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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第75課

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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第75課

  lesson 75  SOS 呼救信號New words and expressionsthick  adj.厚的(反義詞thin 薄的)eg. This board is the thickest of all. 這木板是最厚的。     a thick book 一本厚書; thick walls 厚墻壁;  ice ten centimeters thick 十厘米厚的冰粗的,粗大的 (反義詞thin 纖細的)   a thick line 粗線;         thick fingers 粗大的手指 (液體,氣體) 濃的,濃厚的 (反義詞thin 稀薄的)eg. This source is too thick. 這調(diào)味汁太濃了。     thick soup  濃湯;              a thick fog   濃霧,大霧(樹林,樹葉,毛發(fā)等)密的,濃密的 (反義詞thin 稀疏的)     a thick forest 茂密的森林;  thick hair 濃密的頭發(fā)thick adj.有關(guān)短語:    give a person a thick ear   (英口語)把(某人)耳朵打腫    through thick and thin     經(jīng)歷過艱難困苦,無論什么狀況thicken  v.使變厚 (粗,濃)thickness n.thickhearded  adj. 笨頭笨腦的,傻里傻氣的signaln. 信號,暗號      a distress signal 遇難信號;     a danger signal 危險信號eg . She gave the signal of emergency. 她發(fā)出緊急狀況的暗號。n. 信號器,交通信號eg. The traffic signal wasnt working. 交通信號失靈了。 v. 發(fā)信號,以信號告知        signal + n.eg. How can we signal that row-boat.? 我們?nèi)绾尾鸥砂l(fā)信號告知那條劃艇呢?     signal orders 以信號下達命令;signal a message 用信號發(fā)送消息     signal to + sb + to do(向)發(fā)信號示意要eg. He signal to the band to start playing.她向樂隊做出手勢開始演奏。v. 發(fā)信號,以信號告知      signal to + sb + that  (向)發(fā)送信號稱,發(fā)信號說eg. She signaled to the other girls that everything was all right.      她對其她女孩發(fā)信號說一切正常。stamp v. 跺(腳,地板等),跺腳eg. He stamped his feet in anger. / He stamped his feet with anger.   她氣得直跺腳。eg. He stamped about the room impatiently.    她很不耐煩,在房間里踱著足來回走動。eg. She stamped upstairs.    她踏著重重的步子走上樓梯。v. 用力踩住,踩壞eg. Don't stamp on insects.   不要踩死昆蟲。eg. The naughty boys stamped the grass flat.   那些頑皮的男孩踩壞了草坪。n. 郵票eg. My hobby is collecting stamps.   我的嗜好是收集郵票。n. 印章,戳記      a rubber stamp   橡皮章           a date stamp   日期印helicopter 直升飛機(口語簡稱為copter)eg. A helicopter was flying above the school.   一架直升飛機在學(xué)校上空飛著。scene  n.現(xiàn)場,地點eg. They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident.   她們沖到交通事故現(xiàn)場。C 光景,景色,風景     a beautiful scene from the top of the mountain    從山頂看到的美麗景色eg. The night scene in Honolulu was quite fantastic.   檀香山的夜景絕佳。 (戲劇,故事等的)場面,舞臺,地點eg. The last scene of the play was very impressive.   這部戲的最后一種場面令人印象深刻。eg. The scene of that movie is set in Paris in the 1920s.   那部戲的背景設(shè)在二十世紀二十年代scene n. 有關(guān)短語:behind the scenes 在幕后地,秘密地             come on the scene (口) 浮現(xiàn),登場make a scene 大吵大鬧                               on the scene (口) 在現(xiàn)場,當場scenery  n. U 風景(某地區(qū)的)                 the scenery of the Alps   阿爾卑斯山脈的風景eg. The scenery is beautiful around here. 這里的景色很美。scenic adj.   