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.可編輯修改,可打印別找了你想要的都有! 精品教育資料全冊教案,試卷,教學(xué)課件,教學(xué)設(shè)計等一站式服務(wù)全力滿足教學(xué)需求,真實規(guī)劃教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)最新全面教學(xué)資源,打造完美教學(xué)模式譯林版八年級下冊英語Unit7 Comic strip課文翻譯1. Eddie,more money is needed for charity. You have some pocket money left. Let's go and donate it.埃迪,慈善機構(gòu)需要更多的錢。你還剩下一些零花錢。讓我們?nèi)グ阉枇税伞?. Now? It's time for lunch.現(xiàn)在嗎?到吃午飯的時間了。3. Don't worry. We can have a big lunch after that.別擔心。捐錢之后我們可以吃一頓豐盛的午餐。4. Hobo,let me have lunch first. I'm too weak to walk any further.霍波,讓我先吃午飯吧。我太虛弱,走不動了。Come on,Eddie. We only have five kilometres left.加油,埃迪。我們只剩下五千米了。How charities help people慈善機構(gòu)如何幫助人們The Class 1,Grade 8 students want to learn about international charities. They want to find out how these charities help people around the world.八年級一班的學(xué)生想了解關(guān)于國際慈善機構(gòu)的一些情況。他們想調(diào)查出這些慈善機構(gòu)如何幫助世界各地的人們。Task Write a report on the work of an international charity任務(wù) 寫一篇關(guān)于一個國際慈善機構(gòu)的工作的報道。Welcome to the unitA 部分翻譯Charities around the world世界各地的慈善機構(gòu)Amy has collected some information about international charities. Help her match the logos with the charities. Write the correct names in the blanks.埃米已經(jīng)搜集了一些有關(guān)國際慈善機構(gòu)的信息。幫助她把徽標和慈善機構(gòu)的名字連接起來。在橫線上寫出正確的名字。ORBIS 奧比斯Oxfam 樂施會UNICEF 聯(lián)合國兒童基金會WWF 世界自然基金會2B 部分翻譯Mr Wu is asking the students about international charities. Work in groups and say what you know about charities. Use the conversation below as a model.吳老師正在問學(xué)生關(guān)于國際慈善機構(gòu)的事。分組練習(xí),并且說說你所知道的關(guān)于慈善機構(gòu)的事。用下面的對話作示范。Mr Wu: Do you know about any international charities,class?吳老師:同學(xué)們,你們知道一些關(guān)于慈善機構(gòu)的事嗎?Daniel:Yes.I know about a charity called UNICEF.丹尼爾:是的,我知道一個叫聯(lián)合國兒童基金會的慈善機構(gòu)。Mr Wu:How does UNICEF help people?吳老師:聯(lián)合國兒童基金會是如何幫助人們的?Daniel:It helps build a better worldfor everyone, especially children all over the world.丹尼爾:它幫助為每一個人建立一個更好的世界,特別是世界各地的孩子。Millie:It provides basic education for chldren in poor areas.米莉:它為貧困地區(qū)的孩子提供基礎(chǔ)教育。Sandy: It works for the equal rights of girls and women too.桑迪:它還為女孩和婦女的平等的權(quán)利而工作。Simon:It also works to prevent the spread of some serious diseases,like AIDS,among young people.西蒙:它也可以防止一些嚴重疾病在年輕人中蔓延,像艾滋病。Mr Wu:Perfect! You've done a good job.吳老師:很好!你們做得不錯。ReadingA 部分翻譯An interview with an ORBIS doctor一篇對于一名奧比斯醫(yī)生的采訪Amy is interested in the work that ORBIS doctors and nurses do. She found an interview with an ORBIS doctor. Here is the interview.埃米對奧比斯醫(yī)生和護士所做的工作很感興趣。她找到了一篇對一名奧比斯醫(yī)生的采訪。下面是采訪的內(nèi)容。Interiewer:Dr Ma,please tell us something about blindness.采訪者:馬醫(yī)生,請告訴我們有關(guān)失明的一些事情。Dr Ma:About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas,and about 80 per cent of these cascan be prevented or cured. However, many people don't have money for medical treatment.馬醫(yī)生:全世界大約有2. 