219 冷沖(連接片級進模)
219 冷沖(連接片級進模),連接,片級進模
我國機械制造業(yè)管理信息化特點及發(fā)展趨勢北京機械工業(yè)自動化研究所首席顧問 蔣明煒 1.前言 制造業(yè)特別是機械制造業(yè)是國民經濟的支柱產業(yè),現代制造業(yè)正在改變著人們的生產方式、生活方式、經營管理模式乃至社會的組織結構和文化。由于中國潛在的巨大市場和豐富的勞動力資源,世界的制造業(yè)正在向中國轉移,中國正在成為世界的制造大國。我國在家電等若干產品的產量已居世界第一位。但是在自主知識產權的創(chuàng)新設計、先進制造工藝和裝備及現代化管理等方面仍然存在很大差距,所以我們還不是制造強國。本文僅就機械制造企業(yè)目前管理中存在的問題、如何利用信息技術提高管理水平、管理信息化的特點和技術發(fā)展趨勢作一些研究,供機械制造企業(yè)制定信息化方案時參考。 2.機械制造企業(yè)目前管理中存在問題 中國機械制造業(yè)經過幾十年的努力已經具有相當的規(guī)模,積累了大量的技術和經驗。但是隨著世界經濟一體化的形成,由于中國潛在的巨大市場和豐富的勞動力資源,國外的技術、資金、產品大量涌入中國,中國企業(yè)面臨前所未有的國內外激烈的競爭局面。競爭要求企業(yè)產品更新換代快、產品質量高、價格低、交貨及時、服務好。這些市場競爭的武器與企業(yè)管理的模式、管理方法、管理手段、組織結構、業(yè)務流程密切相關。然而中國企業(yè)及人們的思想意識由于受到 30-40 年計劃經濟的影響,上述競爭武器與發(fā)達國家相比存在很大差距。 (1)生產計劃控制的模式落后 尚未實施 ERP 的機械制造企業(yè)幾乎 100%采用臺套計劃的方式。即以產品最長生產周期作為構成產品各種物料的采購提前期和生產提前期。過分夸大的提前期是造成庫存和在制品儲備高,流動資金占用大的根本原因。生產計劃與采購計劃脫節(jié),零件成套水平差,不能準時交貨?;蛘哂酶邇鋪肀=回浧凇>嚯x現代管理方法物料需求計劃 MRP、準時生產 JIT、供應商管庫房 VMI、同步生產相差甚遠。 (2)企業(yè)應變能力差 今天的市場瞬息萬變,需求多樣化。按訂單裝配 MTO,按訂單制造 MTO,按訂單設計 MTD,大規(guī)模定制 MC。品種規(guī)格繁多,生產、采購異常復雜。從客戶—銷售—設計—生產—采購—財務—成本,需要一個完整的供應鏈管理,才能動態(tài)快速地響應客戶需求,適應千變萬化市場和客戶定制化的要求。 (3)成本計算不準確,成本控制差 人工成本核算一般只能計算產品成本,無法計算零部件成本。成本費用分攤很粗,大量成本數據采集是人工歸集的,數據準確性很差,使得成本計算不準確。一般不進行標準成本的計算,也很少進行成本分析,因此成本控制差。 (4)信息分散、不及時、不準確、不共享 制造業(yè)產、供、銷、人、財、物是一個有機的整體,他們之間存在大量信息交換。然而人工管理信息分散、缺乏完善的基礎數據,信息分散、不及時、不準確、不共享、大大影響管理決策的科學性。 (5)科層式的組織機構而不是面向業(yè)務流程的扁平化的組織,一般業(yè)務流程不合理,業(yè)務流程的管理和控制不規(guī)范,隨意性大。 (6)缺乏標準化、規(guī)范化、制度化、程式化的管理,管理的優(yōu)劣因人而異。盡管通過 ISO9000 制定了一系列的程序文件,執(zhí)行的效果可因企業(yè)和管理者而異。 (7)管理工具落后,大部分企業(yè)仍處于手工分散管理或微機單項管理的階段。有的企業(yè)也建立了全廠的計算機網絡,但應用仍是分散的,沒有實現信息的共享和資源的優(yōu)化配置。 (8)現代化管理的新思想、新方法、新技術的應用差。例如:敏捷制造 AM、虛擬制造 VM、準時生產JIT、客戶關系管理 CRM、供應鏈管理 SCM、商業(yè)智能 BI、電子商務 EC、企業(yè)資源計劃 ERP 等。 3.用信息技術提高機械制業(yè)管理水平 上述目前管理中存在的問題嚴重地影響著企業(yè)管理水平、管理效率和企業(yè)的競爭能力。采用現代化的管理思想、方法和計算機網絡通信技術,實現機械制造企業(yè)的管理創(chuàng)新、制度創(chuàng)新和技術創(chuàng)新是擺在每個企業(yè)面前刻不容緩任務。所以建立聯接廠內外的計算機網絡通信系統(tǒng),選擇先進、成熟、適合企業(yè)管理需求的企業(yè)資源計劃 ERP、客戶關系管理 CRM、供應鏈管理 SCM、商業(yè)智能 BI、電子商務 EC 等軟件系統(tǒng),通過管理咨詢和業(yè)務流程重組,優(yōu)化設計企業(yè)的組織機構、管理模式、業(yè)務流程,應用上述軟件系統(tǒng),實現企業(yè)管理的信息化。以克服目前企業(yè)管理中存在的問題,提高企業(yè)管理水平、管理效率和企業(yè)的競爭能力,是企業(yè)面對知識經濟和全球經濟一體化做出的必然選擇。系統(tǒng)建設的目標是: (1)建成一個覆蓋全公司的計算機網絡化的管理信息系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)使企業(yè)的生產經營實現物流、資金流、信息流和工作流的高度統(tǒng)一與并行運作,并通過 Intranet、Internet 實現企業(yè)內、外部充分的信息交流及企業(yè)與外界的聯系,形成有效的敏捷供需鏈系統(tǒng)。 (2) 采用先進的生產計劃控制方法。打破臺套計劃的方式,按各種物料的采購提前期和生產提前期編制物料需求計劃。建立一個有效、靈活的由主生產計劃、物料需求計劃和車間作業(yè)計劃的三級計劃所組成的生產計劃管理體系,最大限度的縮短產品生產周期、采購周期、準時交貨,快速響應客戶需求,最大限度的降低庫存和成本,提高售后服務水平。有條件的企業(yè)推行準時生產 JIT、供應商管庫房 VMI、同步生產等先進管理方法。 (3)實現全公司基礎數據(如物料數據、產品結構數據、產品設計工藝數據、生產能力數據等)統(tǒng)一生成、統(tǒng)一維護和統(tǒng)一管理,供經授權的各相關部門使用,真正做到數出一家、數據共享,避免冗余。通過ERP 系統(tǒng)的建立和實施進一步理順企業(yè)的管理程序,做到管理的制度化、規(guī)范化和科學化。 (4)針對目前各管理部門中信息分割的情況,建立以客戶為中心的動態(tài)信息反饋和監(jiān)控體系,實現對每項任務從合同簽訂、設計、生產、采購、成本核算到成品發(fā)貨全過程的動態(tài)跟蹤,使每項任務處于有效的監(jiān)控之下。 (5)加強財務管理和健全成本核算功能。真正建立起二級成本核算體系,采用先進的成本核算方法,較為準確地核算出零部件成本和產品成本,為銷售報價和財務核算提供可靠依據。進行成本分析,找出降低成本的因素,有效降低成本。 (6)使用計算機加強質量數據的統(tǒng)計分析。充分利用質量檢測數據,利用多種分析方法,進行深入的統(tǒng)計和分析。有力地監(jiān)督和提高質量水平。 (7)通過計算機實現企業(yè)的信息化管理,將廣大管理人員從繁瑣的手工勞動中解放出來,使他們有機會學習管理理論和提高管理技能,從本質上提高企業(yè)管理人員的管理水平。 4.中國機械制造業(yè)管理的特點 機械制造業(yè)與其它制造業(yè)的管理具有共性也有個性;機械制造業(yè)本身隨著生產類型,生產批量,生產組織方式不同其管理方法存在差異;中國的制造業(yè)與發(fā)達國家相比,由于企業(yè)文化、法律、制度的不同也有其特殊性。下面就這些特點加以論述: (1)機械制造業(yè)是典型的離散制造業(yè),其管理軟件根據企業(yè)的生產類型,生產批量,生產組織方式不同,需要不同的解決方案。下圖列出生產類型的劃分: 這些制造類型的特征: 離散制造——不同的物料經過非連續(xù)的移動,通過不同路徑,生產出不同的物料和產品。如汽車、機床、飛機、計算機、家電等。 流程工業(yè)——物料經過混合、分離、成型或者化學反應,物料大多連續(xù)地通過相同路徑,生產出有價值的產品。它又分為連續(xù)生產、批量生產和混合制造幾種類型。在管理上要求配方管理、副產品、聯產品、多種計量單位,同一物品多個質量等級、批號跟蹤、保質期等特點,一般用專業(yè)流程工業(yè)軟件。 單件生產——產品按訂單設計、按客戶需求生產,產品很復雜。產品生產周期一般都很長。有時一個合同按部件多次交貨。如三大動力廠(大電機、汽輪機、鍋爐)重型機械、造船等。生產組織按工藝劃分,設備是通用的。生產管理中除應用多品種小批量生產的整套方法外,需增加網絡計劃(項目管理) ,關鍵資源排序。這里 CRM 就并不重要。 多品種小批量生產——產品是標準的或選配的。需求可以是預測,或按訂單生產,按訂單裝配。生產組織按工藝特征分車間、工段、班組,如鑄、鍛、鉚、焊、車、銑、刨、磨、裝配等。生產計劃的特征是典型的 MRPII 加配置控制。他們也需要 CRM,SCM 等。 大批量生產——產品是標準或少數選配。需求主要靠預測,也考慮訂單。生產設備是以物料(零件、部件)為對象組成一條條流水生產線。生產計劃的特征是將傳統(tǒng) MRPII 與 JIT 混合制造,中長期計劃和批量生產的零件采用物料需求計劃 MRP,執(zhí)行計劃采用 JIT、看板(電子看板) 、反沖庫存、條碼物料跟蹤等計劃。CRM,電子商務就很重要。 大規(guī)模定制——將多品種小批量生產以滿足不同客戶個性需求和大批量生產提高生產率,降低成本的優(yōu)勢相結合。生產組織仍是流水線,但產品配置是多種多樣。在生產計劃控制方面它需要結合 MRP、JIT、配置控制等綜合應用。是前兩種的混合制造模式。 所以,企業(yè)生產類型不同,在選擇 ERP 軟件時要按這些不同的管理特征去尋找滿足企業(yè)需求的軟件。你是個年產 10 萬輛汽車的生產廠,軟件中沒有 JIT 我看就不合適。你是個重型機械廠,他產品中沒有項目管理,關主件質量跟蹤,我看也不行。另外,不同的企業(yè)管理的重點也不盡相同,有的企業(yè)銷售非常復雜,但生產簡單。有的采購和生產制造非常復雜,但一年只有幾個合同,銷售管理并不重要。所以,一定要辯證施治、對癥下藥。 (2)由于東西方文化的差異,使得我們必須重新審視西方 ERP 系統(tǒng)在中國的應用問題。 西方以“ 法 ”為重心的管理模式,所以西方 ERP 系統(tǒng)是根據以法為重的企業(yè)文化、政府的政策法令、規(guī)章制度、稅收政策、設計開發(fā)的;比較重時間進度,重計劃,以保證交貨期為目標,以時間計劃為主線,以標準化為基礎,強調在正確的時間將正確的物料按正確的量送到正確的地方。軟件功能和邏輯符合所在國政府的政策法令、規(guī)章制度、稅收政策。人們嚴格遵守合約,重計劃、守紀律。 應當說,ERP 較好地解決了發(fā)達國家的制造企業(yè)的集成化管理問題。 東方以“ 情 ”為特質的管理哲理,這種管理由于偏重于人的作用和價值實現,卻忽略制度效應和條例管理,從而表現出在強調人事關系方面理性精神表現得充分,而在強調任務和規(guī)則方面,理性精神表現得不充分。因此,法規(guī)制度的不嚴,人事關系過多,理性精神不足,正是中國式管理的缺陷和不足之處。其在管理上的表現,就是較多考慮“后果” 。所謂的 “主人翁”精神,否認是管理者還是被管理者,都注重自己行為的價值標準,他們重承諾,輕合約;重調度,輕計劃;重情感,輕制度;隨意性強,守時性差。所以西方 ERP在中國的應用必須注重對人的價值觀的管理。所以建立責權利相結合的,全面進行企業(yè)績效管理是非常必要的。 (3)ERP 這個現代制造業(yè)的管理工具,它有其社會屬性和自然屬性兩個方面。就其自然屬性而言,中外企業(yè)沒有多大差別。它們都追求最大限度的縮短生產制造周期,降低成本,降低庫存,準時交貨,快速響應客戶需求。因此 ERP 的普遍原理是中外適用的。但就其社會屬性而言,企業(yè)管理受國家政策法令、規(guī)章制度、稅收政策、市場環(huán)境的影響。因此 ERP 一定要考慮國情化。例如, ERP 中的財務軟件,它必須符合中國財政部頒布的會計準則和會計電算化的要求。在現階段還要處理“三角債”;以物易物的“磨帳” 處理;在成本核算中保留計劃價逐步接轉,差異分攤的方法;既有財務應收帳,還要記錄銷售應收帳;雙重工時定額等。 (4)中國機械制造業(yè)的管理是最復雜的。機械制造業(yè)由于物料品種規(guī)格多,生產不連續(xù),生產制造過程復雜,所以機械制造業(yè)的管理比其他制造業(yè)復雜。另外,中國機械制造業(yè)與國外發(fā)達國家相比仍然是大而全,小而全的生產組織模式,專業(yè)化分工沒有像國外那樣細,中國企業(yè)內部的管理相對國外要復雜,所以中國機械制造業(yè)的管理是最復雜的。 5.械械制造業(yè)管理信息化的發(fā)展趨勢 隨著全球經濟一體化進程的加快,新的管理模式和管理方法不斷涌現,計算機和網絡通信技術高速發(fā)展,特別是國際互聯網絡滲透到世界的每個角落。作為機械制造企業(yè)管理信息化的重要工具---企業(yè)資源計劃ERP 系統(tǒng),正在發(fā)生著深刻的變化和發(fā)展。下面我們從管理思想、系統(tǒng)性能和軟件開發(fā)平臺三個方面講述其發(fā)展趨勢。 (1)管理思想的發(fā)展 1.在網絡系統(tǒng)支持下,新的 ERP 系統(tǒng)將給世界帶入這樣一種境界:消費者或客戶通過互聯網絡在電子商場了解產品性能、價格,通過電子商務給生產廠商下達訂單;生產者通過 ERP 系統(tǒng)下達物料采購和生產制造指令,通過電子商務完成物料采購、支付活動;經過生產制造,最后將商品按時送交用戶,在網上完成交易和結算。它使供應商、生產者、分銷商、客戶,通過供應鏈緊密集成,物料不間斷的流動,達到減少庫存,最大限度減少經營成本,快速響應客戶需求,提高企業(yè)市場競爭能力和經濟效益。所以供應鏈管理SCM,電子商務 EC 將必不可少。 2.由于市場競爭加劇,制造商要從過去的“以產品為中心” 轉向以“客戶為中心” 的經營策略??