. Lesson One Going to the farm 【教學目標】 1. 學生能夠用英語說出farm,zoo,park以及短語hand in hand, arm in arm從而能夠說唱歌謠《To the farm》。 2. 學生能夠初步簡單表述:Where are you going? I’m going to… 【教學重點】 Rhyme《To the farm》 【教學難點】 1. Rhyme《To the farm》 2. farm 和 arm 的正確發(fā)音。 【教具準備】 課件、掛圖|、農場照片。 【教學過程】 一、 Warm-up(熱身): 1. Greeting: Good morning! Boys and girls. How are you today? (做OK手勢,學生根據手勢回答) 2.出示不同動物的圖片,用動物來導入“farm”的主題來。 T:(pig的圖片)What’s this? It’s a pig. Ss: It’s a pig. 3. 同法展示不同的動物。 T:Where are the animals? Ss:They’re on the farm.教學單詞farm. T::Let’s go and have a look. 4.播放歌曲:《To the farm》 二、 Presentation(新課導入): 1.歌曲完畢后,課件呈現農場果園的畫面,T: Oh, We are here. Here is the farm. What can you see? (給一秒鐘時間學生看看,想想) Wow , I can see Hello, Terry,Kay,Mary and Jack. T:They are very happy.they are hand in hand , arm in arm to the farm. 2.教學短語hand in hand , arm in arm。 (1)讓學生邊讀邊配動作。 (2)Game :High low voice。 (3)讓學生出來示范。 3.播放Rhyme:《To the farm》,教學Rhyme。 (1)Read after the tape. (2)Teach the new word: happy,kid,road. (3)Read the rhyme group by group. (4) Follow me , let’s say and do. (5)讓學生邊拍手邊有節(jié)奏地說唱整一首歌謠,并且掌聲不斷的加快,學生也要相應加速。 (6)Show time, let’s see which group is the best. (設計意圖:通過聽說演全面鞏固歌謠的學習,讓學生分小組表演可以發(fā)揮學生的獨創(chuàng)性與合作精神。) 三、Extension: 1.利用game來教學句型“Where are you going? I’m going to…” 2.Group work:一個學生為發(fā)令者,另外三個學生找不同的目的地(farm,zoo,park)出口?;顒娱_始時,發(fā)令者問另外三個學生:“Where are you going?”三個學生分別根據自己要到達的目的地用“To the park./To the zoo./To the farm.”來回答。(設計意圖:此游戲有練習語言的同時,還可以檢測學生的觀察和思考能力。) 3. Story time 現在我們都知道 Hello和他的伙伴們去農場了。Let’s listen and watch the story. The second time, answer my question: “Does Hello know the farm?” (設計意圖:本部分的設計也是對語言輸出的檢查,從學生對故事的理解程度可以檢測到學生對本節(jié)課教學內容的掌握情況。) 4.Let’s sing a song《To the farm》. 四、Summary: 結合板書,讓學生說一說“今天我學會了什么?”選出這節(jié)課表現最好的哪個組。 五、Homework: Act and say the rhyme to your parents Lesson Two On the mountain 一、教學目標 1.能聽懂會唱歌謠:A beautiful scene! 2.能聽懂會說單詞:beautiful,scene,river,deep,clean,mountain,steep,highway,wide,long。 二、教學重點、難點 1.重點:學會唱歌謠。 2.難點:單詞steep,deep,clean和river的發(fā)音。 三、教學用具 本課時利用多媒體進行教學,通過多媒體向學生展示形象、具體的山區(qū)風景,讓學生一看就明白,能感知。還要采用圖片、錄音機、單詞卡等。 四、教學過程 (一)Warm up 1.全班跟課件唱歌謠 :“To the farm” 2.分小組跟課件唱歌曲“To a farm” ,一個小組唱一句或者兩句。 3. Greeting 出示一幅農場的圖片。張有山、河、公路等的圖片。 T:Where are you going? Ss:I’m going to the farm. T:OK.Let’s get on the bus.Let’ s go. CAI呈現一段去農場的動畫。看完后老師對動畫里出現的風景進行提問。 T:What is this/it /that? It’s a hill/bus/…. (二)Presentation and practice 1.承接上面的問題用What is this/it /that?引出beautiful,scene,mountain,highway等單詞的教學。利用圖片和單詞卡進行教學。 2.開火車操練beautiful,scene,mountain,highway等單詞。 3.指導學生看課本的圖讓學生說出圖中的景物,當學生說river,mountain,highway的時候,老師問小河的水怎樣呢? 山怎樣呢? 高速公路怎樣呢? 引出形容詞:deep,clean,steep,wide等單詞的教學. 4.Learn the rhyme:“A beautiful scene!” 1)Listen and watch the CAI first.And then teacher explain the rhyme. 2)Read after the teacher and do the actions. 