車間。7. Without approval of manager off day is not allowed to enter into workshop.8.上班時(shí)間不得穿托鞋、赤背或衣冠不整,不得酒后上班。8. Working hours shall not to wear slippers, wear no top or go to work after drink.9. 車間內(nèi)不允許吸煙,吸煙須到指定的吸煙區(qū),吸完的煙頭須確認(rèn)熄滅后扔到垃圾筒內(nèi)。違反每次。罰款50元。9. Smoking is not allowed in the workshop, smoking must go to the designated smoking areas, cigarette ends shall be thrown into rubbish bins after extinguished. If break the rule each time pay a fine of RMB 50.10. 嚴(yán)禁隨意動用消防器材,違者。給予嚴(yán)重處罰,造成的損失由當(dāng)事人負(fù)責(zé)。10. Non-random use of fire-fighting equipment, offenders will be given serious punishment, and shall be responsible for the losses which caused.11、特別工種工作時(shí),必須按安全操作規(guī)則的要求做好相關(guān)的勞動保護(hù),違者。給予嚴(yán)重處罰,造成的損失由當(dāng)事人負(fù)責(zé)。11. In particular types of work required to obey safe operating rules and be well protected, offenders will be given serious punishment, and shall be responsible for the losses which caused.12、操作電動工具時(shí)必須按安全操作規(guī)則的要求正確使用并做好勞動保護(hù),禁止未經(jīng)培訓(xùn)的員工使用電動工具。如有違反,造成的損失由當(dāng)事人負(fù)責(zé)。主管人員應(yīng)負(fù)連帶責(zé)任。12. Must be well protected when operating a power tool and obey safe operating rules, its prohibited untrained staff to use electric tools. Any violation will be responsible for the damage caused. Supervisor shall be taken joint liability.13、因使用不當(dāng)、違反操作規(guī)則、野蠻操作造成辦公設(shè)施、電器設(shè)備、電動工具等公司財(cái)產(chǎn)損壞的情況,造成的損失由當(dāng)事人負(fù)責(zé)。13. Due to improper use, in violation of operating rules, or break office facilities, electrical equipment, power tools and other company property, shall be responsible for the damage caused by.14、上班時(shí)間不得睡覺、擅自離崗、串崗、閑聊、玩手機(jī)、戴耳機(jī)聽音樂等與工作無關(guān)的事情,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)前三次。罰款100元,三次。以上開除處理。各級負(fù)責(zé)人發(fā)現(xiàn)違規(guī)現(xiàn)象不及時(shí)制止的,前三次。罰款50元,三次。以上嚴(yán)肅處理,直至除名。14. Working hours shall not sleep, unauthorized to leave job, chat, play cellphone, wearing headphones to listen to music and do other not work-related things, the first three times will be a fine of RMB 100. More than three times will be fired. Supervisor and manager find the case and didnt stop them, first three times a fine of RMB 50, more than three times will be serious treated, or fired.15、未經(jīng)庫房管理人員同意,任何人不得擅自進(jìn)入庫房。領(lǐng)貨時(shí),須經(jīng)庫房管理人員許可方可進(jìn)入,如有違反,每次。處以50元罰款。15. Not allowed to enter into warehouse without the consent of warehousing man. When picking up goods shall get permission of warehousing man before entering, or will be a fine of RMB 50 each time.16、各組工作區(qū)域內(nèi)電腦、電器、電動工具、照明設(shè)施等,用完畢后須及時(shí)關(guān)閉電源。員工在下班前5分鐘提前檢查所有電源是否關(guān)閉妥當(dāng),部長下班前須進(jìn)行再次。檢查,如有違反,處以當(dāng)事人和本部部長各50元罰款。16. The computers, appliances, power tools, lighting, etc., must be power off after using. Staff shall check five minutes before work to see all power is turned off, supervisor shall double check before off duty. Any violation, both the party and supervisor shall pay a fine of RMB 50. 17、所有住宿員工段保管好個人物品和財(cái)物,以防損壞和丟失。如有損壞丟失,責(zé)任自負(fù)。All dormitory staff shall take good care of personal items and belongings to prevent damage and loss. If damage or lost, at your own risk.18、不得帶外來人員來宿舍住宿,如有特殊情況,須征得同宿舍人員同意,并告知主管。18. Shall not bring outside workers to the dormitory for accommodation, if special circumstances, need to get the consent of the roommate, and inform supervisor.19、自覺保持宿舍安靜,不得大聲喧嘩,同事之間和睦相處,不許吵架、打架、酗酒。