蛻絷P系管理CRM 它為企業(yè)提供全方位的客戶視角,賦予企業(yè)更完善的與客戶交流的能力,是一種最大化客戶收益率的方法。它在充分了解客戶的特殊需求基礎上,進行“一對一” 的個性化服務,提高客戶對企業(yè)的滿意度和忠誠度,使企業(yè)取得競爭優(yōu)勢。其目的在于建立一個系統(tǒng),使企業(yè)在客戶服務、市場競爭、銷售及支持方面形成彼此協調的全新的關系。CRM 既是技術,又是一種新型的管理哲理和機制。 3.支持敏捷制造和虛擬制造。敏捷制造是使企業(yè)具有卓越的自適應能力,在多變的環(huán)境中占據競爭主導地位的總體戰(zhàn)略。在經營管理范疇中其實現的技術手段包括:準時生產 JIT,精良生產 LP,并行工程 CE,業(yè)務流程再造 BPR,虛擬制造 VM 等。通過快速建模工具和參考模型庫,加快業(yè)務流程再造的過程。采用基于瀏覽器/服務的體系結構和軟構件技術,通過標準虛擬專用網 VPN 技術,完全可以構建虛擬制造的環(huán)境,支持虛擬企業(yè)和虛擬制造的管理需求。 4.企業(yè)績效管理 EPM(Enterprise Performance Management ) 。EPM 根據企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略目標和經營目標,設置各個部門的目標,并將這些目標層層分解為每個員工的目標,通過 ERP 系統(tǒng)采集其執(zhí)行情況,并與分配的目標進行比較,以確定員工的報酬和獎勵。并對整個公司、部門和員工的績效進行分析。EPM 包括計劃、管理和分析的全過程。以建立完善的激勵機制,促成公司目標的實現,提高企業(yè)的績效。 5.ERP 要走專業(yè)化的道路。鑒于不同行業(yè)在管理細節(jié)上存在較大差異,需要針對不同的行業(yè)特點、運作機理,設置相應的業(yè)務流程、搭建相應的組織結構并設計相應的軟件架構去實現。不能指望用一個通用解決方案去適用所有行業(yè),特別是在涉及到生產、銷售、采購和成本這樣的企業(yè)業(yè)務細節(jié)時,必須擁有專注于某一行業(yè)的方案才能有效解決不同應用環(huán)境的信息化問題。另外專業(yè)化的 ERP 軟件產品其開發(fā)周期短、升級換代快、實施容易、成本低等特點。 (2)系統(tǒng)性能的要求 1.為了適應不斷變化的組織結構和業(yè)務流程,ERP 系統(tǒng)需要發(fā)展商務過程管理(Business Process Management )和工作流管理,支持業(yè)務流程重組和企業(yè)動態(tài)建模。針對企業(yè)的不同需求,實現功能可裁剪、系統(tǒng)可配置、流程可重構、過程可管理。 2.為了使廣大供應商、客戶、合作伙伴、廣大員工進入應用系統(tǒng),ERP 系統(tǒng)必須提供對內對外的可集成性和靈活性。對內 ERP 系統(tǒng)要與 CIMS、OA、立體倉庫、條形碼,數據挖掘等系統(tǒng)緊密集成。對外與供應商、客戶、合作伙伴的異構系統(tǒng)集成,充分實現信息共享;支持移動辦公和無線接入。 3.支持集團公司業(yè)務。支持多公司、多組織,跨地域的商業(yè)運作模式。 (3)軟件開發(fā)平臺的要求 為了實現上述管理功能和系統(tǒng)性能的要求,ERP 軟件開發(fā)平臺必須采用以下技術: 1. 基于瀏覽器/服務器的多層體系結構。為了使用戶在任何地方、任何時候操作數據成為可能,大大拓展客戶范圍,將客戶擴展到整個 Internet 網絡上,采用 J2EE 或.NET 開發(fā)平臺,實現客戶端的瀏覽器層、Web 層、業(yè)務邏輯層和數據庫層的多層體系結構是非常必要的。為了實現模塊之間的互通、互操作,管理構件的搭建與跨環(huán)境的部署和管理,都需要中間件的支撐。 2.了使 ERP 系統(tǒng)具有良好的可移植性、可集成性、互操作性,必須采用符合工業(yè)標準的開發(fā)語言、開發(fā)工具、通信協議和數據庫系統(tǒng)。使應用軟件真正做到獨立于操作系統(tǒng)(NT,UNIX,Linux) ,獨立于數據庫(ORACLE,SQL SERVER ,Sybase,DB2)自然也獨立于硬件平臺。 3.了實現系統(tǒng)可配置、流程可重構,軟件開發(fā)要采用軟構件技術。 4.支持分布式應用系統(tǒng)。新一代的管理軟件系統(tǒng)是超大規(guī)模的,也可根據需要剪裁成中小型應用系統(tǒng)。它將不再是集中在同一局域網絡服務器上的系統(tǒng),因此支持分布式應用和分布式數據庫是未來管理軟件的一個特征。 綜上所述,機械制造企業(yè)是管理非常復雜的企業(yè),目前管理中存在諸多的問題,非常不利于激烈的市場競爭環(huán)境。利用信息技術實現管理創(chuàng)新、制度創(chuàng)新和技術創(chuàng)新,提高管理水平是不容置疑的。文章講述了機械制造企業(yè)管理信息化的特點,從管理思想、ERP 系統(tǒng)性能要求和軟件開發(fā)平臺三個方面談了技術發(fā)展趨勢。供 ERP 軟件供應商開發(fā)軟件和機械制造企業(yè)制定信息化方案時參考。 機電一體化網 我國機械制造業(yè)管理信息化特點及發(fā)展趨勢一文由聚合堂 lw.JuHeTang.com 搜集整理,版權歸作者所有,轉載請注明出處! 1. forewords The manufacturing industry specially is the mechanical manufacturing industry is the national economy pillar industry, the modern manufacturing industry is changing people's production method, the life style, the management management pattern and even society's organizational structure and the culture. As a result of the Chinese latent giant market and the rich labor force resources, the world manufacturing industry is shifting to China, China is becoming the world the manufacture great nation. Our country and so on certain products output has occupied the first in the world in the electrical appliances. But in independent aspect and so on intellectual property rights innovation design, advanced manufacture