
1、國家開放大學電大??啤居⒄Z閱讀(2)】期末試題及答案(試卷號:2156) 2022盜傳必究 Fart 1 Questions 1*10 art based on Passage L (30 points* 3 points each) Passage 1 When Betty Burwood won the national lottery, she And her hut(bnndt Kill, moved into a berautiful big bungalow nnd she bought herself a very expensive pearl necklace? T
2、he following summer ? the Burwoods decided to throu a party. Enrly on the iiftrrnoon of the party? Beity took her new silk dres> out of the wardrobe and put her expenRivr prnrl nccklflcc on her dresstng-tablc ready to put on in the evening. Then, she went to sec how the prcpsrAtions for the party we
3、re going. The caunng company had ju^l arrived r cook. Mrs- Moore? and hrr two helpers. Nancy and Harnet. They were nil in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which they had brought with lht?E. Soon, the fourth member of the team, Charlie Chivrrs< arrived on his bicycle. By six o'clock, everyt
4、hing w心 ready. The garden looked magniftcent — with small round uble5 and colorful chairs and sun shades- The food and drink was all laid out in the kitchen> ready to be brought out when the guests arnvcd< At ten past sixr Betty went to hrr bedroom to get ready. She showered ond pul on her best sil
5、k dress, h whs when she was brushing hrr hair that she realixed that her [jcnrls were not on the dressinR-tablca she -aid. Mhave you moved my prorls?° "No? deartK Answered Bill. ° where were they?0 H I put them on the dressing table this nfternoon and they're not here now. 〞 "Arc you Mire?H a^ked B
6、ill. * Maybe you put them down somewhere the. or maybe you1 ve moved them." For a quarter of an hour they searched for thr mif>5ing pearls, but couldn f t find them anywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the police* Soon. InnpertGr Morgan arrived and started to question all the sus
7、prclH. ?. Raid Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1-5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet 1. Why could Brtty afford nn expensive nrcklnce? 2. Why did she fuke her necklace out early in the day? 3. How many people were there in the catering company? 4. Whn: do you thin
8、k in the boxes brought by the catering company? 5. How Ions did lhev search for thr mi^inp Rend Passage 1 again and Ihen fill Ln the follow Ing blanks numbered G-10 with the information from the passage. Write yonr answers on the Answer Sheet. Head Passaic I again and ihrn fill In the rollowlnx b
9、lanks numbered G-10 with the inrormailun from I he Write ynwr answer* ?n the Anwwrr Sheet Time Action When Fktty won the lottrry The couple movtsl into n h氓(6) und B<〞ly bcHight n prnrj ncckhcc* the (olluwing niimmrr The Burwood# wanted to (7) ? On ihr rtftrrnoon of I hr pony Thr wife t(
10、x>k her new out ol ihr closet And pul the
necklncc un fhr drrMing fnhle>
By 6t00
Everything wm prrpurrd. I hr gxrdt!n nppr/ircd ( 8) with Hniall round tnb!r? and colorful chntr* nnd nun nhA(lrH.
Al 6|10
Iktty wrm t(i 11、m nimninK.
Al (10)
Vhr couple (Nilcii tu find out the prurh nnd then ihry rnndr up lheir mind* to cnll the police
' Ahrr ? while
Phr poher arrived ami began tn inqu^r the suspect
Purt II Multiple ( holccw QiM^tkrn* 11-20 iire ba.wd on 2 & 3.
Quevtionv I l-20i I herr arc 2 pavui&m In (hh pur 12、l thut ure rollowcd by 10 queMionw. For each qiteiillnn. there lire four ?ugKctcd un^wrrt inMrkcd lh < and l>. Krnd the piKNUKc* riirrrully mid then ch?M?e thv bt*t an^Mcr to cnch of I hr quc?li(in?. Write ynur anwert ?n the An?wrr Sheet. (30 f)olnt?. 3 pnlnU cucli)
PuNiiaftr 2
China ha* 267 milli 13、on (aniilirK* About 10 million newlyweds establish new househoid* every year. Many ol fhciic new h()u?thuldn dllfrr significantly from trndninnal (nmihc^.
lodny women piny ? ntajcir n?lc hi (hr fjimily. The aid putrinrchid Uniily m bcin? r< placed by . more or 時 equal ?paiiHnl rrluticinfihip. Thi. 14、change wik not dimply ■ rrnuh <)1 I hinrwr In^M that utiptihtc inrfi nnd women nrc ri|iiaL Chinese women arc receiving more rduruiiunt ntr Adivrly rmployrd and ?rr mnkinn MitnifirAnt cantribution* io fnrnily incornrii> I hnr financial contn but ion him increimccl Irorn 20 percent in the 1950> to 4U 15、prrrrnt today* In >ume larnilicu it even hiiihrr.