3)Listen to the CAI and read the rhyme together(three times) . 4)Let’s act the rhyme team by team. 5)Ask some students to show the rhyme. 5.幫助學生編一首中文歌謠加深記憶:小河,小河,深又凈。高山,高山,陡又綠。高速公路, 高速公路,寬又長,快樂的孩子,快樂的歌。 Lesson Three Meeting the family 1、 教學目標: 1.Be able to listen and say the words:family grandma grandpa brother call mama papa bump 2. Be able to understand and say the rhyme 二、教學重點:The rhyme 三、教學難點:“No more monkeys jumping on my head!” 四、教學用具:Tape, word cards ,picture 五、教學過程: ㈠Warm up 1.Read the rhyme “To the farm” “ A beautiful scene!”together 2.Sing the song“To a farm” “A happy day” together 3. Greeting T: What’s this /it? S:It’s a river/highway /mountain. T:Where are you going? S :To the farm/school/park/zoo T:Where are you ? S: On a river/highway /mountain ㈡、Presentation and practice 1.、Ask the students to bring their family photo to the class.T:Wow!Is this your family? Use “Who is he /she”? to guide “mama papa grandma grandpa brother” And then to teache the new words. 2. T:Do you know monkey’s family. Let’s learn the chant.“ A monkey’s family” 3.指導學生看課本的圖,并告訴學生這是猴子的一家。老師逐一指圖用Who is he /she?來問學生。如果學生能正確用英語回答mama papa grandma grandpa brother等單詞并給予表揚。. 4.Learn the rhyme“A monkey’s family” 1)Listen to the tape first.And then explain the rhyme 2)Read after the teacher and do the action 3)Listen to the tape and read the rhyme together(three times) 4)Let’s act the rhyme team by team. 5)Ask some students to read the rhyme. 5.Games : Point and say. Lesson 4 Hello’s family 一、教學目標:1.Able to listen and say the words: father mother. 2.Able to understand and say the rhyme. 3.Able to describe family and relationships. 二、教學重點:The words of family : grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister , family 三、教學難點:The rhyme 四、教學教具:cards , CD, 課件 五教學過程: (一)Greeting T : Class begins! Ss: Good morning Ellie. T: Goodmorning boys and girls. How are you ? Ss: I’m fine,thank you! (二)Warm up。 1. Let’s sing a song<< Meeting the family>> 2. T:Last lesson we met Marry’s family. Can you tell me how many people in her family? Who are they? Ss: Grandpa, grandma, brother,sister,mum, dad. T: (出示卡片)Review the words. 3. Learn the new words: father , mother 4.Play a game to practice the words(開火車) 5.T: Now ,look at the picture.Do you know who is she?(出示小丸子的圖片) Yes ,this is Xiao wanzi’s family. Let’s meeting her family. This is grandpa / grandma / father / mather / sister. Can you introduce your family?(找兩個學生帶照片,介紹自己的家庭) 6. Group work: ( 4人小組,介紹自己的家庭。老師下去指導) 三 . New lesson. T: We all know that Hello is come from E-star ,but do you know his family?How about his father ,mother,brother or sister? Do you want to know? Let’s have a look! 1. Play the VCD,listen to the rhyme. 2. Ask and answer: How many people in Hello’s family?Who are they? What are they doing? 