風景如畫的                            a scenic spot   風景勝地survivor  n. 生存者,幸存者survive  v. 經(jīng)歷(劫難等)之后還活著,由中生還eg. Only one baby survived the terrible car crash.     在那次可怕的撞車事故中只有一種嬰兒生還。eg. Few houses in this district have survived after the storm.      本地區(qū)暴風雨后殘留下來的房屋寥寥無幾。survival  n. U 幸存,存活Key Structures一般過去時在前面的第3,27,51課的語法重點講的就是一般過去時。一般過去時重要表達過去某時發(fā)生的動作或狀況(涉及習(xí)慣性動作)    重點注意:某些常用動詞的過去式的不規(guī)則變化。Exercise 用對的的時態(tài)填空:    Once upon a time, there_(live) a woodman and his wife. They_(be) very poor, and they_(live) in a cottage on the edge of forest. Everyday, the woodman_(will) set out early in the morning to chop down trees.Exercise 用對的的時態(tài)填空:     Just as she_(walk) in the door, the telephone_(begin) to ring. She_(dash) to answer the phone and_(find) that the caller_(be) a man trying to sell her some light bulbs. She_(refuse) and _ (hang) up the phone.答案:lived ;were ; lived ; would.翻譯:好久好久此前,有個樵夫和她的妻子,她們非常的窮,住在森林邊上的一種小屋子里。每天一大早,這個樵夫就出門去砍柴。答案:walked; began(動詞begin的不規(guī)則變化); dashed; found(動詞find的不規(guī)則變化); was; refused; hung(動詞hang的不規(guī)則變化)翻譯:她一回到家,電話響了,她沖過去接電話發(fā)現(xiàn),打電話的是個推銷員,推銷某些燈泡,她回絕了,掛斷電話。本文是有關(guān)一場飛機失事的故事。文章標題:SOS 國際通用的呼救信號有關(guān)SOS,人們的理解有:     save our souls(拯救我們的靈魂)         save our ship(拯救我們的船只)其實,這兩種理解都不對。SOS是莫爾斯電碼符號(三點,三橫,三點),是一種以便快捷的發(fā)電報方式。因此SOS始終沿用下來,表達國際通用的呼救信號TextWhen a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.不久前,一架輕型客機偏離了航線,在山區(qū)墜毀,飛行員喪生。     a light passenger plane    一架輕型客機      a cargo plane / a cargo aircraft    一架貨機     fighter plane    戰(zhàn)斗機                             civil aviation    民用航空     fly off course    偏離航線     course    所經(jīng)之路,方向,路線,航線,過程,進程,課程     a south-ward course    向南的路線eg. Our course is directly north.   我們的路線是朝正北的。eg. He gave me some advice on my future course.   她就我將來的發(fā)展方向給力我某些意見eg. You can see the course of the river on the map.   你在地圖上可以看到河流的走向     fly from the country   逃亡國外The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt.機上僅有的乘客,一位年輕的婦女和她的兩個女嬰?yún)s平安無事。    unhurt v.平安無事,沒有受傷  (反義詞hurt 受傷)     hurt v. 使(身體)受傷,使疼痛eg. Im not hurt. Im all right.   我沒有受傷,我較好。eg. Be careful not to hurt yourself./ Be careful not to get hurt.   小心不要傷到自己。      v. 使(人,身體)疼痛eg. These shoes are tight and hurt my feet.   這雙鞋太緊了,夾的我腳疼。eg. My injured left leg still hurts.   我受傷的左腿還很疼。eg. My shoes hurt.   我的鞋很擠腳。It was the middle of winter. 正是隆冬時節(jié)。    It was the middle of winter=It was midwinter.        mid-   前綴表達“在中央,在中間”    midsummer   仲夏;                midnight  半夜;          midfield  (足球場等的)中場    middle man   經(jīng)銷商,中間人;  middle finger 中指;      the Middle East   中東,中東地區(qū)   middle class   中產(chǎn)階級;         middle aged   中年的;   the middle of nowhere  (口)偏遠的某地Snow lay thick on the ground. 地上積著厚厚的雪。     