】wo national studies on the status of women reached similar conclu?ionMX Women have more power in lhr family. In cilies, murr women make decisions on family mutter^f m change many Chinese men are hnppy with.
The concept of marriage h cbangini: so t 16、hat people now marry for happiness rather than to oirry on the family linc< In choosing a spouse, many will marry someone they loves otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find n spouse who is well- rducste'd and considerate^ While they vnlue love in a marringr? most people 17、also consider the mntcnRl well-being of a potential 5iH)use. In both rural and urban orcas* people have more say about who they marry.
C hinn l? rapidly chunigins from the Imdilional t>elicf (hat more children inruns more* hupphim to the mcMlcru concept of fewer und hcallhirr 機rlhs. In Icaa thnn tw 18、o decades? (iHrin9* fertility rntr hnn dropped by more thatn 50 prrcrnt> IncrcAHinKly ? young roupIrM nrc poMqH)ning having u child to allow (or their own perMonnl growth und rnjoymrnt. Some couplrj* are declining to hnvr children* In lhr?e cmiCNt women irncrally piny a pivotul rolri thiR witUAtion 19、in riianf common in Inrgc citifR Much an lk?ijinx? ShnnghAt nnd Gunngxhoii.
Starting ? new household h replacing the tradition of marrying inin the man's fnmily. In a tMcbminitl fihirringct ihr wife l)nAmc n mrmbrr of thr hunlMnd ' n htElly. h wns even stipulated by Inw thut n wilr niunt rnnkr hrr 20、hiiMbnri(r? hornr her Irgnl rrniclcnrre 「hlu niranf ihn! a womun wan tfantiicrrrd from her pnrrti!1 home to her parrntn in lnw 1 m home* where mI>c ntcMunird n fiulHirdtnafr po^itii>n?
After fhc new l?w wmh enacted in 198(). tr/ulniotuil rnnrrin^c!* brgnn diMppenritiK in citicAt Today# nhoui hnlf o 21、l nil hounchohiM arc nurlrar (AmiheMi thrMc hoiLirhoItU promotr cqtmliiy lie tween men nnd women# In rurnl arcon it in utill common for a woman to move into thr man% home when ahc rnnrncM.
Chines,mArnngc* nrr mill rchtivrly *tnble even (hough pco|>lridran nnd conduci hove ilwingrd uignifimnily 奪tut 22、 ( hinn 1 w rrfnrm nnd opening io rhe ouftudc world. The nvrrugc oRe *1 which fhirw^r pcoplr hrnt rnurry k hrtwern 22 and 23. this age bcinR ^ornewhot lower in rurnl nre4? and aotnewhMt higher in the cities Chinn1? nmrruigr rate in highi very few people rrm*in mn?lr in th 23、n marry between thr agvM of 20 io 2L
In recent yrs the divorce rote has ulowly dimbedt but it Is Mill only onr third to one fifth lluit of developing countries hiwh am Indin and lluukmcL The divorce rntr in Eumpcan nnd Amrnain countnes is 10 time* that a( Oiimu Thh* tndiotai relative mbilily evr? t 24、hough Chinese marriages and 新mlk nrr 血w響
1L In choottnit their ?poux? people uMially consider ?
A? lovr
& matenil wraith
C aiumitonal background
d all ol thr above
11 In the Usl two decjulrs. the fertility rate ho dropped ftluirpiy berauie ?
A? m 25、e UMbtiofud belief o( more children meantng more (vipptncws h?? changed
C> most urban cuuplew c^rr more about their prrwnM happiness
d many wiitnen ate k?ecominx eranotniolly independent
IX Onr <*( the fraturr* of nuclear families t? lhal ?
Ae huslwim! a ml wilr arc rqujil to etch other
枚 thr w 26、ife listen* more to her huthind
G the wife normally mmre to her husband'? home
fl thr wifr down、identify hcrtrlf an ? member of the huabund9* f?rmly
14. The k>t part of the artirlr Mates that ^ChimS mnrnagr rate i? high" ? whkh implies that .
A. people in runl areas get married earlier thain peo 27、ple in cttie>
H. mo9t people grt mamed at the ngr of 24
C mm marry latrr than wamrn
FX tnaM people get married wonrr or hter in their liv〞
15< Hy compurtson* the divorce rale in Chiivi is ?