85億人失明或有其他眼疾,大部分在貧困地區(qū),大約80%的這些病例能被預(yù)防或治愈。然而,許多人沒有錢進行醫(yī)學(xué)治療。Interviewer:How does ORBIS help?采訪者:奧比斯是如何幫助他們的?Dr Ma:ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas. On the plane,volunteer doctors do operations. The plane is also used as a training centre.馬醫(yī)生:奧比斯用它的飛行眼科醫(yī)院拜訪貧困地區(qū)(救治病人)。志愿醫(yī)生在飛機上實施手術(shù)。飛機也被用作培訓(xùn)中心。Interviewer:Why don't you work in a hospital?采訪者:你們?yōu)槭裁床辉卺t(yī)院里工作?Dr Ma: Many of our patients can't afford to go to hospital,so we have to go to them. Also,local doctors and nurses are invited on board to learn about eye operations. We can teach them new skills. By training them,we hope to help more people.馬醫(yī)生:我們的許多病人承擔不起看病的費用,所以我們得去他們那里。當?shù)氐尼t(yī)生和護士也被邀請到飛機上學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)眼部手術(shù)的知識。我們可以教他們新技術(shù)。通過培訓(xùn)他侗,我們希望幫助更多的人。Interviewer:How many operations do you do during a visit?采訪者:在一次旅行期間你們能做多少個手術(shù)?Dr Ma: During my Iast visit,150 patients were operated on.馬醫(yī)生:在上一次的旅行中,我給150個病人做了手術(shù)。Interviewer:You're doing a really important job.采訪者:你們正在做一份確實重要的工作。Dr Ma:Thank you. I'm proud to help people see again and improve their lives.馬醫(yī)生:謝謝你。我為幫助人們重見光明而且改善他們的生活而自豪。Interviewer:Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?采訪者:你想對我們的讀者說些別的什么嗎?Dr Ma:Yes. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured. But more money is needed to carry on with our work. We hope more people will support us.馬醫(yī)生:是的?,F(xiàn)代醫(yī)學(xué)正在迅速發(fā)展,而且現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)眼疾能得到治療并治愈。但是需要更多的錢來繼續(xù)我們的工作。我們希望有更多的人支持我們。Interviewer:Thank you very much for your time, Dr Ma.來訪者:馬醫(yī)生,非常感謝您抽空和我談話。2B1 部分翻譯What does ORBIS do?奧比斯做什么工作?Amy wants to tell Daniel about Dr Ma and what he does,but she does not know the meanings of some words in the interview. Help her match the words on the Ieft with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.埃米想告訴丹尼爾有關(guān)馬醫(yī)生和他所做的工作的事。但是她不知道采訪中的一些詞語的意思。幫助她把左邊的詞語和右邊的意思連接起來。把正確的字母填寫在空格處。1 blindness (line 1)失明(第1行)a cut a person's body open to take out or repair a part切開一個人的身體去除或修補某個部位2 cure (line 5)治愈(第5行)b in or on a plane,ship,train,etc.在飛機、輪船、火車等上3 patient (Iine 12)病人(第12行)make an illness go away讓疾病走開4 afford (line 12)承擔得起(第12行)d have enough money to pay for something有足夠的錢買東西5 0n board (line 14)在飛機(船、火車)上(第14行)e a person who is ill,especially in hospital生病的人,特別是住院的人6 0perate (line 17)做手術(shù)(第17行)f the condition of being unable to see不能看見的狀態(tài)3B2 部分翻譯Amy wants to show how ORBIS helps people. She is making a chart. Help her fill in the blanks with the words in the box埃米想展示奧比斯是如何幫助人們的。她正在做一個圖表。用方格中的單詞幫助她填空。doctors and nurses 醫(yī)生和護士eye operations 眼部手術(shù)eye problems 眼疾Flying Eye Hospital 飛行眼科醫(yī)院new skills 新技術(shù)see again 重見光明4B3 部分翻譯Amy made some more notes of the interview. Help her put the sentences together. Write the correct letters in the blanks.