19. Shall keep quiet at dormitory and not make much noise, harmony among with colleagues, not allowed to quarrel, fight or alcoholism.20、員工應(yīng)熱愛自己所從事的事業(yè),要有拼博敬業(yè)精神,工作中要不斷努力學(xué)習(xí),積極開拓進(jìn)取,不怕吃苦,沒有業(yè)務(wù)和任務(wù)的時(shí)候要努力學(xué)習(xí)新的技術(shù),不斷加強(qiáng)自身的競爭能力。20. Employees should love their own undertakings, have dedication, hard work and keep learning, not afraid of hardship, should strive to learn new techniques when not busy, and constantly enhance his competitiveness.21、員工應(yīng)該在工作上互幫互助、協(xié)調(diào)配合,生活在上互相關(guān)心照顧。員工應(yīng)該愛護(hù)工廠財(cái)物,保持工廠環(huán)境衛(wèi)生,關(guān)心和愛護(hù)其他員工的身體健康,不得在辦公區(qū)域內(nèi)吸煙。21. Employees should help each other in their work, and take care of each other. Employees should take good care of the company property, keep the plant clean, care for health for other employees, shall not smoke in the office and workshop area.22、工廠員工如因個人原因提出辭職,須提前一個月提交書面辭職申請,由部門主管批準(zhǔn),原則上在批準(zhǔn)之日后一個月離職。在提出辭職申請至批準(zhǔn)、離職期間,當(dāng)事人仍須遵守公司和工廠的各項(xiàng)規(guī)章制度,不得借故推脫工作安排。如發(fā)現(xiàn)違規(guī)情況,工廠領(lǐng)導(dǎo)有權(quán)按規(guī)定給予相應(yīng)處罰。22. Factory workers must submit a written application for resignation a month in advance because of his resignation for personal reasons, and approved by the department head. Can leave one month after the approval date. During submitted his resignation period, must still comply with company rules and regulations, cannot refuse related work arrangement, or manger have the right to punish according to the rules.23、因不服從領(lǐng)導(dǎo)安排被工廠開除的員工,工廠領(lǐng)導(dǎo)有權(quán)按情節(jié)輕重給予相應(yīng)處理。以上規(guī)定在通知之日起實(shí)行,望各位員工共同遵守,如有違反,工廠有權(quán)進(jìn)行處罰。 23. If not obey the leadership arrangements and fired by company, factory leader has right to give the appropriate treatment. From the date of notification of these regulations will be put into practice, hope employees abide by the rules, if violated, will be punished.考 勤 管 理 制 度Regulations of attendance management1、 員工應(yīng)按作息時(shí)間規(guī)定。按時(shí)上下班,不得遲到、早退、曠工。1. Employees shall work on time, cannot be late, leave early or absenteeism.2、 遲到15分鐘內(nèi),每次??酃べY5元,遲到15分鐘至30分鐘扣工資10元,遲到30分鐘至2小時(shí)扣半天工資。遲2小時(shí)至半天按曠工半天處理。遲到半天至一天按曠工一天處理。一月內(nèi)累計(jì)遲到5次。加扣一天工資。2. Within 15 minutes late will be deducted RMB 5 each time; late for 15-30 minutes deduct RMB 10; late for 30 minutes to 2 hours deduct half-day salary. Late for two hours to half day will be treated as absenteeism half day. Late for half day to one day will be treated as absenteeism for one day. Late five times within a month, deduct one day salary.3、 曠工按扣雙售工資處理,一個月內(nèi)連續(xù)曠工三天或累計(jì)曠工五天,予以開除處理。 3. Absenteeism will be deducted double salary, continuous or cumulative absenteeism five days a month, will be fired.4、 早退者。一律按扣半天工資處理。4. Leave early will be deducted half day salary.5、 請假須提前寫請假條交本部部長、主管簽字方可生效。特殊情況須在上班前15分鐘通知本部部長及主管批準(zhǔn)方可生效。請假三天以上須提前兩天寫請假條交本部部長、主管簽字方可生效,以上情況如有違反,按曠工處理。5. The request for leave shall be written in advance and get approval from supervisor or manager. Special circumstances is required to notify supervisor 15 minutes before on duty. Leave more than three days is required to get approval two days in advance. Any violation of the above, will be regarded as absenteeism.6、 下班鈴響后方可停止工作,不得未打下班鈴響前等待下班,如有違者。