craft and equipment and modern management still had the very big disparity, therefore we make the powerful nation. Does this article only at present manage the question on the machine manufacture enterprise which exists, how using the information technology enhancement management level, the management information characteristic and the technological development tendency does some research, formulates when the information plan for the machine manufacture enterprise refers.2. machine manufactures enterprise at present manages has the problem The Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry passed through for several dozens years diligently already to have the suitable scale, accumulated the massive technologies and the experience. But along with the world economics integration formation, as a result of the Chinese latent giant market and the rich labor force resources, the overseas technology, the fund, the product massively wells up into China, the Chinese enterprise faced with the unprecedented domestic and foreign keen competition aspect. The competition request enterprise product renewal quick, the product quality high, the price low, the delivery is prompt, serves. These market competitions weapons and business management pattern, management, management method, organizational structure, service flow close correlation. However Chinese enterprise and people's ideology because receives 30-40 year planned economy the influence, the above competition weapon and the developed country compare the existence very big disparity. (1) productive plan control pattern backwardness not yet implements ERP the machine manufacture enterprise nearly 100% to use the wrap plan the way. Namely proposes the earlier period and the production by the product longest production cycle as the constitution product each kind of material purchase proposes the earlier period. Excessively exaggerating proposes the earlier period is creates the stock and the goods in process stockpiles high, the floating capital takes the big basic reason. The productive plan and purchases the plan to come apart, the components complete set level error, cannot punctually deliver. Or with high stockpiles guarantees the date of delivery. Plans MRP from the modern management material demand, punctually produces JIT, the supplier manages storehouse VMI, the synchronized production is far from. (2) the enterprise strain capacity difference today market is fast changing, demand diversification. Assembles MTO according to the order form, makes MTO according to the order form, designs MTD according to the order form, large-scale has custom-made MC. Variety specification many, the production, the purchase exceptionally is complex. From the customer - sale - design - production - purchase - finance - cost, needs a complete supply chain management, can dynamic fast respond the customer demand, adapts the ever changing market and the customer has custom-made request. (3) cost finding, the cost control difference artificial