A. one o( thr lowest in the world
(L ten times that of the European countries
C? one fifth of the marri 28、aMe rate in the country
D? ten timm higher than it wa> trn year* ago
Piwagc 3
Thr UtcM re^eofch by the Wumtn * i and the Institutr of Joiimalwm
under the Chinee Academy ol Social Sciences, uined ftC inveangating rhe relationship* between parenrs And children* disclosed that nearly 60 Tnillion co 29、uples throughout the country felt they hid (ailed as parents
*1 not very tucces 30、 educating ? some find diffkulty tn eommuntoitin< with their children* same feel totally lost at what their children should br taught — traditionAl Chinese momitty such as honesty? modomy. forbearazxe uid earing, or the modem ethos of compet!t>Gn? Educatiocul experts rud the answer* m the qu£stionnA 31、ires? arulyMd the prnltlernt. and advised p 32、ed from reality… Parentu wmt to know how to prrvent these mnueners.
About 19. 9 percent of the parents complAined about their children being too orefree wMh money. *「【!?,?, children are spoiletL They will accept nothing bu! brand name commodities. When celebrating birthdays* they like to give luxur 33、ious parries and on festivals they expect expensive gifts.' ?omr parents said. M*ny parents agree that their children are igocrant of hardship, thrift# turd work, and public ethics.
Whh the implementatian of one-child policy* a new problem has became obvious: lonehne— (){ the chiMrrn who answered t 34、he qgmtmnaire. 1 L S percent said they had no ckwe fnendr and 17. 6 percent often felt lonely.
A problem which has bothered parents is *xcx. ? *1 donft know how to talk about ?虹x' with my childmAny parents say. ?sex* has been uboo tn China (or agn Though people ?re now more opcn-tn:nded? i> often c 35、nnAidered ro be related to evil. Oflen when ■ child 心虹 bn mother wherr he has come from. hi> mother fetds embarrassetL
16. The rescsnrh ?how> that 60 million couples ?
A. had theix parents
K d如、want (o br parent!
C had failed to become parenif
FX dnh)、know bow to be good parcnti
17< M^ny paren 36、ts are worried 4bout TV* * a ncgAtivr mfluencc because they think
A< too many foreign programs on tctencc are not intrrentmg
B- lHerr are t*oi enough cartoon for children to enjoy
I . wmr uf the pretgrams donf t present the true piciure of tbe world to children
II love and violence art not dearl 37、y presented to them
I8? When parenu complain that w todaye % children art spoiledthey mean that
_ _ .
A. these chddrefi ?how no tnreretT in money
ik they arc only mtercstetl in a lux uno us nuteruil lifr
(\ no on has taught them the mertt> of the nation
(1 they donf t likr brand-name com modi 38、tic* an hirthduy prr^ncs
19. According to the research ■
A- 1 L 8 percent of parent! are open about "irxR
H. 17> 6 percent of children have the problem of lonehneB*
C. 19. 9 percent cif cbildren have been bothered about **exn
Il 5土 2 percent af Agree that their children arc problematic
20> Man 39、y Chinese {Mrenii don、talk about ■“x" to their children tieciuie ?
A< they don't know anything about it thenx^elvm
K if ii null a uboo :opic in Chtmi today
C they don't know how to exp bun it to thetr children
H children will teirn about it by them>elve> anyway
Part 111 Troe or Fate
Qutsliom 2 40、i*3O are based on Pnsiaft L (20 points. 2 point) e?ch>
The Smithtonun Natioruil Museum recently added a new jrwd to ns collcctione The Cuibnan Diamond necklace now un view ?t the museum with another Umou>)rwdt the Hope DunnoncL Though smaller than the Hope Diamond# cxpcris say flic CullinAn Dum 41、ond rs just as bcaatifuL
The silver necklace 251 duitnonebu Nine extremely rare blur chamonds are part of the des)gn< The rare blue diamond* lotai more than five rAratiu IJke the Hope Ihamande the Cullman Diamond also b心? nch history. It u named niter Thomas lvullinAnt n Umou? South African explore 42、r* He owned the Premier Diamond Mine in South /XInca.
Mr. Cullinan had promised his wife that he would find her the largest 43、discovered^
Thomat Cullinan sold the uncut diamond to th? Transvail govemmrnu It wa? hier Riven to tinlish King Edward VTI on his birthday* The diamond was then cut info ■ number of differeni jewelt which became part of the British Royal Family eoliection. The most hmuus o( the pieces in known asi 44、the Star of Africa
Mr. ("ullinjiti had thr Culliiuin Diamond Necklace created a special present for his wifr in 1910> The necklace was pasned down to the firMt d^ughfer of each family until it wns 5old by a great-granddMUghter in the early 1980s.
An unidentified perMjn gavr the nrckhce to ihr musr 45、um tn honor of its 100th anniversary*
Read Passage 4 and decide whcUicr the following MBtcmcnts arv True or False. Write T for True and F for False agninst the number of each of tbr staten>ents on yonr Answer Sheet.