3. Check the answer(課件) review the words: playing running singing dancing 4. Listen to the rhyme again. 5. call some students act the rhyme. 6. read the rhyme sentence by sentence. 7. Read it together. 8. Read it team by team. (四)Homework 1. Listen to the tape 20 minutes. 2. Say the rhyme to your parents. Lesson Five I like green fruit 一.教學目標:1.Be able to listen and say the words: watermelon papaya mango peach grape strawberry orange cherry 2. Be able to understand and say the rhyme 3.思想教育:告訴學生水果對健康有益,要養(yǎng)成吃水果的習慣。 二.教學重點:The rhyme 三.教學難點:Remember the rhyme 四.教學用具:VCD, fruit cards ,課件 五.教學過程: (一)Warm up 1.Greeting T: How are you? S: I’m fine ,thank you T: Who’s he? S: He’s Hello/Jack /Mary/Terry/Kay/ Who’s he? He’s Mary’s grandpa (老師帶上Mother的頭飾Now I’m Mary’s mum)Grandpa has a farm let’s go to grandpa’s farm T: Hello/Jack /Mary/Terry/Kay/,Where are you going? S :To the farm. T:OK.let’s go to the farm together. 2.Let’s sing a song: “To a farm”. (課件) (二)Presentation and practice 1. (課件) T: Here is a farm.Wow ,so many fruit trees there. What fruit can you see? S:Apple /banana /pear 2. 課件引出watermelon papaya mango peach strawberry orange cherry并逐一呈現并板書 3.Learn the rhyme“Fruit” 1) 課件呈現,然后跟讀 2) 看板書跟老師讀 3) Read the rhyme together 4)Read the rhyme and stand up team by team 5)Let’s act the rhyme . 4. Play a game:Listen and pick the fruit 5. T: Wow, so many fruit here.Let’s have a party.OK? S: OK. 6. (課件)Sing a song:Fruit(《大公雞》的調) 聽一次,然后跟老師唱,齊唱,小組唱 7.Play a game: Guessing game(猜猜課件圖、實物的) 8.Let’s have a Cat Walk(課件) : Fruit show 思想教育:告訴學生水果對健康有益,要養(yǎng)成吃水果的習慣。 (四)Homework: 1. Listen to the tape P7-26 for 15 minutes 2. Read the rhyme( P25) to your parents Lesson Six Picking apples教學設計 一、設計思路:在本課的教學設計中,我改變了以往從每課的story引入新課主題,然后教授rhyme的習慣,因為我覺得本課rhyme里的許多動作語言(如quick , climbing higher, pick等)在story里很難自然地引出來為rhyme的教學服務,所以我決定先用能吸引低年級小朋友興趣的自編童話故事《小猴子摘蘋果》引出Picking apples的主題,然后教授rhyme。在自編的故事里我可以針對rhyme的教學內容進行故事編說,自然地引出rhyme里的語言要點和重點,為學生更容易地學rhyme作鋪墊,并把song融入到rhyme的教學過程中,學生通過rhyme和song的學習理解Picking apples主題后,再學習story就可以水到渠成了,這樣學生就能更容易理解story的意思。 二、課堂評價方式:設一小黑板,上方有一棵“蘋果貼紙”樹,下方并列著四個組的卡紙果籃,回答或表演得獎勵分的同學根據自己得多少分pick 多少個apples貼到自己所屬組的果籃,課后看看 which group can pick more。這樣各組同學能夠及時了解自己小組的得分情況,起到激勵促進作用。 三、第一課時(rhyme\game\song): (一)、教學目標: 1、能跟旋律朗讀Picking apples這首歌謠。 2、初步感知Picking apples這首歌曲。 (二)、教學重點和難點: 1、重點:正確認讀“quick”、“pick”。 2、難點:正確認讀“quick”、“climbing”。 (三)、教具準備: 本課VCD、課件、水果單詞圖片。 (四)、教學過程: 1、熱身、復習 (Warm-up/Revision) (1)Greeting. (2)Sing the song《To a farm》.引出本課時的場景on the farm。 Teacher: Boys and girls, do you remember the song《To a farm》? Students: Yes. Teacher: Ok,now let’s sing together.師生一起做動作唱歌。Boys and girls, on the farm,what can Hello see? Hello他們在農場看到了什么呢? Students:不同的回答。老師在黑板上用簡筆畫畫樹和蘋果,引導學生回答apple trees。 