cost accounting generally only cannot calculate the product cost, is unable to calculate the spare part cost. The cost expense shares very thickly, the massive costs data acquisition is artificially gathers together, the data accuracy is very bad, causes cost finding plate out of true. Generally does not carry on the standard cost the computation, also very little carries on the cost analysis, therefore cost control difference. (4) the information disperses, is inferior to when, does not share the manufacture immovable property, for, sells, the person, the wealth, the thing is an organic whole, between them has the massive exchange of information. When artificially manages the information to disperse, to lack the consummation the foundation data, the information disperses, is inferior to, does not share, the tremendous influence management decision-making scientific nature. (5) the branch level -like organizations and agencies but are not face the service flow the flat organization, the general service flow is unreasonable, the service flow management and the control is not standard, is at will big. (6) lacks standardized, standardized, the institution, the formula management, the management fit and unfit quality is different from person to person. Although has formulated a series of procedures document through ISO9000, the execution effect may because of the enterprise and the superintendent but different. (7) manages the tool to be backward, the majority of enterprises still were in the manual disperser management or the microcomputer single item management stage. Some enterprises have also established the entire factory computer network, but applied was still dispersible, has not realized information sharing and the resources optimized disposition. (8) modern management new thought, new method, new technical application difference. For example: Agilely makes AM, hypothesized makes VM, punctually produces JIT, the customer relations manages CRM, supplies the chain to manage SCM, commercial intelligence BI, electronic commerce EC, the enterprise resources plans ERP and so on.3. raises the mechanical system industry management level with the information technology The above at present manages the question which exists seriously to affect the business management level, the management efficiency and enterprise's competitive ability. Uses modernized the management thought, the method and the computer network communication, realizes the machine manufacture enterprise's management innovation, the system innovation and the technical innovation is suspends in front of each enterprise the urgent duty. Therefore inside and outside the establishment joint factory computer network communications system, the choice advanced, is mature, the suitable business management demand enterprise resources plansERP, the customer relations managesCRM, supplies the chain to manageSCM, commercial intelligenceBI, software systemand so onelectronic commerce EC, through management consultation and service