按早退處理,主管人員應(yīng)負(fù)連帶責(zé)任。6. Work is finished after the bell rang, those who is off duty in advance will be handled as leave early, and supervisor will be taken joint liability.7、 加班時(shí),上下班應(yīng)本人到主管處簽到、簽退,不得過后補(bǔ)簽。7. Work overtime, on duty and off duty shall check in and out with supervisor and sign, cannot sign afterwards.8、 任何人員在工廠范圍內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁因私上網(wǎng)和玩電腦游戲、玩手機(jī)、戴耳機(jī)聽音樂等與工作無關(guān)的事情,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),前三次。每次。罰款100元,三次。以上開除處理。如主管發(fā)現(xiàn)違規(guī)現(xiàn)象不及時(shí)制止的,前三次。每次。罰款50元,三次。以上開除處理。8. Every staff is not allowed to surf on internet, play computer games, play cellphone, listen to music with headphone etc. is not related to work within the factory, once discovered, the first three times will be a fine of RMB 100. More than three times will be fired. If the supervisor is not found in time to stop the violations, the first three times every time will be a fine of RMB 50. More than three times will be fired.9、工廠考勤方式:工廠考勤方式分為:上班、加班、特殊加班、請假、休息、補(bǔ)休。上班及補(bǔ)休按日工資計(jì)算。加班工資按工作效率及工作能力等綜合情況計(jì)算。特殊加班后可以補(bǔ)休。請假、休息不記工資。9. Way of attendance record: factory attendance modes: work, overtime, special overtime work, request for leave, rest, compensatory for rest. The salary of work and compensatory rest is calculated as per day salary. Overtime pay is calculated according to the work efficiency and ability of work. Special overtime work can be compensatory for rest. Request for leave and rest is no salary. 在正常作息時(shí)間內(nèi)的工作時(shí)間都按上班記入考勤。 The normal working hours is calculated as working salary. 當(dāng)天上班時(shí)間在9個小時(shí)內(nèi)的按上班記入考勤。 Nine hours at work will be credited into attendance. 當(dāng)天上班時(shí)間超過9個小時(shí)的這一部分至第二天正常上班時(shí)間前9個小時(shí)的這一部分時(shí)間按加班記入考勤。 Work hours over nine hours of the day till first nine hours of 2nd day will be credited by overtime work.10.第二天正常上班時(shí)間的前9小時(shí)的這一部分時(shí)間按特殊加班記入考勤,當(dāng)月可補(bǔ)休,如當(dāng)月未補(bǔ)休的,則按上班記入考勤。The working hours before the first nine hours of 2nd day will be credited by special over time, can be compensatory for rest of the month, if not compensatory, will be credited into attendance.防火防盜安全制度Regulation of fire prevention and anti-theft security 為了確保工廠員工的生命財(cái)產(chǎn)安全,保證各項(xiàng)工作有序地順利進(jìn)行,特制訂如下防火、防盜的安全制度。To ensure the safety of lives and property of the factory staff and ensure the smooth and orderly of the work, the following regulations of fire prevention and anti-theft security is made.1、 各部門的主要領(lǐng)導(dǎo)責(zé)無旁貸的各部門防火防盜安全工作的第一責(zé)任人,負(fù)有教育培訓(xùn)本部門工作人員和落實(shí)各項(xiàng)安全措施的責(zé)任。1, The principal leaders of various departments are first responsibility of fire prevention and anti-theft, shall responsible for the education and training of the department staff and implement the security measures.2、 全體工作人員要牢固樹立安全第一的思想,自覺養(yǎng)成良好的安全防范習(xí)慣和意識。如辦公區(qū)域內(nèi)要做到人走關(guān)好門窗、熄滅照明燈、切斷電源等。2, All the staff shall establish safety first thought, consciously develop good security habits. For example, the office area shall shut doors and windows, turn off lights, turn off the power, etc. before off duty.3、 全體工作人員要懂得滅火知識,消防器材放在指定位置,擺放整齊,定期檢查消防器材保質(zhì)期,熟悉各種消防設(shè)備的使用和操作。牢記火警、盜警、緊急救援中心急用電話號碼,如發(fā)生突發(fā)事故,要沉著、冷靜和采取果斷措施,并按程序報(bào)告,不得擅自離開事故的現(xiàn)場,否則將追究失職和刑事責(zé)任。