Teacher: On Mary’s farm, there are many apple trees. There are many apples on the trees .(在簡筆畫樹上貼10個紅蘋果,為song教學作鋪墊) 2、 呈現新課 (Presentation) (1)教師通過自編的童話故事《小猴子摘蘋果》引出:Picking apples的主題。 Teacher:今天除了Hello他們來到了Mary’s farm,還有兩位神秘的客人。Do you know who are they? Students:??不同的回答。 Teacher: Now let’s watch the VCD . (播放lesson three VCD rhyme《A monkey’s family》,學生跟讀) Teacher: Now do you know who are they? Students: Monkeys. Teacher:Yes. Monkey’s family are playing .They are very happy. Now they are very tired and hungry. (扮神情) So mother monkey and brother monkey come to Mary’s farm. What are they doing now ?(課件:mother monkey and brother monkey來到蘋果園),引出并教學picking apples(板書課題picking apples)。 (2)用故事繼續(xù)引出 rhyme的內容。 Teacher: Mother monkey said to brother monkey,“Now we are picking apples. We must be quick. ”(中文解釋,動作教學quick ,quick ,quick),千萬不要讓Mary的Grandpa發(fā)現,否則我們會被他捉住的。Mother monkey 還對 brother monkey說,最大最紅的蘋果在樹頂上,我們要(climbing higher, climbing higher動作教學)才能摘到最好的蘋果。Brother monkey聽了mother monkey的話,飛快地往樹上爬,mother monkey在一邊不停地說Be careful ! Be careful ! Brother monkey 爬到了樹頂上,看到了又大又紅的蘋果, He is very happy.它不停地pick, pick, pick(動作教學pick)。 (3)師生一起做動作并朗誦 rhyme(三次)。 動作設計: Picking apples, picking apples,(右手高舉做摘蘋果動作兩次) Quick ! Quick ! Quick! (擺臂做快速跑步狀) Climbing higher, climbing higher,(兩手向上作攀爬動作) Pick! Pick! Pick!(右手高舉連續(xù)快速做三次摘動作) (4)學生watch the VCD of the rhyme twice ,然后跟讀。 (5)全班四大組的學生分成若干小組進行操練rhyme(抽查小組或個人示范)。 (6)小組表演比賽。(抽查) (7)故事繼續(xù)引入song,初步感知。(課件輔助) Teacher: Brother monkey is picking apples.He is singing a song too. 講解歌詞內容:“Picking apples ,pick , pick , pick . Picking apples ,pick , pick , pick . Pick one, pick two, pick three, pick four…” (摘簡筆畫樹上的蘋果,貼在旁邊1-4,5-8,9-10各一行)Brother monkey很快把這棵樹上的十個大蘋果摘完了,No more.Oh no! (攤雙手,聳肩,搖頭)沒有了,它便和媽媽一起高高興興地回家了。(聽兩次跟唱兩次 Lesson 7 A big dinner 一、教學目標(Teaching aims): 1、知識目標: (1) Students are able to say the rhyme and act out it. (2) Students are able to remember some words of foods what they have learned. 2、能力目標: Students are able to understand the rhyme. 3、情感目標: (1) Stimulate the students’interests in the rhyme. (2) Moral education: Pay attention to their habits of sanitation,especially wash your hands before you eat. 二、教學重點難點(Teaching key points): 1、Main points: Be able to say and act out the rhyme. 2、Difficult points: Be able to understand the rhyme. 四、教學用具(Teaching tools):tap、pictures 五、教學過程(Teaching procedures): 1、Warm up (1)Greeting T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes, I am happy. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you,too. (2) T says, Ss do with T. T: Stand up. \ Touch your nose.…\ Wash your face. \ Sit down. (3) T: Lovely boys and girls, I will give you two plates on the blackbroad, which group get more foods, which group is the winner? 