埃米對這篇采訪做了更多的筆記。幫助她把句子合并在一起。把正確的字母填寫在空格處。1 Many more people in poor areas在貧窮地區(qū)更多的人a were operated on during Dr Ma's lasi visit.在馬醫(yī)生的上次訪問期間進行手術(shù)。2 Dr Ma thinks that most eye一所醫(yī)院和一個培訓(xùn)中心。b a hospital and a training centre problems and diseases馬醫(yī)生認為大多數(shù)眼疾和疾病3 Many blind people do not get any treatment許多失明的人得不到任何的治療c because they have no money to go to hospital.因為他們沒有錢去看病。4 The ORBIS plane is used as奧比斯飛機被用作d to carry on with the work.繼續(xù)工作。5 0ne hundred and fifty patients150名病人e have eye problems.有眼疾。6 More money is needed需要更多的錢f can be prevented or cured.能被預(yù)防或治愈。5B4 部分翻譯Amy is writing an article about ORBIS for the school newsletter. Help her complete it with the correct forms of the words in the box.埃米正在為學(xué)校的簡訊寫一篇關(guān)于奧比斯的文章。幫她用方框中單詞的正確形式完成文章。afford 承擔得起board 甲板cure 治愈medicine藥,醫(yī)學(xué)patient 病人proud 自豪的support 支持train培訓(xùn)The ORBIS plane travels all around the world and helps people with eye problems in poor areas. Most of the people there cannot (1) to go to hospital,so ORBIS doctors go to them. Operations are done to help people with eye problems see again The (2) . do not have to pay because ORBIS is a charity. Local doctors and nurses are also invited on (3) to learn new skills. By (4) them,ORBIS doctors hope to help more people.奧比斯飛機穿梭于全世界,幫助貧困地區(qū)有眼疾的人們。那兒的大部分人(1)承擔不起去看病的費用。因此奧比斯醫(yī)生就到他們那里去。他們做手術(shù)來幫助有眼疾的人們重見光明。(2)病人不需要花錢,因為奧比斯是一個慈善機構(gòu)。當?shù)氐尼t(yī)生和護士也被邀請到(3)飛機上學(xué)習(xí)新技術(shù)。通過(4)培訓(xùn)他們,奧比斯醫(yī)生希望幫助更多的人。Dr Ma is a doctor on the ORBIS plane. He feels (5) to help people see again. Dr Ma thinks that modern (6) is developing quickly and now most eye problems can be treated and (7) , but more money is needed to (8) their work.馬醫(yī)生是奧比斯飛機上的一名醫(yī)生。他感到(5)自豪的是幫助人們重見光明。馬醫(yī)生認為現(xiàn)代(6)醫(yī)學(xué)正在迅速發(fā)展,而且現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)的眼疾能夠得到治療并且(7)治愈,但是需要更多的錢來(8)支持他們的工作。Unit8 Comic strip課文翻譯1 What are you going to do,Hobo?霍波,你打算做什么?Plant trees種樹。2 Will more trees be planted this year?今年要種更多的樹嗎?YesTrees are good for us.是的,樹對我們有好處。3 0K I'll go with you I like digging in the garden.那好吧,我要和你一起去。我喜歡在花園里挖坑。Are you serious?你是認真的嗎?4 Sure I'll plant breadfruit trees. Breadfruit.Yummy!當然啦!我要種面包果樹。面包果好吃!Caring about the Earth關(guān)心地球World Environment Day is coming. The Class 1,Grade 8 students are busy discussing the Earth's problems and preparing a presentation世界環(huán)境日就要到了。八年級一班的學(xué)生正忙著討論地球的問題并準備報告。Task Give a presentation on how to go green任務(wù) 就如何保護環(huán)境做一次報告。A green life綠色生活The Class 1,Grade 8 students are talking about ways to live a green life. Look at the pictures below and match them with the correct sen tences.八年級一班的學(xué)生正談?wù)撨^綠色生活的方式,看下面的圖片并把它們與正確的句子搭配起來。a We can reduce air pollution by riding bicycles.我們可以通過騎自行車來減少空氣污染。b We can save water by taking shorter showers.我們可以通過縮短淋浴時間來節(jié)約用水。