21. The Hope Diamund >3 more lieauliful thun the Cullinan rhamond>
22. The silver 46、 nccklncc has nine rare blue diamondfu
23. The weight of all of the diamonds of the silver npcklnce is Hve carats-
24. The diamond is named after Thomns Cullinan? who wa5 the man/iger of the Premier Diamond Mine in South Africa-
25. Mr. Cullinan didn't keep his promise to his wife. He sold the la 47、rgest diamond he found.
26. The largest diomond in the world weighed almost 3 ? 107 csratM after it wax cut and polished.
27. The Star of Africa comes from the Cullinan Diamond.
28. The Cullinan Diamond Necklace was created as a gift to his granddaughter by Mr. Cullinan.
29. Thr nrcklucr wan pas 48、sed down to the first son of each family^
30. The museum clerks knew clrjsrly whu ?irnt the nrekiner to the nuiMcunu
Part IV Short Answer
Questions 3ITS arc based on Passage 5- (20 points. 4 poinU each )
Passage 5
World AIDS Day
December first World AIDS Day. The message At events this year is 49、 "Livr and Let Live< " [hr nim is to end improper treatment of peuplc with HIV and AIDS Exports ! 50、h rhe HIV virus. These include 2. 5 million children. Worldwide, ihr report mid that 6 million people became tnfreteti with HIV and 5 million dind in 2010 the mo?i ever.
Doctor Pcier Piot hs(U thr United Nations AIDS program. He say5 AIDS is Hprvaciing fastest in Eastern Europe? especially Russia^ 51、The Caribbean continues to experience high IcvcIm of infection. And. he says there could br major increases in Chiiui and India-
()ne out of five adults in southern Airis is living with HIV or AIDS Southern Africa remnins thr worst a (feet cd part of the world. But Doctor Piot says there is a sharp 52、 increase in partH of Western Africa ? such &5 tn Cameroon and Nigeria, and in parts of Southern Asia and Southeast Asin# such as IndiH ?nd Thailand
Sexual contact? infected blood nnd the shrtring of injection nrcdlrs can all spread the AIDS virile AIDS was first di^covrml tn the 1980& Nnwf more wo 53、men thnn rncn tweomr mfectrd with HIV. And FXHtor Piot warns lluii the nbtliiy of countricft to provide services hn? dropped as mnny hrnlth workers become infected.
The UN South Africa had more people with HIV at the end of last year thnn any other country. It had an csttmntrd 5. 3 million cze. nbo 54、tn eleven percent of lhe populauone Imi month South Africa Announced a phn to provide anti retrovirnl medicines for free, rhrsr drugM restrain the npre^d of the virus.
South Africa nnyM it hopes to have anti AIDS cent cm open in every health district within a year and in rvrry lorn) Arm within five 55、 ycnrs< The plan nlno includes money for public education nml (raining for hrnlth care workerju
Unul now. the guvemmrnt has Mid the dniK^ cost tcxi much and can cnu?e harm. However? thr ro?t of three AIDS drugx taken na a combniAtion will Im- cut by almost ane-thtnl This will hAppcn under nn ARrt?r 56、mrnt negotiated by the Clinton Fcmndatioa Fomirr Ammain Prmtiknt Bill Clinton says that if the South African progrnm in 5ucv 57、nts o( World AIDS D?y fhij? year?
32. How ninny peof)le inferred with AIDS died in 2010?
33. What doi the word Mheads'1 in the second pArngrRph mcHn?
34. What can spread the AIDS virus?
35< Which rrgion h thr wor 58、 < 3(* 3 |mHiiK cm( Ii)
[? IhwiMir hficl won I hr tmliniMil loltvry.
2. ItrrrtiiM* .h〞 wjifiu il io h/iw h rrndy to w?nr in I he
3. Ihvrv wrn four |>c<>plr in ilk irttctmu nirnpuny4 (They wrre Mf Moore# \nucy.
IInirH i ninl < luirlii* I hivi r* )
{? Foorlt (ihtc^e di?h?f nnd *n on.
For m ?limn 59、er ol iui hour.
th buhHnlow
7. throw m pnrty
w/i< liriiwhniK her Iiaif
m 6123
P?r1 II ( >( pninl^i i rm h1
n. i>
12. l\
l.le A
Id A
16. 1)
Purl III ( 2<,
p〞hil、each ?
1H. B
20. C
21. F
22. T
21. 1-
2 1
27. 1
I%irt |\ ( 2" piih 60、tK. I piihit* nuh)
3L I hr nirn ?>( ilu mzziu,z ro rn*l impnijMT ir< nim< hi nl 時中1「with 111\* nnd All
3?. 3 tnllUdft prciplr infertcrd with AIDS died in 201().
33. Thv wind Hlh Adnw nr mm "|"小〞
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