flow reorganization, optimized design enterprise's organizations and agencies, management pattern, service flow, application above software system, realization business management information. Overcomes the question which in at present business management exists, raises the business management level, the management efficiency and enterprise's competitive ability, is the enterprise the inevitably choice which makes facing the knowledge economy and the whole world economic integration. The system construction goal is: (1) completes to cover the entire company the computer network management information system. This system causes the enterprise the production management realization class, the fund class, the information flow and the work flows is highly unified and the parallel operation, and throughIntranet,in the Internet realization enterprise, exterior full information exchange and the enterprise and the outside relation, forms the effective agile supply and demand chain system. (2) uses the advanced productive plan control method. Breaks the wrap plan the way, proposes the earlier period and the production according to each kind of material purchase raises the earlier period establishment material demand plan. Establishes effectively, is nimble the productive plan management system which by the host productive plan, the material demand plan and the workshop work plan three levels of plans is composed, maximum limit reduces the product production cycle, the purchase cycle, the punctual delivery, the fast response customer demand, maximum limit reduces the stock and the cost, raises the post-sale service level. Has the condition the enterprise to carry out punctually producesJIT, the supplier manages storehouseVMI, the synchronized production and so on the advanced management. (3) realizes the entire company foundation data (for example material data, product structure data, product design craft data, productivity data and so on) unifies the production, the unification maintains and unifies the management, for uses after authorized each related department, truly achieves several, data sharing, avoids the redundancy. Furtherstraightens outthe enterprise through the ERP system establishment and the implementation the executive program, achieves the management the institution, the standardization and the scientific style. (4) in view of at present each control section in the information division situation, establishes take the customer as the central dynamic information feedback and the monitoring system, realizes signs, the design, the production, the purchase, the cost accounting end product to each duty from the contract delivers goods the entire process dynamic track, causes each duty to be in under the effective monitoring. (5) strengthens the financial control and the perfect cost accounting function. Truly establishes two levels of cost accounting system, uses the advanced cost accounting method, a more accurate core figures out the spare part cost and the product cost, is