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人教PEP版英語五年級下冊Unit 5 第一課時教案-教學設計

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人教PEP版英語五年級下冊Unit 5 第一課時教案-教學設計

小學英語五年級下冊第一課時人教 PEP 版課時內容A Lets try Lets talk課時分析本課時是人教版五年級下冊第五單元的第一課時,圍繞“學校畫展”這個話題展開。主 要是通過對話的情景學會詢問和回答某物屬于某人的句型 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It s Zhang Peng s.。培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣和樹立學好英語的信 心。本課時是整個單元的首課時,在本單元中起引領與鋪墊作用 .本課時的重點是核心句型 的靈活運用。本課時包括 Lets try 和 Lets talk 兩個板塊。Lets try 是聽力訓練,通過陳杰和 Mike 在參觀學校美術展時的問答,幫助學生初步理解 A 部分 Lets talk 的核心句型。Lets talk 通 過呈現(xiàn)陳杰和 Mike 參觀學校畫展的情景,引出句型 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It s Zhang Peng s. 此版塊的話題貼近學生的生活,學生們都非常感興趣, 很能激發(fā)學生求知的欲望。在課堂教學中,首先要整體把握本單元教學內容,教學重點和教學難點,借助師生照片、 圖片等多種方式呈現(xiàn),采用猜一猜、找一找等多種教學活動,全面調動學生的積極性,培養(yǎng) 學生靈活運用語言的能力。本課時的教學內容是四年級下冊第五單元教學內容的延續(xù), Whose. is/are this/these? Its/Theyre.s Are these yours? 的句型學生們在四年級已經接觸過,為本單元的教學打下了 很好的基礎。課時目標1. 能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it?Its Zhang Pengs.2. 能夠在教師和圖片的幫助下理解對話大意。3. 能夠用正確的語音、語調朗讀對話。4. 能夠在情景中運用 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it?Its Zhang Pengs.5. 培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣和樹立學好英語的信心。課時重難點1.重點(1)能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs.(2)能夠在教師和圖片的幫助下理解對話大意。(3)能夠用正確的語音、語調朗讀對話。2.難點句型 The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs.的靈活運用。 教學準備多媒體課件、詞卡、錄音機和磁帶Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms/Miss.T: How are you today?Ss: I m fine, thank you. And you?1小學英語五年級下冊人教 PEP 版T: Im fine, too. Do you like listening to music? Now let s enjoy a song together. If you can sing, follow the tape please.(教師播放歌曲 My weekend。)設計意圖:歌曲的運用提高學生的興趣,使學生盡快融入到課堂中。Step 2 Lead inLets tryT: Good, boys and girls. Look at the three pictures. They are pictures of the school art show. Mike and Chen Jie are talking about them. Which is Johns picture? Lets listen and tick.a. Listen to the tape and choose the right picture.b. 呈現(xiàn)聽力文本,學生朗讀。T: Mikes picture is blue. The blue one is his.教學資源:課件、錄音機設計意圖:聽力的練習,使學生初步感知本課核心句型,為學習正式的對話做好鋪墊。 Step 3 Presentation1. Learn “Whose is it? Its.”(1)T: Now lets play a game. I have many of baby photos. Can you guess whose they are? (教 師呈現(xiàn)班里三到四名學生的寶寶照圖片。)T: Look at the first photo. Whose is it? (板書句子。)S1: I think its .s.(引導學生回答。)T: No, it isnt.S2: I think its .s.T: Yes, it is. Its his/hers. .(板書 Yes, its his/hers.)(2) T: Look at the last picture. Whose is it?S1: I think its .s.T: No, it isnt.(學生猜不出,教師引導學生大聲問老師 Whose is it? .)Ss: Whose is it?T: Its mine.(3)教學板書句子,理解句子,帶讀句子。教學資源:照片設計意圖:通過猜一猜,讓學生在愉快的氛圍中學會了知識。2. Learn “The picture is mine. Are these all ours?”(1) T: Look! The picture is mine. Which picture is yours?S1: The . picture is mine.(引導照片的主人說句子。板書句子,理解句子。)(2) T: These pictures are all ours.(教師指著屏幕照片說,然后用肢體語言幫助學生理解句子。) (3)課件呈現(xiàn) Lets try 中 Mike 和 John 的圖片。T: Look at the pictures. Are these all ours?(板書句子,理解句子,帶讀句子。)Ss: No, they arent. That picture of the sea is Mikes. The picture of the trees is Johns.設計意圖:用自己的照片引出所學的句子,很能吸引學生的興趣。