c We can save energy by turning off the lights when we leave a room.我們可以通過離開房間時關(guān)燈燈來節(jié)約能源。d We can protect the environment by recycling waste.我們可以通過回收利用廢物來保護環(huán)境。2B 部分翻譯Mr Wu is asking the students how to live a green life. Work in groups and discuss what you can do. Use the conversation below as a model.吳老師正在問學(xué)生如何過綠色的生活,分組練習(xí)并討論你能做什么。用下面的對話作為示例。Mr Wu:What should we do to live a green life,class?吳老師:同學(xué)們,為了過綠色生活我們該做什么呢?Kitty:My dad used to drive me to school,but now we take the underground. More and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollution.基蒂:我爸爸過去開車送我去上學(xué),但現(xiàn)在我們乘地鐵。越來越多的家庭有了小汽車,這導(dǎo)致了嚴重的空氣污染。Millie:I agree. It's wise for people to choose public transport or ride bicycles.米莉:我同意。對于人們來說,選擇公共交通工具或騎自行車是明智的。Daniel:I think we can take shorter showers to save water.丹尼爾:我認為我們可以縮短淋浴時間來節(jié)約用水。Sandy:Yes. And we should remember to turn off the Iights when we leave a room.桑迪:是的。并且我們應(yīng)當記得在離開房間時要關(guān)燈。ReadingA 部分翻譯Green Switzerland綠色瑞士Kitty's online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland. She is writing in her blog on 5 June,World Environment Day. Here is her article.基蒂的網(wǎng)友馬丁娜是瑞士的一名中學(xué)生。在六月五日“世界環(huán)境日”這一天她正在寫博客。這是她的文章。I love Switzerland. It is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes. It is beautiful,and we should try to keep it that way.我喜愛瑞士。它是一個有著高山和干凈藍色湖泊的國家。它(瑞士)很美,而且我們應(yīng)該盡力讓它一直保持那樣。In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled I leamt about an organization for recycling clothes. It collects old clothes from all over the country. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops,some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. My family and I often send our old jeans and T-shirts to this organization.在瑞士,先把諸如破璃、塑料、紙張等物品 分成不同的類別,然后再循環(huán)利用。甚至連舊衣服和舊鞋也可以回收利用。我了解到一個回收衣服的組織。它從全國各地收集舊衣服。一些衣服放在慈善店出售,一些送給窮人,還有一些送到工廠循環(huán)利用。我和我的家人經(jīng)常把我們的舊牛仔褲和T恤衫送給這個組織。Our government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, we are not allowed to cut down trees. Otherwise,we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place,we will be fined by the police. There are also laws to limit air and water pollution.我們政府有許多法律來保護環(huán)垸,例如我們不被允許砍伐樹木。否則我們將會受到懲罰。如果我們在公共場合丟垃圾,我們會被警察罰款。還有許多法律來限制空氣和水污染。Nature is our greatest treasure. We depend on its rich resources to live,so it is important for us to protect it wisely. Luckily, we are starting to use energy from the sun,wind and water. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. Moreover, they produce little pollution.大自然是我們最大的財富。我們依靠其豐富的資源生存,所以要明智地保護它,這一點對我們來說很重要。幸運的是,我們開始使用來自太陽、風和水的能源。這些新型能源不僅成本低廉,而且用之不盡。更重要的是,它們幾乎不產(chǎn)生污染。Today is 5 June,World Environment Day. What have you done for the environment? Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!今天是六月五日,世界環(huán)境日。你為環(huán)境做了什么?記住每個人都可以做點(對保護環(huán)境)有益的事!2B1 部分翻譯What do people in Switzerland do?