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2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《The Olympic Games》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2

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2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《The Olympic Games》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2

111Unit 2The Olympic Games.單詞拼寫1We will all have a course in _ (古代的) history this term.2Can I have a _ (自愿者) to wash the dishes?3Electric lights have _ (取代) candles.4They've been very _ (迅速的) to deny these rumors.5We attended a dinner party _ (做東,招待) by the president of the company.6If you want to sell your product, you must _ (做廣告) it.7He made a _ (定期的) visit to his parents.8The _ (基本的) theme of these stories never varies.9My sister bought this T­shirt at such a low price. She was really good at _ (討價還價)10He _ (應受) to lose the game because he never trained hard.答案:1.ancient2.volunteer3.replaced4.swift5.hosted6advertise7.regular8.basic9.bargaining10.deserved.完成句子1The man was so talented that before long he_ _ _(被接納)the association.(admit)2He came here yesterday, and will stay here for another 3 days;_ _ _ _ _ _(他的老板也是這樣)(so)3The park is open to the public_ _ _(免費地)(charge)4When she worked there, she could earn_ _ _ _ _(多達500美元)a week.(as)5The 30th Olympic Games _ _(被舉辦)in London, the UK.(host)答案:1.was admitted to2.so it is with his boss3.free of charge4.as much as 500 dollars5.were hosted.單項填空1You needn't write on_line. You can write on_ line.Aevery; everyBevery; every otherCevery other; every other Devery; each second答案:B本題考查every表示“每隔”的用法。句意:你沒有必要每行都要寫。你可以每隔一行寫一行。every other lineevery two linesevery second line,表示“隔一行”。2(2012·寶雞質檢一)I never doubted_you could succeed in setting a new world record.A.whetherB.ifCthatDwhat 答案:C考查賓語從句連接詞。句意:我毫不懷疑,你一定能創(chuàng)造新的世界紀錄。由句意可知,選that,只起連接作用,無詞義。記?。篸oubt用于否定句、疑問句時,連接詞一定是that。例如:There is no doubt that.“毫無疑問”。3(2012·濰坊期末) It_have been her to leave her child alone.She isn't such a person.Acouldn't Bmustn'tCmightn't Dwouldn't 答案:A考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:她不是那樣的人,她絕不會把孩子丟下不管。由句意可知,選couldn't。4(2012·太原調研)In our class, the student leaders are on_duty every_few days.A.the; a B/; a C./; /D.the; /答案:C考查冠詞。第一空on duty“值班,值勤”;第二空every few days“每幾天”。5(2012·三明普高聯(lián)考)We know playing computer games for a long time can harm one's_health.A. regular B. magicalC. physical D. reliable答案:C考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:我們知道長時間打電腦游戲可能會傷害人們的身體健康。由句意可知,選physical,意為“身體的”。regular“定期的”;magical“神奇的”;reliable“可信賴的”。6(2012·菏澤模擬)How is the result, doctor?Well, your health is _ good, but you do have a few minor problems.Anormally BfrequentlyCgenerally Dregularly答案:C考查副詞辨析。答語句意:你的健康狀況總體來說是好的,但的確有些小問題。normally“正常地”;frequently“經常地,頻繁地”;generally“一般地;大概地;總體上地”;regularly“經常地;有規(guī)律地”。7He made a(n) _ with his wife “You take care of the children and I'll cook.”Abargain BapologyCpromise Dexperiment答案:Amake a bargain“(經過協(xié)商)達成協(xié)議”。由后面的“你看好孩子,我做飯”可以看出這是一種協(xié)議,選A最合適。8That design of a magpie (喜鵲) on a plum tree branch _ luck and happiness.Abrings about Btakes inCbrings in Dstands for答案:D句意:喜鵲踏枝圖案代表幸運和幸福。stand for“代表,象征”符合句意。9What do you think of the house?The small window _ very little light.Apermits BentersCadmits Dallows答案:Cadmit“容許,承認,接納”。答語句意:那扇小窗戶只能透進一點兒光線。10(2012·臨沂模擬)Congratulations on your promotion. You really _ it.Apreserve BobserveCdeserve Dreserve答案:C句意:祝賀你晉升了。這是你應得的。preserve“保護,保存”;observe“觀察”;deserve“應得,值得”;reserve“保留,預訂”。11If someone has an accident and can no longer walk, scientists might be able to use stem cells to _ the damaged cells and allow that person to walk again.Arescue BremoveCreserve Dreplace答案:D句意:如果一個人因為事故而不能行走,科學家或許可以利用干細胞替換受損細胞而使他重新行走。replace“替換,取代”,符合句意。rescue“營救,解救”;remove“移動”;reserve“儲備,保留”,均不符合句意。12(2012·莆田模擬)The stranger isn't like a worker, nor _ a salesman.Ahe is like Bhe looks likeCdoes he like Dis he like答案:D句意:這個陌生人看起來不像一個工人也不像一個推銷員。nor放在句首,句子要部分倒裝,即提前系動詞/情態(tài)動詞/助動詞。13(2012·鄭州模擬)As a matter of fact, getting rid of a bad habit is _ forming a good one.Aan effort much as Bmuch an effort asCas an effort much as Das much an effort as答案:D句意:事實上,擺脫壞習慣和養(yǎng)成好習慣一樣費勁。as much不可數(shù)名詞/a(an)單數(shù)名詞as.意為“和(程度上)是一樣的(much表示程度)”,該句型是as.as.句型的變式。14It looks as if they are going to _ us a lot of money for the concert hall.Ademand BcostCcharge Dask答案:C句意:看起來他們打算為這個音樂廳收取我們很多錢。