2、Presentation (1) Look at the clock.What time is it now?(CAI) Ss: It’s 12 o’clock. T: Yes,it’s time for lunch.But what is Hello doing after lunch?(CAI) Ss: Picking apples. T: Yes, you are right. Do you remember the rhyme of picking apples? Ss: Yes.(Ss say the rhyme together: Picking apples.) (2)T: Hello is hungry now. Look, what time is it now? Ss:It’s 6 o’clock. T: It’s time for dinner.Grandma is coming.What is she doing ? Let’s watch the story. (3)T asks some questions. T: There are so many food for dinner. What can you see? Ss:beef,pork,eggs and potatoes. T:Mmm, they are delicous.This is a big dinner. All the food is good and fine! I’d like salads for dinner. What would you like? S: I’d like ….(T shows picutres.) T: Salads, eggs, fish and meat. Mmm,all the food is good and fine. (Do the action) T: What should we do before dinner time? Stand up or sit down? Ss: Sit down. T: Yes, you should sit in a line. Dinner time, sit in a line. All the food is good and fine! (Ss read and do the action after T in correct rhythm.) (4) T:Oh, so many food here. Salads,eggs, fish and meat. (T points to the pictures and says.) Ss: Salads,eggs, fish and meat. (5) T: Before you eat, you should wash your hands,ok? (T does the action as she says.) T: Wash your hands before you eat. (Ss read and do the action after T in correct rhythm.) 3、Practice (1) Listen and read after VCD twice. (2) A game: Sentence relay (3) Devide Ss into two groups,each groups say two sentences. (two times) Group 1: Dinner time, sit in a line. Group 2: All the food is good and fine! Group 1: Salads,eggs, fish and meat. Group 2: Wash your hands before you eat (4) Some Ss act out the rhyme, and the others say the rhyme.(two times) 4、Consolidation (1)Group work: Make a new chant in groups. Dinner time, sit in a line. All the food is good and fine! Hamburgers,hot dogs, chicken and soup. (Use all the food we have learned to change it.) Wash your hands before you eat. (2)Sing a song: 《Have your food.》 T:Hello is full now. He is happy to sing a song.Let’s sing together. 5、Homework: (1) Listen to the tape more than three times and read after the rhyme. (2) Try to say and act out the rhyme for your dad and mom. Lesson 8 A Beehive 一. Teaching contents and analysis. 1) Teaching contents: a. Students can enjoy the story and learn the words: bee flower honey b. Learn the song Little Bees. c. Can play the game Stealing Honey. 2). Main points and difficulties: Making honey all the time, busy little bees. 二. Teaching aids: 1) CAI courseware 2) Pictures. 3) Material objects 三. Teaching procedures: 1)Free talk: e.g.: How are you today? What is the weather like today? Where is Hello in Lesson 7? 2)Sing a song : Dinner Time 3) Brain storm: 利用圖片復習學過的動物與水果單詞。 