3, All the staff need to know how to put out fire, fire-fighting equipment shall put in the specified location neatly, regularly check the shelf-life of fire equipment, familiar with the use of fire-fighting equipment and operation. Keep in mind telephone number of fire, theft alarm, emergency rescue center for emergencies, If an unexpected accident occurs, shall be calm down and take decisive measures, according to program to report, its not allowed to leave the site of an accident, or will be investigated and take criminal responsibility.4、 各部門要層層落實(shí)安全保衛(wèi)工作責(zé)任制,將本部門電源、開關(guān)、電燈、電器設(shè)備、門窗桌柜等重點(diǎn)部位、相關(guān)設(shè)施的安全保衛(wèi)責(zé)任具體落實(shí)到人。4, Every departments shall implement the responsibility system for security work, responsible person of the department shall check power, switches, lights, electrical equipment, doors and tables and other key parts, and related security specific responsibilities.5、 建立安全檢查、監(jiān)督機(jī)制。各部門、各辦公區(qū)域內(nèi)要做到人離燈閉、關(guān)閉電腦等所有用電設(shè)施。5, To establish security checks and supervision mechanisms. Various departments turn the lights off, turn off the computer and all other electrical facilities before leaving.6、 不準(zhǔn)攜帶易燃易爆物品回工廠,不準(zhǔn)在工廠內(nèi)賭博、酗酒鬧事、宿舍內(nèi)不準(zhǔn)使用電爐,否則后果自負(fù)。6, Its not allowed to carry flammable items back to the factory, not allowed gambling, alcoholism in the factory, and not allowed to use electric quarter in dormitory, or shall take corresponding responsibility.7、 倉庫和生活區(qū)內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁亂接亂拉電源,不得使用發(fā)熱電器。7, warehouses and living area is prohibited to have extra access of power, heating appliances shall not be used.8、 每個人都有義務(wù)制止火災(zāi)事故的發(fā)生,每個人都有權(quán)利制止違反消防條例的行為。8, Each person has an obligation to stop the fire accident, everyone has the right to stop the violation of fire regulations.9、 認(rèn)真做好防盜工作,對外來人員、陌生人員要主動詢問,避免造成財(cái)物損失。9, Shall do a good security job, be careful of foreign workers and strangers to avoid property loss. 10、 各部門臨時(shí)有重要物件,需存放在辦公室過夜的,要保管好,并按規(guī)定進(jìn)行存放。10, If theres any important temporary objects need to be stored in the office overnight, shall take good care of and put into specific place for storage.11、 對違反上述規(guī)定及造成安全事故等問題的,要按照相關(guān)規(guī)定追究有關(guān)人員和責(zé)任人的相關(guān)工作責(zé)任。11, If breach of the rules and cause accidents or other safety issues, should be investigated to those responsible person in accordance with the relevant provisions.12、 定期招開防火防盜安全會議。12, Have regular meeting of fire prevention , anti-theft and safety issues.安全用電常識Knowledge of safe use of electricity1. 為保證工廠用電的安全,手電鉆等移動式用電設(shè)備就一定要安裝使用漏電保護(hù)開關(guān)。漏電保護(hù)開關(guān)要經(jīng)常檢查,每月試跳不少于一次。,如有失靈立即更換。保險(xiǎn)絲燒斷或漏電保護(hù)開關(guān)跳閘后要查明原因,排除故障才可恢復(fù)送電。1. To ensure the safety of the plant electricity, electric hand drill and other electric devices to make sure to install and use leakage protection switch. Leakage protection switch should be checked frequently, try to jump the swift more once a month. If failure replace immediately. If fuse is broken or leakage protection switch is tripped shall identify the reasons , after troubleshooting then restore power.2. 千萬不要用銅線、鋁線、鐵線、代替保險(xiǎn)絲,空氣開關(guān)損壞后立即更換,保險(xiǎn)絲和空氣開關(guān)的大小一定要與用電容量相匹配,否則容易造成觸電或電氣火災(zāi)。