lay 為系動詞,thick 是表語,表達主語的狀態(tài)或性質(zhì)。The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. 這位婦女懂得,雖然近來的村莊也有數(shù)英里遠。When it grow turned dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find.天黑下來的時候,她把提箱當作小床,把兩個孩子放了進去,又把所有能找到的衣服都蓋在了孩子們身上。      grew是動詞原形grow的過去式。     grow:  變得     grow dark  變得黑了      表達“變得”的系動詞尚有:grow, turn, go, get, come, fall等等 grow     eg. He grew angry when I told him about it. / He got angry when I told him           about it. 我告訴她這件事的時候她變得氣憤。turn     eg. The leaves are turning yellow. / The leaves are getting yellow.             樹葉慢慢變黃了。 (turn 一般表達顏色變化)go      eg. This apple has gone bad.   蘋果變壞了。 (go一般表達事物由于好變壞)get     eg. Coal got scarce last winter.   去年冬天煤變得很缺少。 (get最常用)come  eg. Everything you said came true.   你說的一切都成真了 。        (come一般構(gòu)成固定搭配,come true, come right, come wrong, come loose)fall    eg. She fell ill while she was on holiday. 她度假的時候病倒了。      (fall 一般構(gòu)成固定搭配,fall ill, fall asleep)       turn.into  相稱于 change.into  把.變成     cover   覆蓋   covering   目前分詞,在本文中作狀語。     coverwith   用覆蓋            be cover with   被覆蓋     all the clothes she could find,她能找到的所有的衣物,she could find是定語從句,修飾clothes這個名詞。During the night, it got terribly cold.   夜里,天變得非常的冷。    got 是動詞原形get的過去式      get: 變得    terribly   adv . 非常     eg. Im terrible sorry.   我非常抱歉。    terribly   adj. 可怕的 (注意形容詞和副詞的含義不同樣)The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small.這位婦女盡量地接近孩子,甚至自己也想鉆進箱子里去,只是箱子太小了。   as.as.   as near as she could   盡量近;         as quickly as possible   盡量地快;    run as fast as you can   盡量地快跑;  as many as possible   盡量地多Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and  wondered how she could send a signal.第二天一大早,她聽到頭頂上有飛機飛過,但不懂得如何才干發(fā)個信號。   hear sb do     聽到某人做某事                hear sb doing  聽到某人正在做某事   overhead   adv. 在頭頂上,在上空,在樓上   birds flying overhead  鳥在上空飛翔   overhear   無意中聽到,偶爾聽到;          overindulge   過度沉溺    wonder   v. 疑惑,想懂得eg. I wonder what happened. 我想懂得發(fā)生什么事情了。 eg. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. 我想懂得明天會與否會下雨。    how 引導(dǎo)的這個賓語從句,注意賓語從句中間是陳述語序。Then she had an idea. 后來她有了一種主意。    have an idea  想出措施,有主意了        pop up an idea  忽然有主意了    form an idea of  產(chǎn)生的想法              give a person an idea of 使明白eg. This book will give you a rough idea of what the everyday life of ordinary Americans is    like.這本書會讓你大體明白一般美國人的平常生活是怎么樣的。     What an idea! 多么荒唐,不像話She stamped out the letters 'SOS' in the snow. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. 她在雪地上踩出了“SOS”這3個字母。幸運的是,一位飛行員看到這個信號,用無線電給近來的城鄉(xiāng)發(fā)了報。   by radio 用無線電信號       by  prep. 通過方式   by cheque 用支票; by letter 寫信; by telephone 打電話; by working hard  憑著努力工作It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. 