在瑞士人們做什么?Kitty is not sure about the meanings of some words in Martina's article. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.基蒂不確定馬丁娜的這篇文章中一些單詞的意思。幫助她把左邊的單詞和右邊的釋義搭配起來,在空格處寫出正確的字母。1 separate (line 5)分開,隔開(第5行)a cause a result產(chǎn)生結(jié)果2 recycle (line 6)回收利用,循環(huán)利用(第6行)b make someone pay money because he/shehas done something wrong因為某人做錯了事而讓他她付款3 allow (line 13)允許(第13行)c be used up被用光4 fine (line 15)罰款(第15行)d put things into different groups把東西分成不同的組5 run out (line 20)用光(第20行)e let someone do something讓某人做某事6 produce (line 21)導(dǎo)致,產(chǎn)生(第21行)f treat something used so that it can be used again處理用過的東西以便它能夠再被使用3B2 部分翻譯Kitty made some notes of Martina's blog on a piece of paper,but her mother tore it up by mistake. Help her match the two halves of the sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.基蒂在一張紙上做了有關(guān)馬丁娜博客的一些筆記,但是她媽媽錯把它撕壞了。幫她把這些句子的兩部分搭配起來,在空格處寫上正確的字母。1 Switzerland is a beautiful country瑞士是一個美麗的國家2 In Switzerland,glass,plastic and paper在瑞士,玻璃、塑料和紙張3 An organization was set up一個組織被建立了4 The government has laws政府有法律5 We should protect nature我們應(yīng)當保護大自然6 People are starting to use人們開始使用a are separated into different groups and recycled被分成不同的組再循環(huán)利用。b energy from the sun,wind and water.來自太陽、風和水的能源。c to protect the environment.來保護環(huán)境。d with high mountains and clean blue lakes.有高山和干凈的藍色湖泊。e because we depend on its rich resources to live.因為我們依靠它豐富的資源生存。f to collect old clothes from around the country.從全國各地收集舊衣服。4B3 部分翻譯After reading Martina's article, Kitty has written down the main points of the paragraphs. Write the correct numbers of the paragraphs in the boxes.讀了馬丁娜的文章后,基蒂寫下了各段落的要點。在方框中寫下各段落的正確序號。a Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment.馬丁娜要求每個人為環(huán)境做點事。b People are starting to use new energy.人們開始使用新能源。c People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution.在瑞士,人們循環(huán)利用許多東西來減少污染。d The government has laws to protect the environment.政府有法律來保護環(huán)境。e Switzerland is a beautiful country.瑞士是一個美麗的國家。5B4 部分翻譯Kitty is telling Sandy about Martina's article. Complete their conversation.基蒂正告訴桑迪有關(guān)馬丁娜的文章。完成她們的對話。Kitty:My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the(1) in Switzerland.基蒂:我的網(wǎng)友馬丁娜上周寫了在瑞士他們?nèi)绾伪Wo(1)環(huán)境的情況。Sandy:Really? What do they do to keep their country clean?桑迪:真的嗎?他們做了什么讓他們的國家保持干凈?Kitty:ln Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper are (2) into different groups and then(3) .基蒂:在瑞士,玻璃、塑料和紙張被(2)分成不同的類別后再(3)循環(huán)利用。Sandy: Do they recycle anything else? What do they do with old clothes?桑迪:他們還回收利用其他東西嗎?他們是怎么處理舊衣服的?Kitty: An organization (4) old clothes from around the country. Then some are sold in (5) ,some are given to (6) , and others are sent to (7) for recycling.基蒂:一個組織(4)收集全國各地的舊衣服。然后一些(衣服)放在(5)慈善店出售,一些送給(6)窮人,還有一些送到了(7)工廠循環(huán)利用。Sandy:That sounds like a good idea.