2 Do not use copper wire, aluminum wire, iron wire instead of a fuse, replace air switch immediately after its broken, the size of fuse and air switch must match with the electricity capacity, or likely to cause an electric shock or electrical fire.3. 電纜或電線的駁口或破損處要用電工膠布包好,不能用醫(yī)用膠布代替,更不能用尼龍紙包扎。不要用電線直接插入插座內(nèi)用電。3.The split or on broken cables or wires must use electrical tape to wrap, cannot use medical tape or nylon paper to wrap. Cannot put wires into the socket directly to use electricity.4. 不要用濕手觸摸燈頭、開關(guān)、插頭插座和用電器具。開關(guān)、插座或用電器具損壞或外殼破損時(shí)應(yīng)及時(shí)修理或更換,未經(jīng)修復(fù)不能使用。4. Do not touch the lamp, switches, plug sockets and electrical appliances with wet hands. Switches, sockets or electrical appliances that are damaged or broken shell should be repaired or replaced before using.5. 廠房內(nèi)的電線不能亂拉亂接,禁止使用多駁口和殘舊的電線,以防觸電。5. Its not allowed to joint access wires inside the plant, prohibit to use of multi-barge port and dilapidated wires to prevent electric shock.6. 電爐、電烙鐵等發(fā)熱電器不得直接擱在木板上或靠近易燃物品,對無自動控制的電熱器具用后要隨手關(guān)電源,以免引起火災(zāi)。6.Electric stove, electric iron and other heating appliances cannot be directly put on the wood or near flammable items, for no automatic control of electric appliances should be switched off after using to prevent fire.7. 工廠內(nèi)的移動式用電器具,如手提砂輪機(jī)、手電鉆等電動工具都必須安裝使用漏電保護(hù)開關(guān)實(shí)行單機(jī)保護(hù)。7. The portable electrical appliances such as portable grinder, hand drill and other power tools must be installed leakage protection switch for protection.8. 發(fā)現(xiàn)有人觸電,千萬不要用手去拉觸電者。,要盡快拉開電源開關(guān)或用干燥的木棍、竹竿挑開電線,立即用正確的人工呼吸法進(jìn)行現(xiàn)場搶救。8.If someone is found electric shocked, do not pull him with hand. Shall turn off the power switch as soon as possible or use a dry stick, bamboo to take out wires, and do artificial respiration immediately with the correct method for rescuing.9. 電氣設(shè)備的安裝、維修應(yīng)由電工負(fù)責(zé)。9.The installation and maintenance of electrical equipment, should be responsible by electrician.電工安全操作規(guī)則Safety operating rules for electrician1. 電器線路在未經(jīng)測量無電前,應(yīng)一律視為“有電”,不可用手觸摸,不可絕對相信絕緣體,應(yīng)視為有電操作。1.Before measuring electrical lines should regard it as electrical, cannot touch, cannot regard it as insulators, shall operate it as electricial.2. 工作前應(yīng)詳細(xì)檢查所用工具是否安全可靠,穿戴好必須的防護(hù)用品,以防工作時(shí)發(fā)生意外。2. Shall check tools carefully to make sure its safe before work, must wear protective equipment, to prevent accidents at work.3. 維修線路要采取必要的措施,在開關(guān)手把上或線路上懸掛“有人工作、禁止合閘”的警告牌或安排專人看管,防止他人中途送電。3. Take necessary measures before repair circuit, put warning signs Someone working, DO NOT TURN ON on the switch handle or hanging on circuit wall, or arrange someone to watch it to prevent others using electricity.4. 使用測電工具時(shí),要注意測試范圍,禁止超出范圍使用,電工人員一般使用的電筆,只許在500伏以下電壓使用。4. When using electrical measuring instruments, pay attention to the testing range, prohibit to use out of range, we can only use the voltage of 500 volts or less for electric pen,.5. 工作中所有拆除的電線要處理好,帶電線頭包好,以防發(fā)生觸電5. Handle all the wires removed properly, wrap the thread to prevent electric shock.6. 所有導(dǎo)線及保險(xiǎn)絲,其容量大小必須合乎規(guī)定標(biāo)準(zhǔn),選擇開關(guān)時(shí)必須大于所控制設(shè)備的總?cè)萘俊?. The capacity of all wires and fuses must meet the required standards, when selecting switches, it must be more than the total capacity of the control device.7. 