e.g.: pig duck chicken watermelon papaya, etc. 4)教師引導學生說出大朗鎮(zhèn)出名的水果:荔枝。利用荔枝蜜引出單詞:honey flower bee。 5) Watch the CAI of the story. 在觀看過程中,引導學生注意honey flower bee等單詞的發(fā)音。 6) 錄象看完后,向學生提問: a. Where is Hello now. What can Hello see there? What are the bees doing? Why is Hello crying? 在詢問問題與學生答題時,允許學生用中文回答。 7)根據剛才的故事,利用實物教授單詞honey flower bee,并利用一些常見的游戲,如:開火車,大小聲,蓋棉胎等進行訓練。 8)Game: 兩只小蜜蜂。 利用學生熟悉的童謠《兩只小蜜蜂》,改編為英語版本,教師教學生吟唱并做動作: Little bees, little bees, (兩臂彎曲,緊貼身體,輕輕拍動,學蜜蜂狀) flying in the sun. (兩臂伸展,做大幅度飛翔動作) Flying, flying. (做猜拳動作) 這個游戲將學生所熟悉的童謠《兩只小蜜蜂》與有趣的猜拳游戲結合起來,非常有效地激發(fā)了學生的參與熱情,能夠吸引所有同學積極的參與到活動中來,并在不知不覺中學習到其中的英語句子。 9)Watch the CAI of the song: Little Bees. 10) 教師引導學生再看一遍,同時一邊做動作,讓學生跟著做。 11)教師逐句教授歌曲,并教授動作。由于有剛才《兩只小蜜蜂》的游戲做鋪墊,學生在這里的學習會變得自然、輕松。在這里要注意教授句子:Making honey all the time, busy little bees. 12) Game: Stealing Honey. 學生四人為一組進行游戲:拿一個粉筆盒當蜜糖罐,A與B扮演小蜜蜂,用食指與中指扮演走路的樣子,圍繞著蜜糖罐轉圈,一邊轉一邊說:We are bees, we are bees. C扮演Timer, 當C 敲響手中的鈴鐺,A與B就要停下來,扮演偷蜜糖的賊D就要乘著這個空隙,用手指去粘蜜糖吃(拿出里面的粉筆),這個動作可以重復多次,當C再次敲響鈴鐺時,小蜜蜂A與B就蘇醒過來,偷蜜糖的賊D則要快點逃離蜂巢,否則就被蜜蜂蟄了,誰能偷到越多蜂蜜而又不會被蜜蜂蟄到的算贏。 13)Summery. 14) Homework: Listen to the tape of Lesson 8, learn to say the Rhyme. Lesson9 The pig's family Teaching content: Kid’s English 4 Lesson 9 The pig’s family A rhyme Teaching Aims: (1) Enable students to understand and say the rhyme. (2) Enable students to study in groups and cooperate with others. Teaching Aids: The animals’ headwearing , picture and CAI. Teaching and Learning Method: TPR教學法,故事教學法,情景教學法。 Teaching Procedures: 一. Greeting. T: Class begin! Good morning ! Boys and girls! Ss: Good morning!Ellie! T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine,thank you! 二. Warming up. 1. Let’s enjoy a song together! Do you like the song ? 2. Guessing game: T: Now let’s play a guessing game(課件呈現) What’s this? The dog’s house. The cat’s house. The bee’s house. The pig’s house.(停頓) The pig’s house means“pigsty” 3. Follow me to read the word:“pigsty” 。 4. T : A big pigsty .(指大房子,If you are the winner,you can get this big pigsty,ok? Team sun ,do you want to get it? Sun sun ,go!gogo! Team moon,do you want to get it?Moon moon ,go!gogo!) 5. Practice the word (分組讀;開火車的游戲) 三. New lesson. 1. Presentation. T:Mother pig and baby pig are talking about their pigsty, listen! (整體呈現A rhyme) 2. Teacher tells the story. (I’ll tell you the story: look ,this is mother pig(頭飾,學生打招呼)this is baby pig(頭飾,學生打招呼) T:on the farm, Mother pig and baby pig live in a house停頓, not too big(動作指房子) T:“oh!”(動作,豬媽媽嘆氣) I heard the mother sigh(小豬說,聽的動作) T: How we want a big pigsty!(拿豬媽媽頭飾說) 2. Teacher and students retell the story together. Mother pig and(T) 停頓,baby pig (Ss) Live in a 停頓house(Ss) not too big! “oh!”