桑迪:那聽起來像個好主意。Kitty:They have many (8) to protect the environment too. For example,people will be (9) if they cut down trees because it's not (10).基蒂:他們也有許多(8)法律來保護環(huán)境。例如,人們?nèi)绻撤淠緦?9)受到懲罰,因為那是不(10)允許的。Sandy:That's great!桑迪:那太棒了!Kitty:Yes. And they don't drop (11) in a public place. Otherwise, they'll be (12) by the police基蒂:是的。而且,他們不能在公頭場合丟(11)垃圾,否則他們會被警察(12)罰款。Grammar課文翻譯Passive voice in the simple future tense一般將來時的被動語態(tài)We use the passive voice in the simple future tense when the action has not taken place yet我們用一般將來時的被動語態(tài)表示還未發(fā)生的動作。You will be purushed if you cut down a tree.如果你砍伐了一棵樹,你將會受到懲罰。These bottles will be recycled to make new things.這些瓶子將會被回收來制造新的東西。We form the passive voice in the simple future tense like this:一般將來時的被動語態(tài)構(gòu)成如下表:2A 部分翻譯Environment Week 環(huán)境周The students are talking about Environment Week. Help them make sentences using the passive voice.學(xué)生們正在討論環(huán)境周。幫助他們用被動語態(tài)造句。1 activitiesin Environment Week/a lot of/organizeare going to活動在環(huán)境周許多組織將要2 design/posterslwillby Sandy設(shè)計海報將要被桑迪3 to all the people/send/leafletsin the town/will給所有的人送出傳單在鎮(zhèn)上將要4 are going toholdsome of the activities/in the town square將要舉行一些活動在鎮(zhèn)廣場3B 部分翻譯Environment Week環(huán)境周Lisa is telling her cousin Harry about a show that will be held in this Environment Week on the phone. Help Lisa answer Harry's questions using the passive voice.莉薩正在電話中告訴她的表弟哈里這個環(huán)境周將要舉行一次展覽的事情。幫助莉薩用被動語態(tài)回答哈里的問題。Lisa: Hi,Harry. There's going to be an environment show here.莉薩:嗨,哈里。這兒將舉行一場環(huán)境展覽。Harry:Really? When is the show going to be held?哈里:真的嗎?展覽什么時候舉行?Lisa: (1)莉薩:(1)(this Friday evening)(本周五晚上)Harry:Will the show be held at your school?哈里:展覽將在你們學(xué)校舉行嗎?Lisa:No.(2)莉薩:不。(2)(at the town hall)(在鎮(zhèn)大廳)Harry:Who will be invited to the show?哈里:誰將被邀請參加這次展覽?Lisa:(3)莉薩:(3)(some famous people in our town)(我們鎮(zhèn)上的一些名人)Harry:What will be displayed at the show?哈里:在這次展覽中將要展示什么?Lisa: (4)莉薩:(4)(videos about the past and present of Sunshine Town)(陰光鎮(zhèn)過去和現(xiàn)在情況的錄像)Harry:What will be discussed at the show?哈里:在這次展覽中將要討論什么?Lisa: (5)莉薩:(5)(ways about how to protect the environment)(如何保護環(huán)境的方法)Work out the rule!得出規(guī)律!We use "will be or_+past participle" to form the passive voice in the simple future tense.我們使用“will be或_+動詞的過去分詞”來構(gòu)成一般將來時的被動語態(tài)。4C 部分翻譯Kitty is writing an article about pollution. Help her complete the article using the passive voice.基蒂正在寫一篇有關(guān)污染的文章,幫她用被動語態(tài)完成這篇文章。Pollution污染Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today. In many places,rubbish (1) (throw) into lakes and rivers, so many of them (2)(pollute).污染是當今世界最大的難題之一。在許多地方,垃圾(1)被扔進了湖泊河流,因此許多湖泊河流(2)被污染了。In some cities, the air (3) (fill) with pollution. This makes people ill, and more people (4) (hurt) in the future if it is not cleaned up.在一些城市里,空氣中(3)充滿了污染物。