不久,一架直升飛機飛抵飛機失事現(xiàn)場,來搭救這幾種幸存者。     long before 引導(dǎo)的是個時間狀語從句   (一般過去時)It was not long before 不久就   (一般將來時)It will not be long before  大概不久就會,大概一會就會eg. It will not be long before they understand each other. 大概不久她們就會互相理解的。區(qū)別:   long before  好久此前         before long  不久后來(可以指過去,也也許指將來)eg. I met him in 1990. Before long, we became good friends.     我在1990年遇到她。不久,我們就成為好朋友了。Special difficulties表“變得”的系動詞:grow/become/turn/get/go/come/fall做練習(xí),鞏固不同語境中選擇哪個“變得”比較恰當。Exercise 用對的的動詞填空:(注意時態(tài)喲,并且答案不是唯一滴)1. During the night it _ terribly cold.  在夜里,天變得非常的冷。   表達天氣變化的時候,可以使用get, grow, turn ,become。  (got/grew/turned/became)2. He was so tired, he _asleep. 她如此的累,她睡著了。   固定搭配  fall asleep  (fell)3. When the teacher left the classroom, the children _ noisy.    當教師離開教室,孩子們變得吵鬧起來。    變得吵鬧,可以用grow這個詞(grew)4. If you do not put the milk in the refrigerator, it will _ sour.   如果你不把牛奶放冰箱的話,它會變酸的。   由好變壞的時候,一般用go這個詞,用turn也可以的 (go/turn)5. This knob has _ loose. 這個把手變松了。  固定搭配  come loose ,或者become loose (come/become)6. The children _ quiet when he entered the room. 當她進入房間的時候,孩子們變得安靜。   變得安靜,可以用grow這個詞 (grew)7. Even though I am _ older, I am not _ wiser. 盡管我變老了,我沒有變得聰穎。   變老、變聰穎,逐漸變化的過程,可以用grow或是get(growing/getting; growing/getting)8. Shes _ so fat you wont recognize her. 她變得如此胖,你都不能認出她來了。   變胖,用get或者是grow(got/grown)9. This post _ vacant last year. 這個職位去年是空缺的。   固定搭配fall vacant (fell)10. Dont worry, everything will_ right in the end. 別緊張,一切都會好起來的。    固定搭配  come right 好起來 (come) Exercise1. It was not long before a helicopter arrived. It arrived_ .A. after     B. soon afterwards     C. behind    D. much later答案:B   分析:A. 在之后   B. 不久,不久    C.在背面    D. 更晚的2.  It got terribly cold.The cold was _.A. frightening     B. horrifying     C. shocking      D. frightful答案:D  分析:A. 使驚恐,驚嚇,是動詞frighten的目前分詞形式,很少做形容詞用,由于它的形容詞形式是frightful更常用某些;  B. 令人毛骨悚然的,使震驚的,這個詞也很少用作形容詞,由于它已有形容詞形式horrible;C. 令人震驚的,駭人的,極壞的,語調(diào)比terrible要強烈;    D. 驚人的,可怕的,極大的,非常的,是動詞frighten的形容詞形式。3.  She wondered how she could send a signal. She wanted to send_.A. a letter         B. a sign       C. a signature      D. a message答案:D  分析:A. 一封信,一種字母;  B. 記號,標志;  C. 簽名,簽名;    D. 消息,信息,音信。4. Cancer is second only_ heart disease as a cause of death.A. to      B. of    C. with    D. from答案:A分析:固定搭配  be second to 二等的,次于,劣于;eg. Speaking English is second nature to him. 講英語對她來說是第二天性。 重點復(fù)習(xí)一般過去時表達過去某時做了某事或過去某時處在某種狀態(tài)的含義。fly off course   偏離航線be unhurt     沒有受傷wonder that    疑惑;想懂得grow dark     變得黑了turn into  把變成send a signal   發(fā)出信號It was not long before 不久就,long before 引導(dǎo)定語從句on the scene  在現(xiàn)場stamp out 踩出 踏出諺語The pot calling the kettle black.指責別人的人自己也患有同樣的毛病;鍋嫌水壺黑;五十步笑百步。


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