發(fā)生火警時(shí),應(yīng)立即切斷電源,用四氯化碳粉質(zhì)滅火器,或黃砂撲救,嚴(yán)禁用水撲救。7. When theres fire alarm, must cut off the power immediately, put out fire with carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher, or use yellow sand, prohibit to use water.8. 工作結(jié)束后,要及時(shí)清理現(xiàn)場,并收好所有材料、工具、儀表等,原有防護(hù)裝置隨時(shí)安裝好。8 Shall clean up the site and make all materials, tools, instruments, etc. ready after work, the original protective devices shall be installed at any time.應(yīng)急處置觸電事故措施Emergency measures for electric shock 1. 電流對人體的損傷主要是電熱所致的灼傷和強(qiáng)烈的肌肉痙攣,這會影響到呼吸中樞及心臟,引起呼吸抑制或心跳驟停,嚴(yán)重電擊傷可致殘,甚至直接危及生命。1. The current on human body injury is mainly caused by electric burns and intense muscle spasms, which can affect the respiratory center and heart, causing breath arrest or respiratory depression, severe electrical injury can be disabling, or even cause life-threatening.2. 要使觸電者迅速脫離電源,應(yīng)立即拉下電源開關(guān)或拔掉電源插座,若無法及時(shí)找到或斷開電源時(shí),可用干燥、木棒絕緣物挑開電線。2. To move someone got electric shock from power quickly, shall pull down the power switch or unplug the power socket immediately, if cannot find or disconnect the power in time, use the dry stick to take away the wire.3. 將脫離電源的觸電者移至通風(fēng)干燥處仰臥,將其上衣和褲帶放松,觀察觸電者有無呼吸,摸一摸頸脈有無脈博動。3 Move the electric shock person to fresh air and dry area, relax his shirt and belt, observe hes breathing or not, touch his jugular vein to see its moving or not.4. 施行急救。若觸電都呼吸及心跳停止時(shí),應(yīng)在做人工呼吸的同時(shí)實(shí)心肺復(fù)蘇搶救,另要及時(shí)打電話呼救護(hù)車。4. First aid need to be done immediately. If no breathing and heartbeat stopped, must do artificial respiration and at the meantime do cardiopulmonary resuscitation and call an ambulance immediately.5. 盡快送往醫(yī)院,途中繼續(xù)施救。5. Send to hospital as soon as possible, continue the rescue on the way.警示: 切勿用潮濕的工具金屬物質(zhì)拔開電線。 切勿用手觸及帶電者。 切勿用潮濕的物件搬動電者。Warning: Never use a wet tool or metals to unplug the cord. Do not touch him by hand. Never use a wet stuff to move him. (一) 發(fā)生電氣火災(zāi)(A) the occurrence of an electrical fire1. 立即切斷電源。2. 用滅火器把火撲滅,電腦著火應(yīng)用毛毯、等棉被等物品撲滅火焰。3. 無法切斷電源時(shí),應(yīng)用不導(dǎo)電的滅火器滅火,不要用手及泡沫滅火劑。4. 迅速撥打“110”或“119”報(bào)警電話。1. Immediately turn off the power. 2. put out the fire with fire extinguishers, computer on fire shall use blankets or quilts to put out the fire. 3 If cannot cut off the power, shall use a non-conducting fire extinguisher, do not use hand and foam fire extinguishing agent. 4 quickly dial 110 or 119 alarm call.警示: 電源尚未切斷時(shí),切勿用手碰及電氣用具的開關(guān)。如果電氣用具或插頭仍在著火,切勿用手碰及電氣用具的開關(guān)。Warning: When the power supply is not cut off, do not touch the switches and electrical appliances. If electrical appliances or plug is still on fire, do not touch the switches and electrical appliances.電焊機(jī)安全操作規(guī)則Safe operating rules for welding machines1. 焊接操作及配合人員必須按規(guī)定穿戴勞動防護(hù)用品。并必須采取防止觸電、高空墜落、瓦斯中毒火災(zāi)等事故的安全措施。1. A welding operation must wear protective items as required. And must take safety measures to prevent electric shock, falls from a height, gas poisoning, fires and other accidents. 2. 現(xiàn)場使用的電焊機(jī),應(yīng)設(shè)有防雨、防潮、防曬的機(jī)棚,并應(yīng)裝設(shè)相應(yīng)的消防器材。2. The welding machine used on site shall be rain, moisture and sun proof, and shall be equipped with appropriate fire-f


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