這會讓人生病,而且在將來如果空氣還沒有得到凈化,將會有更多的人(4)受到傷害。As well as people, animals (5) (harm) by pollution. o Land and water pollution kills many animals every year. If we do not act to improve the environment, more living things (6) (kill) by pollution.幣僅是人類,動物也受到了污染的(5)危害。土地污染和水污染每年都殺死許多動物。如果我們不采取行動來改善環(huán)境的話,更多的生物會由于污染而(6)死主。However, there is some good news. A show (7) (hold) at the town hall this Friday evening. All of us will have a chance to think about the world around us. On that day, we (8) (show) how to protect the environment.然而,還有一些好消息。本周五晚將在鎮(zhèn)大廳(7)舉行一次展覽。我們所有人將有機會思考一下我們周圍的世界。在那天我們將(8)被展示怎么保護環(huán)境。If we work together,we can make the world a better place.如果我們大家一起努力,我們可以讓這個世界更加美好。Unit9 Project1課文翻譯An information folder部分翻譯An information folder一個信息文件夾The Class 1,Grade 8 students wish to visit other countries. They have decided to make an information fold.er about different countries around the world. Your class wants to do the same thing. You need to choose a country and find out more information about it. Then you can make the folder.八年級一班的學(xué)生們希望去參觀其他的國家。他們決定做個關(guān)于世界上不同國家的信息文件夾。你們班也想做同樣的事。你需要選擇一個國家并找到更多的有關(guān)它的信息。然后你就可以做文件夾了。2A 部分翻譯Planning and preparing計劃與準備TIP提示You may also collect information from travel agencies.你也可以從旅行社收集信息。1.Think of a country that you find interesting and wish to visit. Talk about it and its places of interest with a partner.想出你感興趣和想去參觀的一個國家。與一個同伴討論它及其名勝。2.Work alone. Think of a set of questions about the country you have chosen. If you need help, you can use the questions below to give yourself some ideas.獨自工作。想出有關(guān)你所選擇的國家的一系列問題。如果你需要幫助,你可以用下面的問題給你一些提示。3.When you have the questions ready,look for the information you need. You may use the library and the Internet.當你把問題準備好時,查找你所需妥的信息。你可以利用圖書館及因特網(wǎng)。4.Design an information folder about the country of your choice. Collect some pictures, postcards,posters and leaflets about that country and put them in the folder.設(shè)計一個你選擇的國家的信息文件夾。收集有關(guān)那個國家的一些圖片、明信片、海報和傳單,并把它們放在文件夾內(nèi)。5.Write about some special places of interest in that country寫下那個國家的一些特殊的名勝。The country of my choice我選擇的國家What is the name of the country?那個國家的名字是什么?How big isit?它有多大?What is its capital?它的首都是什么?How many people live there?多少人住在那兒?Does it have any famous mountains or rivers?它有著名的山川河流嗎?Is it near the sea?它靠近海嗎?What are the most famous places there?那兒最有名的地方是什么?What language do most people speak?大部分人講什么語言?What is the weather like?天氣怎么樣?When is spring/summer/autumn/winter?春夏秋冬是什么時候?What is the time difference between China and that country?那個國家與中國在時間上有何不同?What special foods do people eat there?那兒的人吃什么特別的食物?What special festivals do people celebrate there? When are they?那兒的人慶祝什么特殊的節(jié)日?什么時間?3B 部分翻譯Tips for preparing your information folder為準備你的信息文件夾寫提示W(wǎng)riting 寫作·Group your ideas into different sections


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