(動作,T豬媽媽嘆氣) I heard the mother sigh(Ss小豬說,聽的動作) How we want(T停頓) a big pigsty(Ss) 3. Practice the difficult sentence. (1)(大小聲游戲操練)I heard the mother sigh. T:Oh. Ss: I heard the mother sigh. (分組進行操練。) (2)(大小聲游戲操練) How we want a big pigsty. T:Oh. Ss: I heard the mother sigh. T: How we want a big pigsty. (師生的角色對換) 四、Practice. 1. Read after VCD.(T做動作) 2. Read one sentence by sentence.(twice) 3.Role reading.(three times) (1) T acts out the mother pig, Ss act out the baby pig. (2) Team sun : Mother Pig Team moon: Baby Pig. The change. (3) Act out the story. T: They say the rhyme, you do the action. OK?(4 Ss act out.) (4) Ss open the books, and read together. 四. Consolidation Show the other animals’ headwearing and chant together. (dog, cat, bee) T: Mothe dog and Baby dog, live in a house not too big. Oh! I heard the mother sigh, how we want a big dog’s house. 五.Homework. 1. Listen to the tape 20 minutes. 2. Say the rhyme to your father and mother. Lesson 10 Chicken farm 教學內容: A rhyme Hen and cock 教學目標:1.會說hen ,cock, red hen, black cock 2.基本能用動作表演blink your eye, fly fly fly , dip your wing, sing sing sing 重點難點:區(qū)分red hen 和black cock 教具:公雞和母雞的圖片,課件,雞場的背景圖, Mery&Terry的圖片 教學過程: 一.Warm up (熱身) 1. Greeting: T: Hello boys and girls .How are you? Ss: Fine thank you. How are you? T: I’m fine ,too. Thank you. I’m so happy to see you.Let’s sing a song. 2. Sing a song: To a farm ( 播放歌曲視頻) 教師帶領學生邊唱邊做動作,加強趣味性. 3.Let’s follow Mary and Terry and go to a chicken farm. Boys follow Terry.Girls follow Mary.Let’s see who can get to the chicken first. Let’s go! 二.Presentation/ practice (呈現/操練) Wow there are so many chickens in the farm. 1.由公雞和母雞的叫聲引出cock&hen, 并讓學生模仿一下cock 和hen的叫聲. 2.出示圖片教授hen ,red hen, cock, black cock,并加插blink your eye, fly, dip your wing,和sing等動作. 3.邊讀邊做動作. Red hen, red hen, blink your eye. Red hen, red hen, fly, fly, fly! Black cock, black cock, dip your wing. Black cock, black cock, sing ,sing, sing! 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com 3.跟讀并做動作:Boys:Red hen, red hen, blink your eye. Girls:blink your eye. Boys: Red hen, red hen, fly, fly, fly! Girls: fly, fly, fly!(做完一次后兩組交換) 4.Game (1) Listen and hit the picture; 兩個學生根據教師讀的單詞用氣錘敲打正確的圖片.如:hen, red hen, cock, black cock. (2)Look and say: 快速顯示hen 或cock的圖片,學生看圖后說出單詞. (3)Passing game: 教師放音樂, 學生分組傳公雞或母雞頭飾, 邊傳邊說red hen 或black cock.音樂停止時,戴頭飾的學生起立,大家用Hello red hen!或Hi black cock!打招呼,該學生回應按Hello 或Hi后大家發(fā)指令讓該生做動作,如:Red hen, red hen, blink your eye.該生做對后可獲得獎勵.. 5.放A rhyme 的錄音,師生起立邊讀邊做動作表演歌謠 6. 教學評價. 三. Homework Act the rhyme for your parents after class.課后把所學的歌謠表演給父母看. 板書設計: Lesson Eleven On the ranch A rhyme A story A game 二、Teaching aims A. Knowledge objects 1.Be able to talk about ranch animals. 2.Listen, say and do: ride a horse, milk a cow, feed a lamb, herd a sheep . 3- 配套講稿:
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- 兒童英語 KidsEnglish 年級 下冊 教案