demand“要求”;cost“花費(主語為物)”;charge“收費,要價”;ask“詢問”。15Would you like to _ us? We are going to _ the school's 20th anniversary celebration.Ajoin in; take part in Bjoin in; joinCtake part in; join Djoin; take part in答案:Djoin表示加入某個團體或組織,join sb.表示加入某人,和某人一起干某事;take part in指參加群眾性的活動。第一個空表示加入我們,應用join;第二個空表示參加周年慶典,應用take part in。.完形填空(2012·朝陽期末統(tǒng)考)It has been difficult to sit on the bench most of the time, watching my team from the sideline. I always_1_why I am not good enough to be on the floor.After endless hours of work and devotion,_2_myself through drill after drill, the last thing I want is to be a cheerleader.The feeling of being_3_is sometimes too much and drives me to_4_on the spot.I often feel as though my _5_are wasted and my time is eaten away, devoted to_6_. It is heartbreaking to be a spectator (旁觀者) for the game I love, knowing that no one has enough faith to give me the chance to_7_on the floor.Tears well up, but I_8_them back.I shouldn't be so_9_over something so silly.Away from the game, it's easier to put my thoughts together, rather than letting my_10_drive my reasoning.I consider_11_I am where I am.I have played basketball my whole life.I have a strong _12_for the sport and always have.There is nothing like the_13_of playing: the swish (颼颼聲) of the net, the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises (青腫) are battle wounds worn_14_after every game.Even if I don' t play much, I participate in every game.I am part of a team of girls who_15_together like a family.I am there for them,_16_they are for me.Should I move on? Or should I stay with my team and continue playing basketball_17_great passion just a little longer? The_18_isn't difficult when I consider the joy that being a part of a team _19_meand not just any team, but my team.I love basketball and my teammates.When I think about that, my_20_from the bench really isn't so bad after all.文章大意:雖然我一直訓練很刻苦,對于籃球投入了很多時間和精力,但是我一直在坐冷板凳,這讓我感到很不滿。我是該離開賽場,還是繼續(xù)坐冷板凳。最終,我選擇了后者。1A.wonder BpromiseCaccept Drealize答案:A我一直“想弄明白”為什么我不能上場。wonder“想知道”。2A.following BsupportingCdiscovering Dpushing答案:D經過了無數(shù)工作和投入,“督促”自己不停地訓練,我最不愿意做的就是坐冷板凳。push“督促,激勵”。3A.careless BworthlessCselfless Dhomeless答案:B“毫無價值”的感覺有時讓人受不了,我有時不得不“退場”。worthless“毫無價值的”;careless“粗心的”;selfless“無私的”;homeless“無家可歸的”。4A.quit BstayCstruggle Ddelay答案:Aquit“退出,辭職”。5A.beliefs BchancesCefforts Dexperiences答案:C我常常覺得自己的“努力”都是白費。effort“努力”。6A.something BnothingCanything Deverything答案:B我的時間被吞噬掉了,什么也“沒有”投入。7A.perform BrespondCidentify Dsurvive答案:A沒有人有信心讓我“上場”。perform“表現(xiàn),表演”。8A.call BgiveCtake Dhold答案:D眼淚流了出來,但是我“克制”住了。hold back“阻止”。9A.upset BnervousCscared Damazed答案:A我不應該對這件事這么“難過”。upset“難過的”;nervous“緊張的”;scared“害怕的”;amazed“驚訝的”。10A.hardships BpossessionsCfeelings Dachievements答案:C遠離比賽就能讓我精神集中,就不會讓我的“感情”左右我。11A.that BwhyCwhen Dwhether答案:B我“為什么”還沒離開籃球界。12A.imagination BadmissionCcaution Dpassion答案:Dhave a passion for.“對有熱情”。13A.encouragement BembarrassmentCexcitement Ddisappointment答案:C什么也比不上打球時的“感動”。14A.bravely BproudlyCregretfully Dpainfully答案:B每場比賽后,即使身上的淤傷也是令人“驕傲的”。15A.fix BaddCargue Dstick答案:D我們的球隊是“粘”在一起的一家人。16A.as BifCfor Dthough答案:A我為了她們待在那兒,“因為”她們也是為了我(而在等待)。17A.through BoverCwith Dfrom答案:Cwith great passion“以極大的熱情”。18A.conflict BpatienceCchallenge Ddecision答案:D我是離開還是繼續(xù)坐冷板凳這個“決定”不難做出。19A.cheats BbringsCurges Dcontrols答案:B當我想到作為球隊的一分子能給我“帶來的”快樂時,這一決定很容易就可以做出。bring“帶來”;cheat“欺騙”;urge“督促”;control“控制”。20A.request BintentionCview Dambition答案:C我對坐冷板凳的“看法”就不那么糟糕了。view“看法,觀點”;request“請求”;intention“意愿”;ambition“野心,雄心”。.書面表達(2013·鐵嶺市上學期期中)近幾年,奧運會獲獎運動員的高薪問題引起了廣泛的社會關注。有些人支持這種做法,認為運動員們付出了很多努力,承受著生理和心理的壓力,應該得到回報,同時更應該鼓勵大多數(shù)年輕人多參與到體育賽事中來;有些人則持反對意見,認為他們與全國經濟的發(fā)展沒有直接關系。請你就此寫一篇120詞左右的英語短文并發(fā)表自己的看法。_范文借鑒In recent years, the topic whether it is fair for athletes to pocket large sums of money has aroused more and more discussion.Those who support giving sportsmen high salaries think that athletes have won a great reputation for our country in the Olympic Games. What's more, athletes must undergo painstaking physical and psychological training. Besides, they offer a lot of encouragement to young people to take part in physical activities.However, some people have different ideas. They consider that athletes do little to boost the national economy directly. Thus they should not receive so much money.I believe that they should get high salaries, considering all the efforts they have made.111


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