3. Learn the text(1) 課件呈現(xiàn)教學插圖。T: Chen Jie and Mike are at the art show and talking about the pictures. Whose pictures are2小學英語五年級下冊人教 PEP 版these? Lets learn the text.(2)Read the text and discuss the questions in a group.Whose is the picture of Beijing?Whose is the picture of Shanghai?Which picture is Chen Jies?(3)Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(4)兩人一組分角色朗讀課文。指幾個組朗讀,教師評價。教學資源:課件、錄音機、磁帶設計意圖:通過自讀、跟讀、模仿朗讀,層層遞進,給學生聯(lián)系的時間。 Step 4 PracticeAsk and find out桌子上擺放一些學習物品或衣物等,兩人一組進行問答練習。參考句型:Whose book/. is this?Its.s. Its/his/hers.Its mine.Whose storybooks are these?They are.s. Theyre his/hers.They are mine.設計意圖:創(chuàng)設情境,幫助學生鞏固和運用核心句型。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson?學生自由說,教師總結。T: 學習了詢問和回答某物屬于某人的句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours?Whose is this? Its.s.設計意圖:幫助學生整理和歸納知識點,便于學生的理解和記憶。課堂作業(yè)一、將打亂的字母重新排列,組合成單詞。1. 2. 3.i, m, e, n i, h, s o, w, s, e, h_ _ _ 二、單項選擇。( )1. _ book is this?A. Who B. Whos C. Whose( )2. The picture _ Beijing is beautiful.A. of B. in C. at( )3. Look at the pen. Its_.A. hes B. his C. her( )4.Are these all _?Yes, they are.A. our B. ours C. your三、改錯。( ) 1. The yellow picture is my. _3小學英語五年級下冊人教 PEP 版A B C( ) 2. This is a shirt. Its Mike. _A B C( ) 3.Whose storybooks are these?AIts Miss Whites. _ B CAnswers:一、1. mine 2. his 3. whose二、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B三、1. C, mine 2. C, Mikes 3. B, Theyre板書設計Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Whose is it? The yellow picture is mine.Its.s/his/hers. Are these all ours?人教 PEP 小學五年級 下冊 英語重點單詞第一單元domorningexercises晨練,做早操eatbreakfast 吃早飯haveEnglishclass 上英語課playsports 進行體育活動eatdinner 吃晚飯eatlunch 吃午飯climbmountains爬山goshopping 購物,買東西playthepiano彈鋼琴visitgrandparents一、重點單詞:看望(外)祖父母第二單元gohiking 去遠足season 季節(jié)spring 春天summer 夏天fall 冬天winter 冬天swim 游泳flykites放風箏skate 滑冰makeasnowman 堆雪人planttrees第三單元種樹January(Jan. )一月February(Feb.) 二月4March(Mar.)三月小學英語April(Apr.)四月五年級下冊May 五月人教 PEP 版June(Jun.)六月July(Jul.)七月August(Aug.)八月September(Sept.) 九月October(Oct.)十月November(Nov.)十一月December(Dec.)十二月第四單元drawpictures畫畫drawingpictures正在畫畫dothedishes洗碗碟doingthedishes 正在洗碗碟cookdinnerreadabook做飯讀書cookingdinnerreadingabook正在做飯正在讀書answerthephonelistentomusic接電話聽音樂answeringthephonelisteningtimusic正在接電話正在聽音樂washclothescleantheroomwritealetter洗衣服打掃房間寫信washingclothescleaningtheroomwritingaletter正在洗衣服正在打掃房間正在寫信writeane-mail寫電子郵件 writingane-mail 正在寫電子郵件第五單元fly 飛 flying 正在飛 walk 走 jump 跳 jumping 正在跳 run 跑 runningwalking正在跑正在走swimfight 打架游泳 swimming 正在游 climb 爬 fighting 正在打架 swing 蕩秋千climbing正在爬swinging 正在蕩秋千 drinkwater 喝水 drinkingwater第六單元正在喝水pickupleavescatchbutterfliestakepictureswatchinsects采摘樹葉捉蝴蝶照相觀察昆蟲pickingupleavescatchingbutterfliestakingpictureswatchinginsects正在采摘樹葉正在捉蝴正在照相正在觀察昆蟲doanexperiment做實驗doinganexperiment正在做實驗haveapicnic舉行野餐havingapicnic正在舉行野餐5小學英語countinsects五年級下冊數(shù)昆蟲 countinginsects人教 PEP 版正在數(shù)昆蟲writeareport寫報告writingareport正在寫報告collectleaves收集樹葉collectingleaves正在收集樹葉playchess下棋playingchess正在下棋6


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