the sales quoted price and the financial calculation provides the reliable basis. Carries on the cost analysis, discovers reduces the cost the factor, effectively reduces the cost. (6) uses the computer to strengthen the quality data the statistical analysis. The full use quality examination data, the use many kinds of analysis method, carries on the thorough statistics and the analysis. Powerfully supervises and raises the quality level. (7) through the computer realization enterprise's information management, liberates the general administrative personnel from the tedious manual labor, enable them to have the opportunity to study the management theory and the enhancement management skill, from essentially raises the business management personnel's management level.4. Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry management characteristic The mechanical manufacturing industry has the general character with other manufacturing industries management also to have the individuality; Mechanical manufacturing industry itself along with production type, production batch, production organization way different its management existence difference; China's manufacturing industry and the developed country compare, because the enterprise culture, the law, the system different also have its particularity. Under performs on these characteristics to elaborate: (1) the mechanical manufacturing industry is the typical separate manufacturing industry, its management software basis enterprise's production type, the production batch, the production organization way is different, needs the different solution. The next chart lists the production type division: These manufacture types characteristics: The separate manufacture - different material passes through the non- continual migration, through the different way, produces the different material and the product. If automobile, engine bed, airplane, computer, electrical appliances and so on. The flow industry - material after the mix, the separation, takes shape or the chemical reaction, the material mostly continuously through the same way, produces the valuable product. It divides into the continuous production, the volume production and the mix makes several kind of types. Requests the formula management, the wastage, the payment proportional to production in the management, the many kinds of measuring unit, the identical goods many quality rank, the batch number track, guarantees characteristic and so on nature time, generally uses specialized flow industry software. The piecework - product according to the order form design, according to the customer demand production, the product is very complex. The product production cycle all very is generally long. Sometimes a contract many times delivers according to the part. If three big power plants (big electrical machinery, steam turbine, boiler) heavy duty machinery, shipbuilding and so on. The production organization according to the craft division, the equipment is general. In the produ